Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1885 Toru Amuro: The courage this song gives

Haibara Ai was worried about being caught by the broadcast camera, so she was not in the player's seat, so she handed over the task of leading the team to Nakatani. She put on a promotional cap for the e-sports competition, and sneaked into the auditorium where her acquaintances were. After hearing the singing, she couldn't help but Turning her head to look at Chi Feichi who was sitting beside her, she suddenly noticed a dangerous gaze in the dimness that made her uneasy rest on her body, and immediately turned her head to look over, but could only see the figure illuminated by the projection in the dimness The blue crowd.

In the dimness, Belmode withdrew his gaze, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Shirley seems to be living comfortably this day, and it is a waste of this opportunity not to scare her.

But Qian Heling's new song should also be Lark's masterpiece, right?

She is still looking forward to it.

This trip really didn't come in vain.



"When the sun shines we shine together.

(When the sun is shining, let's shine together)

"Told you I'll be here forever."

(said I would wait)

"Said I'll always be your friend."

(Say I'll be friends forever)

"Took an oath that I'm stick it out till the end."

(I made an oath, I will stick to it until the end of the world)

In the ethereal female voice, people in the auditorium looked at each other.

Chi Feichi noticed that the children of the Detective Boys, Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and others all looked at each other and smiled. He was not surprised, and listened to Qian Heling's singing quietly to identify if there were any mistakes.

Most of the people who will watch this kind of competition are young people who are calling for friends. The lyrics sung in a soothing rhythm should be very touching.

This song will probably become the signature song of the Umbrella e-sports league in the future, and it may also become the iconic song that confuses the world after the formation of the new Umbrella is completed.

"Now that it's raining more than ever."

(Now it's raining heavily)

"Know that we still have each other."

(Fortunately we still have each other)

"You can stand under my umbrella."

(You can stand under my umbrella and hide from the rain)

"You can stand under my umbrella."

(You can stand under my umbrella and hide from the rain)

"Ella ella eh eh eh..."

The rhythm of the accompaniment is strengthened, and the current light of the surrounding projection circuit board is also gradually strengthened, reflecting a huge blue and white umbrella pattern in the air.

"Under my umbrella."

"Ella ella eh eh eh..."

The lyrics repeatedly strengthen the presence of the word 'umbrella', and it doesn't sound boring in the enhanced rhythm and electronic sound, and the name of the song popped up in the hearts of the people in the audience——


The leisurely singing of the ethereal female voice continued.

'Nothing can come between us, you and I are complete, you are the world, the world goes on and on, and sometimes it doesn't turn out the way you want it to, even if it can't be changed, together we heal the wounds, 'cause, when the sun shines, We shine together, said I'll wait, said I'll be friends forever...'

In the auditorium near the back row, Toru Amuro still wore a baseball cap on his head, listening to the song quietly, with joy and sorrow on his face, and his eyes softened a little bit in the shadow of no one seeing.

This should be the song written by the consultant.

Among the consultant's songs, he can't get tired of listening to the hot ones, and he likes to listen to the unpopular ones over and over again.

But there was a song that he didn't dare to listen to a second time after hearing it once.

It's the song of the same name that was inspired by the Beatles song "Let it be," the song that says, "We become adults, we become heroes of justice."

It was the first time he heard that song, and when the consultant sang it in a gentle voice, the grief and reluctance of friends who died in the line of duty would accumulate in his heart, and the happy memories they had experienced together would also become piercing in his heart. Dao, at a certain moment, he seemed to see himself standing alone under the bright spring light, reaching out to catch the falling cherry blossom petals, the feeling of desolation that had to be relieved made him really unwilling to listen to that song again Song.

The reason for his reluctance to listen was not that he couldn't bear the grief, but that he was worried that he would get addicted to that song and delay the work at hand.

That's right, the person who has passed away has passed away, and he will continue to go on and fulfill those dreams. This is probably what the consultant understands as "Let it be".

He also thought about a question, how did the consultant create this song?

In the background check, the consultant obviously had no friends and was alone for several years.

Could it be... Maybe it's a friend that no one noticed?

I heard that before the incident in Ireland, the consultant was listening to the Beatles' "Let it be" over and over again at the scene of the accident and in the Metropolitan Police Department. Perhaps in the very early days, the consultant also had such a group of friends. Like him, he could only smile helplessly and wave his friend away.

For this guess, he even gradually began to believe in it.

Not just because the lyrics that sting him came from his advisors, but also because of the emotion conveyed in the singing.

He also heard the version sung by another person once. It was also full of regret for friendship and a little relief, but it did not have the painful emotion conveyed by the consultant—a kind of emotion of parting from life and death.

