Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1884 Belmode came to join in the fun anyway

Conan: I Am Not a Snake Syndrome Main Volume Chapter 1884 Belmode also came to join in the fun "Ah, good!"

Seeing that a certain consultant was about to leave, Kazami Yuya thought about the next thing to be busy, so he didn't propose the invitation of 'dinner celebration', and followed him out.

At the door of the abandoned building, Chi Feichi suddenly paused and reminded, "Tomorrow morning is the opening ceremony of the first Umbrella e-sports competition, you should go?"

"Ah? Is the opening ceremony tomorrow?" Kazami Yu was also confused. After thinking about it for a while, he was still not sure about the time. He wondered why a certain consultant would ask this, and whether it was because he felt that they were playing games very boring, so he explained embarrassingly. , "We just relax together in our free time. If we have work to do, we will definitely focus on work. We will not play online games or go to the opening ceremony of the game competition. Of course, if there are tasks that require us to go, We will definitely be going…”


There was silence all around, and there was no answering voice.

Kazami Yuya looked up, and found that the people beside him had left at some point, and at the end of the alley, a subordinate cast a suspicious look at him.

This... When did the consultant leave?


The next day, morning.

Umbrella Esports Campus.

The entry time of the competition venues is approaching. Those who arrived temporarily and those who lived in the park hotel in advance took the elevator one after another, went up to the 80th floor of the eight outer buildings, and then passed through the promenade connecting the central tower.

The elevators with landscape glass go up and down, running in an orderly manner like the internal parts of a large machine.

On the air corridor, a silver-gray metal-like conveyor belt is arranged on the central road, transporting people who step on the conveyor belt to the high tower at the end, and also leading people to appreciate the high-altitude scenery outside the glass of the corridor.

Some people also choose to walk along the viewing window, slowly looking at the park overlooking the scenery, looking at the scenery of the shopping plaza and park on the other side.

"Wow! It's really cool here!"

Yuantai stepped on the conveyor belt, felt the parallel movement, stepped on the silver-gray metal under his feet, looked down at the seemingly invisible flowing light belt on it, jumped out of the conveyor belt with bright eyes, followed by two steps, jumped again went back.

Seeing more and more people gathered in front of him, Dr. A Li hurriedly reminded with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'll play this later, keep up with everyone, and don't get separated!"

"What's the matter?" Mitsuhiko also jumped up and down with Yuantai, and said excitedly, "Just look at the seat number on the ticket, even if you get separated, everyone can meet!"

Ayumi also tried to stretch out her feet and jumped out, trotted a few steps, jumped behind Dr. Ali, and said with a smile, "Conan, doctor, come and try it too. When someone steps on the conveyor belt, it seems that there is an electric current under their feet. flowed through the floor."

"It's just the effect brought by the induction device and the light. Be careful not to bump into others," Conan saw that the three children could play for a long time with a conveyor belt. He forgot that he felt fresh when he first saw it, and complained in his heart A child is a child, "And the opening time is only ten minutes, let's go in quickly, this can be played after it comes out, if you miss the opening ceremony because of playing this, it would be a pity, right?"

After thinking about it, the three children finally became obedient and stopped running around.

Among the crowd at the back, Kazami Yuya stepped on the conveyor belt in formal attire, imagining various plots such as "a famous agent enters the base" in his brain, with a serious expression and a bit out of place with the people nearby.

In the distance, Toru Amuro wore a hat on his head, covering most of his face. When he saw Yuya Kazami, he did not step forward. He paid a little attention to the woman in casual dress and sunglasses in the crowd in front of him, and quickly retracted. line of sight.

Why did Belmode come over to join in the fun?

It made him unable to watch the opening ceremony with Feng Jian.

Forget it, anyway, he didn't promise Fengjian, he just hid in a corner and watched it and slipped away.


The crowd on the air corridor suddenly burst into exclamation, and more and more people were swept away like waves, and their voices became louder, mixed with some people's screams of surprise.

Toru Amuro found that those people were all looking out of the window, he turned his head to look out curiously, and soon froze in place.

Outside the eight buildings outside, a circle of light moves from the bottom to the top a little bit, in the blue and white metal appearance, like a circle of charged electric light.

Amidst the sound of exclamation, the circle of light reached the corridor and became a straight line along the corridor again.

The crowd couldn't see the condition of the promenade under their feet, but they could see the adjacent promenades on the left and right, and watched the magical electric light move towards the central tower, illuminating the promenade much brighter.

