Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1902 FBI's Historical Stain

Chi Feichi scolded "Smiling Tiger" in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and responded politely but not too enthusiastically, "Dr. Fukuyama, long time no see."

"By the way, is your examination over?" Fukuyama Zhiming looked into the examination room and asked with a smile, "You didn't listen to us behind the door all the time before?"

Conan and others: "..."

Why is there a feeling that the Shura field is open?

"No," Chi Feichi replied calmly, "I just wanted to go to the bathroom suddenly, and I just heard your question when I opened the door. I was a little surprised why you came back, so I answered without thinking."

"So that's how it is," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile, "It seems that after Mr. Chi was discharged from the hospital, he really became much more cheerful, and he knows how to explain it to others."

Based on his understanding of Chi Feichi, Chi Feichi is not someone who is used to explaining things, and he took the initiative to explain the reason for 'answering by himself instead of waiting for Dr. A Li to answer'. There is a ghost in it!

Chi Feichi followed the words without changing his face, "I have been out for so long, and there are many things that need to be explained, such as the reasoning of some troublesome incidents, I am probably a little used to it."

Conan and others: "..."

There is no need to doubt, I have already felt it, this is the Shura field where swords and swords come and go in the dark.

Leon Law: "..."

He may have despised Fukuyama Zhiming a little before.

He can still laugh so harmlessly when he is clichéd, his psychological quality and acting skills are not average, he'd better be more careful next time.

Fukuyama Zhiming nodded, admitting in his heart that Chi Feichi was a lot more cheerful, at least not as boring as before, as if the world and himself were unreal, so that he couldn't find any flaws in Chi Feichi's answer, " I came back suddenly, didn't I startle you?"

"It was a bit of a surprise." Chi Feichi said.

"I'll come back to check on your situation," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, and turned to look at Leon Law beside him, "Let me introduce, this is a friend I met in the United States, he is a company's business consultant, formerly I’m going to America soon.”

"I know, Mr. Leon, I have the honor to read his book on cultural belief crimes." Chi Feichi looked at Leon-Lao, "Take the historical stain of the FBI's deportation of famous actors as an entry point, and then use George's bigamy in the 19th century After the transition of the case, the narrative and psychological analysis of the Miemen case and the murder case were added, which is really wonderful."

He was targeted by the Great Demon King Fukuyama, and he was not in a good mood. It's okay to bully Fenmao by the way, right?

Okiya Subaru instantly recalled that 'historical stain', and the corner of his mouth twitched indiscernibly.

He had to admit that it was indeed the biggest stain since the establishment of the FBI, and it was one of the stains that were made public...

It all started with the economic depression in the early twentieth century, when the United States was also involved, and the working-class people lived very hard. During that period, the works of a well-known actor were humorous and gave a Many people laughed.

At that time, left-wing intellectuals believed that this actor was the embodiment of the aspirations of the working people and set him up as a role model, which would naturally make the right feel threatened.

Although the FBI's work is mainly to investigate crimes in the United States and crimes that endanger national security, at that time it also launched an investigation against the actor, because "this person has acts of inciting working people, which is very likely to trigger For the reason of cultural belief crime', a lot of manpower was arranged for investigation and surveillance.

For this reason, the FBI also listed many radical activities in the film industry and the influence of cultural beliefs on people. Those can indeed be used as reference materials for "how terrible cultural belief crimes are".

At that time, the FBI's crackdown on crime was not as famous as it is now, and it was once proposed to be 'disbanded', but under such circumstances, the monitoring of the famous actor did not relax.

The reason why it is said to be a stain on the history of the FBI is because the investigation has lasted for decades, and after the two directors have been in office, they have not been able to find out what is wrong with the actor.

There were also many oolong incidents during the period, one of which was no secret to the outside world.

One year, the agent who was monitoring the actor sent back news that the servant next to the actor was a Japanese spy who had repeatedly sneaked around the naval base, and the servant had been with the actor for more than 20 years, and the two had a very close relationship. If the crime of the servant is confirmed, then the then director of the FBI can implicate the actor.

Immediately, the FBI announced the servant's crime: assisting intelligence organizations in other countries to collect intelligence on naval bases.

The servant was arrested and interrogated, but the result was surprising—the servant was an undercover agent sent by the Naval Intelligence Service. Because of the FBI's arrest operation, a plan of the Naval Intelligence Service went bankrupt.

Even if I can tell myself that the operation of the FBI and the US intelligence system was not as standardized as it is now, but when I think of the place where I worked, there was a situation like "I went all out and successfully killed my own undercover agent". Strange thing, he still felt suffocated for a while.

In the end, decades of investigations were fruitless. Taking advantage of the actor leaving the United States to participate in activities, the United States announced that the actor's entry visa was invalidated.

Speaking of which, although the actor has been developing in the United States, he has always retained British nationality. After the entry visa was abolished, the actor was not able to enter the United States for a short period of time until the awards were awarded at the film festival 20 years later. departed.

He had also heard of Mr. Leon's work. At that time, he had not joined the FBI for a long time. Thanks to the publication of this work, his colleagues in the FBI were reluctant to mention their work unit for a period of time.

