Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1895 Is Mr. Chi still mentally normal?

"They helped me hide it," Chi Feichi whispered, "No one found out what I did that night, at least so far."

"Them?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki frowned, a little worried, "Ordinary people would not choose to help hide this kind of thing, would they? It would be nice if they don't get frightened. If you help hide it, either the relationship is very close, or There are plots against you, you say 'they', it means that more than one person knows and conceals it, it should be..."

"Yue Shui," Chi Feichi interrupted, and under the surprised and puzzled eyes of Yue Shui Nanatsuki, he said seriously, "These things are secrets, don't tell them, and don't continue to guess."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt that she was being murdered, and whispered aggrievedly, "I know..."

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki's expression of "I'm wronged but I dare not say it", the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, his eyes softened because of the smile, but his tone of voice was not very friendly, "You won't betray me, will you?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki listened to the gentle tone, and then looked at Chi Feichi's smiling face. There was a chill behind his back, but he was unwilling to be threatened, turned his head to look at the opposite bridge, and raised his chin slightly, "Of course not, I want Keep this handle to threaten to blackmail you!"

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, took another cigarette out of his pocket and bit it, with a wider smile in his eyes, "You have no evidence, and I'm crazy, you'd be an idiot if you believed it."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."


Mr. Chi's complacent look made people angry, but she couldn't refute it, and even suspected that 'killing many people' was Mr. Chi's imagination, and...

Is Mr. Chi still mentally normal now?

"It seems that a lot of people were killed after that." Chi Feichi looked down at the rushing river under the bridge, and did not rush to light a cigarette. There is nothing worth talking about about the life experience of high school and college.”

"There's nothing worth mentioning, right? It's just that it's not so surprising compared to murder," Nanatsuki Koshimizu said, and asked in a low voice, "Did the 'they' you mentioned take those things? threatened you?"

Chi Feichi thought for a while, at least under the circumstances that he is very cooperative, the one who mentioned those things did not mean to threaten, "No."

Yueshui Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help reminding, "Have you ever thought that murdering, being discovered, and being concealed by others may be your imagination? Think about it, killing people Especially more than one murder, how can it be so easy to hide, maybe those things don't exist at all?"

"It's not a fantasy." Chi Feichi said seriously.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki reached out and scratched the hair on the back of her neck, and looked at the opposite bridge with confusion in her eyes.

Even if Mr. Chi was sure, she still felt that she needed to be skeptical.

It's not that he suspects that Mr. Chi lied to her, but that Mr. Chi can't even distinguish between reality and illusion.

But Mr. Chi doesn't seem to want to talk about it. She doesn't know the details, and she can't prove it. Just like what Mr. Chi said, no one will believe her when she tells it, and some people will laugh at her for believing it. If the snake is sick, laugh at her stupid...

Chi Feichi saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was about to be ruined, so he didn't continue this topic, and instead talked about the game situation of the Huihara Ai team.

In the semi-finals in Japan, eight teams drew lots for the knockout round. The schedule has a total of four days, with two games a day, so there is plenty of time.

Haibara Ai's team and Suzuki Jirokichi's team have both passed the knockout round. The remaining two teams, one is a non-public security team recruited by the Royal Knights, and the other is a field team that did not have the support of capitalists before.

Logically speaking, some established families in Kyoto and other consortiums in Japan also have the capital to form an excellent team. Unfortunately, those people didn't pay much attention to e-sports before. After discovering that this wave is hotter than expected, it is already too late.

Even now, some old families in Kyoto are still hesitating and waiting to see, thinking that this kind of game is really inferior to traditional Japanese skill competitions, and rashly intervening is a shame.

However, some consortiums considered the business opportunities behind them and started to recruit the wild team. Even among the four teams that were eliminated, some teams who did not have strong capital support behind them also started to contact them.

The captain of the wild team was very sober, and decided to wait for the game to be completely over before negotiating with those capitals about signing contracts. This is the way to maximize profits, and the premise is that the confident team can get good results in the end.

And after the divisional semifinals, there was a one-day break, and then the four teams took turns to play a match, and each team had to compete with the other three teams.

In each game, the two teams accumulate points based on the number of kills, team economy, and victory. Winning three games, the performance in the game is not as good as another team that only won two games, and the points may also be surpassed.

At this point, not only depends on the strength of the team members, but also depends on the team's judgment on the strength of the enemy and the enemy, and its own positioning. It is determined whether to fight for the first place or keep the top three, and then formulate corresponding tactics for scoring points. The accident occurred, I believe that during this period of time, apart from the competition, those teams gathered together to have a meeting to analyze and discuss countermeasures.

Among these four teams, one team will miss the top three, and the final team representing Japan in the global finals will be the champion team.

The recent atmosphere in the e-sports park should be very interesting, and there may be a lot of open swords and dark arrows offline.

