Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1907 Splitting Makes People Strong

Leon Law also quickly adjusted his mentality. The trace of fear existed in his heart, which was hard to be noticed and easy to hide. He immediately smiled and said, "I'm serious. Mr. Chi's answer just now is very moving. If you let If your father knows, it may help your father-son relationship."

In the state of hypnosis just now, it was difficult for Mr. Chi to feel the extra emotions. After waking up, thinking about his answer, would he feel sad?

He admitted that it was despicable for him to do so, but he was unwilling to be left with a psychological shadow like this, and Chi Feichi seemed to be unharmed.

Don't worry that Fukuyama Zhiming will see his malice. It is very difficult for Fukuyama Zhiming to understand that he will have a psychological shadow. At present, he dare not hypnotize Chi Feichi anymore. From Fukuyama Zhiming's point of view, maybe this is his attempt to catch Chi Feichi Psychological weakness, back to the state of hypnosis, isn't it?

Similarly, Chi Feichi was not himself, so it was impossible to determine whether he was a fool who was persistently wanting to try again, so it was naturally unlikely that he would suspect malicious intent.

Doubtful, can't prove it.

To Leon Law's disappointment, there was no sadness or rejection in Chi Feichi's eyes, "Then please go ahead."

Not only Fukuyama Zhiming, but others can also see from Chi Feichi's sudden jumping away answer and the sudden act of calling Leon-Lao's name that Leon-Lao failed and was counterattacked. They just don't understand the current situation and dare not act rashly. Speak up.

"I also think it's better to let your father know," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile, "If you don't want to or are too embarrassed to tell him, I'll be happy to do it for you. Go ahead and wait for your review report to come out. Tell him when you call him."

"Thank you."

Chi Feichi said politely, picked up the pen and continued to work on the questions.

Although he is a soul from time travel, he has always had the experience of "integrating personality" with the original consciousness, which has given him the experience of splitting and integrating, and he has more experience with self-splitting and integrating.

When he woke up, the sealed part of his consciousness and memory came back, and it was no longer dominated by the thoughts and memories of the original consciousness. The stimulation of Leon Law could not affect his emotions at all.

Well, division makes a person powerful.

"Mr. Chi, did Mr. Leon make a sudden mistake just now, or did you build a psychological defense mechanism?" Fukuyama Zhiming asked curiously and bluntly.

Leon-Lao didn't see the desired emotion from Chi Feichi's face. Disappointed, he sold Chi Feichi thoroughly, "Mr. Chi's psychological quality is much stronger than normal people, because his psychological defense mechanism was blocked It can also be said to be my mistake, and the two do not conflict."

Okiya Subaru silently approved the evaluation of 'strong psychological quality'.

A normal person might feel lost for a while when recalling the answers just now, but Mr. Chi showed no expression on his face at all, and he could calm down and answer the questions immediately. Isn't this psychological quality not strong?

"Psychological defense mechanism refers to an adaptive tendency that when people face setbacks or conflicts, they will consciously or unconsciously get rid of troubles, relieve inner anxiety, and restore psychological balance and stability. The short-term amnesia is due to the influence of the psychological defense mechanism, right?" Conan turned into a problem baby, "But can the defense mechanism also be used to get rid of hypnosis?"

Fukuyama Tomoaki looked at Conan in surprise, and smiled in a coaxing tone, "Conan really knows a lot. Maybe he can become a better psychologist than me in the future."

Leon-Lao kept smiling, but said in his heart that he really wanted to leave.

Even children know this, everyone here feels that everyone is troublesome, if he had known, he would not have come.

"No, because I am very concerned about Chi Feichi's condition, so I also worked very hard to look up these psychological materials. In fact, I don't understand many things~" Conan scratched his head and smiled cutely.

It wasn't that he wanted to show off, he was really curious about how Chi Feichi did it, and if possible, he could learn from it.

If he encounters being hypnotized in the future, won't he be able to solve it?

"There are actually many kinds of psychological defense mechanisms. Generally speaking, there are evasion mechanisms, self-deception mechanisms, attack mechanisms, substitution mechanisms, and construction mechanisms. Each of these mechanisms has many forms," ​​Fukuyama Zhiming smiled and looked at Conan patiently. Explain clearly, "In the escape mechanism, there are four forms of repression, negation, regression, and repression. For example, the amnesia you mentioned belongs to the form of repression in the activation of the psychological defense mechanism. Negation is also very common in life. Some When people face the death of their loved ones, they will constantly deny the fact that their loved ones died..."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

It feels connoted.

"As for regression, people suddenly show childish behaviors that do not match their age after being stimulated. Adults seem to become children like you, and among children, there are also bedwetting and finger sucking after being stimulated. As for the behavior of infants and young children, as for repression, it is to repress unacceptable things into the subconscious mind," Fukuyama Zhiming said, and looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "Actually, I think Mr. Chi has repressed behaviors, unconscious If you want to suppress your true feelings, you will be very concerned about and important things or emotions, but if you suppress them unconsciously, people will also behave abnormally calmly."

