Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1906: A Backhanded Sword Is Confused

"You think he pulled you to chat when you wanted to be quiet, right?" Leon Law asked immediately.

Chi Feichi: "That's right."

Leon Law: "Do you think he's a quack?"

Fukuyama Zhiming: "???"


Can you ask a question that a human being can ask?

Chi Feichi: "No, he is a very good and responsible doctor."

Leon Law: "Then why are you guarding against him?"

Chi Feichi: "It doesn't feel good to be excavated."

Fukuyama Zhiming suddenly felt much better.

He could see that Chi Feichi had been driven to think, and even stopped the pen in his hand, and these questions were thrown out quickly and directly. It was difficult for Chi Feichi to have time to lie. Some of Chi Feichi's answers before were basically To be honest, it is very difficult to lie suddenly now. If you lie, there must be a hesitation time to change your mind.

To sum up...Mr. Chi really thinks that he is a good doctor, and he is not on guard against him because he hates or doesn't trust him, but because he hates the psychiatrist's behavior of digging into the mind.


happy! Rejoice!

Dr. A Li and others watched quietly without disturbing.

Conan secretly observed Leon Law's calm face.

He found that before he knew it, the rhythm had been mastered by Leon Law.

Looking back on the whole process, he didn't feel any abruptness or incongruity, but leaving the process aside, it was easy to find the problem just by looking at Chi Feichi's initial and current state.

Chi Feichi's state was not right.

In his feeling, Chi Feichi's vigilance seemed to be losing a little bit.

The reason for this feeling is that Chi Feichi's thinking is following Leon-Lao, and the cooperation is also very high. There is also his eyes. Chi Feichi's eyes have always been gloomy and oppressive, but now there is no such oppression. Sensation, like a child who has put aside his worries and is in a comfortable environment, his eyes have no deterrent power.

It's really amazing. Can you relax people even though you are asking such sharp questions?

Okiya Subaru watched, silently reflecting.

If it were him, would he be able to hold on without being disturbed?

Wait, before thinking about this question, he suddenly thought that he seemed to have a good impression of Fukuyama Zhiming, and he was less defensive than other people.

The origin of all this, it seems that when Fukuyama Zhiming exposed his fake smile mask, the feeling of being seen through made him very uncomfortable, vigilant, and thought about leaving here, and then...

Chatting and chatting, he felt that he could probably talk to Fukuyama Zhiming if he felt troubled, and he could also listen to Fukuyama Zhiming's suggestions.

Is it because Fukuyama Zhiming exposed him, but did not harm him, but gave good advice instead?

Anyway, he decided to stay away from these psychologists in the future, especially Fukuyama Zhiming and Leon Law!

They also have psychologists in the FBI. Some specialize in psychological counseling for agents, some specialize in analyzing the psychology of criminals, and some even provide psychological training for secret agents. But how does he feel that as an official institution, the people inside are not as good as Where are these two guys?

The others were amazed, but Leon Lao was not satisfied and continued to ask questions.

So far, he has not caught the opportunity from Chi Feichi's face, the opportunity that allows him to swing the final blow.

Fortunately, Chi Feichi is still cooperative, he can try again and deepen the degree of thinking.

"Did you have any close friends in school?"


"Who was the closest peer you were in school with?"

"West Village."

"For him, what's the first word that comes to your mind?"


Hearing Chi Feichi say this word without even thinking about it, the four of Dr. A Li showed surprise on their faces, but resisted the urge to speak out, and didn't even dare to look at Chi Feichi with surprised eyes.

closest person...


Even if they don't know what happened during the period, they can somewhat imagine it.

Because these two factors combined, can form a new word - hurt.

Fukuyama Zhiming did not say a word, and recorded it silently in his heart.

It was indeed right to bring Mr. Lyon over this time, and he discovered a problem that he hadn't noticed before.

If it's just that the parents don't take enough care, it won't make a person indifferent to the outside world to the point of being full of defense.

Leon Law felt that he was about to discover an opportunity, looked at Chi Feichi, and asked quickly, "When did you feel this way about him?"

Chi Feichi also looked at Leon Law, "It was very early."

Feeling that Chi Feichi's state was not right, Feichi shouted at a faster speed, "Master, you should be sober, sober..."

"When is it very early?" Leon Law asked persistently.

"Second grade in elementary school."

Chi Feichi also answered without thinking.

He heard Feichi's voice, but he couldn't stop now. Just like Leon Law kept changing the subject, he was also looking forward to that opportunity.

Don't worry about exposing too much, he has already built a 'space' in his heart.