When his sister called him, even he kept the small calculations in her heart hidden from him. She never said what the team's goal was. It's just that the finals are halfway through, and the results will come out in two days. Based on the current game performance However, Haihara Ai's team didn't seem to intend to grab the championship, and set their sights on second place.


Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood on the bridge for a while, talking about the game in the e-sports park, and some trivial things in Mihua Town recently. The wind was almost blowing, and then they wandered back to Fujimori Asako's place. apartment.

Before the two of them went downstairs, they saw two police cars parked at the entrance of the apartment from a distance, and heard Mu Mu Shisan's roar.

Mumu Shisan and other policemen stood beside the car, talking to Mori Kogoro and others who were standing at the entrance of the apartment building, and found that after the two came back, everyone except Fujimori Asako and Shirakawa Jiro, who had tears on their faces, all voted for them. Resentful eyes.

Conan and Odagiri Toshiya stared: "..."

The matter was resolved, and these two people came back, and the timing was really accurate.

Mori Kogoro, stare: "..."

Nanatsuki also helped to deceive people when his apprentice made this kind of "fake death" incident, and he thought Shirakawa Jiro was really dead before he was harmed.

Mao Lilan, stare: "..."

It made her feel sad for a long time looking at Miss Chaozi who was crying bitterly.

Shocked by the murder incident and feeling sorry for the pair of fateful mandarin ducks, suddenly Jiro sat up from the ground wearing that zombie mask, they were in a mess of fright, she almost dragged Conan out of the door, Fei Chi could imagine Was it the situation?

Eyes thirteen, staring at: "..."

After receiving a call to the police that someone had been killed, they hurried over. As soon as he entered the door, he was facing the end of the sleeping Kogoro's performance. Before he could figure out what was going on, the dead man on the ground suddenly sat up.

After listening to other people's explanations for a long time, he finally figured out what was going on. While thinking 'it's great that no one died', at the same time, there was annoyance that was hard to vent in his heart.

After all, premeditated murder is a fact, it's just that it didn't have to make them rush over in the first place.

Can this group of people understand that he can't explain the reason, but just wants to curse?

Under the collective gaze, Koshimizu Nanatsuki stopped, tried to look innocent, and looked back.

Chi Feichi took a step forward and didn't go any further. Looking at Shirakawa Jiro and Fujimori Asako who were standing together, he asked calmly, "Aren't you going to pursue it?"

Shirakawa Jiro was taken aback for a moment, and realized that Chi Feichi was asking himself about the person involved, raising his head and scratching his head, "Yes, yes, this matter is my fault, I only wanted to surprise Chaozi, but didn't consider Chaozi's Mood and feelings, how can I go after what she did?"

Fujimori Asako looked up at Shirakawa Jiro, with tears welling up in her eyes again, "Jiro, I'm sorry..."

other people:"……"

Please stay away from these two people, okay?

"Cough," Oda Qiemin also coughed dryly, and his eyes could no longer hold any grudges. He spread his hands and said, "Bai Chuan is fine, it's just that he hit the back of his head and swelled up. It will cause a lot of trouble if this matter gets out, so I have already Please keep it a secret from the police and Mr Mori."

This incident could have been used to increase Shirakawa Jiro's popularity, but in that case, many people would scold Fujimori Asako, and Shirakawa Jiro would not be in the mood to work anymore.

After thinking about it, he decided not to make a fuss about this matter, it's better to sell Shirakawa Jiro as a favor.

Anyway, they were all acquaintances present, and now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, there will be no such thing between Shirakawa Jiro and Fujimori Asako in the future. If he says hello, the police can treat everything as if it happened.

If you want a topic, the company can help Shirakawa Jiro arrange it. Even the topic of Shirakawa Jiro and Fujimori Asako getting married is enough to work. Although there will definitely be people who are not optimistic about this couple and some extreme remarks will attack the two, but As long as the story of the two people's love and mutual support for many years is released, it will probably be able to guide the wind direction to "Jiro Shirakawa's dedication and affection".

Well, he thought that Feichi should be able to understand his plan.

Chi Feichi didn't think much about it, but nodded to Oda Kirito as well, expressing his support.

Whether or not it will be spread, and whether it will be spread, is something that Oda Kirito should also worry about, he doesn't care.

Mu Mu Shisan stared at Chi Feichi and took a deep breath.

When other people guessed that Mu Mu Shisan wanted the lion to roar and scold others, and tacitly stayed away from Mu Mu Shisan, Mu Mu Shisan eased his expression and walked forward with a smile, "Brother Chi, let's leave this as it is." , no one was injured, no one died, this is already the best result, and thanks to you, a tragedy was avoided..."

other people:"……"

It makes sense to say so, but why did Officer Mumu spray them one by one before?

Is it because Chi Feichi accidentally hit and saved someone? Or is it because these unlucky ghosts let Officer Mu Mu vent his anger, and now Officer Mu Mu has calmed down?


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