Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1908 Thaksin, Thaksin is not enough

Okiya Subaru didn't need to think about this problem, he stood by the table and watched Chi Feichi write the questions, looked at the strange questions one after another, and thought of one thing, "In the end, it's about repeating psychological exercises to yourself or others to yourself. The result of hinting, right? Could it be used for a quiz like this?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Fenmao, a villain who is even more troublesome than Conan, what is he thinking about at this time...

"These questions can clearly reveal the problems existing in people's subconscious mind, and some of them use scale data to calculate the final results, which cannot be fooled by psychological hints," Fukuyama Zhiming said with a smile, "Mr. If so, you can choose any test to try, and I will help you see the results."

"Don't bother, I'm just curious." Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Thaksin, Thaksin is not enough?

"Actually, you don't have to be so repulsive. It's just an assessment of your mental health. If you have a tendency to depression or personality disorder, you can intervene as early as possible." Fukuyama Zhiming expressed puzzlement at the rejection of these people, but he didn't force it, "Yes Yes, there is also a machine for testing mental health problems. When playing videos and showing pictures, it will monitor data such as people's brains, heartbeats, and muscle responses to confirm the emotional fluctuations after people's eyes capture the corresponding information. Mr. Chi will conduct relevant inspections later, but there will be some things that are not suitable for children to watch, so Conan should not follow him."

Conan: "..."

Something not suitable for young children?

Leon Law smiled helplessly, "If you say that, it will arouse children's curiosity instead?"

"It doesn't matter, he can only wait outside the inspection room, and he can't see it even if he wants to!" Fukuyama Zhiming laughed.

Before dinner started, Chi Feichi finished the questions and followed Fukuyama Zhiming to the examination room.

Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were blocked from the door.

Before Dr. Ali and Subaru Okiya discussed who would take care of the child and who would follow in, the door was closed and locked by Chi Feichi.

Fukuyama Zhiming adjusted the equipment, and after Chi Feichi sat down, he connected Chi Feichi to the interface of the inspection terminal, and then went to the main machine to observe the detection images such as electrocardiogram, brain wave, and muscle relaxation.

Leon Law watched from the sidelines, "Mr. Chi's mood is calm and his body and mind are relaxed, so we should be ready to start, right?"

"Yeah, very calm." Fukuyama Zhiming delicately pressed the button to start the test, "Mr. Chi, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me, and I will terminate the same type of test in advance."


Chi Feichi sat on a chair and watched the short film played on the big screen in front of him.

He is no stranger to this check.

As early as when he was admitted to the hospital, he and the original consciousness had each done it once.

During the inspection, the display screen will play some short videos or dynamic pictures, combined with the physical response of the person under inspection, to determine whether the individual has phobia or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

For example, the video he is watching is a test for trypophobia.

At the beginning, it is flat and dense. After the video playback starts, dense lines or new patterns will be quickly added to a flat graphic, and the density of lines will gradually increase.

There are very few people who suffer from plane density phobia, and the following video is a psychological challenge for people——

Large groups of frog eggs huddled together in the water, densely packed sunken pits on the trunk, and a human palm covered with large and small blisters...

People without trypophobia may feel their scalp go numb when they see some close-up videos. People with trypophobia may not be able to stand it if they don’t see half of the test.

After the related video was played, Leon Lau cast a surprised and puzzled look at Fukuyama Shiming.

What's wrong with Mr. Chi's steady heartbeat and little brain wave fluctuation?

Even if you don't have trypophobia, you will have some 'disgusting' reactions when you see some pictures, right?

That reaction is within the normal range, and the machine will not prompt, but there will definitely be some fluctuations.

Is the machine broken?

Fukuyama Zhiming cast a helpless look at Leon Lao, and raised his eyes to the large display screen Chi Feichi was watching.

Of course the machine wasn't broken.

When he checked Chi Feichi for the first time, Chi Feichi's personality continued to be depressed, and it was difficult to cheer up after watching any videos. Considering the cause of depression, he could understand it, but the other personality was the same, His emotions continued to be relatively calm, as if he didn't feel much about seeing anything, which made him suspect that the machine was malfunctioning.

For this reason, he also asked someone to check, and tested it with another person. It turned out that the machine was not broken, and everything was because his patient was not right.

Before he came for the checkup, he was mentally prepared: If Chi Feichi's mood swings didn't fluctuate too much, it would be normal. If Chi Feichi's mood swings reached the level of a normal person, it would be an unexpected joy worth celebrating for several days .


The second video is to continuously go deep into a dark cave to test whether people have abyssal phobia.

After that, there are apex phobia, claustrophobia, deep-sea phobia, colossus phobia, puppet phobia...

Chi Feichi watched the video play expressionlessly.

