Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1901 A Difficult Patient

"If Mr. Chi develops hyperamnesia, it might be helpful to the current research on hyperamnesia," Leon Lao touched his chin. Pathologically related possibility."

Fukuyama Shiming didn't feel that Leon Law was too realistic to think about this now, he just sighed, "Maybe."

One day, he received a patient. He thought that the young man suffered from depression and multiple personalities due to a blow or setback. Unexpectedly, he found out that he was schizophrenic, accompanied by auditory hallucinations, hallucinations and other symptoms, and some other symptoms. Symptoms of personality disorder, the situation is too complicated for him to judge.

I thought this was a difficult problem, but I didn't expect that the other party's condition was still changing, becoming more and more like the world's number one case, a new disease that can be named by a name, and the complexity is constantly refreshing.

Giving up on patients has never been his style, he understands that he wants to cure Chi Feichi no matter what.

Thinking about it this way, he wouldn't spend his whole life on Chi Feichi, would he?

If Chi Feichi can be cured completely by taking a lifetime, he doesn't think it's a loss, but he suddenly worries that the treatment will not be as fast as the mutation.

"Thanks for your hard work, Dr. Fukuyama," Dr. Ali saw the slight sadness on Fukuyama Zhiming's face, sighed sincerely, and then asked, "What about other problems? Does Feichi have any other problems that need attention now?" ?”

Fukuyama Zhiming withdrew his drifting thoughts, frowned slightly and asked, "I want to know, what happened to the injury on his arm? When I checked the electrocardiogram for him before, the doctor found that there was an injury on his arm. I said it."

"The wound on the arm?" Dr. A Li recalled blankly, and quickly asked with a clear face, "Is it a knife wound near the shoulder? It was because he and the children were involved in the murder, in order to protect the children , he was heavily slashed by the prisoner with a knife."

"The murder incident?" Fukuyama Zhiming was stunned for a moment, and denied, "No, I'm not talking about the injury on the shoulder, but more than one scar on the left arm..."

"Are there many Taos?" Dr. A Li was surprised, and rubbed his chin to recall, "Could it be the serial murder incident related to the Tangben Conservatory of Music before? I remember that Mr. Puhe wanted to kill Feichi at that time, and drove The truck tried to crash into Feichi's car, and Feichi jumped into the truck's compartment filled with gravel, and then the truck crashed into the shop window, his arms should have been scratched by stones or glass, right?"

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

He remembered the surprised and puzzled tone of the examiner when he said 'a lot of injuries', and also remembered the same surprised and puzzled feeling when he saw the photos kept by his colleagues.

There are murders, and there are serial murders... Do you dare to be more scary?

Yueshui Nanatsuki was worried that Chi Feichi had been injured while committing a crime, so he quickly stabilized his mind and began to think about other incidents in which Chi Feichi might have been injured. After knocking down so many people, they might have been injured. Before that, when the villagers attacked us collectively in Osaka and tried to silence the murder, Mr. Chi didn’t seem to be injured..."

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

Very well, the kidnapping by criminal gangs, collective attacks by villagers, and more terrible things are coming.

Seeing that Dr. Ali was distracted, Okiya Subaru reminded softly, "Since Dr. Fukuyama mentioned it, it must be related to Mr. Chi's mental state. In addition, Dr. Fukuyama said that there are more than one scars on his left arm. I think it should be yes……"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu came to his senses, "Have you injured yourself?"

"Uh, I know that..." Conan felt that he should make it clear to the doctor Fukuyama Zhiming, but when the others turned their heads to look at it with scrutiny, they still sweated, and looked up and explained to Dr. Ali, "Probably About two months ago, it was the incident at Tangben Conservatory of Music. When we went to the hospital for bandages, I saw a cut on Brother Chi’s left arm with a sharp weapon. The wound was almost healed at the time, but the scar was still obvious. There are different shades, superimposed and scattered, and the whole is concentrated on the left forearm. I was wondering if he did it himself. He asked me to help keep it secret. I don’t want Huiyuan and everyone to worry, so..."

Dr. Li's face grew more and more angry, and he complained, "It's fine if you don't want the children to worry, at least you shouldn't hide it from me, right? It's been two months, but I don't know it at all. You should consider it anyway." See how I feel!"

Conan was already mentally prepared, and against Dr. Ali's complaints, he smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, sorry, because I think it's useless for too many people to worry, and it may make brother Chi feel uncomfortable because of everyone's attention, so I decided to give it a try again. Watch and let everyone know if he gets worse."

As soon as Dr. A Li heard that it made sense, he lost his anger, and murmured to himself, "No wonder he shied away from going to the hot springs with everyone during this period of time, and he always wears long-sleeved clothes in summer... If I can be more careful , you might have discovered it long ago.”

