Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1881 All black-hearted capitalists are missing

Late at night, the party ended.

It was too late, and the young detective team decided to stay at Dr. Ali's house collectively.

Chi Feichi drove Yueshui Nanatsuki back, and took the dumpling along the way, watching Yueshui Nanatsuki speak with bright eyes along the way, and his heart slowly calmed down.

Seeing Fenmao so happy tonight, he suddenly thought of the little undercover Amuro who was full of resentment and wandering around somewhere, and suddenly he couldn't be happy.

two hours later...

On the street in Kubado Town, Toru Amuro was wearing a baseball cap and a black sportswear, sitting in the back of the car, happily holding out his hands to hug the dumplings, "It's better to let the consultant rent the dumplings than to put them in the zoo. In the zoo You can't hug a giant panda like this..."

In the front seat, Chi Feichi watched the street scene and smoked silently.

Now Undercover Amuro is also happy, but why is he still unhappy?

It seems that Sanwu Golden Finger can be blamed, and his pleasant experience is too short.

Amuro gave the dumpling a pass, then stopped his hands contentedly, looked at Chi Feichi in the front seat who was too deep and depressed, and asked in a low voice, puzzled, "The consultant doesn't seem to be in a good mood, is something wrong?"

Chi Feichi reached out and threw the cigarette butt out the car window, "I've always been in this mood."

Toru Amuro thought of Chi Feichi's medical records he had read, raised his hand and stroked his chin, and murmured thoughtfully, "Is it almost time for the consultant to go to the hospital for a review?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Heh, he kindly considered Undercover Amuro's mood, and wanted to make Undercover Amuro happy, but Undercover Anshi didn't seem to want to make him feel at ease.

"Do you want me to accompany you then?" Amuro asked.

Think about it as a friend and colleague, when Chi Feichi went to the hospital for reexamination due to illness or was hospitalized due to injury, he didn't go to see it, it was very unreasonable.

Although the two of them needed to keep a distance in order to be undercover, but if he figured out a way, he should be able to accompany the consultant to the hospital for reexamination.

"No need," Chi Feichi looked sideways at the back seat, lowering his voice, "That person might draw attention to my reexamination. I haven't received a call from the hospital yet, and I'm not sure when it will be. I'm not sure if that one will arrange for someone to follow me to the hospital."

Amuro looked up at Chi Feichi's calm side face in the dim light, sighed, and nodded, "Then, it's better for me to avoid it."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, "Even if that one doesn't send someone to follow, I'd rather go alone."

"The consultant is still so defensive, but you have to let people know your situation, so that others can feel at ease?" An Shitou smiled helplessly, knowing that Chi Feichi would not be accompanied, he ran over secretly He will also be picked out and thrown out. If organized people follow him, it is really dangerous for him to wander around. "Then I have to wait until I have a chance. I have a lot of things to do recently. Consultants help..."

"What can I help with?" Chi Feichi asked.

Undercover Amuro is getting more and more verbose.

"I want a consultant to help me a lot. There is an organized crime in Kazama to deal with. Some people in that team are carrying guns and even bombs. I am worried that he is too brainy when he executes the arrest operation. Unfortunately, I have not been there recently. There is no way to go there, the best way is to see if the arrest time can be postponed," Toru Amuro recalled seriously, "Also, the Police Department of the Metropolitan Police Department has a mission to protect VIPs, and our police need Do a final inspection of the place of residence, and the security department of the Life Safety Department is having a headache about the promotional video..."

Chi Feichi had had enough of being an all-purpose glue in the organization, and couldn't help asking, "What does the promotional video of the security class have to do with you? No, what does such a promotional video have to do with our people who work in the dark?"

"But they are indeed a headache, and if this kind of propaganda film popularizing the consequences of crime is well planned, it can prevent some people from committing crimes because they don't know the serious consequences, and maybe it can also prevent many people from committing crimes impulsively. Everyone wants to see good things," Amuro said, "The consultant can write scripts and do advertising planning. I'm still thinking that the consultant might have some good suggestions."

Chi Feichi: "..."

There is a lack of this kind of roll king around him who takes a salary but wants to grab other people's jobs.

No, all black-hearted capitalists lack this kind of person.

"However, the e-sports finals in Magic Continent are about to begin. This is the first game of the Umbrella E-sports League. Should the consultant go to help?" Toru Amuro touched his chin and said, "People from the Ministry of Public Security include Kazama Inside, everyone is looking forward to the competition, and I think they can relax a bit, so it is best to get rid of the recent work before the finals, maybe it will give them time to participate in the competition, and don't worry about them While watching the game, they were called to gather urgently."

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "Tell me about the crime propaganda film first. It's not the first time the police have made a crime propaganda film, so it shouldn't be such a headache."

"Yeah, I've shot a lot of crime promotional videos. This time, the Ministry of Life and Safety plans to use crimes like burglary and intentional wounding as the theme," Toru Amuro said. It’s difficult to pay attention to it because everyone has no sense of novelty. They want to find a novel way to shoot, and it’s best to make everyone interested. Some people even suggested that they should not be too serious. The reference has been getting more and more attention in recent years. Comedians, but you know, the consultant, the police can’t be as funny as comedians, so they always feel nerve-wracking.”

