Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1904 Can't be cured!

"No, Feichi's performance has always been steady and calm," Dr. A Li shook his head resolutely, and looked at Conan again, "But Conan probably spends more time with him than me..."

While talking, a group of people arrived at the office.

While the nurse was helping with the cleaning, Conan stood at the door and told Fukuyama Zhiming what he knew.

It seems that there is no such thing as extreme rage and anxiety, but he thinks that Chi Feichi suddenly turned pale and stared out the window on Detective Jiashiyuan Island, and Chi Feichi suddenly closed himself on a corner of the rock. One said.

Apart from the injury on Chi Feichi's left arm, these two incidents should be the most obvious symptoms of Chi Feichi's illness.

In addition, he also wanted to inform Dr. Fukuyama that Chi Feichi's auditory hallucination symptoms seemed to have always existed, but the frequency of occurrence was not very high.

After listening to Conan's words, Fukuyama Zhiming found that the office had been cleaned. He invited a group of people in, and after they were seated, asked them to make tea for them.

Dr. A Li asked fidgetingly before the tea was ready, "Doctor Fukuyama, what do you think of Feichi's condition?"

Fukuyama Zhiming lowered his head again and flipped through the examination materials in his hand, thinking, "Except for the injury on his arm, there are no other abnormal injuries on his body, that is to say, he has been in a good mental state for the past two months, compared to when he was in the hospital." It’s a lot better, overall things are looking better.”

Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was in a good mood, he couldn't help thinking about the future, "That's good, if it keeps getting better like this, it won't be long before he can get the certificate of recovery, right?"

Fukuyama Zhiming's face froze, and he exchanged a glance with Leon Law, both of them were a little delicate.

Dr. A Li was immersed in fantasy, and said with a smile, "Although he never said it, I can see that he really wants to cure his illness and get a recovery certificate, because he has said more than once that his condition is not good. I think he is somewhat unwilling to be a policeman."

Conan was keenly aware of the momentary stiffness in the atmosphere, and asked aloud, "Doctor Fukuyama, what's the matter?"

"Cough," Fukuyama Zhiming coughed dryly, was silent for a while, and then said, "Mr. Chi is a strong and willpower person, and I also know that he really hopes he can recover. Frankly speaking, among the diseases he diagnosed before, no matter Whether it's depression or dissociation, I didn't help much, I just provided him with the direction to solve it, and most of the time he relied on himself..."

"For example, dissociative disorder, that is, multiple personalities." Leon Law took over the words and said gently, "The personalities of a small number of patients can be integrated to form a unified and complete personality, but treatment is very difficult, even for experienced doctors. , and it is rare to unify the dissociated identities of patients through treatment, and there are very few cured cases, but after the communication between Mr. Chi's two personalities, they miraculously completed the integration. During this integration period, Dr. Fukuyama said that he did not help He was busy, and the result was better than he expected, which shows that Mr. Chi's two personalities have the desire to integrate, and he has put in a lot of effort for it."

Fukuyama Zhiming nodded with emotion, "It's really not easy for him to achieve this step, and among his two personalities, only one of them suffers from severe depression, and the other is much stronger and more optimistic. After the completion, the depression may persist, or it may gradually improve. At present, he is also working hard to overcome this problem."

"And the effect is not bad. It is much better than what Dr. Fukuyama said when he was in the hospital." Leon Law smiled at the four of them. The evaluations are also very good, he has no social problems, and he is brave to socialize, and I believe his situation will get better and better in the future."

Okiya Subaru thought about his experience with Chi Feichi, and said seriously, "Mr. Chi is a very good person."

Conan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Dr. Ali nodded in unison.

Aside from occasional speechlessness, annoyance, and wanting to complain about someone, they also think that Chi Feichi is a nice person.

Fukuyama Zhiming showed a gratified smile, but he just sighed quickly, "However... in medicine, dissociative disorder and depression may recur throughout his life, and he still has obvious symptoms of schizophrenia, schizophrenia It is difficult to cure completely, but if you follow the doctor's advice and start treatment early, it can be controlled."

Dr. A Li was startled, "What... what does this mean?"

"There's no cure, so relapse doesn't have to be discussed," Leon Law confessed.

The complexion of the accompanying review group of four changed again and again. The conclusion of 'cannot be cured' exceeded their expectations, making them feel heavy and oppressed with a sense of suffocation.

The disease can only be controlled well or poorly, and there is no possibility of cure. That is to say, this disease will haunt Chi Feichi all his life, and he will fight against the disease all his life. The same certificate.

Sure enough, Fukuyama Zhiming concluded solemnly, "Therefore, the probability of him getting a recovery certificate is almost zero, and I will not issue a recovery certificate for him until he really recovers."

"But, but, hasn't Feichi already overcome the two diseases?" Dr. A Li forced a smile, "Maybe his schizophrenia will heal after a long time? Actually, he has been suffering from schizophrenia during this period I didn't take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, but the condition is still stable, right?"

Saying that, Dr. Ari turned his head to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Conan, and Okiya Subaru to ask for confirmation.

