Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1892 Please wake up the pink hair

Coming out of the operating room, Chi Feichi continued to change the dressings of other animals, and was also busy until dark.

Soon, news came from Jun Tobe, saying that there was an operation arrangement at Machi Hospital, and I'm afraid I couldn't come here.

After dark, two witnesses, Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Subaru Okiya, saw the Shiba Inu being sent to the incinerator and prepared to go back after the incineration was over.

They watched it for a day, and their mood was not so heavy. They probably understood the thoughts of these animal doctors and tried their best. In the mood.

On this trip back, Subaru Okiya drove the car instead, took Chi Feichi and Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was eating rice to Dr. Feichi felt that a certain fanmao was very considerate.

After all, they can't expect Dr. A Li, who has spent a whole day in the laboratory and even forgot the time, to be able to cook...

After the meal, a group of people slowly drank iced apple juice.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki talked about the flying boat incident, and also talked about the big and small things that he encountered when he went to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes two days ago because of this incident, including some reminders from the police where there are thieves and watch out for theft.

Chi Feichi sat aside, staring at the phone with downcast eyes, typing and replying to emails with one hand, and taking a sip of juice from time to time with the other hand.

Dr. Ali heard that there was a theft incident in Kashido-cho recently, and said worriedly, "Feichi, you haven't been back for several days, do you want us to accompany you back to have a look?"

"No, the apartment building I live in is highly secure, and it's difficult for thieves and break-ins to get in," Chi Feichi sent an email without looking up, "and there's nothing valuable at home."

If a thief dared to walk into his house, he would see a strangely turned on TV, a wall of scary dolls, and he might be scared to death by Xiaomei.

Thinking of the strict management of Chi Feichi's apartment, Dr. A Li no longer worried, and said with a relieved smile, "That's right, it's not that residents of your apartment building can't sneak in at all."

Yueshui Nanatsuki poked Feichi who was drinking water on the table, suddenly remembered Hui Yuanai's instructions, turned around and asked, "Mr. Chi, is it time for your reexamination? Qingshan Fourth Hospital has called you Have you called?"

Chi Feichi paused with his fingers, and quickly continued typing on the phone without changing his expression, "I called in the morning, but I was busy and didn't receive the call. The hospital then sent an email, asking me to find time to review it soon. "

"Then when are you going to go for a review?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki observed Chi Feichi's expression.

Xiao Ai told her that Mr. Chi was not only unwilling to take medicine, but also not active in reexamination.

Considering that Mr. Chi's condition has been improving, it is not unacceptable not to take the medicine, but the re-examination can check Mr. Chi's recent condition, and it will not have negative effects, so he has to go.

Chi Feichi thought about what should come and couldn't hide. After sending the email, he put away his mobile phone and said to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Tomorrow is Fujimori's birthday, and Shirakawa is going to propose. I'll meet him tomorrow morning and wait for the recheck." Let's talk about it when it's over."

"Marriage proposal?" Okiya Subaru looked sideways at Chi Feichi.

What email Mr. Chi sent before, he didn't intend to peek.

Anyway, in the past two days, he also heard that Mr. Chi made a phone call, either with Haibara Ai, Mori Ran, Koshimi Nanatsuki, and Oda Kiritoshi, or the person in charge of the Maike Group in Tokyo and the person in charge of the Tokyo Umbrella E-Sports Park. , the dean of the Machi Pet Hospital, the director of the zoo, or even people from the movie theater, or calls from some consortium families who invited to participate in the event, not about the current situation, but about work matters.

Emails, text messages, UL chat messages, he can occasionally have a chance to glance at them, probably those are the contents, there is nothing worth paying attention to at all.

Conversely, if Mr. Chi secretly contacts other people, it will be hidden very deeply. It is useless for him to pay attention to those emails. It is better not to do such strange little tricks.

Therefore, he might as well gossip about daily events, at least he can continue to draw closer.

"It's an artist from THK..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, and seeing that Chi Feichi didn't mind her speaking out, she briefly talked about the company's artist group man's proposal and Chi Feichi's plan. He went to help with the planning, but he didn't mention Chi Feichi's strange request of "listen to my arrangements".

The chat didn't last long. After drinking apple juice, a group of people cleared up the table and went out for a walk. By the way, they also wanted to send Yue Shui Nanatsuki back.

After walking back and forth, Dr. A Li consciously started stretching exercises and skipping rope after he got home. With such a positive attitude, Chi Feichi wanted to give Dr. A Li more training.

In the end, considering Dr. A Li's weak constitution, Chi Feichi reluctantly gave up his thoughts.

When Dr. Ali was exercising, Okiya Subaru didn't run back to Kudo's house, he did sparring with Chi Feichi, and followed him around the yard, preparing to end the day's training, "Does Mr. Chi do physical training like this every time?"

"If there is no doctor, I will go to the park to practice boxing." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Fenmao has really changed. Before, he ran back to Kudo's house to hide in a short time. In the past two days, he can almost go from morning to night, without worrying about the disguise on his face?

Dr. A Li wiped the sweat from his head with a towel, looked at the two people who were neither red nor out of breath, looked down, and saw that even Feichi was crawling along with them in high spirits, and was immediately hit, and said helplessly, "Feichi Chi, when you say that, it really feels like I'm dragging you down."

