Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1891 Different Mr. Chi

Another morning after morning practice, Chi Feichi still didn't have time for Okiya Subaru to visit, so he drove to Teidan High School, stayed in the infirmary all morning, had lunch with Shinide Chiaki, and went to Shinide Hospital again In the afternoon, I took Dr. Ali for dinner and exercise in the evening.

The next day, I went to the prison to visit friends who were in prison. Due to the large number of people, it took nearly a day to meet in line. However, the morning and evening exercises for Dr. A Li were still not relaxed, and the training was also strengthened.

For the next two days, Dr. A Li was still researching at home, and Chi Feichi stayed at the stray animal shelter for a whole day, which also did not allow Dr. A Li to be free in the morning and evening.

After a few days, Okiya Subaru drove around following Chi Feichi from afar, but he couldn't find a chance to say something.

He had no reason to go to Didan High School.

When he went to prison, he couldn't say that he was also going to see his friends, could he? If Chi Feichi asked about that 'friend', his lies would be easily exposed. To be honest, he really didn't know anyone in prison.

Go to a stray animal shelter? He had a reason to go in, and he acted the second day after Chi Feichi entered the shelter.

Using the reason of 'let me see if there is any need for volunteers', he successfully entered the stray animal shelter an hour after Chi Feichi entered the door. He exchanged a few pleasantries and went to work.

Seeing the Shiba Inu with dry hair, skinny body, bloody and dying lying in the operating room, seeing Chi Feichi and the doctor's silent attitude of "must save it", he was unwilling to pester Chi Fei It's late.

When he learned that there was a shortage of manpower, he volunteered to help Chi Feichi and the animal doctor, helping him shave a part of the hair, helping deliver things, and other small things were no problem for him.

The Shiba Inu was seriously injured. The internal organs were stabbed after the rib was broken, and more than one bone in the hind leg was broken. The operation lasted for more than four hours before it was considered over.

"Thank you," Jun Tobe took the towel from Okiya Subaru, wiped the sweat from his head, and smiled back, "Let's go to lunch, consultant, Mr. Subaru, after the 48-hour observation period , it will be fine."

Chi Feichi also took the towel and wiped off his sweat, "After eating, I'll come to see it again when the anesthesia effect passes."

Okiya Subaru looked at the Shiba Inu whose leg was amputated, and suddenly felt the helplessness in the disaster, the tenacity of life and the hard work of the two white coats in front of him, and sincerely sighed, "Thank you for your hard work. .”

During lunch, Okiya Subaru thought that the two of them had been busy concentrating for so long, and even the lunch time was delayed for more than two hours. Instead of dragging Chi Feichi to ask questions, they rushed to fill their hungry stomachs together. I thought I would have time to chat with Chi Feichi in the afternoon, but I didn't expect that three kittens who were dying of hunger would be brought here before the meal was finished.

Chi Feichi and Hubuchun hurriedly picked up the food, left the lunch box to see the situation of the kittens, and treated the three kittens.

When the hit Shiba Inu was about to wake up, Chi Feichi went to the observation room again, reached out and touched the uninjured Shiba Inu, and comforted him in a low voice.

Okiya Subaru felt that his trip was not in vain. Although he didn't find out any information, he saw a different Mr. Chi.

When infusing the kitten, Mr. Chi moved lightly and patiently, soothing the kitten with a very soft voice until the kitten became obedient.

When he went to see the Shiba Inu after the operation, although Mr. Chi still spoke in his usual tone, he was moved by the not-so-gentle attitude of "hold on, hum if it hurts, but don't move around".

After Chi Feichi looked at Shiba Inu's condition, another animal doctor on duty rushed over, but Chi Feichi couldn't be idle, and went to see the condition of other stray cats and dogs who were recovering from injuries.

Jun Tobe and Subaru Okiya followed to help, one with the medicine box and the other with the infusion bottle.

Jun Tobe explained to Okiya Subaru with a smile, "When animals are unwell or feel uneasy, they are prone to violent resistance. The consultant is very good at calming small animals and calming down their restless mood quickly. Accept the treatment obediently, sometimes for many days, so when the consultants come over, they will help to comfort the little animals."

Okiya Subaru saw the animal scratches on Jun Tobe's hands when he was eating, and then watched the injured animal lie down to receive treatment after being comforted by Chi Feichi. Knowing that Jun Tobe was not exaggerating, he squinted and said with a smile , "Mr. Chi has always been very popular with animals."

After looking around at all the injured animals, the sky had completely darkened, so Chi Feichi drove Okiya Subaru back and stopped by Dr. A Li's house for cooking.

Along the way, Okiya Subaru thought that Chi Feichi had been busy all day and did not disturb Chi Feichi's rare tranquility. It was not until after the meal that he found that Chi Feichi had washed the dishes and planned to take Dr. Ali to exercise, so he was helpless. Sighing, "Mr. Chi, don't you feel tired?"

Is Mr. Chi still a patient?

He remembered that the doctor and Shirley had mentioned that Mr. Chi needed to rest more, but he couldn't persuade Mr. Chi to ignore those miserable little animals.

Maybe it's because he knows that only Mr. Chi and those doctors value the lives of those abandoned animals, and he can only rely on Mr. Chi and those doctors. It may also be because he vaguely realizes what a doctor's duty is.