"What?" Fukuyama Zhiming stood up suddenly, staring at a group of people, "He hasn't taken his medicine properly during this time?!"

Conan: "..."

It's over.

"I told him clearly before I left, and he promised well," Fukuyama Zhiming paced back and forth in front of the chair, deeply interpreting the appearance of a doctor who was almost mad by the patient and his family, "By the way, he just deliberately Quickly answer my question, right? You guys are so serious, you even helped hide it from me! Conan, you have my contact information, he doesn’t take medicine, why didn’t you call me and tell me?”

Conan laughed dryly, not knowing how to explain it.

"I heard from the doctor that he hates taking medicine. In this case, forcing him to take medicine will make him feel bad and reject us," Okiya Subaru said bluntly, with a look on his face wearing glasses Calm down, "And I think that as long as Mr. Chi is in a stable state, the dosage of the medicine may be properly controlled. Dr. Fukuyama, is it possible for him to take medicine only when the disease flares up to control it, and not need to take medicine at ordinary times?"

"However, many medicines cannot be stopped or started casually," Fukuyama Zhiming was extremely annoyed, but seeing Conan bowing his head in guilt, he thought he had frightened Conan, sighed, and sat back on the chair, "Sorry Ah, everyone, I lost my composure just now, as for the problem of taking medicine..."

"Stopping the drug is a bit risky, but it seems that he has already taken the risk." Leon Lao spread his hands with a smile, "Dr. Fukuyama, you are just afraid. At this point, it may not be good for him to let him start taking the drug rashly." If you want to rearrange the drug treatment plan, it depends on his situation, right?"

Fukuyama Zhiming nodded reluctantly, "This is the case for the time being. Some of the medicines I gave him can't be stopped casually, but after stopping, I can't start taking them casually. I have to see his re-examination before talking about it."

"If Mr. Chi stopped the medicine without authorization and didn't take the medicine well afterwards, but his condition is still stable and continues to improve, I think we can expect a medical miracle," Leon Law said with a smile, "The miracle that happened to him Is it not too small? Whether it is the recovery of dissociative disorder or the improvement of depression, it is no longer the effect that drug treatment can achieve. The cause of schizophrenia is difficult to determine, but as long as it is not determined by genetics, it is just brain damage. , or psychological factors, it may also be possible to recover.”

Conan and Yueshui Nanatsuki thought of Chi Feichi's 'family inheritance', and their faces couldn't get any better.

"Then what if..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked hesitantly, "Is it the influence of genetics?"

"Genes endow each person with different appearance characteristics and even physical conditions before each person is born," Leon Law put away the smile on his face and said seriously, "If it is a disease determined by genetics, then, The genes that are prone to diseases will always exist in his body, are difficult to change, and are hereditary. People with a family history of schizophrenia have a higher chance of getting the disease than ordinary people, but some people have not touched the onset switch. "

"That is to say, his future children are also likely to carry this part of the gene that is susceptible to the disease. Whether the disease will occur or not depends on whether there are other factors." Fukuyama Zhiming solemnly said, "It is difficult to judge. Some people don’t get sick all their lives, and some people get sick without any stimulation.”

Dr. Ali was stunned, and Okiya Subaru, Conan, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also lowered their eyes and remained silent.

Understood, that is to say, Chi Feichi's future children may also have the same symptoms at a certain period of time. It is difficult to predict whether the outbreak will occur or not, let alone be controlled by people's will.

The nurse brought hot tea in and put the tea on the table, but the four of them had no desire to drink tea at all.

Fukuyama Zhiming was also silent, and waited for the nurse to leave before saying, "I hope everyone can keep these things a secret from Mr. Chi, and give him appropriate encouragement so that he doesn't feel hopeless for recovery. This will be good for him."

The four nodded silently.

Knowing that there is no hope for a cure, it is cruel to think about it even if you have to work hard for it. Therefore, it is better not to know that there is no cure than to know.

After a moment of silence, Yueshui Nanatsuki couldn't help but said, "But, Mr. Chi may not know it, right? He also knows this knowledge, hasn't he?"

"Yes, he must know," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, "but if everyone is full of hope, he can't bear to give up his efforts and let everyone down, right? Besides, in a few years, maybe these diseases can be cured Woolen cloth?"

Seeing the confident smile on Fukuyama Zhiming's face, the four of them warmed up and their expressions eased.

Dr. A Li took a sip of tea and asked the other three for their opinions, "Don't tell Xiao Ai about these things for the time being, right? To save her from worrying or being overly nervous..."

"What can't you tell Xiao Ai?"

At the door, Chi Feichi's calm voice came, which startled Dr. A Li.

"Pfft!" Fukuyama Zhiming lowered his head and spit out a sip of tea. You Yuan looked up at Chi Feichi who was standing at the door, "Mr. Chi, can you knock on the door before you speak?"

Conan was sweating.

Does Chi Feichi really make no sound when he walks sometimes? Or were they talking too much just now?

"Feel sorry."

Chi Feichi raised his hand and knocked on the door, went straight in, and reached out to catch Feichi who was rushing over.

Feichi began to report in a low voice, "Master, just now they..."

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