Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1896: Strange Story of the Fourth Castle Peak Hospital (1)

Chi Feichi also felt that Mu Mu Shisan's reaction was not right, he was wary of the lion's roar that might erupt suddenly, and said politely, "It's just a coincidence."

"Anyway, you helped Mr. Bai Chuan put on that vest by mistake," Mu Mu Shisan said to Chi Feichi with an awkward smile on his face, "You seem to be having a birthday party Banquet, if you want to plan any marriage proposal, then we won't bother you."

"Officer Megure, are you planning to go back now?" Mori Kogoro asked.

"Police officers, please come here for our business," Shirakawa Jiro said apologetically, "If you have time, please stay and have a light meal."

"No, we have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department, let's get together."

After Mu Mu Shisan finished speaking, he got into the car, and the two police cars drove away quickly.

Chi Feichi recalled the smile on Mu Mu Shisan's face just now, but until the two police cars drove away, he couldn't figure out what kind of emotion was hidden in that smile.

That smile was a bit forced, and it didn't seem like he was planning something in his heart, but rather like...

Have to smile?

With the character of Police Officer Mumu, he only looks at right and wrong, not friendship or status, if you want to spray him, just spray him, there is no need to put on a smiley face, right?

Mori Kogoro and others couldn't figure it out either, and soon they gave up thinking about it, and went back to the apartment building to attend Fujimori Asako's birthday party.

Shirakawa Jiro's proposal plan was exposed in the way of "lying his own body on the ground". Although he felt that the proposal experience was too bizarre, he still followed the previous arrangement, arranged rose bouquets and balloons in the corridor, and seriously proposed to Asako Fujimori , and took Fujimori Asako and others to watch the fireworks on the rooftop of the apartment.

Generally speaking, if you don't look at the process but only look at the result, the marriage proposal activity can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

At night, Chi Feichi, who returned to Dr. Ali's house for a short stay, suffered from insomnia. He kept thinking about Mu Mu Shisan's abnormality, and finally used his left eye to connect to the ark to consume energy before he managed to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, just after Chi Feichi brought Dr. Ali back home from his morning exercise, Subaru Okiya came to visit him next door, holding a covered tray in his left hand and a shopping bag from a convenience store in his right.

"Mr. Subaru?" Seeing Subaru Okiya's appearance, Dr. Ali hurriedly stepped aside, "Please come in!"

"Excuse me," Okiya Subaru, still wearing an apron, entered the door with a tray in his left hand and a bag in his right, his tone still gentle, "I've been eating at the doctor's house recently, so I want to help with something, I heard that Mr. Chi is going to The hospital re-examined, when you went out for morning exercises, I made breakfast... Mr. Chi, what's wrong?"

Chi Feichi withdrew his staring gaze at Okiya Subaru, and left the cooking table without changing his expression, "It's nothing."

He just felt that Okiya Subaru looked like a conscientious waiter and a house husband, which was somewhat surprising.

Although everyone needs to have their own life after work, Fenmao has been living too much recently. He either comes to eat and exercise, cooks with him, goes to pet shelters, and now makes things to deliver to his door. It seems that there is nothing else to do every day.

Does Fenmao still remember that he was the pussy Akai Shuichi?

Okiya Subaru couldn't guess what Chi Feichi's gaze meant just now, but felt that it gave him an indescribable awkward feeling. He put the tray and bag on the dining table, lifted the lid on the tray, "I made sauce Fragrant cakes and snow crab custard, and I went to the convenience store to buy milk."

Chi Fei arrived at the dining table late, looked at the steaming sauce pancakes on the tray, observed the flat and crispy yellow skin, and commented, "Great progress."

Fenmao's pancakes are much better than Hattori Kuropi's.

Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and smiled, "I practiced in private."

Chi Feichi looked at the snow crab custard again, and found that the appearance was also impeccable, "It's a pity that I still have a physical examination today, and I have to go to the hospital on an empty stomach in the morning."

"Ah, I've considered this too," Okiya Subaru continued to squint and smile, "I think Miss Koshimizu will accompany Mr. Chi to the hospital today, so I, the doctor, and Miss Koshimizu will do it for me."

Dr. Ali nodded with a smile, "Natsuki said that he would go to the hospital with Feichi, and he also agreed to come over early this morning! I was thinking just now that Feichi can't have breakfast. If he helps us finish it I just watched us eat breakfast, and I felt really sorry, so I might as well go to Polo Café with Nanatsuki and have some casually, but since Subaru-san has already prepared breakfast, I won’t shirk it.”

Chi Feichi turned around and left the table, "You guys eat, I won't watch."

Fenmao has prepared portions for three people, except for him as the cooking master. Is this appropriate?

Forget it, as long as these people are happy.

"Ding dong! Ding dong ding dong!"

The doorbell rang, and Dr. Ali smiled and opened the door, "Here we come... Huh? New..."

At the door, Conan held the skateboard in his hand and stared blankly at Dr. Ali.

Sooner or later, he will be exposed to the mistake of calling Doctor and Hattori!

