Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1903 The Power of the Great Demon King

When Okiya Subaru was puzzled and wanted to explain, Fukuyama Zhiming turned to Okiya Subaru and put his hand on Okiya Subaru's shoulder.

Okiya Subaru froze, and looked at Fukuyama Shiaki in doubt.

"I mean your whole body, don't be too tight," Fukuyama Zhiming felt a moment of stiffness under his palm, and patted Okiya Subaru's shoulder helplessly, and continued to walk forward, "Just now I always felt that you were smiling a little bit. reluctantly……"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Dr. Agasa cast curious eyes at Okiya Subaru.

Okiya Subaru bit the bullet and followed Fukuyama Shiming forward, with a calm smile on his face, "It's not very reluctant, is it?"

Fukuyama Shiming looked at the smile on Okiya Subaru's mouth, shook his head and sighed, "It's not appropriate to say 'barely', it should be said that your smile is more formal."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Just say 'you're smiling fake'!

Very well, he is a little flustered now, worried that all his masks will be taken off.

No, don't panic, think about how to explain this problem.

"You are probably thinking, what reason can you find to explain it?" Fukuyama Zhiming looked at Okiya Subaru with an even more helpless expression.

Okiya Subaru: "..."


Dr. Fukuyama is kind of scary.

Leon Law turned his head, curiously observing the froze smile on Okiya Subaru's mouth, "Different from me, who can only analyze criminal psychology and criminal behavior, Dr. Fukuyama has come into contact with more people of all kinds, and is better at analyzing non-criminal crimes." Psychology, and know how to use behavioral psychology. I just felt that this Mr. Okiya smiled strangely. Even though he looked very gentle, he lacked gentle temperature. After hearing Dr. Fukuyama, I realized that this is indeed Some formal smile."

Okiya Subaru raised his hand and pushed his glasses, the corners of his mouth did not keep smiling, and tried his best to show a helpless and calm expression, "I'm used to it."

The gaze from Fukuyama Chiaki.

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

Nervous, this kid is nervous again.

It's a pity that this kid is very short-sighted, he can't see the pupils in his squinted eyes, otherwise he can accurately tell whether it's because of lying or anxiety.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

This searching look made him uncomfortable.

He was wrong, please ask Dr. Fukuyama to pay attention to Conan, is that okay? If it doesn't work, it's better to talk to Mr. Leon about Mr. Chi's problem.

Fukuyama Zhiming quickly restrained his urge to dig into Okiya Subaru's mind, and explained in a soothing tone, "I know that saying this suddenly will make Mr. Okiya feel embarrassed, even embarrassing..."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Know and say!

"But in some respects, you and Mr. Chi are the same kind of person," Fukuyama Zhiming led the way to the office, and when he turned his head to talk to Okiya Subaru, his eyes became more serious and appeared more sincere, "No matter what your demeanor is Whether it’s indifference or gentleness, you all have a similar sense of tension. When he first entered the hospital, I thought he felt nervous because he changed the environment, but then I discovered that after he adapted to the environment, he still had that tension on his body. This kind of tension is also different from many people, not from inner panic, but from distrust of the environment."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

This time he can answer honestly: it is indeed because of getting used to it.

But because of his identity as an FBI agent, he is used to being vigilant. Why is Mr. Chi? Why do you feel insecure about your surroundings?

Is Mr. Chi's mental illness so serious...

Seeing Subaru Okiya's thoughtful face, Fukuyama Zhiming continued, "I reached out and patted your shoulder just now. I have done this to Mr. Chi before. The two of you have the same reaction, and you are very repulsed by other people's sudden limbs. Contact, or rather, repel unfamiliar people and get too close to oneself."

Conan recalled the incident when Hattori Heiji reached out to touch Chi Feichi and was photographed away, and thought about how Chi Feichi always stayed far away from him and his uncle when he went to the hot spring with Chi Feichi, and expressed his approval in his heart.

That guy Chi Feichi really hates being touched suddenly by others, but Chi Feichi can still take him to bathe and sleep, which shows that the relationship with him is not unfamiliar, it is much better than with other people, right?

Thinking of it this way, he was inexplicably proud.

Chi Feichi must have felt it, he really regarded Chi Feichi as a friend!

With his heart and long-term relationship, Chi Feichi felt that he was more reliable than Hattori.

"I think it's probably because we have all learned self-defense?" Okiya Subaru tried to make up for himself, "Although I am not as good as Mr. Chi, I have learned a little bit of self-defense skills. After training, for a while I feel that anyone who suddenly touches me is an opponent.”

"No, no, that's not the same at all," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled frankly, and didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but just wanted to correct a certain fan's misunderstanding, "I have seen boxers who specialize in professional competitions. Guard against touches from blind spots, and not reject frontal touches, and some people are even happy to hug and hook up with their friends."

Conan nodded silently.

Indeed, it doesn't make sense to explain it by "practicing self-defense". Mr. Kyogoku will not reject frontal contact.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Hey, he seems to be roasted on the fire. This kid still has a bystander attitude of "listening carefully, analyzing carefully and expressing approval". Where is the agreed alliance?

