Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1900 Return of the Great Demon King Fukuyama

"I saw it in the files of the doctor's office." Chi Feichi stopped at the door of the examination room, looked at Okiya Subaru sideways with extremely calm eyes, but there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "I wanted to secretly I went to see my inspection report, but unfortunately I didn’t find mine, but I saw many other people’s reports.”

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Ok, next question:

As soon as Mr. Chi entered the hospital in the morning, he had a cold face, and he would not speak if he could not speak, and he would ignore their questions. Sometimes, when faced with their problems, he would glance at them coldly, as if he disliked their talkativeness , That is, during the period after meeting Mrs. Kamiya, the conversation suddenly increased, as if they had changed back to the Mr. Chi who they knew who was willing to calmly describe the situation.

Is Mr. Chi sure he does not have bipolar disorder, or has he not switched personalities?

"I'll check."

Chi Feichi put away his smile, handed Feichi to Yueshui Nanatsuki, and walked into the examination room.

Dr. A Li watched the door close, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, "Feichi, this is... did you suddenly feel better?"

"Sometimes I'm depressed and unwilling to communicate with others, and then I'm emotionally high and have a desire to talk. Could it be bipolar disorder?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki guessed uncertainly, "But Mr. Chi is not like Mrs. Kamiya The same changes too much, at least the expression and eyes don't seem to have changed."

"That probably wouldn't be a personality switch," Okiya Subaru rubbed his chin, recalling the change in Chi Feichi's expression in the morning and just now. "Although he smiled just now, it doesn't feel like he's changed into another person."

"Let's wait for the test results to come out," Conan suggested helplessly, "If brother Chi has any problems in this regard, the test should be able to give us an accurate answer..."

"It's hard."

A middle-aged man sighed beside the four of them.

After hearing this voice, Conan remembered the night when he was brought here and underwent various inspections. His whole body froze, and he slowly turned his head in surprise. After seeing the brown trouser legs of the white coat beside him, he looked up look.

As he expected, he saw a face of Fukuyama Zhiming who was somewhat similar to Megushisan, with dangerous hair on his head.

"Fu, Dr. Fukuyama?!"

"Conan, long time no see," Fukuyama Zhiming bowed to greet Conan with a smile, then straightened up, and greeted Dr. Ali, "Mr. Ali, long time no see."

Conan: "..."


Why? Why did the Great Demon King Fukuyama run back?

"Dr. Fukuyama, long time no see." Dr. Ali returned with a warm smile, "I heard from Feichi that you went to study in the United States, did you come back in the last two days?"

"I decided to come back three days ago," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, and turned to look at the middle-aged man in a suit beside him, "This is Mr. Leon Law, a famous criminal psychologist who assisted the Singapore police in arresting He has passed many criminals and is called "Singapore's famous detective". When I was studying in the United States, I happened to meet him to attend a symposium there..."

Hearing the word 'famous detective', Conan immediately shifted his attention and looked up at Leon Law.

Leon Law is of medium build, with a brown vest and a dark coat under a light gray suit. He is neatly dressed, his hair is combed meticulously, and most of his smooth forehead is exposed. It can be seen that the beard on his lips and chin has also been carefully groomed. The demeanor of a sub-elite, although the triangular eyes with raised eye tails make people feel a little difficult to deal with, but the pupils are bright and soft, and there is a smile at the corner of the mouth, which makes people subconsciously ignore the threat brought by the eye shape.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard the word "criminal psychologist", her heart tensed up, and she tried to maintain a calm face, relaxing her whole body and facial muscles little by little.

Why would a psychologist and detective from Singapore come here?

Thinking of what Mr. Chi said 'killed many people', it's no wonder she was uneasy.

Could it be that Mr. Chi committed a crime in Singapore and was chased and investigated?

No, no, the other party may not come to Japan because of this kind of thing.

But before she knew the truth, she was nervous and might be seen as a problem.

Must calm down!

When Conan looked at Leon Law, Leon Law also quickly observed a group of people, ignoring a certain little boy, a certain innocent young girl, a certain short doctor wearing glasses with curiosity written on his face. Pausing on the squinting Okiya Subaru, he quickly smiled and said slowly to Fukuyama Zhiming, "Dr. Don’t mention those false names again.”

"That's the glory that Mr. Leon has obtained by relying on his own ability. How can it be considered a false name?" Fukuyama Shiming smiled, and also looked at Okiya Subaru and Koshimizu Nanatsuki curiously, "Are you two friends of Mr. Chi as well?"

"Hello, both of you. I'm Yue Shui. I'm a fledgling detective. I've been under the care of Mr. Chi, so I accompanied him to the hospital for reexamination today." When Yue Shui Nanatsuki bowed, he specifically mentioned his identity as a detective, trying to use "detective" The unscientific but easily recognized concept of "my friend can't be a criminal" came to put a layer of protection on Chi Feichi, "Please give me your advice!"

"This is Mr. Okiya who lives next door to my house," Dr. Ali also quickly introduced Subaru Okiya with a smile, "He and Feichi get along very well, so he came with me today to see how Feichi is doing."

