Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1886 It's not too bad to play a monster

"We want to take a stroll around the park," Ayumi answered Huibara Ai's question with a smile, and then asked, "By the way, Xiao Ai, when is your team's game schedule? Let's cheer for you !"

"There will be a match at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If you are not eliminated, the next match will be the afternoon of the day after tomorrow or the morning two days later. The specifics will not be confirmed until the opponent is selected by drawing lots," Huiyuan Ai paused. , "This time the e-sports competition will not end in a short period of time, plus the semi-finals and finals with the top two teams from other countries, it will take about half a month to completely end. During this time, I will stay in the park."

"What?! Don't you plan to go back to live during the break?"

Dr. A Li was surprised and ecstatic in his heart.

What does this mean?

This means that he can eat whatever he wants!

Taking advantage of this time, he wants to taste the sandwiches and fruit cakes he has been craving for a long time...

"Although Mr. Nakatani will be in charge of the team's affairs, if there is a business cooperation with the team after the game, he should be able to solve it, but I am the team leader, and I want to accompany everyone to complete this game. Moreover, even if the team fails in the first game If we are eliminated, we will watch all the games before leaving, learn more about the situation of other teams, and formulate a new training plan for the next game by the way," Huihara Ai was thinking, and suddenly found the joy hidden in Dr. Ali's eyes , His face was expressionless for a moment, "Of course, doctor, you don't have to worry, I will ask everyone to visit you often, and by the way, supervise you not to steal food that you shouldn't eat."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Suddenly unhappy.

"Your blood pressure and blood sugar are under good control recently. I'm not at home during this time, so you should keep going. Don't eat foods that can cause high blood pressure, try to eat more vegetables, and remember to exercise more," said Hui Yuan Ai exhorted worryingly, looked up at Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, Doctor, please take care of me."

Chi Feichi looked at Dr. Ali, nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Why do you feel that Feichi's gaze is a bit cold?

He will discuss it with Feichi later, they will collude to deceive Xiao Ai, I don't know if it will work...

"As for Brother Feichi, just..." Haibara Ai looked away from Conan, reached out and pulled the corner of Nanatsuki Koshimizu's clothes, and after Nanatsuki Koshimizu squatted down, she whispered in Nanatsuki Koshimizu's ear.

You have to watch Brother Feichi take more rest, it's best not to work hard, and don't stay up late playing games...

If the situation is not right, advise Brother Feichi to take medicine, and don't forget the hospital's reexamination...

Go out more often when you have time, such as parks, amusement parks and other places, it is best to go more often, but sometimes her brother doesn't like to be noisy, so it is good for two people to go. In addition, such as watching movies, traveling The more the better, it helps to regulate the mood...

Feichi looked at the two with his head, and found that the distance was not close enough, and stretching his neck was too conspicuous, so he could only try his best to distinguish the lips of the two, and roughly relayed it to Chi Feichi.

After Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki finished whispering, a group of people separated at the entrance of the stadium.

Hui Yuanai followed the team members back to the rest area of ​​the contestants. Dr. Ali, Mao Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko took the other children to play in the entertainment area of ​​the park. Chi Feichi was going to the backstage of the broadcast area to talk to Oda Kiritoshi about the company.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was distracted all the way, thinking about serious questions such as 'Is Xiao Ai thinking too much of me', 'How should I deal with Mr. Chi's wayward behavior', etc. When he recovered, he realized that he followed Chi Fei to the backstage late , but Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko didn't call her at all, and raised their heads in embarrassment to greet Odagiri, "President Odagiri, long time no see."

If Mr. Chi came to discuss business, shouldn't she avoid it? After following her like this, will it appear that she is entangled? Awkward.

"Miss Yueshui, long time no see." Oda Kirito didn't think it was strange to see Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and after greeting Chi Feichi, he couldn't wait to say cheerfully, "Feichi, this time we are with Nikai TV Station The broadcasting cooperation is also perfect. Those new artists that the company intends to invest in have basically been exposed. Also, I plan to let Qianhe take some shooting jobs for fashion magazines first, and then let her watch "Onmyoji" "Related scripts, prepare in advance,"

"Have you found the lead actor of the "Onmyoji" series?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I have a goal here. If he can't do it, I can only let the chrysanthemum be on top..." Oda Kirito also touched his chin, and once again hit his mind on his own shareholders, and soon turned around and greeted with a smile , "Let's go, I'll take you to see that person first!"

Chi Feichi and Oda Qiermin also walked in the corridor of the broadcast area, and commented mercilessly, "Juren's acting skills are not professional enough, and the acting probably can only be performed instinctively. Let him play a monster."

Oda Kirito's eyes also lit up, "A monster that seduces girls with masculinity? That's a good idea!"

After thinking about it carefully, Chi Feichi thought it was okay, "Then it depends on whether you can convince him."

