Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1894 Can't help myself

The apartment is downstairs.

Chi Feichi saw Yueshui Nanatsuki fall down after him, and waited for a while before going out with Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Behind the window next to it, the doorman in the duty room on the first floor of the apartment building looked at the two suspiciously, but they completely ignored them.

"Where are you planning to go?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked, turning her head to the side.

Chi Feichi lowered his head and took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and bit it, "There is no arrangement."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's eyes lit up, and he suggested with a smile, "Then let's just go for a walk, whatever you go, how about it?"

"Ok." Chi Feichi took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, and asked again, "Are you hungry? If you feel hungry, let's find a place to eat first."

"Please, it's not yet six o'clock in the afternoon," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, "In your heart, I'm not a girl who only wants to eat, right?"

"how come."

At dusk, the sky is bright orange.

The rays of the setting sun beside the two of them were tightly blocked by the left and right buildings, leaving a shady area.

When Chi Feichi left the shady area, he took out a pair of sunglasses from his coat pocket and put them on, before walking into the street covered with hazy light by the setting sun.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki followed, turned his head and looked curiously at Chi Feichi's 'sunglasses, black clothes and cigarettes, he is not a good person at first glance' attire, a little dumbfounded, "You...why are you wearing sunglasses all of a sudden?"

Chi Feichi looked at the much clearer world under the sunglasses, and said softly, "In order to hide our weaknesses."

"Weakness?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was puzzled, looked up from the gap in the frame, and looked at Chi Feichi's eyes with special pupils.

What sunglasses can cover are the eyes.

"I hate yellow, and I don't like orange very much. In a world full of this color, the outlines of objects I see will be blurry." Chi Feichi walked on the street with a soft voice, "This is Enough to kill my weakness."

Yueshui Nanatsuki suffocated slightly, looked left and right, walked up to Chi Feichi's side, kept a calm look, and whispered, "You said it is a weakness that can kill you, so don't Just say it."

"It's okay to tell you," Chi Feichi said, looking sideways at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "Just keep it a secret from others, including Conan's children."

He can't help himself either.

I dare not expose myself completely in front of others, I can only expose the things under my mask bit by bit, observe the other party's reaction at any time, wait to confirm that the other party will not betray or take advantage of it, and then uncover a little bit below, during the period. If you doubt it, you will immediately withdraw your hand from the mask.

Even, the process of exposing was uncomfortable for him. The behavior of breaking through the hidden nature made him lose a sense of security like skinning, but he also thought that there must be at least one person in the world who can see What he really looks like.

The little girl he once knew with Qiyue, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki who sneaked to the hospital after the reunion to find a tree with a message engraved on it, the girl he has a crush on, is probably the most suitable candidate.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. Of course, I can't kill you..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, suddenly remembered Fujimori Asako who tried to kill Shirakawa Jiro, and said firmly, "Absolutely not."

She could imagine Miss Chaozi's mood, but she couldn't understand Miss Chaozi's behavior.

That person who is like the sun in her heart, she couldn't bear to let his light be damaged a little, not to mention the kind of thing that would completely lose his light and be covered by dust, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that it was too much.

If there is a time when she has to face a choice, even if she dies, I hope that person will always be dazzling.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu sighed inwardly, looked up at the street illuminated by the setting sun, and suddenly squinted his eyes to look at the display board at the entrance of the store in front of him, "Actually, the sunset light can easily blur people's vision, I see the outline of objects It's not too clear, could it be that you are too nervous?"

"What I see is much blurrier than normal people." Chi Feichi took off his sunglasses and looked at the fuzzy white square at the entrance of the store. "I can't read the words on it at all."

"Wait, don't put on your sunglasses yet," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stopped Chi Feichi from putting on the sunglasses, turned to look at Chi Feichi curiously, and pointed at himself, "Look at me, you can see my face clearly ?"

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki's shining eyes under the setting sun, especially his blurred face reflected in those eyes, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, "It's a bit's not too serious at such a short distance."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, before turning his head to look at the road ahead, he kept walking, "The situation is really not that bad..."

Before Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped on the empty sidewalk steps, Chi Feichi quickly reached out and grabbed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's arm.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's left foot had already stepped on the ground, and with the strength of Chi Feichi's pull, he stabilized his weightless and forward body, only to realize that he almost fell, and he couldn't help sweating, "Yeah, it's not completely watching Don't you know?"

Chi Feichi let go, put on the sunglasses again, and said calmly, "I can't see the steps with such a big drop."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

(x ェ x)

But she almost fell.

Is Mr. Chi mocking her for not being able to see the steps?