The central tower is a little higher than the eight buildings, and the higher part is the preparation area for the contestants and the eggshell-shaped arena, and the eight lights also climbed above the eggshell at the same time, converging in the middle.

In the player preparation area, teams of young men and women wearing uniforms stood in groups in front of the glass windows, looking at the crowded crowds in the park, high-rise buildings and landscape corridors from a height, listening to the cheers, reacting differently, some eyes Shining brightly, some were clutching the corners of their clothes nervously, and some were walking in a daze.

They were originally a group of people who liked to play online games and played relatively well. They were hardly over twenty years old, and they were regarded as problem children in the eyes of others.

But after living here for three days or one day, everything they experienced made them suspect that they had a long and colorful dream.

Here, as contestants, they can stay in the sci-fi tower for free. There are all kinds of supplies in the room. Some sponsors provide simple but energetic team uniforms, and some investors provide Fees for meals and rented venues for practice.

Starting this morning, they also saw the stars and entertainers who were expected to attend the opening ceremony. Whether they came up to say hello or ran into each other in the corridor, those people were happy to smile and nod to them, even signing autographs.

In a short period of time, their situation seemed to be different from before, making it difficult for them to recover completely for a while.

Haibara Ai stood next to his team members, looked at the aperture, then looked at the reactions of a group of team members, and reminded softly, "After the Japanese finals, there will be semi-finals and finals with players from other countries. The people who participate in the competition are the focus and stars on the battlefield, and the winners will be remembered. Your performance is also closely related to your future salary. I hope you will adapt to your identity as soon as possible and work hard for the battle. Similarly, if other teams can’t adapt and perform abnormally, that’s our chance, even if it’s ineffective.”

These words were somewhat realistic, but they also brought the young boys and girls back to their senses and began to think about the game.

Especially after seeing the leaders or coaches of other teams whispering to the players, and the players came to their senses one by one, these young men and women had a little fear in their eyes.

Is everyone waiting for other teams to make mistakes because they can't adapt? So cunning!

"However, today is the relaxation time before the game. You still have a whole day to adjust. After participating in the opening ceremony, we will go to the game in the afternoon and play two copies at random. You should be able to enter the state as soon as possible, and you don't need to practice. , let's take it easy today..."

Hui Yuanai said so, but his mind couldn't relax, sorting out the information he had so far.

'Royal Knights' The people who often brush dungeons online did not participate in the competition, but some of the people who took the places to participate in the competition are also well-known masters in the game, and they have long been won over by the Royal Knights. Using the 'Knight Sweep' tactics that the Royal Knights are used to, the overall level is no worse than them.

The old man Jiroji's team is also very troublesome. He is also a tactical planner and a lot of money to motivate him. He is well prepared and inhumane.

In addition, there is another team that was organized in the points competition. At the beginning, it did not have the support of any large army in the game, but got the final spot, and then contacted the sponsors. She has strong game skills and organizational skills, but she always feels a little sinister and cunning...

Cough, every team is very difficult to deal with anyway. Thinking about the global finals after the Japanese finals, she felt that it would be fine to go as far as she could go. For the first competition, she should find out the bottom line of each team first, and then she can only compete in the next competition. Formulate effective tactics and strive for better results next year.

There is no need to worry about old opponents suddenly disappearing. Umbrella has already given a way to connect e-sports and business. No one wants to let go of good players. Even if the original team is disbanded, some old opponents will still be active on the field. At most, it has nothing to do with belonging to the team.

After the game is over, will she recruit two powerful people for the team?

With this calculation, she felt that she would not get tired of spending three to five years in the team.


Countdown to the opening ceremony, 5 minutes.

The spectators and the players sitting on the high platform took their seats, the venue broadcast was ready, the gates were closed, and the transparent roof windows were slowly closed.

The venue illuminated by the sun was immediately pitch black, and a countdown timer was projected in the sky above, and a series of extremely realistic sci-fi-style electronic board projections appeared around.

Amidst the suppressed exclamation and discussion, the female voice chanted in a low voice, and the current on the projection electronic board also flowed with the melody, breaking out in an instant.

Before the official opening, melodious and ethereal singing and rhythmic music sounded in the venue.

"To lure have my heart."

"We'll never be world sapart."

"Maybe in magazines."

"But lure 'll still be my star."

"baby'au color inthedark."

"To lure an't color eshinya."

"And that's when lure needmethere."

"With lure i'll always share."

Someone in the crowd has already called out Qian Heling's name one after another, and then quieted down and listened quietly amidst the sound effect of a concert hall and the ethereal and dreamy female voice.

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