Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1887 Is there no end to scum?

"You want to end the partnership?" In the room, another male voice asked in surprise and anger, "Jiro, Asako supported you so much before, how could you say such things to her?"

"This and that are totally different things. I've told you before. With my looks, I'm absolutely fine on my own. It'd be better without that old woman holding back my legs, right?"



The sound of the table being slammed was heard from behind the door, and the young man raised his voice, "Anyway, I don't want to perform cross talk with Asako anymore! That guy is past his golden age, and Mr. Hisamatsu shouldn't hide her from the company anymore." Those mistakes, right? It's better for her to quit acting sooner."

Outside the door, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also cast a strange look at Oda Kirito.

President Odagiri is right. Artists may have two different looks under the camera and in life, but no matter how you look at it, it does not match what President Odagiri said about being "calm and gentle" and "eyes are clean when speaking" Side?

Did President Odagiri remember the wrong room?

Oda Kirito was also a little annoyed, and looked at Chi Feichi in embarrassment.

The most embarrassing thing was not that he missed his eyes, but that he had just finished complimenting Feichi one second, and found out about it the next second.

He was already able to make up Feichi's poisonous tongue.

Like 'I think you're a bit blind', 'I've been too tired recently, take a good rest, don't rush to choose someone', 'You're not a kid anymore, why are you thinking so naive'...

Just thinking about it makes him suffocate.

Chi Feichi ignored the gradually complicated eyes of the two, just stared at the closed door in front of him, listening to the dispute inside.

Funny duo, Shirakawa Jiro, Jiro, Asako...

He remembered that in the original plot, there was a case that could be called a tragedy in the world, that is, Asako, a woman in a funny duo, designed to kill her partner Jiro.

The two were originally not only partners, but also lovers, but the appearance of the two of them was not a good match. Jiro had a handsome appearance, while Asako had an ordinary face and a slightly fat body. In terms of age, Asako was also several years older than Jiro .

After becoming famous, Jiro was about to disband the group. Asako felt that she would be abandoned, so she ordered the killer. She also asked his Mori teacher to be a witness. The result was that the murderer was exposed.

The tragedy of this case is that Asako later found out that Jiro was worried about her heart disease, hoped that she could quit the showbiz, and was ready to propose to her...

I killed the person I loved deeply with my own hands, and finally realized that the other party loved me too. At that time, no matter how much Asako cried and called, Jiro couldn't respond anymore.

He remembered asking Mao Lilan why his teacher didn't come in the morning, and Mao Lilan's reply was...

'I'm sorry, Brother Feichi, my dad has been busy investigating recently, that is, the morning after we came back from Osaka, a female artist from a popular group seemed to be harassed, and I entrusted my dad to find out who harassed her, My father has been investigating for two days, and it seems that there is still no clue. If he knows that there will be performances by Ms. Yoko and Ms. Chiga at the opening ceremony, he will definitely leave his work and come here, but I think it is better to investigate this kind of thing as soon as possible. , if the time is delayed, the other party may be afraid and don't say anything, maybe there will be I didn't tell him...'

Conan also added with a smile, anyway, it is not difficult for Mori Kogoro to meet celebrities and entertainers. Come here, maybe you can catch up with the Huiyuan Ai team's game.

He didn't ask much at that time, people have to survive and live, and people shouldn't leave their jobs and come to join in the fun with idlers like them.

But now it seems that the female artist who entrusted his teacher to investigate is probably Asako Fujimori.

Has Fujimori Asako already started to set up a killing plan...

The dispute in the house continued.

"Jiro, when you didn't make any achievements in the past few years, Asako has been supporting and encouraging you, and...and aren't you a couple?"

"I will take care of my relationship with her as a couple, but I can't hide her mistake any longer. If you don't want to tell the company, then I will do it!"

The door of the room was opened suddenly. The young man's facial features were soft and handsome. He was still wearing the dress he wore during the performance. His tall and thin figure was even more straight. He still put one hand on the doorknob. Looking at the three people standing outside the door, he was stunned. land.


In the room, a short and stout man wearing black-rimmed glasses caught up, and was startled when he saw Toshiya Odagiri, who had an unsightly face at the door, "President, president..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki quietly looked at Shirakawa Jiro.

She didn't expect that Shirakawa Jiro and Fujimori Asako were not only partners, but also boyfriend and girlfriend. So, now that Shirakawa Jiro became famous, he began to dislike Fujimori Asako, prepared to go solo and abandon his girlfriend?

This kind of behavior is really scumbag.

Jiro Shirakawa was uncomfortable seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's slightly accusing eyes, and lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

Oda Kirito also took a deep breath. Thinking about it before, he might have punched him in the face. He couldn't help feeling that his temper had improved a lot, "It's nothing, we were just passing by."

Maybe it was influenced by the upright old man in his family, or maybe he took the company too seriously and didn't just regard the company as a tool to make money. develop.