The two didn't go across the road any more, and turned to the street on the left at will.

Yueshui Nanatsuki walked along the road, and then talked about Chi Feichi's blurred vision, "Have you been to the hospital? For example, for an eye examination."

"There is no abnormality in the annual physical examination, whether it is the eyes or the optic nerve," Chi Feichi said truthfully. "It should be a genetic disease. As long as the males of the Field family are born with purple eyes, they will be at risk of blindness."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's heart trembled, her throat was a little tight, and the voice she spoke was so soft that she couldn't hear it clearly, " it..."

Chi Feichi comforted, "But they will all be completely blind before the age of five, and now I only have blurred vision in certain light."

"Can you find a solution?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought that if there was a way, Chi Fei would have gone for treatment sooner or later, she was silent for a while, and her tone became lighter, "There will always be a way to cure, and, you are not blind now, In the future, it is unlikely that you will be blind, at most, the special light will not have much impact on your eyesight, and in this case, as long as you wear sunglasses, you will be fine, right?"

"I think so," Chi Feichi looked at the sunset light that was gradually disappearing in the sky, "the solution may have been there long ago, but I haven't touched it."

"Huh?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't quite understand the last sentence, and looked at Chi Feichi in doubt.

"It's nothing, it's just that there are so many people doing scientific research. In a certain corner, someone may have a clue, but I haven't found it yet." Chi Feichi didn't continue this topic, but instead said, "Yes. I haven't asked you yet, how have you been these years since we separated?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled the afternoon when he was separated when he was a child, and looked down at the road under his feet, "Frankly speaking, I knew that for a long time after my mother passed away, my mind was muddled, as if I returned to Fukuoka in a trance, in a trance, My mother has been buried. I don’t even remember whether I cried at the funeral. It wasn’t until one day when I went back to school that I saw those classmates accompanied by their mothers during the freshmen’s orientation activities. I woke up suddenly. come over……"

Seeing that it was almost dark, Chi Feichi took off his sunglasses and put them back in his jacket pocket, and pressed the burnt cigarette onto the roadside trash can.

Yueshui Nanatsuki stopped, looked at the street lights on the side of the road and Chi Feichi who lowered his head under the street lights, his eyes softened, and he smiled softly, "Sometimes it's sad, yes, but getting through The most difficult days, just think about it, when you can't hold on, tell yourself to hold on..."

Chi Feichi threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, turned to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "I said so."

"Yeah," Koshimizu Nanatsuki continued to walk forward and said with a smile, "At that time, I thought you were so powerful, and what you said must be right, so I just comforted myself like this, and when I grow up, everything will be fine. It got better."

"Am I right?" Chi Feichi asked.

"It seems to be so. Looking back now, I feel that many things have slowly gone away," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with emotion. When he arrived at the bridge, he saw the bright lights on the bridge across the river in the night. After taking a step, he stopped, turned around and stretched out his hand to support the guardrail, and asked sideways, "What about you? How have you been these years?"

Chi Feichi also stopped by the bridge, looking at the bridge dotted with lights on the opposite side, his soft voice seemed to be blown away by the night wind, "It was like having a very long dream, most of the time, he was using the Body, occasionally I come out."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was startled, and realized what Chi Feichi meant, "He...? At that time, did you already have symptoms of split personality?"

"It was earlier than that, but other people didn't know it, and I only knew it not long ago," Chi Feichi stared at the light in the distance, "It was me you met that day, but now I am me, and he is also me. "

"That's right, I heard that your multiple personalities have healed," Koshimi Nanatsuki felt miraculous and sighed, thinking that Chi Feichi must have forgotten her all these years, but just remembered that her personality was sleeping, and he felt better. Little, said with a smile, "Whether it's you or the 'he' you mentioned, you are all alone now, or in other words, you are a complete you now, right?"

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "You can also say that."

For this body, it can be considered complete only if it has two memories dominated by him and the original consciousness.

"Then..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned his head and asked hesitantly, "Has no one discovered that you have this condition?"

She wanted to ask Chi Feichi's parents if they had found out, but she thought that this question was redundant, so she simply didn't ask again.

An abnormality has already appeared in one person, and the two personalities use their bodies interchangeably. If no one finds out for more than ten years,'s too lonely.

"Someone knows." Chi Feichi affirmed.

As soon as Yueshui Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, he heard a whisper from Night Breeze beside him.

"One time when the state was not right, many people were killed..."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Mr. Chi really trusted her, and he directly confessed that he had killed a lot of people.

However, Mr. Chi, can you stop saying'kill' in such a cold tone, it feels like an emotional executioner is talking coolly next to her.


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