Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1909 It's What You Want To Do

Outside, the sky has completely darkened.

The corridor was brightly lit, and Dr. Ali, who was waiting in the corridor, surrounded him. Hearing what Fukuyama Zhiming said, he was relieved and his expression eased.

"I came back this trip just to let Mr. Leon and Mr. Chi meet, and I didn't cancel the previous vacation. These two days are still free..." Fukuyama Zhiming walked out with a smile, "It's getting late, let's find How about a place to have dinner together, a friend's dinner?"

"I'm going to order a restaurant," Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, and looked down at the stored restaurant number. "What do you want to eat?"

Fukuyama Zhiming looked at Chi Feichi, and Chi Feichi didn't coldly refuse, he actually had the illusion of being flattered, "Mr. Leon rarely comes to Japan, so let's go eat Japanese food, Mr. Leon, what do you think?"

"It's up to you, I want to try Japanese food too," Leon Law looked at Conan and Nanatsuki Koshimizu with a smile, "But I still have to ask this lady and the kid."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki smiled politely, "I can eat whatever I want."

"Me too..." Conan raised his head and responded with a smile, and suddenly found Mrs. Kamiya and the nurse at the back door of the hall walking back and turning their heads to look.

Mrs. Kamiya has changed into a hospital gown. Is this going to be hospitalized?

Mrs. Kamiya was accompanied by a nurse. Even though she was wearing a loose and bulky hospital gown, she still had a calm and gentle temperament on her body. She smiled at Fukuyama Zhiming, "Dr. Fukuyama, are you back?"

"No, I'm just coming back for a while, and I will go back to continue the exchange and study after two days," Fukuyama Zhiming explained, and asked quickly, "But Mrs. Kamiya, are you not doing well recently?"

Mrs. Kamiya sighed, and turned her head to look in the direction of the hall, "My husband is having an affair, I think it's better for me to stay here, so that I won't cause him any trouble in the future."

"Yes, could it be a misunderstanding?" Dr. Ali couldn't believe it. Seeing Mrs. Kamiya's eyes, he comforted him, "You and Mr. Kamiya seem to have such a good relationship, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

"After I got home, I found that there were traces of a woman coming to the house more than once, and it was the same woman. Not long ago, I sneaked outside his company and saw them intimately going in and out of hotels, restaurants, and movie theaters. How come? Could it be a misunderstanding?" Mrs. Shengu showed a helpless smile on her face, but her eyes were very empty, she nodded at Chi Feichi, Fukuyama Zhiming and the others, "Sorry, I couldn't help being long-winded, I should go back and rest."

"That..." Seeing that Mrs. Shengu was about to leave, Conan hesitated to make a sound, but was picked up by Chi Feichi and carried away. After a moment, he was speechless and whispered, "I said, what are you doing?"

Chi Feichi walked out the door with Conan in his arms, and said indifferently, "It's what you want to do."

"Didn't you see? Mrs. Kamiya's condition is very bad. Although she doesn't look sad like she went to check at noon, she is too calm and her eyes are very empty." Conan analyzed seriously, "I think She should be looking forward to her husband taking her home instead of choosing to leave her here. Today is her last choice for her husband, but Mr. Kamiya does not know her thoughts and disappoints her... No, it is despair, she It's dangerous right now."

After Yueshui Nanatsuki followed Chi Feichi, she still couldn't help but look back at Mrs. Shengu's back, and sighed, "I can also feel that there is no life in her eyes at all. Although she is smiling and talking, her whole body They are all lifeless, her condition seems to have relapsed, and she may be overwhelmed."

"That's why I wanted to say something to cheer her up." Conan speechlessly glanced at Chi Feichi who was holding him, "but before I could say anything, Brother Chi took her away."

Chi Feichi stopped in his tracks, "What do you want to tell her?"

Conan was stunned, thinking, "For example, tell her that even if Mr. Kamiya really has an affair, she should cheer up, life belongs to her, and there are many, many beautiful scenery waiting for her to see. "

Fukuyama Zhiming sighed with a broken smile, "It seems that I can rest assured that you are by Mr. Chi's side. If he is not in good condition, you can probably see it..."

Conan: "..."

Uh, if it's Chi Feichi, the difficulty might be a little... no, it's very high.

"But Conan," Fukuyama Zhiming looked at Conan gently, "Mr. Chi did nothing wrong to stop you."

"Ah?" Conan was stunned, and looked up at Chi Feichi who was holding him.

So, did Chi Feichi see his intention and stop him on purpose?

"In Mrs. Kamiya's current state, it's useless to say those things. She may respond politely, but it's hard to be moved by your words, which will increase her social pressure instead," Fukuyama Zhiming sighed and looked at Chi Fei Chi, "I don't quite understand their thinking, but Mr. Chi should understand."

"Conan's words are not wrong, but after falling into the vicious circle of low emotions, it is difficult for people to develop any fighting spirit. I have heard that kind of words too much, and I have heard more touching words than this. Sometimes other people's expectations will increase instead. Psychological burden," Chi Feichi bent down and put Conan down, looked at Conan calmly and said, "I want you to try it too, maybe you can do it, the premise is that Mrs. Shengu has never lost her son."