If a person can abandon his girlfriend who once supported and encouraged him because of his prosperity, let alone he can't bear this kind of ungrateful behavior, even if he can bear it, he has to consider whether this person will do it for the same reason And betray the company.

The "Onmyoji" series is a project that the company has been preparing for a long time. They are going to do a big job. For this purpose, many of the company's playwrights have almost gone bald, and external funds have already begun to pour in. By the time the plan starts , The reputation of the actors who participated in the filming can be improved, especially the leading actors.

The role of Ampere Seimei is still the protagonist, and he doesn't want to hand over this role to an unstable person.

In short, he needs to reconsider whether Shirakawa Jiro is suitable to be the leading actor in the "Onmyoji" series, and there is no need to mention his previous thoughts.

Shirakawa Jiro raised his eyes suddenly, looked at Oda Kiritoshi and said, "President, I have something to tell you."

Oda Kirito also looked at Kamishirakawa Jiro's serious and honest eyes, while wondering whether he had watched enough performances and had not developed the eyes to distinguish the real from the fake, while feeling in his heart that his temper had really improved, but he didn't know that Shirakawa hadn't Feeling his heartache, "I'll talk about something after I go back to the company."

Shirakawa Jiro felt Toshiya Odagiri's disappointment, because Odagiri Toshiya almost wrote the emotion of "I am very disappointed in you" on his face. He didn't understand why Odagiri Toshiya reacted so much, but thinking of the friendly atmosphere of thk company, he felt a little bit Feeling guilty and uneasy, "President..."

Oda Kirito didn't want to beat someone to death, but he also wanted to calm down first, so he interrupted, "I'll wait for you in the office."


Half an hour later, the park parking lot.

Oda Kiritoshi was also sitting in the Umbrella RV, smoking a cigarette with one hand on the car window, his expression changed, one moment was melancholy of 'I'm disappointed', another moment was embarrassment of 'I feel so ashamed', and after a while, it became The heart is as dead as dead.

He is ready, if you have to complain about him later, hurry up, don't procrastinate, procrastination is very torturous.

After Chi Feichi got in the car, he called Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai and told him about his plan to go to thk company. By the way, he asked Hui Yuanai about Dr. Ali's physical condition.

"The medical report from a month ago?...Is it in the desk drawer...I see..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was sitting aside, saw Shirakawa Jiro and his manager Hisamatsumi coming in from the parking lot, and couldn't help looking over.

If news of Jiro Shirakawa breaking up with Asako Fujimori spread, some people would probably think "that's fine", because the appearance and age of the two people really don't match, and they can barely get together.

With Shirakawa Jiro's appearance and current fame, it is true that she can choose a younger and more beautiful girl, but for Fujimori Asako, no matter her appearance or age, she can't change it even if she tries her best.

Some things are born as an insurmountable gully.

Whether it is age, appearance, family background, or even natural talent.

She wasn't sure if Fujimori Asako felt the same way as her.

While hoping that that person will always have a dazzling light, to be recognized, admired, liked, and looked up to, it seems that only the best things in the world can be worthy of the other party, and at the same time frustrated that the light on the other party is too strong, looking at the relationship between the two sides. The distance between them is uneasy, and the feeling of powerlessness that is difficult to reach out to touch is getting stronger day by day.

No, Fujimori Asako was still able to stand with Shirakawa Jiro at the beginning, and she had it, she didn't even have a shadow...

"Do you think he's handsome?"

Chi Feichi stared sideways at Nanatsuki Koshimi and asked.

Before outside the lounge, Koshimi kept looking at Shirakawa Jiro, but when he made a phone call, Koshimi stared at Shirakawa again, looking even more distressed than Oda Kiritoshi.

Thinking about it, Yue Shui praised that guy for being handsome...

Yue Shui couldn't be that guy Bai Chuan's little fan girl, could he?

Think about Suzuki Sonoko chasing Phantom Thief Kidd, kissing Phantom Thief Kidd behind Kyogoku Mama's back, if it's Koshimizu and Shirakawa...

stop! This is unbearable, he wants to kill someone!

Nanatsuki Yueshui heard a soft voice from the side, and raised her eyes to see Chi Feichi's cold eyes, she was stunned for a moment, and silently reflected.

Mr. Chi's eyes are too scary, do you really hate people like Bai Chuan, and are still angry with Bai Chuan's previous behavior?

"No, no, I was just thinking, Ms. Asako is so pitiful, Mr. Bai Chuan really went too far...not handsome at all!"

Chi Feichi got a satisfactory answer, looked away, and put the phone back in his pocket.

Oda Kirito was also smoking a cigarette in melancholy, and glanced at Chi Feichi speechlessly.

Shirakawa Jiro is the type that makes people feel comfortable and handsome at first glance, but his impact is weaker than his snake-sick friend, and I don’t know what kind of nerves this guy has, suddenly asking this kind of question with a strong sense of contrast, obviously Not so narcissistic... people...

Wait, he seems to have discovered something.

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