Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1883 What can he say?

On the other side, Chi Feichi asked the staff to confirm the progress of the competition preparations. After Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko arrived and could go shopping with Yueshui Nanatsuki, he drove away from the e-sports park, and the middle-aged uncle was replaced on the way. Changing his face, he went to help Kazami Yuya knock down three gunmen.

The task was not difficult, but it took a little more time to follow the squatting spot, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when the work was done.

After completing the arrest, Kazami Yuya immediately contacted his colleagues, watched them take the unconscious man away, wiped the sweat from his head, and walked into the dilapidated abandoned building.

The successful completion of the arrest operation this time depends on the help of the unexpected arrival.

It turned out that the police had instigated the internal personnel of the other party, and it was agreed that that person would help them destroy the bombs in these people's hands. When the operation started, that person should cooperate with them internally and externally to help them reduce risks as much as possible.

That person did not miss the appointment, but he never gained the full trust of the leader of the criminal gang. As soon as they acted, the leader of the criminal gang was immediately alarmed, and he and his confidant retreated here in the car prepared in advance.

Bombs were installed in the abandoned building in advance, and the leader of the criminal gang was preparing to evacuate from the tunnel with his confidantes. When they came over, he would detonate the bomb. After holding them back, he would find a way to get away from their pursuit, and then find a way to leave Japan.

In this plan, the driver who evacuated the car in an emergency was abandoned and coaxed to go upstairs to the building. The crime boss also told the driver: 'You go to the window and watch, if those people approach the building and are about to rush in, just go to the building. Contact me immediately, we will prepare for the evacuation...'

This behavior is too doggy!

If they approached the building rashly, the driver called the leader of those people, and the leader would definitely detonate the bomb without hesitation.

Of course, they would not rush in hastily, and there was a high probability that they would not be killed by the explosion.

It's just that when they saw the figure of the driver upstairs, they also wondered whether all the criminals would be in the building, and the rest of the party would be wiped out due to a problem with the bomb.

To confirm how many people died inside, they had to contact the firefighters to clean up the ruins. When they found that the leader and his confidant were not dead, those two people might have left the country long ago.

He was the one who heard from Mr. Jiang Gu about the plan of the leader of the criminal gang after he retreated into the building.

When they were just approaching the building and preparing to observe, he suddenly received a call from Mr. Jiang Gu, who detailed the situation in the building, the movements and plans of the three people.

He was also surprised how Mr. Jiang Gu even knew where the other party had planted a bomb in the building, avoided other people, and asked in a low voice: 'Are you here too? '

As a result, there came a sentence

'I have other things to do, but the consultant is there. By the way, he has already dealt with the three people. You can go in and bring them out. You can go alone, right? He was dismantling the bombs. Those bombs seemed to be troublesome to dismantle. It was best not to disturb him, and he didn't want to be seen by too many people. '

He was a little confused, 'but...'

Isn't this operation without foreign aid?

Also, even if there is foreign aid, the consultant shouldn't arrive before them, right?

This stronghold doesn't even know their insiders, and seeing that the consultant has taken care of all three people, and obviously eavesdropped on the leader's evacuation plan in advance, it seems that the consultant has arrived as soon as the three people arrived here.

Well, if you think about it carefully, it may also be that the consultant suddenly received some news and decided to rush over to help on the spur of the moment.

As a consultant of 'Zero', the intelligence acquisition channels are definitely not comparable to them, and it is normal to receive intelligence they do not know. This can also explain why consultants who are not expected to appear are involved in the arrest operation.

But they narrowed the encirclement along the road, and it seemed that they had also heard that someone was approaching this area.

Were the advisors already in the building, or did they pop out of it suddenly?

'If he can't handle those bombs, you can contact... No, he should contact me, anyway, that's it. '

Mr. Jiang Gu left the last sentence and hung up the phone hastily.

Still so self-willedly refusing to listen to his question, still with that kind of relaxed and hateful attitude of 'that's not a problem'.

But who told this to be his own boss? As a subordinate, what can he say? cannot.

So he could only put away his mobile phone, let the surrounding people wait outside, and entered the building by himself under the surprised eyes of others.

At the bottom of the stairs on the first floor of the building, a certain ordinary-looking uncle was busy working on a bomb. Before he could figure out what to say and put on a serious and energetic expression to greet him, the other party pointed to the corridor beside him.

'All three are there, drag yourself out...'

He didn't have time to say anything else, so he could only answer "yes" and start working as a "dragging porter", dragging all the three unconscious guys out and handing them over to his colleagues to take them away.


There was the sound of a stopwatch in the silent building. As the sky outside was completely dark, the building was even more pitch black. Kazami Yu also easily followed the ray of light from the flashlight and found a load-bearing column. The man who defuses the bomb, step forward and stand up straight.

"Advisor, those three people have been taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department by my colleagues."

Subtext: He has nothing to do at hand, if there is anything to ask, he can help.

The middle-aged man is holding a small flashlight in his teeth to illuminate the bomb. His face is vicissitudes and ordinary. He seems to be just an ordinary office worker in his forties. His eyes staring at the inside of the bomb are as sharp as eagles. , and his pronunciation was a little vague, "Then why are you still here?"