An animal doctor is also a doctor.

"That's right, Feichi, you've been busy at the shelter all day, so take a rest if you're tired." Dr. A Li said with a bitter face.

The first two days were just walking, sprinting, and stretching exercises, which already made his hands and feet sore. Now he has added aerobics and other exercises. Although he feels energetic all day long, his hands and feet have never stopped being sore.

Chi Feichi wiped the water from washing his hands with a towel, "Doctor, I had someone send me Miss Fu Shahui's physical examination report two days ago. She is very healthy and seems to pay attention to exercise. "

Dr. A Li let go of what Dr. Ali mentioned, heaved a sigh of relief, and asked hesitantly, "Does she usually like to exercise?"

Then does he have to get used to it in advance and adapt to this rhythm?

"I don't want to say whether she likes it or not," Chi Feichi put the towel aside, looked up at Dr. Ali with calm and serious eyes, "According to the population statistics of many countries in the world, the average life expectancy of women is five to ten years longer than that of men. Aside from factors such as accidents, the key to determining the length of life is the degree of personal physical and mental health. Doctor, your health is far from hers. Of course there will be no problems now, but in more than ten years, two years Ten years, maybe she can only go to the woods to see ginkgo alone, as a lonely old lady who is getting old..."

When Dr. A Li thought of that situation, his heart skipped a beat.

That's right, neither he nor Fushahui have children. Even if there are Xiao Ai, Feichi and other people, they can't always accompany the aging Fushahui. After getting old, Fushahui's body will gradually weaken, but she still lives alone...

Just thinking about it made him feel so bad!

"And this kind of day may last for five or ten years," Chi Feichi threw the final blow, "Let one person miss another person alone, and never get a response from the other person until the Life is completely exhausted, and there is no more cruel torture in the world."

Okiya Subaru was stunned, and he had to admit that Chi Feichi's words hit the nail on the head, and he supported Chi Feichi in a gentle voice, "Well... Although I don't know who Miss Fushahui is, if the doctor has someone who needs to take care of the future Goal, I also hope that the doctor can persevere and maintain good health."

"Ah..." Dr. Ali blushed when he heard Okiya Subaru say 'take care of the future', but his attitude has become firm, "I know, I know, cough, let's start tonight's exercise! I also feel healthy It is very important!"

Taking advantage of Dr. A Li's full fighting spirit, Chi Feichi increased the training intensity for Dr. A Li, but not too much, so as not to cause Dr. A Li to reject him.

Dr. A Li gained motivation, and he was more active in the morning exercise the next day. Although he complained about being tired, he still gritted his teeth and persisted. Even the rest time in the middle was much shorter than before.

Okiya Subaru followed suit for breakfast, and said, "I don't have anything to do recently, I want to help out at the shelter", and then took Chi Feichi's car to volunteer at the shelter.

He wasn't entirely looking for reasons to follow Chi Feichi, but he really felt that it was meaningful to help out when he was free.

On this day, besides Subaru Okiya, there was one more volunteer, Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

In the morning, it was relatively free, and the doctor on duty changed two more, and he and Chi Feichi arranged two sterilization operations, but when he went to change the dressings of other animals in the afternoon, the condition of the Shiba Inu that had been in a car accident the day before suddenly deteriorated.

After giving first aid and changing the rescue plan twice, Shiba Inu's vital signs gradually disappeared.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was helping at the side, looking at the body of Shiba Inu that was gradually freezing and stiff on the operating table, looking at the scarred and thin body of Shiba Inu, and thinking of Chi Feichi and the other doctors' hard work for more than two hours, he suffocated his breath, My heart is inevitably filled with loss and heaviness.

Okiya Subaru was not in a better mood either. He thought of the blood-stained appearance when the Shiba Inu was delivered yesterday, the relieved smile on Tobe Jun's face after the operation, and Chi Feichi's soft voice to comfort him when he woke up. Shiba Inu look.

At that time, he also thought about the appearance of this Shiba Inu recovering day by day, and wondered whether the amputation of this Shiba Inu's hind leg would make life inconvenient, whether it would be bullied, and whether the shelter would help install a simple artificial leg this kind of thing.

When they came in the morning, they even took a special look at the Shiba Inu. The Shiba Inu lay obediently, as if it hadn't moved much all night. After they entered the door, the Shiba Inu tried to wag its tail, and then obediently let Chi Feichi He looked at the wound, cleaned it, and then bandaged it again. When he passed by with the medicine box, he also saw the Shiba Inu whimpering in pain, but obediently did not move.

The future and hopes that all of them and the Shiba Inu had worked so hard for were completely shattered at the last moment.

It's not that he hasn't experienced this kind of mood before, but just because he has experienced it, he can't help but think of the person who has passed away for a moment, and his bad mood doubles.

A doctor sighed, "Consultant, I'll send it to the incinerator behind."

"Call and tell the household department. If he comes later, just wait until he comes." Chi Feichi slowed down his voice when he saw Yueshui Nanatsuki lowered his eyes, "Impermanence of life and death is the normal state of life. Torturing yourself needlessly."

"That's right, everyone did their best, including it." Okiya Subaru smiled with relief, and soon his heart became heavy again.

He couldn't help but reflect, had he tried his best?

The bad mood doubled again. (to be continued)

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