Conan looked at Chi Feichi and nodded.

That being said, he also thinks so.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Enough, he is working hard on the questions, can you leave him alone?

"Self-deception mechanisms can take the form of reversal, rationalization, ritual offset, isolation, idealization, and splitting," Fukuyama continued. "The well-known Stockholm Syndrome is the self-deception mechanism in the psychological defense mechanism. When under pressure, they constantly make up a reason for themselves that can soothe their souls, and believe in it. Some people think that after doing bad things, they think that going to church to repent or do some good things is the ritual offset and division in the self-deception mechanism. Forms are also very common in society. For example, a cunning and mean businessman is a loving father. People will have more than one side according to different living environments. "In addition, there are many kinds of attack mechanisms, substitution mechanisms, and construction mechanisms. Manifestations. "

"Then Feichi used the attack mechanism?" Dr. A Li asked curiously.

"No, there are actually two forms of attack mechanism: transfer and projection. There are many types of transfer, such as 'Love House and Wu' can also be said to be a transfer," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile, "There are also some people who have no children at their knees. Likes and is happy to take care of small children...”

Dr. Ali: "..."

Suddenly connoted?

"At the same time, there are also negative transfers. For example, criminals who kill women with the same characteristics because they broke up with their girlfriends transfer their resentment, or when someone is hurt by a teacher, they will threaten that all teachers are bad people," Fukuyama Zhiming said, "And the projection , refers to projecting one's own desires, motivations, characters or attitudes onto others. For example, when a person develops feelings of undue admiration for another person, he feels ashamed and uneasy, and will insist that the other person seduced him first. Sometimes this It’s not just sophistry, but projecting the psychology that one shouldn’t have on others in order to gain peace of mind, and over time, he will also think so, but the peace of mind will affect people’s ability to judge.”

"Mr. Chi's psychological defense mechanism is far from being expressed in form. Since there is no form of expression, it cannot be classified by form," Leon Lao said with a smile, "he just built a line of defense in his heart , when someone touches a certain point, it will trigger some unbearable pain and desire, and use that stimulation to make him wake up instantly. The intelligence agencies of various countries also use this method when training agents. Compared with the "psychological defense mechanism" mentioned by Dr. Fukuyama, the agents can wake up when they are hypnotized. The same point is that both are accompanied by unbearable emotions or desires, but they are actually two different things. One is because they cannot bear it. And to open the defense, one is to use unbearable things to build defenses."

Conan suddenly understood why Okiya Subaru obediently kept silent. It is estimated that a certain FBI agent has also had this kind of training, "Does it have to be a particularly painful emotion or a strong desire?"

"Sometimes it can be a belief, or a psychological suggestion that has lasted for a period of time," Leon Law thought for a while, "Mr. Chi should have actively built a defense mechanism after I started hypnosis. The time is very short, and self-hypnosis is enough. It is unlikely that it can be completed. It should be that he has guessed the questions I will mention, key words or his emotions, and set up some associations in advance. For example, I mentioned telling his father what happened today, Based on the relationship between him and his father and the maintenance of his pride by normal people, he will definitely reject him subconsciously in his heart. As long as he makes psychological hints in advance, he can think of his father's harm to him because of his rejection, and turn the rejection into More intense fear or pain, so as to wake him up, of course, you can also use the relational associations of 'father, mother, people around you, friends', and use the feeling when a friend betrays you as the key to stimulating people to wake up. It can be the pain caused by 'informing others', or even the pain imagined, but it must be strong enough."

Conan understood, and thought for a while that apart from being smaller, he hadn't had any major setbacks in just seventeen years, so he resolutely tried to imagine the pain.

First, set the key question as 'Are you Kudo Shinichi', and then join Lenovo, this matter was discovered by the organization, people around him were implicated, and Xiaolan died...

Who the hell came up with this kind of masochistic method?

Dr. A Li also fell into deep thought, trying to imagine the pain for himself. Although he felt masochistic, he still seriously imagined a tragedy.

Fukuyama Zhiming took a sip of tea before leisurely discussing with Leon Law, "Theoretically speaking, fantasy can achieve the same effect, but you must make your fantasy close to reality, experience the pain it deserves, and believe that fantasy is real Rather than fantasizing about pain, I think it’s easier to use desire.”

Dr. Ali: "..."

Dr. Fukuyama said earlier.

Conan: "..."

Desire... Is it a wish to restore Kudo Shinichi? Compared with desire, it seems to be a bit worse, and how should this association be constructed?

Whether it will be useful in the end after construction is also a big question.

He is so difficult.

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