"The police can't do it, but the criminals can," Chi Feichi recalled some crime promotional videos he watched in his previous life. "As long as you can get permission, you can actually shoot, record real actions again and again, and choose some novel, interesting and close-to-life cases for editing. , the process can highlight the efforts or capabilities of the police in the investigation, and don’t forget to clearly explain the punishments that those crimes will face, which is more attractive and easier to remember than promotional videos that only rely on words.”

Amuro made up for the effect, took out his phone, lowered his head and edited the email seriously, "I asked Kazama to send this idea to their person in charge, and I will tell them that it was a suggestion given by our consultant from the Ministry of Public Security... Will this cause trouble for the consultants? Will this novel way of thinking remind others of you, who is very innovative in planning commercials?"

"There are many smart and creative people in the world. I am not the only one. Others may think of it," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "as long as you don't say my name directly."

"I'm not that dull, am I?" Amuro laughed, lowering his head and continuing to edit the email.

"There are still two days left for the opening ceremony of the competition. I will go to the venue tomorrow morning," Chi Feichi recalled his schedule. Action, you go to check the place of residence protected by the dignitary, and it should be resolved before nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Toru Amuro paused his typing fingers and wanted to roll his eyes, "Don't consultants need sleep and rest time?"

"It won't be long before the arrest, I'll try to solve it as soon as possible," Chi Feichi said, "Don't be naughty, send me the relevant information, and go to the opening ceremony if you have time, you won't be disappointed."

Toru Amuro laughed again, "Yes, yes..."

As expected, his consultant had a cold face and a warm heart, wondering if he could watch the opening ceremony.

In fact, he still has a bunch of work reports...

Since the consultant wants him to go to the opening ceremony, he must cooperate and let Kazama rest for two days to see it. The work report will wait until this period of time has passed, and then let Kazama catch up.

Perfect arrangement.


the next day.

Shinagawa Ward, Umbrella E-Sports Park.

A car drove off the high-speed bridge and entered the parking lot of the park along the driveway.

The park is built along the sea, facing the park and shopping plaza on the other side of the bridge.

On the periphery of the park, eight high-rise buildings stand tall and surround the entire park in a ring shape. The main body is alternated in the order of blue, white, and blue. Tower Sky Promenade.

If you can look down from a high altitude, you can see the combination of eight high-rise buildings, the central tower and the sky corridor, which perfectly form the umbrella pattern of Umbrella.

Under the sunlight, the exterior walls and glass windows of the building show a metallic color, bright and full of sci-fi style.

But before the start of the competition, the entire park has been opened to the public, and the helicopter in charge of photography is parading at high altitude, taking images of the entire park and sending them to the advertising screens in the park.

The open park attracted a lot of people to visit. Every entrance and exit between two buildings was filled with people of all kinds, and there was an endless stream of cars entering and leaving the park from the driveway.

On the large advertising screen of the building, high-altitude landscape images of the park and the structure diagram of the park are played in a loop, and a gentle female voice explains according to the broadcast content.

"Welcome to the Umbrella E-Sports Park, and now I will introduce..."

A black RV was parked on the side of the road outside the park, and Hui Yuanai was sitting on the sofa, listening to the female voice commentary outside, while looking down at the atlas in his hand, "The construction speed is much faster than I imagined. I remember the last time I passed the high-speed bridge with the doctor, the eight buildings and the sky corridor were still under construction here, I didn’t expect the final scale to be so large, and I also didn’t expect that the business district would be established so quickly.”

The eight buildings on the periphery are basically hotels and comprehensive shopping malls. They not only sell various daily necessities, souvenirs, clothing and jewelry, but also operate various restaurants and high-altitude bars, as well as many high-tech electronic products such as computers, mobile phones, and house security equipment. , in addition to Umbrella's own products, almost all major and small brands from all over the world have settled in, completely forming a technology and business base.

The interior of the park is a different scene. There are gardens planted with various flowers and plants, and there are entertainment places such as water parks and amusement parks, sports fields such as tennis courts and football fields, and there are also large and small snack bars and restaurants. Distribution of cafes.

In general, the entire octagonal park can be divided into three floors. The outermost layer is the residential and commercial area, the middle is the leisure and entertainment area, and the central tower is the e-sports area.

Several areas are also isolated inside the tower. The lower floor is the exhibition hall. In addition to game competitions and new game launches, it is also provided for some technology product development conferences. The upper part is Umbrella's Internet company, and the other part is only A rest area not open to the public is provided for the contestants and staff, and the rooms, computer rooms, gymnasiums, restaurants and other daily necessities are all furnished.

The competition arena is set up at the highest point of the tower and can be reached from the sky corridor connecting the eight buildings. Except for the staff and contestants, other people can only pass through the sky corridor instead of from the heights. The enclosed area in the tower reaches the playing field.

What surprised her was not only the speed with which the park was built and the speed with which the competition was prepared, but also the speed with which the various commercial areas inside were developed. It seemed that as soon as the park was opened, the businesses inside could already start operating along with it.

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