Chi Feichi felt that Dr. A Li was acting good because he got cheap, "How about the truth, Doctor, you know it well, so I don't need to explain it clearly?"

Dr. Ali: "..."

No, it has been made obvious.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

As long as he adapts to Mr. Chi's occasional 'sincerity', Mr. Chi is actually a very good person.


next morning.

Shirakawa Jiro called Chi Feichi at nine o'clock, and then drove himself to the intersection where Dr. Ali's house was located to pick him up.

Seeing that Dr. A Li was still in the laboratory, Chi Fei didn't bother him. After leaving a conveniently heated lunch for Dr. A Li, he went out to the intersection to find Jiro Shirakawa. Just as he was about to get in the car, a certain fan followed him.

"Mr. Okiya, I'm not going to the shelter today."

"I know," Okiya Subaru squinted and smiled, pushed his glasses, and looked at Shirakawa Jiro, "You are going to participate in this Mr. Shirakawa's marriage proposal, right? I want to ask if there is anything Need help."

Friends, is to help each other, come and go.

Chi Feichi reminded calmly, "I've been taking you around for a while recently, and I'm worried that it will delay your graduation from graduate school."

Please be sober, don't forget that you still have the status of a 'graduate student', and follow him every day, what does it look like?

Okiya Subaru suddenly woke up, worried that his identity would be exposed, so he could only smile, "Well, I do have something to do this afternoon, so I won't cause trouble with the past, but if necessary, Mr. Chi can contact I."

Chi Feichi nodded, and waited for Subaru Okiya to turn around and leave before getting into the car and closing the door. Seeing that Shirakawa Jiro had been looking at Subaru Okiya, he explained, "He won't talk nonsense."

"Ah, no, I'm not worried about this," Shirakawa Jiro looked away, scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "It's just that there are so many people worrying about my affairs, I'm really embarrassed, and I'm thinking about whether I should treat everyone to dinner afterwards. Meal..."

Oda Kiritoshi was also sitting in the passenger seat, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned his head and said, "Feichi, Bai Chuan has already gone to the cake shop to pick up the cake, and the proposal ring and confession letter are also ready. I have prepared the confession fireworks and confession letter for him." The bouquets that decorate the corridors are hidden from Fujimori. Yesterday Shirakawa deliberately rejected Fujimori’s birthday invitation. When the time comes, we will ask the TA-Q-BIN delivery staff to send the gift boxes containing the cake, confession letter and ring. Fujimori will be very pleasantly surprised when he sees it , ran out to look for Bai Chuan, at that time, she would see bouquets and balloons arranged in the corridor, and Bai Chuan was waiting at the end of the corridor, when he saw her, he approached her affectionately and asked her if she was Yes, I will take her to the roof of the apartment building to watch the confession fireworks at the end, so there should be no need to prepare any more, right?"

Isn't Feichi surprised? He actually got involved and prepared a lot of things in advance.

Who told Feichi to value sex over friends? He wants Feichi to have nothing to do to help him!

Chi Feichi looked at Toshiya Odagiri's embarrassing face, and said calmly, "Go to the department store."

After going shopping in the department store, the three of them stayed in the restaurant of the mall for lunch, and then went to a park. The other two watched Chi Feichi sit in the car and assemble the things he bought.

Take apart the cold-proof vest, add a layer of iron plates, and fill the outer part with bags containing artificial plasma...

After the preparations were completed, Chi Feichi handed the modified vest to Jiro Shirakawa in the front seat, "Take it, and put it on under the clothes."

Shirakawa Jiro took the vest and looked it up curiously.

Oda Kirito was also taken aback, touched his chin and said, "Do you want Bai Chuan to act in the scene of 'the hero saves the beauty and hurts himself' by the way? Given the boyfriend and girlfriend relationship they have been dating for many years, there should be no need for this, right? It will make Fujimori worry, and Fujimori may be angry if he finds out that he was cheated afterwards, your idea is not very good."

"If she gets angry, just push it on my head. Just say that I want to see Bai Chuan's acting skills. Before that, Bai Chuan told her about signing with the company and playing the leading role in the movie. It also made her feel at ease about the future and let her Knowing that Bai Chuan can take care of their future," Chi Feichi looked at Bai Chuan Jiro flickeringly, "So, you have to behave well, but whatever happens in front of you, just pretend to be dead."

"Ah, yes..."

Shirakawa Jiro felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about what Chi Feichi said made sense, he went to the toilet in the park, put on a vest under his clothes, and accepted Chi Feichi's inspection to see if he would hit you. I went to the TA-Q-BIN delivery office to send the gift box, and was quickly called to the park by Fujimori.

Outside the park, Oda Kirito and Chi Feichi were also hiding in the car. Watching the two meet, Sui Suinian was worried that Jiro Shirakawa couldn't help but say it in advance, and soon saw Jiro Shirakawa running out of the park in a hurry, and was a little surprised. Shirakawa Jiro called.

"Hey, Bai Chuan, you..."

"Holding, sorry, President," Jiro Shirakawa ran out of breath on the other side of the phone, "Asiko, she has a heart condition, and... she didn't bring her medicine, and she recklessly forgot the key. Only I can climb in from the outside. I went into the house from the balcony to help her...Her home is nearby, and when I deliver the medicine to her, I will find a way to meet you!" (To be continued.)

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