Kazami Yuya: "..."

He is the main person in charge of this arrest operation. Now that the bomb has not been dismantled, shouldn't he stay?

Why is the advisor asking this? Do you think he will get in the way if he stays?

But this is his task!

Suddenly, I feel that the consultant is like Mr. Jiang Gu... a bit too much.

Chi Feichi thought for a while, as if he still had to ask Kazami Yuya to take away the dismantled bomb, and it seemed not good to drive people away like this, so he added, "Actually, you can wait outside the door."

Kazami Yuya was suddenly a little moved. The consultant was worried that he would be in danger next to the bombs. It must be, "I heard from Mr. Fuguya that dismantling these bombs is a bit troublesome. I can help you get a flashlight so that you can dismantle the bombs easily." It can be more convenient."

Chi Feichi paused for a while, took off the flashlight he was clenched between his teeth, wiped it all over with a tissue, and then handed it to Kazami Yuya, "Thank you."

"This is what I should do," Kazami Yuya took the flashlight and tried to help illuminate the internal circuits of the bomb. Thinking of Chi Feichi's behavior of wiping the flashlight with a paper towel, he couldn't help but said, "Actually, you don't need to wipe the flashlight. I do not mind……"

Chi Feichi wore gloves on both hands. After spotting a thread, he cut it gently with small scissors, "Do you think I'm worried that you don't mind?"

He bit the flashlight, and after the flashlight was taken by Kazami Yuya, some of his residual saliva might get on Kazami Yuya's hands, and that is the ironclad evidence that can confirm that 'Zero Team Advisor = Chi Feichi'.

Although he doesn't think the organization can find Yuya Kazami's hands, he should usually erase any small mistakes that may cause problems.

This is for his safety.

In addition, he bit the flashlight for too long just now, and his fangs hit the metal edge more than once. Maybe a very small amount of venom would spill out and stick to the flashlight. If Kazami Yuya touched something without washing his hands afterwards, then If it is eaten by mistake, it will be poisoned to death if it is serious, and if it is light, it will also show signs of poisoning and damage the body.

This is for the safety of Kazami Yuya.

"Uh..." Fengjian Yu didn't understand what Chi Feichi meant, and asked awkwardly, "Isn't it?"

"You think so." Chi Feichi said casually in an uncle's voice.

Kazami Yuya: "..."

This perfunctory answer is unflattering.

The boss is indeed a magical species, and each one is more difficult to understand.

Chi Feichi continued to defuse the bomb.

In order to prevent the bomb from being dismantled, those people arranged some exquisite small traps inside the bomb. It is not difficult to avoid it after seeing it through, but you need to be patient and move slowly.

Bomb disposal experience +1!

Bomb disposal experience +1!

Kazami Yu also helped hold the flashlight, watching the pair of gloved hands carefully cut the thread, he was not impatient, and he didn't even feel that his hands were sore. When the bomb was about to be dismantled, his tense nerves relaxed a little. , asked aloud, "By the way, why didn't you wait to notify the explosive ordnance disposal team to come and dismantle the bomb?"

"These bombs have already been triggered. If you want to take them to a safe place to detonate and dispose of them, you only need to shake them a little before the bombs are taken down. The bombs will explode. It won't be much better when they come. You still have to dismantle the bombs slowly," Chi Feichi paused, and continued in an uncle's voice, "Then why don't I dismantle it by the way, so as not to waste time."

Kazami Yu also silently reflected on whether the hidden pride and calm attitude were the common ground of the bosses. This question is worth thinking about.


Chi Feichi cut the last thread, took out another glass medicine bottle, opened the lid, and poured the liquid in the medicine bottle on the place where the priming powder was, "and they installed a temperature sensing device in the priming powder, once the device Sensing that the temperature is slightly higher than the ambient temperature, it will emit high temperature, ignite the primer, and cause the bomb to detonate. It will detonate, and it is easy to lose money."

After the liquid poured into the inside of the bomb, the plastic on the surface was corroded immediately, exposing the electronic device underneath. As the liquid eroded, the electronic device was also corroded bit by bit.

"I only have this kind of solution," said Chi Feizhi. Seeing that the bomb would no longer explode, he took back the bottle with half a bottle of solution left, and tightened the cap. "The cost is very expensive, and it hurts to waste a single drop."

This kind of bomb is the most insidious. If Feichi hadn't discovered the mystery inside and reminded him, he might not have been able to discover it.

Kazami Yuya sweated, but thinking about the bomb disposal process of a certain consultant who was always calm, and thinking about how a certain consultant could even find this kind of trap, he said sincerely, "Your bomb dismantling technology is no better than that of the explosive ordnance disposal team." The experts are poor, and your tools are not that professional, maybe better than many bomb disposal experts...I'm serious, definitely not flattering!"

"I learned this from Jiang Gu." After Chi Feichi packed the bottle and the set of amateur tools, he took off the bomb and handed it to Yuya Kazami, then went to the side to pick up a plastic bag, and handed it to Yuya Kazami as well. , "I checked the building and found only four bombs, which have already been disposed of. You ask the explosive ordnance disposal team to bring detection equipment to check." (To be continued.)

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