"He also has a share of the company's profits. Isn't it right for him to sacrifice his beauty?" Oda Qiemin also smiled gradually wickedly, and glanced at Chi Feichi, "A handsome guy who suddenly appears in a big production is very popular with girls. Yes, if it is the kind of monster character that breaks through everyone's old impressions, that would be even better..."

He wondered if he should also sacrifice the person next to him?

"Don't think about me," Chi Feichi warned coldly, "I still want to write songs."

Oda Kirito also looked back in frustration, stared at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was following him, and smiled, "Miss Koshimizu, are you interested in acting?"

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was surprised for a moment, and thought about it, "If I need to play an inconspicuous role, that's fine, but if it's a more important role, I don't think I can do it."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Oda Kirito, and asked coldly, "Is the company short of artists?"

"You can't say that, I also want you to experience the fun of performing," Oda Kirito explained indifferently, and then said, "By the way, Umbrella has decided to buy the copyright of Chiga's song Yes, the price is still negotiable."

"Exclusive use right, knock more." Chi Feichi reminded.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly.

Is Mr. Chi instigating his friends to rip him off?

"I know, I know," Oda Kiritoshi also smiled and showed his white teeth, "After this sum is paid, I will pay back the money I borrowed from you when I started the company, so that I can feel more at ease as the president! "

Chi Feichi is his creditor, and the Field Group is his creditor. He seems to have a big family and a big business, but in fact he is still working part-time to pay off his debts. Can he do it without seizing the opportunity?

Next, the two talked about the recent situation of the company and the changes of important artists, and also talked about some development ideas.

When it comes to the starring candidate of the "Onmyoji" series, Odagiri also smiled, "You should have heard of it, it is Shirakawa who has been gaining popularity recently."

"I've never heard of it." Chi Feichi was very sincere.

Oda Kirito also choked, speechless half-moon eyes, "Hey, my artist, can you pay more attention?"

Chi Feichi was sincere again, "There are so many artists in the company now, how can I pay attention?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki helped explain with a smile, "Is it because Mr. Chi doesn't like funny shows very much? Not long ago, Mr. Shirakawa Jiro and Ms. Fujimori Asako's strawberry duo won the cross talk contest and became the most A well-known and popular comedy group, and Mr. Shirakawa is also very popular among young girls because of his handsome appearance and easy-going humor."

"A comedian?" Chi Feichi also cast a questioning look at Oda Kirito.

In order to achieve the effect, comedians will have some exaggerated actions and remarks in their performances, which are completely different from the performances of movie and TV drama artists.

There are comedians who change their development path, but most of them choose hosts and comedian film and television roles. Onmyoji Ape Seimei has nothing to do with comedy. Letting a comedian act is too bold an attempt.

Even if Oda Kiritoshi believes that the other party can do it, it depends on whether the audience will make a show when they see that face, right?

If you want to keep the audience out of the show, the other party's acting talent and performance level must be very high.

Furthermore, a comedian who has already become famous and is not out of date, no matter for the other party or the company, he should stick to the path of funny shows, and there is no need to change at all.

"Your worry, I have also considered it." Oda Kirito also looked serious, and lowered his voice when he saw the artist's rest area, "But Bai Chuan is young and handsome, and his appearance fits the role, and you should also know that the artist and the actor under the camera In life, it may not be the same. Bai Chuan's temperament in private is calm and gentle. When the chrysanthemums talk and laugh, they always show a playboy atmosphere, but Bai Chuan's eyes are very clean when talking and laughing. Not only that, a few years ago he I have never been well-known until I found out that he can play Abe Seimei in private, so I watched his early funny show videos. In my opinion, he is actually not suitable for the line of comedians. In the TV series, he played a kind-hearted nobleman, and he even said bluntly that he is now famous as a comedian, thanks to the tacit understanding he and Fujimori have cultivated over the past ten years, he can't go far."

Chi Feichi nodded. In that case, he can take the opportunity to try to transform, "How is the person?"

"They joined the company after they won the cross talk contest. I don't know much about their personalities. I just heard that they are also working hard. They have been practicing hard for today's performance in the e-sports venue. Recently, Bai Chuan has been more Active, I often consult other artists in the company about performances, of course, I haven't confirmed it is him, and I haven't told anyone else, I want to wait for you to watch it before..."

Oda Kirito also came to the door of a lounge and stopped. Just as he raised his hand to knock on the door, he heard an impatient voice from inside, and his raised hand stopped.

"Please, she was too late to complain about it twice, and it was three times in the previous performance. In her situation, it is not suitable to continue any longer," the young man said impatiently, "Mr. Hisamatsu, you don't have to Besides, I've already decided that after two days, I'll go talk to her about disbanding the group and terminating the partnership!" (To be continued)

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