All the secrets related to Lak wine and July of the Second World were locked in his memory, buried in the deepest part, to the point of 'forgetting'.

The remaining things are placed in the memory of the original consciousness, covered outside, and occupy the mind.

His character, the memory of the original consciousness.

No matter how much Leon Law asks, the answer he gives will only reflect the original and current situation of the original consciousness, leaving only a few key points suitable for breakthrough.

If Leon Law made any psychological hints to him, when he released the sealed consciousness and memories, those psychological hints would also be washed away by those relatively stimulating memories.

Self-split experience +1!

Undercover psychological quality +1!

Leon Law found that digging into this issue was not enough, so he changed the subject again.

"Who is the person you most admire?"

"My father."

"What do you admire most about him?"

"Calm, capable and strong."

"But your relationship seems to be very cold, doesn't it?"


"Do you still admire him too?"


Dr. A Li and Nanatsuki Koshimizu could no longer control their instincts, and cast surprised glances at Chi Feichi.

'The relationship is cold? '

'Yes. '

'Do you still worship him? '

'Yes. '

The firm answer made them feel as if they were hit hard by a train, and they were shocked but also filled with endless sourness.

Conan took a light breath, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

He always said that he admired Sherlock Holmes, but he asked his heart, if he had to find someone in reality, the one he admired most would be his father.

His father is so powerful and responsible, and he is the one he wants to catch up with.

He couldn't empathize with the feeling of "still worshiping him even though he was indifferent", but he could somewhat imagine it.

Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes in silence, there was no false smile on his face, and his expression was serious.

Unfortunately, he is also someone who admires his old man very much.

Therefore, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart unconsciously.

Leon Law felt that the opportunity was not far away from him, so he was going to push it again, find the most deadly point, stared at Chi Feichi and continued to stimulate, "I will tell your father about this later, it doesn't matter what you want, Do you think I'm annoying?"

Chi Feichi felt a sense of repulsion in his heart for a moment, but at the same time it also triggered the "defense mechanism" in his heart, and his sanity recovered in an instant, "emotional hypnosis."

Leon Law was stunned, his heart filled with surprise, and suddenly he heard a voice calling himself, and his eyes subconsciously focused on the past.

"Mr. Leon."

Chi Feichi stared at Leon-Lao, his eyes calm and deep like a bottomless abyss.

Leon Lao's thoughts froze in those purple pupils for a moment, and he slowly pulled them away. Looking at Chi Feichi, he clearly felt the meaning revealed in those eyes—'you lost'.

Yes, he lost.

During the whole process, he wanted to drive the rhythm, and his thoughts would be immersed in it little by little. The "emotional hypnosis" that Chi Feichi suddenly mentioned was the last thing he wanted to be noticed by Chi Feichi. After being seen through, his Shock and aphasia were actually the 'opportunities' he had been looking for from Chi Feichi.

Force the opponent's heart again and again, and then find the biggest weakness, hit it in the past, let the opponent's heart lose defense, and quickly instill your own psychological hints...

This was his plan, but it's a pity that Chi Feichi never showed the reaction of losing his heart defense, so he kept approaching and pulling, but he never expected that Chi Feichi would suddenly counterattack and make his own heart defense fall. up.

With the state of the two of them, it would be difficult for him to pull Chi Feichi into that rhythm in the short term.

And he also has a sense of fear about it.

Even if that fear is not obvious, but as a psychologist, he can identify the emotions in his subconscious.

When he was surprised, Chi Feichi called his name, which aroused his subconscious 'obedience response'. This hand was also used very well. When he looked over, if Chi Feichi continued to stimulate him with sharp words, he might react. Instilled with psychological hints by Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi stopped, already giving him enough face and liking.

It was precisely because Chi Feichi stopped that it was the most troublesome.

If Chi Feichi had broken through his defenses and made him subconsciously respond in obedience, and then continued, he would have known Chi Feichi's strength, and perhaps he would not have been so afraid.

Now he has an instinctive rejection of "entering that rhythm with Chi Feichi", which is a rejection of failure and injury, and a rejection of challenging "someone stronger than me".

That is the so-called - psychological shadow.

If the adjustment is not good, it will be difficult for him to hypnotize Chi Feichi again. Even if he musters up the courage to try, he will still think of this failure and being counterattacked during the process, thus restricting his hands and causing even more embarrassing failures.

There is no need to try again, he wants to stay away from Chi Feichi first, or Chi Feichi stay away from him first, thank you.

"You just want to hypnotize me," Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, pretending that he had no bad intentions, and said calmly, "It's not something that benefits me, and you won't just talk nonsense."

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