Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1882 Looks Like a Consultant

"Many hotels, restaurants, and commercial operations come from major financial groups," Chi Feichi explained softly, looking at the pedestrians outside the car window, "This is also an interest alliance."

At the beginning of thinking about e-sports, he planned to build a park instead of renting the existing stadium, and then after design and planning by some people in Umbrella, it finally became a place where business and technology combined.

This is also good, to set up a park and hold a few games, Umbrella invested a lot of money in the early stage, but after all, he made a lot of money.

For the major consortiums, it is not a big deal to set up some sales offices in a certain park. If this place can develop because of it, everyone will make money.

If it weren't for the need to give some to other consortiums that have developed in technology, the Internet and games, the old man Suzuki Jiroji would have planned to cover the entire commercial area of ​​the park.

Similarly, Machi Group, Field Group and Umbrella can also round up the park.

It's just that sometimes it is necessary to "bring everyone to play together" in order to develop better.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat aside, closed the booklet in her hand, raised her wrist to look at her watch, and reminded, "Xiao Ai, it's already ten o'clock in the morning."

Hui Yuanai put the brochure on his lap, took out his mobile phone to send UL message, amidst the ding ding dong dong reply, he turned his head to look out the car window for a while, and then typed the reply again.

After a while, more than a dozen young men and women gathered on the sidewalk next to the car. The oldest one looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, and the younger ones were only fifteen or sixteen years old. Most of the boys were dressed in T-shirts and trousers. The girls, on the other hand, packed up brighter, looking youthful together.

When they got to the car, a group of people looked at each other with uncertain eyes.

A girl with a ponytail who looked lively and cheerful spoke first, and said with a smile, "Hi everyone, I am 'Sword Dao Demon Zhan'!"

The chubby boy next to him looked like he had seen a ghost, and couldn't help asking, "Hey, aren't you a boy?"

The ponytail girl smiled wickedly, "But it's not true in reality."

The tall, thin boy wearing glasses was pushed by the girl next to him, and said nervously, "I, I am... Technology changes the world, she... She is..."

Sitting in the car, Chi Feichi watched the group of young men and women begin to have sex.

Feimo's army in the game has a lot of people, but there are not many people who can be regarded as human beings. In the online competition, it is impossible for the crows to come to participate in the competition, so the only way is to let the human game masters in the army play the game.

These gathered people are all people who have already agreed to participate in the competition, and they are also members of the game team invested by Hui Yuanai and Fei Mo.

It is not convenient for Fei Mo to show up, so Hui Yuan Ai will sign contracts with these people as an investor and team leader, and take this group of people to register and arrange their stay.

Regarding the formation of the team, he did not get involved at all. No matter looking for a lawyer or making team uniforms, Hui Yuan Ai went to Chi Kanai to communicate and prepare. He was so busy with this kind of thing that he didn't have time to relax, so he even found an assistant for Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuanai looked at the crowd outside the car window, thinking that he was going to say the nickname 'good kitten', the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and soon regained his composure, and turned to the middle-aged man in the car who remained silent all the time Said, "Mr. Zhongtani, I'm counting on you today."

The middle-aged man hugged the documents in his arms tightly, and nodded seriously, "Miss Huiyuan, don't worry! The signing agreement has been prepared. In addition, the team's uniforms will be delivered to the players' rest area at about two o'clock in the afternoon. "

"Brother Feichi, sister Nanatsuki, then I'll go get busy first." Hui Yuanai turned to greet the two of them again.

Seeing that Chi Feichi just nodded, Yueshui Nanatsuki immediately felt that Chi Feichi was too big-hearted and really planned to let a little girl do these things by herself, so she couldn't help but worried and asked, "Xiao Ai, do you want me to accompany you?" go?"

"No, I can take care of it, you go to your business."

Hui Yuanai said relaxedly, opened the car door and got out of the car, then turned back and said to Chi Feichi, "If there is something to do at night, I will ask the doctor to pick me up, but if there is nothing to do, I still want to stay here until the end of the game, by the way Take everyone for a walk around the park."

Seeing someone get off from the RV next to them, a group of face-to-face men and women who introduced themselves stopped temporarily, looking curiously at the middle-aged man who got out of the car and a certain little loli with an indifferent aura.

After Hui Yuanai finished speaking with Chi Feichi, she looked at a group of young men and women with puzzled faces. She always felt a little lost in looking up, but she was too short, so she had to look up at the group of people, "Hi everyone, I am" Good kitten, we have teamed up many times in the game before, I am very happy to meet you today, and please give me your advice in the future."

A group of people looked at a certain little loli with a calm face.

It turns out that the legend is true...

The owner of the obedient kitten is a primary school student...

Originally, they had chatted in a game team before, and felt that the tone on the other end was more like that of an adult woman. They also secretly talked about 'the legend is definitely false'...

Unexpectedly, the legend was true, and their feelings were not wrong. Good Kitty is a precocious elementary school girl with the attitude and tone of an adult woman...

So strange.

"Uh..." The girl with the ponytail came back to her senses first, and hurriedly greeted her, "I am 'Sword Dao Ghost Slash', please give me your advice!"

"I am……"

The others finished their introductions one after another, their expressions still complicated.