"If you show too much expectation to Mrs. Kamiya, she may cheer up when she thinks of her dead child, but she will project her feelings for the child on you and make it worse," Fukuyama Zhiming patiently explained to Conan , "If one day you do something that doesn't meet her expectations, she will be even more sad. For example, you can't come to see her every day, but she will always wait for you. When she is depressed, she is easy to think wildly and also It will be even more sad, it will not help the doctor to control her condition, Conan is so smart, he should be able to understand, right?"

Conan nodded obediently, "I understand."

"It seems hard to understand, but the fact is like this," Fukuyama Zhiming was afraid of hurting Conan, and stretched out his hand to touch Conan's head with a gentle smile, "Of course, there is nothing wrong with comforting others, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to help others Wrong, but let’s leave these matters to the doctor for now, if Conan wants to see Mrs. Kamiya, he can wait for her to come back after a few days.”

"Yeah!" Conan showed a child's innocent smile and nodded heavily.

Knowing about Mrs. Kamiya, the atmosphere of the group dinner party couldn't be warmer. They ate at a nearby Japanese grocery store, chatted casually, and separated.

Chi Feichi was ordered by Fukuyama Zhiming to 'no drinking'. After going out, he took over Dr. Ali's car and drove a group of people back to Mihua Town.

The slightly depressing atmosphere lasted until the next day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi delivered an extra portion of food to Nanatsuki Yueshui. As soon as he arrived at Qi Detective Office, he immediately saw Nanatsuki Yueshui paralyzed on a chair in the garden in a daze.

"Having a bad mood?"

"Ah?" Yueshui Nanatsuki was taken aback. When she found out that it was Chi Feichi, she was just about to collapse, but soon realized that she didn't look very ladylike when she was paralyzed, so she sat up straight, "Mr. Chi, why are you here?" gone?"

"The doctor is not very interested. He thought I was too bored to understand him, so I went out to find friends to relax." Chi Feichi stepped forward and put the heat preservation box on the table. "I made more pork rib soup and glutinous rice balls. , and some stir-fried mixed vegetables, I'll bring them here for you to try."

"Thank you," Yueshui Nanatsuki smiled, and was not in a hurry to open the insulation box, "I called Xiao Ai last night, and she said that after the awards ceremony was held this morning, the domestic finals are over, and she thought of detective work So I came to see me and made an appointment to meet here at 11:30 in the morning. I originally wanted to take her to Polo Cafe for lunch, but I didn't expect you to bring so many delicious food over here. I will ask Miss Xiaozi to deliver sandwiches later. Come over with coffee and we'll eat right here!"

"I can do anything."

Chi Feichi was about to pull up a chair and sit down when he caught a glimpse of the recliner next to the elder tree in the courtyard, changed his mind decisively, sat down on the recliner, leaned back, "I'll lie down for a while."

Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at the elder tree, which was more than one meter high, with thin branches and delicate green leaves, and suspected that Chi Feichi was here to see the elder tree. Looking at the newly climbed green vines on the courtyard wall, he was distracted.

She could understand why Dr. Ali ran out to relax.

Whether it was midnight last night or early this morning, she would always think of the building with fenced windows in Qingshan No. 4 Hospital, Mrs. Kamiya who was enthusiastic and cheerful at one moment and depressed and sad at the other, and Mr. Lyon and Dr. Fukuyama' can't be cured 'judgment...

Scenes flashed in my mind, I couldn't tell if I was worried about Chi Feichi's condition, or felt that the building was so pale and oppressive, or found that I couldn't help Chi Feichi's condition, and was hit by that powerless feeling, I just want to get distracted for no reason.

The doctor probably didn't want to infect Mr. Chi with this emotion, so she went out to complain to her friends. She wanted to stay at home for a while, but when Mr. Chi came, she suddenly felt that it would be nice for Mr. Chi to bask in the sun, at least with green plants The environment is relaxed and bright.

A twig of elderberry sticks out and hangs above the deck chair. A tender green leaf at the tip of the twig is half-twisted. The upward side is illuminated by the sun, and the downward side is a darker green.

Chi Feichi lay on the recliner, his eyes rested on the leaf that had just grown up not long ago, and he let his mind go.

Feichi climbed onto the clothes on Chi Feichi's chest, vomited the snake letter, found a comfortable position, and dozed off with his eyes wide open and motionless.

The light and shadow cast by the sun on the ground crawl slowly, and the breeze blows the branches and leaves from time to time.

A car stopped in front of the courtyard gate, Hui Yuanai got out of the car with a bag of food bought on the road, turned around and greeted the driver, stepped on the round stone slab into the courtyard, looked at the courtyard like a still picture scroll, put it away The thought of saying hello, looked back at the car that had already left, and was instantly entangled.

Should she not come, or come later? But she promised Miss Nanatsuki to meet at 11:30, wouldn't it be bad to miss the date?

"Xiao Ai?" Yueshui Nanatsuki noticed Hui Yuan Ai's figure staying at the gate of the courtyard, sat up, stretched his hands, "Are you here?"

Hui Yuanai saw that she had been discovered, so she didn't struggle anymore, and walked forward with her bag in her hand, "Did I bother you?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard the meaning of ridicule in it, cast a glance at Hui Yuanai, and mouthed a sentence of "I'm a little devil", before muttering in a low voice, "We're not busy with anything, how can we say we're bothering you?" Woolen cloth……"

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