"That's why I said that you and Mr. Chi are similar in some respects. You both maintain a tense attitude towards the external environment, and you are also not easy to accept others. Even if it is others' favor, for you, acceptance also requires It took longer than normal people, let alone compared with that kind of cheerful people," Fukuyama Zhiming said with serious expression, "I suddenly exposed you just now, but I was just wondering if I could get someone from you who can make me feel better." People like you are more likely to accept other people's ways. You don't have mental illness or mental illness, but Mr. Chi does. If he can accept me and tell me his true feelings, I can help him better."

Okiya Subaru thought that Fukuyama Chiaki probably didn't think that pretending was a very important person to him, so he silently forgave Fukuyama Chiaki's debunking behavior in his heart, thought about it seriously, and showed his real helplessness, "This question... Don't know the answer."

How can I quickly accept others?

This question was too difficult for him.

He still remembered that Mingmei confessed to him that day, saying that he knew his identity a long time ago. He was touched by Mingmei's tolerance and affection for him at the time, but now after thinking about it, he thought of a problem.

Has Mingmei been waiting for him to take the initiative to reveal her identity?

For Mingmei, this should be an important thing that she has been looking forward to and feels at ease, because it represents his trust in Mingmei.

He can explain it. He didn't say it at the beginning because he was defensive and distrustful at the beginning, but after that, apart from the need for undercover missions, it was also because... he was worried that Mingmei would not be able to accept his lies and was worried about losing.

At that time, he didn't notice what Mingmei had been looking forward to, and he didn't explain it in time, and it was too late now.

For this reason, he is willing to help Mr. Chi, coupled with friendship, he does not hope that Mr. Chi will have such remorse and guilt like him in the future.

But after thinking about it, he really couldn't go against his own heart, and he didn't know how to make it easy for him to trust and accept others.

"Yeah, how can I ask you to explain the problem that even I, a psychiatrist, can't solve? Everyone has a different personality, and you belong to the more cautious type. It's not surprising that you have this kind of mentality," Fukuyama Zhiming didn't expect to get an answer from Okiya Subaru, he just tried it, and he didn't feel too disappointed if he didn't succeed, but his heart was full of emotions, and he smiled at Okiya Subaru, "Sometimes I want to sigh, the young people now People are thinking more and more, unlike us back then, when we were always a bit slow in thinking about things, and we often came through ignorantly."

Dr. Ali nodded silently.

Yes, he also felt that when he was in his twenties and thirties, his thoughts were far less than those of young people today.

"Knowing how to think is a good thing. Smart people think more, and thinking makes people smarter, but smart people are also easy to get sick," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile to Subaru, "If you expose Mr. Okiya's formal smile, you will probably respond I am dissatisfied with this behavior, but I also want to talk to Mr. Okiya. Living in this world, it is a good habit to know restraint, and there is nothing wrong with wearing a mask to live. Take me as an example. In order to let patients relax, I also I will wear a mask of kindness, so that I can wear it into my flesh and blood, and truly become a part of myself. I was very impulsive when I was young, but now I can’t see it at all? As long as you think you are worthy of yourself, it doesn’t matter if you smile formally, However, in an environment where you feel safe, you can try to relax yourself, relax and stop thinking about it, and think of some beautiful and hopeful things. Once in a while, it will make your life easier and more enjoyable. Time will help you make a more calm judgment, so that you will not regret that your defense hurts others in the future."

Okiya Subaru felt that the deepest shadow in his heart had been poked, thought about Fukuyama Shiming's suggestion seriously, nodded and said, "I think I should try."

Fukuyama Zhiming laughed, "I don't want you to come to the hospital to find me another day. With Mr. Chi, a patient who is difficult to accept others, I already have enough headaches!"

"I don't think I'll make it to that point," Okiya Subaru said, feeling uncertain. He's been letting himself relax recently, but he hasn't really relaxed for a while. Either he wants to organize something, or Thinking of Mingmei, it would really not be good for him to go on like this, "By the way, did Dr. Fukuyama tell Mr. Chi about these things?"

"No, his situation is different from yours. On the surface, he doesn't even bother to show your formal smile," Fukuyama Zhiming said helplessly, "He has some emotional problems. On the one hand, he can perceive and understand One's own emotions and other people's emotions, and on the other hand, a little bit of dullness and numbness in one's own emotions, which is one of the states that many people with mental illness have."

"Mr. Chi's problem is more like schizophrenia," Leon Law couldn't help joining the discussion, turning his head to Fukuyama Zhiming and said, "According to what you told me, it seems to be a partial negative symptom, but hallucinations Listening and imagining are positive symptoms, so is it mixed schizophrenia?"

"That's right, but he didn't get extremely angry or anxious about a little thing, and he didn't continue to laugh alone. Because of this, I suspected that he had other mental illnesses or mental illnesses, and because of the complexity of the situation, plus his I can't accurately judge my defensiveness," Fukuyama Chiaki paused, and looked at Dr. Ali, "He shouldn't be extremely angry, anxious, or laughing alone recently, right?"

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