The only thing he didn't understand was the paragraph "I am the bad guy, I am the one who escaped, I am not lying, I am the real liar".

If the consultant can’t forget the death of his former friend, he should accuse the other party of being a liar in this paragraph, just like he has complained countless times in his heart that his former friends did not abide by the agreement to go on together and are a group of big liars. I am a liar, but it seems... I am the one who died.

He also guessed whether the consultant's 'escape' meant retreating from danger, or that he was unwilling to face the death of his friend.

It can't be because of the advisor's death, right? The advisor is still alive and well.

If he can figure out the story hidden in this song, the story that belongs to the consultant and his friend, maybe he can understand the root of the consultant's depression and mental abnormalities, so as to help solve the problem.

This song has such a magical power, even if he only dares to listen to it once, because he understands the mood, he can't help but think about it, even if he doesn't think about the mood and thoughts of the creator, he will probably think about other things.

And the song he heard today made his heart gradually calm down, and the happy memories with his friends seemed to be no longer a knife. I was wondering if I should listen to that song "Let it be" a few more times, and I could listen to "Let it be" by The Beatles a few more times.

When he understands the true meaning of 'let it go', maybe he will be able to remain as he is now, with only gratitude and nostalgia for the past, without so many heavy emotions, and maybe he can even help the consultant.

Don't ask, asking is the courage this song 'Umbrella' gave him.


In more than four minutes, a song ended.

The crowd who couldn't get enough of it suddenly felt that time passed too fast, but on the stage below and the big broadcast screen, Qian Heling, who appeared under the spotlight, had already bowed and bowed to take the curtain call with a smile.

After the final countdown of 10 seconds, a young foreign face appeared on the big screen. This young man who introduced himself as "President Umbrella" and "Head of the E-sports League" had a decent smile on his face, and behind him was a sense of technology. Full background, said the opening remarks, introduced the game schedule and game rules in an easy-going and humorous manner, and then introduced the participating teams and players in the Japanese venue, announcing the official start of the opening ceremony.

From 9:00 am to 11:00 am, in addition to related introductions and performances by famous artists in Japan, there are also some game-related role performances, and some interactions with robots full of technological sense. Trying to touch the projection, the time also passed quickly.

Many people felt that they had only entered the venue for a short time, and soon it was time to end the show for lunch.

The door and the top window were opened, and the sun was shining into the venue again, but the people who left were not as straightforward as when they came in. They slowed down and discussed everything they saw and heard at the opening ceremony with their friends in twos and threes.

Hui Yuan Ai tried to find the owner of the uneasy sight from the crowd going out. She didn't have any hope at first, but she didn't expect a woman wearing sunglasses in the crowd to show her a mysterious and provocative smile. , When I looked again, the other party had already mixed into the crowd and disappeared.

This glance was enough to make her feel heavy.

That smile is... Belmode.

That woman really lingered, and she was also worried about whether there would be other organizations in the park, whether there would be any traps designed by the organization, and whether there would be any bombing attacks.

"Xiao Ai?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki called out in confusion when he noticed that Hui Yuan Ai was staring at the back of the crowd in a daze.

"It's okay," Hui Yuanai recovered and explained, "I just didn't expect so many people to pay attention to the game competition."

Chi Feichi had sensed the gaze of the suspected troublemaker Belmode before. Although he didn't see anyone, he also guessed the reason why Hui Yuan Ai was staring at the crowd and was distracted. Probably because of the technological buildings in the park, it attracted some people who didn’t intend to come.”

"Yeah," Huiyuan Ai nodded absent-mindedly, seeing Conan at the side, hesitated for a moment, and still didn't say what he saw Belmode, "By the way, do you have any plans for the next round? The semi-finals It will only start tomorrow, and in the afternoon I plan to go back to the players’ rest area to see if the players’ condition needs to be adjusted, and prepare for tomorrow’s game by the way.”

She told Edogawa about the matter, and Edogawa would definitely help to find out if there were organized people nearby and whether the organization had any actions, but she suddenly wanted to take advantage of the fact that the tower was taller than other buildings, and that the members of the team could be in the large area of ​​the park. The privilege of free access to some areas, first observe it yourself, if you find any abnormalities, then ask Edogawa to be careful, if you don't find any abnormalities, then that woman is probably here to join in the fun, there is no need for Edogawa to think about how to take the opportunity to dig Organizational cues.

She didn't want anything to happen here, and she had a hunch that Belmode was probably just watching the opening ceremony, and just wanted to hang around her brother lingeringly.

Maybe it was to provoke her, or maybe it was something else, but either way, the woman didn't seem to be planning to do anything to them, at least for the time being. (to be continued)

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