"Mr. A Li, don't blame yourself. Mr. Chi is a person who is very good at hiding pain. It is impossible for you to let him take off his clothes and check it in a few days. He hides it on purpose, so it's no wonder you didn't find it," Fukuyama Zhiming finished reassuring A Li The doctor bent down to look at Conan again, and asked gently, "Conan, do you know what happened when he cut his arm? Or, did anything special happen during that time?"

Conan tried to think back, but finally shook his head, "I don't know the exact time, and he didn't stay with us all day."

"Is that so?" Fukuyama Zhiming straightened up and sighed again, "But he has encountered too many things recently, right?"

On the side, Fei Chipan was on Koshimizu Nanatsuki's arm, loudly repeating Fukuyama Zhiming's words, "I have only been away for a few months, how come I have encountered so many crimes? I have been injured so many times..."

"We don't want this kind of thing," Dr. A Li raised his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment, "but Feichi keeps running into incidents, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Fukuyama Zhiming recalled the experience of Chi Feichi being sent back several times by temporary residents, and even went to a family to harm a family, and he was speechless for a moment, "Yes, yes, maybe he is not lucky this year...cough, In short, after the routine physical examination is over, Mr. Lyon and I will take over the next psychological examination to confirm his condition first."

Leon Law played the role of the psychologist very seriously, looking sideways at the inspection report in Fukuyama Zhiming's hand, "It seems that the scars were caused by himself, only those on the left arm seemed to be caused at the same time, the scars It wasn’t on the wrist or the deadly part, which means it wasn’t a trial wound for suicide. I think it was because he was in a bad mood that day. He tried it once, and then he got it under control. It’s been more than two months now and there are no new wounds. Depression The possibility of relapse is not high, and even if it recurs, the situation is not very serious..."

Fukuyama Zhiming nodded in approval of Leon Law's judgment, but when he said "control", he suddenly remembered something and asked Dr. Ali, "By the way, has he taken the medicine according to the doctor's advice recently?"

In the examination room, Chi Feichi said "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom" to the examiner, got up quickly, opened the door of the ward, looked at the group of people outside the door, and said, "Eat."

He never expected that Fukuyama Zhiming would run back and bring another psychologist with him.

Police Officer Megure reacted strangely yesterday, probably because the Great Demon Lord Fukuyama met with Police Officer Megure after he came back, and told Officer Megure to take care of his emotions, and Police Officer Meguro gave him such a strange smile meaning.

He found the reason for his restlessness and insomnia last night.

Fortunately, during the physical examination, pets were not allowed to bring in with him, and You Feichi was working as a bug outside, so that he would not be frightened by Fukuyama Zhiming!

Dr. Ali, who didn't know how to answer: "!"

Okiya Subaru: "!"


Did Mr. Chi eavesdrop from behind the door? It was too scary to open the door to answer the phone suddenly.

Conan: "!"


Chi Feichi always scares him!

Leon Law was also taken aback by Chi Feichi's sudden answer. He looked up at Chi Feichi's calm expression and clear eyes, and felt for the first time that what Fukuyama Zhiming had said to him was not exaggerated.

This is indeed a difficult patient...

After Chi Feichi went out, he glanced at Fukuyama Zhiming, Dr. Ali and others, and looked at Leon Law.

A psychologist who knows hypnotherapy is very troublesome.

Leon Law, a criminal psychologist and famous detective from Singapore, later left the police force to work as a business consultant...

This setting is a bit familiar, and the middle-aged man in front of him is becoming more and more familiar to him.

By the way, isn't this Xiao Na who?

It's the big villain in the theatrical version of "The Fist of Cyan Blue", the guy who used a little red rope to make Kyogoku almost fail to punch people.

When he watched the theater version in his previous life, he analyzed that this guy could make Kyogoku really restrained by a red rope tied around his wrist. In addition to psychological hints, he should also have some superb hypnotic skills.

There is no way to achieve that effect so quickly just by breaking other people's defenses and giving psychological hints.

A person who can hypnotize others during their waking hours and is not decent in himself is more troublesome.

The Great Demon King Fukuyama really knows how to find someone.

Leon Lao was uncomfortable being stared at by Chi Feichi, trying to suppress the discomfort in his heart, while thinking about what kind of eyes Chi Feichi was looking at, while pretending to smile nonchalantly, he stretched out his hand towards Chi Feichi, "You are Mr. Chi Right? Dr. Fukuyama said that your pupil color is very special, and you can recognize it immediately."

Fukuyama Zhiming looked at Chi Feichi meaningfully.

It was a coincidence that this kid came out, and he answered his question again, which happened to prevent Dr. A Li from answering. He suspected that this kid hadn't taken his medicine obediently during this time...

Chi Feichi felt the gaze from the Great Demon King. After being familiar with it, his back unconsciously froze for a moment. The movement of his hands was not slow, and he reached out to shake hands with Leon Lao, "Hello."

When Chi Feichi looked over, Fukuyama Zhiming quickly put away his staring eyes and smiled gently and friendlyly, "Mr. Chi, long time no see."

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