"Thank you," Leon Law didn't know that there was an FBI agent hiding beside them. He was surprised that Chi Feichi had read his published work, and he had the illusion of an academic exchange. He laughed and joked, "That work is still It caused me a little trouble. After that, it seemed that the FBI agents appeared beside me. After knowing that I had no malicious intentions and just wanted to cite their materials at the time to illustrate the horror of crimes of faith, The investigation against me was lifted, so I was also barred from entering the United States for nearly two years."

It was hard for Conan not to sneak a glance at Okiya Subaru.

Unfortunately, he has also heard of the FBI's investigation of that actor. This is the first time he has heard of the investigation of Leon Law, or from himself...

I don't know if Mr. Akai will be a little embarrassed standing here.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

His face was calm, but he wanted to leave here in his heart.

"Sometimes, the FBI's behavior style is really unflattering." Chi Feichi said another sentence against the FBI. With those things as a foreshadowing, the damage is well-founded. "According to Mr. Leon's conclusion, that actor does not have Characteristics of organizers of cultural belief crimes."

Fukuyama Zhiming saw that the two had such a good chat, his expression was complicated and relieved.

It's a good thing that Mr. Chi has really become more cheerful.

"Yes, but I also made a summary based on the experience and lessons of my predecessors," Leon Law felt that it would be bad for him to spread bad things about the FBI behind his back, so he laughed. Coupled with political pressure, an investigation into that actor was inevitable."

"That's right," Chi Feichi didn't intend to show his hostility to the FBI, a little bit is enough, just like chatting with others, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me."

"Mr. Chi's physical examination is almost finished?" Fukuyama Zhiming raised his hand to look at his watch, and smiled at Chi Feichi, "Wait for the comprehensive report of the physical examination, Mr. Chi's psychological test and mental state evaluation will be done by me. Responsible, if you don’t mind my office not being packed yet, I’ll take everyone to the office to rest and wait for you to come over by the way.”

Chi Feichi nodded and walked to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Faced with Fukuyama Zhiming's invitation to "go to the office for a rest", he accompanied the group of four thinking that Chi Feichi's physical examination would soon be over, so he did not refuse immediately.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki hesitated between 'waiting for Chi Feichi' and 'following the past', but thinking that he was staying with other people, maybe he could hear some news.

If the criminal psychologist sees some problems through the contact just now, she can remind Mr. Chi in time, or help cover up!

When walking to the office, Fukuyama Shiming and Leon Law were still communicating about Chi Feichi's situation.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chi to read my work," Leon Law said with emotion, "Is he interested in studying criminal psychology?"

"Not only criminal psychology, but he has some understanding of psychological knowledge," Fukuyama Zhiming faced the same front scientist, quite frankly, "I think it should be to fight against me."

Dr. Ali reached out and touched his nose.

So isn't the atmosphere of the Asura field he felt just an illusion...

Leon Law choked, "Yes, confrontation..."

"It's good for him." Fukuyama Zhiming smiled indifferently, "I told you before that he has a strong learning ability. After he understands this knowledge, it may help him recognize himself and try it himself. Coming out of a predicament, people will not have any defensiveness towards themselves, will they?"

"Dr. Fukuyama is really a good doctor," Leon Law said with emotion, "But I don't have much research on psychological diagnosis and treatment. If Mr. Chi knows something about this aspect, I'm not sure if I can do it." If he succeeded in letting his guard down, I'm afraid it won't be of much help."

"It doesn't matter, no matter what method, you have to try it before you know if it will work." Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, lowered his head and asked Conan who was beside him, "So, little friend Conan, how are you feeling recently?"

Conan froze, raised his head and said with a smile, "Very, very good."

"That's good," Fukuyama Zhiming keenly observed Conan's nervousness, and smiled, "You don't have to be nervous, I'm not a vicious villain."


Conan responded with a smile on his face, complaining wildly in his heart.

Yes, Dr. Fukuyama is not fierce at all. Although he has a face somewhat similar to that of Police Officer Megure, he always smiles, similar to Dr. Ali, and always gives people a good-tempered feeling.

But in fact, when Dr. Fukuyama asked him that question just now, he suddenly had the feeling that when he was a child, he was called out by a strict teacher to answer, and if he failed to answer, the consequences would be very serious...

How can he not be nervous?

Okiya Subaru followed behind, squinting at Conan secretly through his glasses.

A certain kid with glasses was very nervous just now, and he also noticed that it was really fresh.

A person who would not be nervous in the face of the actions of that organization and murderous criminals, would actually...

"Mr. Okiya?"

Suddenly being called by name, Okiya Subaru raised his eyes to Fukuyama Chiaki who called him, with a slight doubt appropriately showing on his face.

Fukuyama Shiming turned his head and looked at Okiya Subaru with a smile, "You don't have to be too nervous."

Okiya Subaru: "?"

Where is he nervous?

PS: The historical stain of the FBI is a real event. Everyone should have heard the name of the actor. His name is Chaplin

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