Okiya Subaru found that the two paid more attention to him, and he was a little worried that he would be seen, but he decided not to show it on his face, as usual, he squinted and smiled, "Hello, both of you."

"I see. It seems that after Mr. Chi left the hospital, he managed to make a lot of friends. This is a good sign," Fukuyama Zhiming sighed with relief, and then said to Dr. Ali, "I'm going to the United States for exchange and study. One of the goals is to solve Mr. Chi's problem. His condition is very complicated. I think that after communicating with a famous psychologist, my level will probably be improved. This time I decided to come back temporarily because I met Leon Sir, he has done some research on hypnosis. He mentioned at the exchange meeting that hypnosis does not necessarily require people to fall asleep. I think that Mr. Chi has always been defensive against me and other psychologists, so I want to try to start from hypnosis. Let him start with the direction so that he can let go of his defenses first and carry out the treatment in a relaxed state of mind, so I asked Mr. Lyon to accompany me back."

"My research on hypnosis is not in-depth, but I only came into contact with it when I was studying. This time I came to Japan, probably only as Dr. Fukuyama's assistant, trying my best to assist Dr. Fukuyama to make Mr. Chi relax, and if Mr. Chi is discharged from the hospital. Made a lot of friends and probably didn't need any hypnotherapy."

Leon-Lao smiled on his face, but he couldn't express the pain in his heart.

If he had known about a sentence at the exchange meeting earlier, Fukuyama Zhiming would be entangled with him, then he would not have said that sentence complacently that day, or, he should not have agreed to communicate with Fukuyama Zhiming in private after the meeting, Should fly back to Singapore immediately.

We are all psychologists. Let’s communicate a little bit. He has learned about hypnosis, but he can’t hide it from Fukuyama Zhiming. Fortunately, he didn’t expose too much, which made Fukuyama Zhiming believe that his level of hypnosis is average, but his ideas are more outstanding.

Exposing too much is not a good thing.

But getting to know Fukuyama Zhiming this time is not a bad thing. He is interested in the sick young master, and he came to Japan to see if there is a chance to find a successor.

If the other party's condition has improved a lot, there is no need for hypnotherapy, but as long as the other party is a person who is easy to accept psychological suggestions, he has a chance.

"Let's confirm it," Fukuyama Zhiming's smile was replaced by doubts, he picked up the printed document in his hand, and looked at two pages with puzzled eyes, "Part of his morning inspection report has come out, and the brain CT seems to be ... different from ordinary people."

"What, what?" Dr. Ali leaned forward, looked at the documents in Fukuyama Zhiming's hand, and became nervous, "Dr. Fukuyama, is there any problem with Feichi's brain examination?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Okiya Subaru also surrounded him, and Conan tried to stretch his neck beside him, but found that he was short now, no matter how hard he tried, it was futile.

Fukuyama Zhiming came back to his senses, smiled and comforted him, "Don't be too nervous, it's not a big problem, it's just that Mr. Chi's brain examination is compared with the previous examination, and some new areas of the brain are more active than before."

Leon Law looked sideways at the report in Fukuyama Zhiming's hand, and said with emotion, "However, for him personally, these areas of the brain are more active than ordinary people, which means that his IQ is higher than ordinary people, and at least his memory will be stronger than ordinary people. It is a good thing, and combined with the previous situation, his memory level is gradually improving. Maybe he has had training similar to improving memory, and he often thinks often, so he stimulates these areas of the brain to develop. It is not yet possible to determine how far his memory will reach."

Conan: "..."

Understood, it means that Chi Feichi's brain development level is improving, right?

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Is there any hope of having a reasoning duel with Mr. Chi in the future?

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Will the distance between them grow further and further, which is frustrating.

Fukuyama Zhiming looked down at the report, frowned, and sighed, "But as far as his mental illness is concerned, it is currently impossible to determine whether it is good or bad. Abnormal brain development may cause unpredictable problems. If this continues, I'm not sure if he's going to suffer from hyperamnesia..."

"Hypermemory?" Dr. A Li confirmed in surprise, "Is it the kind of disease that has a super memory and can remember many details related to itself?"

"Yes, but in contrast to super-strong memory, it is unable to actively control memory. It will uncontrollably remember many details that are not helpful to life, and it will not involuntarily recall past memories. There are often more negative memories than positive ones. Memory can easily cause problems such as depression, anxiety, headaches or insomnia," Leon Law also sighed, "For normal people, hypermemory can also cause a lot of distress, and Mr. Yichi is not currently considered Stable mental state, once the symptoms of hyperamnesia appear, the condition may deteriorate to an unimaginable level."

Dr. A Li doesn't know much about this kind of treatment, so he can only be anxious, "So what should we do now? Is there a way to solve this problem?"

Fukuyama Zhiming and Leon Law looked at each other, with helpless expressions on their faces.

"The cause of hyperamnesia is not yet clear, and his situation may not necessarily cause hyperamnesia, but there is a possibility." Fukuyama Zhiming looked helpless and frowned in confusion, shaking his head, "This kind of Changes, it is really hard to tell whether it is a good thing or a bad thing..."

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