Others may not believe it, the investor and team leader of their game team is a little girl in the first and second grades of elementary school, and they actually feel that the other party is a little distant, and there is a kind of... majesty that they can't offend?

Are children from rich families so special?

Hui Yuanai waited for the others to introduce themselves, and then looked at the middle-aged man behind him, "This is my assistant, Mr. Nakatani, and he will mainly be in charge of the team's various affairs in the future."

The middle-aged man held the document with a smile on his face, "Hi everyone, I'm Zhonggu."


The others greeted each other aloud and breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good to have someone to help, otherwise they will feel weird if there is only one child leading the team.

In the front seat of the RV, a well-dressed woman got out of the car and walked towards Hui Yuanai.

Hui Yuanai turned her head and cast a puzzled look.

"Miss Xiao Ai, the consultant asked me to be responsible for your safety during this time, you can find me if you need anything in life," the woman said to Hui Yuan Ai with her head down, and smiled again, "Also, Mr. Chi asked me to tell you You, stay with young men and women, you can relax your attitude, Mr. Nakatani will take care of things related to the team, as long as you have fun."

Hui Yuanai turned his head to look at the RV next to him, and found that the car was driving directly into the park. He looked away speechlessly, and stared at a group of people with his head up for half a month, "Is my attitude very cold?"

other people:"……"

I want to nod, but I feel that a certain loli's gaze is a little dangerous.

Female bodyguard: "..."

This kind of appearance of asking people "Is my attitude very cold" with a cold face when he obviously has a very cold attitude really has the shadow of Consultant Chi.

I can't say they're similar, I can only say they're the same.

Haibara Ai thought about his attitude as if he was not enthusiastic enough, but he couldn't force himself to be cute, and explained, "I just think that forming a team is something that needs to be taken seriously. Whether it is for me or for you, it is a matter of forming a team. The first day is also the first day towards a new future, so you can't treat it with a smile."

The others nodded repeatedly.

Makes sense, then...

Should they be more serious?

"Anyway, let's go in and find a place to sit down and sign the contract, and then I'll take everyone to the registration office to register," Hui Yuanai turned around and led the way to the park, thinking of the park introduction brochure he had taken from Chi Feichi, his mood Much better, "After the check-in is arranged, let's walk around and have lunch together by the way."

The others quickly followed.

"The team uniform will be delivered in the afternoon, and it will be customized according to the size you reported earlier. The sponsor is the Field Group, so the clothes not only have the team logo that was agreed before, but also the logo of the Field Group," Haibara continued, " Everyone try it on this afternoon, tell me in time if there is something inappropriate or needs to be changed, I will send the spare clothes over..."

Nakatani followed by, raising his hand and scratching his head.

Why do you feel like he's completely useless?

"Mr. Zhongtani," Huiyuan Ai stopped suddenly, turned to Zhonggu and said, "After checking in, go and find out if the 'Royal Knights' have come and where they live. We know them very well. If possible, everyone We can also have dinner together tomorrow."

The eyes of a group of young men and women lit up when they heard "Royal Knights". If it wasn't for the seriousness of Hui Yuanai's seriousness, they would have almost started a discussion.

"Okay, Miss Huiyuan!" Zhongtani nodded with a smile, feeling emotional.

He originally thought that Hui Yuan Ai was just playing the name of the team leader, and he had to do other things, maybe he had to coax the children, but he didn't expect that he came to be an assistant, and he really came to be an assistant.

Well, as expected of the children of the Chi family, all of them are so powerful, and all... quite serious and indifferent.


A group of people found a restaurant in the park, looked at the contract, listened to Hui Yuan Ai and Nakatani explain the terms of it, after eating, signed the contract, and went to the game center of the tower to register as a team. Obtained an Umbrella companion card and entered the interior of the tower.

The exterior of the tower is silver-gray metal style, and the interior is also very technological. The walls are made of metal texture materials, which seem to be integrated with the ground and ceiling. In order to avoid monotony, many glass viewing windows and light and shadow flow are installed. thin lines.

The contestants' activity area is on the highest floors of the tower. A group of people swipe their cards to take the elevator. When they reach the floor where the room is located, members of another team have arrived two days earlier. They all wear uniform sports uniforms with long sleeves and long sleeves. The trousers are not procrastinating, and they look very energetic. Walking in the corridor full of technological style, talking and laughing, just like the guards in some film and television dramas who have put on combat uniforms and are ready to fight at any time.

Hui Yuanai watched a group of people pass by, and couldn't help feeling solemn in her heart. She turned her head and greeted her team members to go back to the room, and she was going to ask if the team uniforms had been delivered.

She finally understood what Brother Feichi meant.

Brother Feichi wanted her to leave the task of arranging and explaining things to Mr. Zhonggu, and to catch up with netizens and chat about things in the game.

In fact, that's not bad either. Mr. Nakatani is in charge of seriousness, and she is in charge of the gentle policy, and she can chat with everyone freely.

If you don't listen to Brother Feichi's words, the consequence is that in less than a morning, the other team members are a little restrained in front of her, unable to gossip freely or express excitement, she can only avoid it first, let This group of young men and women with bright eyes wanted to vent their excitement.

But there is no way, she just can't help worrying, this can be regarded as a small annoyance caused by her actual age exceeding her physical age. (to be continued)

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