"Ke, Conan," Dr. A Li quickly changed his words and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Conan suppressed the speechlessness in his heart, and walked in with his skateboard in his arms, "Uncle Xiaowulang and sister Xiaolan are concerned about whether brother Chi's condition is getting better. Of course, I am the same, but sister Xiaolan is going to the school karate club. Uncle Xiaowulang I drank too late with others, and when I went out, he was still sound asleep, so I made an agreement with sister Xiaolan, let me come and take a look."

"But I didn't prepare your breakfast..." Okiya Subaru stroked his chin and looked at the food on the table, seriously considering the distribution plan.

Conan found Chi Feichi sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, put the skateboard in the entrance, and walked over, "It's okay, I ate with sister Xiaolan before going out."

Not long after, Yueshui Nanatsuki also arrived.

Breakfast for five people, three people are eating breakfast, and two people are sitting on the sofa and waiting.

Even though Conan and Chi Feichi chatted about the script of the detective drama, the other three felt very sorry, quickly finished their breakfast, cleared the table and were ready to go out.

Chi Feichi didn't delay either, and took Dr. Ali's Beetle to Qingshan Fourth Hospital.

If there is any further delay, he is worried that the three little devils Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko will also run over, and when a group of people go to the hospital, it will not be like going for a review, but like going to smash the scene!


This re-examination is a regular comprehensive re-examination designated by the Qingshan Fourth Hospital, and it is not enough to just go to the psychiatric department of any hospital.

Since Chi Feichi had made an appointment in advance, upon arrival, Feichi was temporarily handed over to Koshimizu Nanatsuki to receive a routine physical examination.

From the blood routine, liver and kidney conditions, to the examination items of the brain T, the queue continued until three o'clock in the afternoon.

The person in charge of receiving Chi Feichi's group was a male escort with many years of experience in the hospital. At noon, he even ordered lunch for a group of people.

The lunch location was chosen in the garden of the rest area. It was noon, and other patients and doctors were eating lunch. No one wandered in the garden. There were only two families who also accompanied the discharged patients for review, and they scattered on the garden benches for lunch.

All around, the meadow is bright and open under the sun, and the summer trees are luxuriant, providing a place for a group of people to enjoy the cool, and casting scattered light and shadow on the ground.

Dr. Ali looked around while eating and sighed, "As expected of the best mental illness hospital in Tokyo, the environment here is really quiet and peaceful..."


A man's hoarse roar came from the building next door. The voice was extremely sad, followed by loud noises and footsteps of many people running.

Dr. Ali: "..."

The slap came a little too fast.

Chi Feichi took the last bite of the meal without looking up, and muttered, "One o'clock in the afternoon."

On the bench opposite, a middle-aged woman sat down with her husband to eat elegantly, and they smiled and sighed almost at the same time, "Oh, is it already one o'clock in the afternoon..."

"It's a patient in the second section of the inpatient department," the male escort explained helplessly seeing Dr. A Li and others with a dazed look on his face, "He was hit by unemployment, divorce, and was frightened. , would run to the corridor and yell loudly. If he was left alone, he could yell for half an hour. If he took the medicine on time, this would not have happened to him, but he has been hospitalized for more than two years, and the body has already produced Drug resistance, so occasionally the effect of the drug will pass early, if it is not at one o'clock, the effect of the drug will pass, and he will not behave differently from ordinary people, but if it happens at one o'clock..."

No need to go on, everyone else understands.

If it was exactly one o'clock, then the patient would howl like this, and if he didn't control it, he might howl for half an hour.

The middle-aged woman sat on the bench, put down the bento box, put her hands on her knees, her posture was still elegant and decent, but her eyes were shining with gossip, and she smiled at Dr. Ali and others, "Mr. Ono's timekeeping has always been Accurate, if the time is past one o'clock in the afternoon and one o'clock in the morning, he will not shout, for example, he will not shout at one o'clock in the afternoon, so every time he hears his shout, it must be just one o'clock A clock, one second is not bad, it is more accurate than a clock, and he does not rely on the clock when he calls, even if the time displayed on the clock is wrong, he can still call it right."

Dr. Ari, Conan, Okiya Subaru, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki Doudouyan nodded blankly.


It can also be said that it is an ability that ordinary people cannot possess, right?

"It's an amazing human body. It's completely impossible for people to understand how his biological clock is accurately timed," the middle-aged woman sighed, the brilliance in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and she seemed to be full of energy, " But you don’t have to worry, the patients in the second district never attack others or hurt themselves, they are just in unstable condition and are more easily stimulated, so they are classified as hospitalized in the second district.”

"Oh?" Conan couldn't help being curious while holding the bento box, and asked the woman who looked kind, cheerful and talkative in front of him, "Auntie, is there another hospital area and other inpatient areas here?"

Chi Feichi couldn't help but glanced at Conan, didn't say anything, got up and walked aside, making room for this group of people who were not busy eating but busy chatting with others.

Conan: "?"

What kind of eyes did his little friend just look at?

Seeing that there was an empty seat beside Conan, the woman got up with a 'swoosh', and sat down beside her with decent but quick steps. Turning her head, a pair of wrinkled eyes fixedly looked at Conan, with smiles and smiles in her eyes. Excited, "Little brother, you are asking the right person when you ask me!"

The woman's husband followed to the chair helplessly, and explained to the frozen Conan in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, little brother, she just wants to talk to people occasionally, and she likes children very much."

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