In his opinion, this kind of video is like watching some graphic comics, coupled with the emotional restraint that is suspected to come from Sanwu Goldfinger, it is difficult for him to have too much emotional fluctuations.

For videos such as phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, it’s fine if he doesn’t have too much mood swings, but there will be 18 banned pictures and bloody violence videos later, if he doesn’t respond to some 18 banned pictures, or shows excessive bloody violence Fukuyama Zhiming may come to cast a meaningful gaze of the devil again.

However, he will not be nervous.

Compared with the previous inspection, the machine used for this inspection has a slightly different shape, and a display screen has been added to the main machine, but the general structure has not changed, and it should be updated.

And this is a product of the Machi Group. Even if it is a device that has not been released in the group and has several advanced versions, it cannot accurately detect human emotions, let alone the low-version device in front of you.

No matter how it is updated, he can be sure of one thing - the device cannot detect specific emotions, but can only detect three states of high, low, or calm emotions!

During the first inspection, he tried to distract himself, self-hypnosis, etc., and escaped once.

After all, a machine is just a machine. Even if it can detect people's brain waves, heartbeat, and muscle conditions, it is difficult to accurately judge the complex and wonderful emotions in the human heart.

For example, for 'discomfort' and 'excitement', the machine can only provide a series of fluctuating lines, the difference is that the line displayed on the machine for 'discomfort' is generally lower than that of 'excitement'.

With the influence of Sanwu's golden finger, coupled with his intentional control, it should not be possible for him to see violent scenes and be detected as excited.


The video changed to a picture of an amusement park. A group of children surrounded the clown, holding balloons with a smile. The camera gradually zoomed in on the clown's face, and the clown's smile began to develop in a crazy and distorted direction.

Clown phobia?

Chi Feichi saw something new and paid more attention to it.

In recent years, some people also have an inexplicable fear of clowns. The clown face that originally represented 'happiness' and 'laughing' seems to have become synonymous with the artistic conception of 'horror'. It is not surprising that this check has been added to the system.

Just watching the clown laugh and laugh, laughing so crazy, he suddenly became a little excited.

In the video, the clown grins his mouth wide, and the oil paint on his face shows that the smile is very strange. When the clown's mouth is cracked to the maximum, the machine beeps softly.

Leon Law hurriedly looked down at the graph.

The image curve is still in a relatively calm range, but there is a brief peak, so the machine just beeps.

this wave...

He just saw that it was not joy or fear. If it was joy or fear, the fluctuation should be greater. At the same time, it was not depression. If it was depression, the line would show a downward trend instead of a sudden rise and a small peak.

Fukuyama Zhiming looked at the curve, but couldn't tell what happened to Chi Feichi, so he took advantage of the gap in the next video and asked, "Mr. Chi, did you feel uncomfortable just now?"

"Well, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Chi Feichi kept his heartbeat steady and let out a panic.

What he couldn't admit was that he saw an intention to destroy and hurt from the clown's weird smile, and that feeling made him a little bit expectant.

Saying 'uncomfortable' is the correct answer, and it is also conducive to interfering with Fukuyama Zhiming's judgment for a while.

"Then let's continue."

Seeing the new video playing, Fukuyama Zhiming didn't make any noise to disturb Chi Feichi.

The next step is mainly the test of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is mixed with some eighteen banned pictures.

Chi Feichi watched it as usual.

He has a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, mainly because he can't see the messy desktop or the messy books on the bookshelf, but it is not to the extent of the disease, and with the pressure of San Wu's gold finger, it should still pass without fluctuation.

There is no need to worry about the Eighteen Forbidden pictures. Although he lacks a sense of reality in his eyes, he is a man with a normal sexual orientation after all. The detection chart will fluctuate a little, so that Fukuyama Zhiming will not suspect that he lacks sexual impulse.

After that, there are videos of various scenes, such as outdoors, high-rise buildings, mixed with some violent videos, bloody or horror videos...

Such doping together is mainly to compare the difference of the curves.

Fukuyama Zhiming discovered that when Chi Feichi watched some violent videos, he had a similar curve to the one he felt 'uncomfortable' when watching the clown just now, and was successfully misled.

Well, it’s normal to occasionally feel unwell when watching violent and bloody videos, and it’s also normal to occasionally feel unwell when watching horror videos...

At the end of the inspection, Fukuyama Zhiming felt that the other tests were pretty good except that his mood was still tending to be 'calm', so he tidied up briefly, and went out with Chi Feichi and Leon Lao, smiling in a good mood, "Mr. Chi , your mood swings are relatively small and the speed is relatively slow, but this is not a troublesome problem. As your condition improves, I believe this kind of examination will become closer and closer to normal people, or normal people with a calm mind. Generally speaking, your condition is very good, there is no special situation that needs attention, I will sort out the report tomorrow, and when the sorting is completed, I will notify you to come to the hospital to get the report."

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