Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1911 Praise him, praise him quickly!

"That's fine..."

Haibara Ai didn't pursue the question further, but instead talked about Suzuki Jirokichi.

Suzuki Jirokichi decided to take advantage of the rest period before the global finals to vent his anger on Kaitou Kidd...

Suzuki Jirokichi has issued a challenge letter to Kidd the Phantom Thief in the morning, and is going to transfer to another station to fight Kidd's gem...

After listening to Yue Shui Nanatsuki, he felt that the old man Suzuki was energetic, and his vitality was not inferior to that of young people.

It wasn't until after lunch and washing the dishes that Hui Yuanai pretended to mention that he wanted to eat summer desserts unintentionally. Seeing that Chi Feichi wanted to go to the kitchen to work, he asked Yueshui Nanatsuki about Chi Feichi in the living room on the second floor. Review the situation.

"Sister Nanatsuki, you hesitated a moment ago when you mentioned Brother Feichi's reexamination. Is it because the reexamination is not optimistic?"

"This..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Huihara Ai who was frowning slightly, and then thought of Dr. Ali's decision to hide some of Haibara Ai's thoughts, and didn't know whether to say it or not.

Hui Yuanai turned his head to look at the kitchen, lowered his voice and asked worriedly, "Is the situation very bad?"

"No, Mr. Chi's condition is indeed improving," Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed, leaned close to Huihara Ai's ear, and said softly, "But Mr. Chi said before that his disease is hereditary, and yesterday we Accompanying Mr. Chi for a reexamination. When Mr. Chi was doing a physical examination, Dr. Fukuyama and the psychologist invited by Dr. Fukuyama secretly told us that schizophrenia cannot be cured, especially hereditary schizophrenia. They also told us not to tell Mr. Chi, try to encourage him."

"I know," Hui Yuanai heaved a sigh of relief, his brows relaxed, and he added, "Brother Feichi should also know, you don't have to hesitate to hide it."

"Yes, but I think it's better not to mention it in front of him." Koshimizu Nanatsuki straightened up, turned to look at the kitchen, and said softly, "We thought about this matter, Everyone will feel heavy, he has known this situation for a long time, and the psychological pressure has always been great, if he can forget these things for a while, he will probably be able to relax a lot..."

In the kitchen, Chi Feichi listened to Feichi's loud narration outside, and peeled the fruit in silence.

Are these people around you more sentimental?

Except for the fact that he would think of his illness during the examination, he usually selectively forgets it, and he never felt that he was ill, so how could he have psychological pressure?

But this can't be explained. You can't say 'I'm not sick', 'I can really hear animals talking', 'You guys misunderstood, this is all the fault of the three-no cheat', right? He doesn't want to be sent back to the hospital, thank you.


That afternoon, Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Ai Huihara went to Mihua Mall for a big shopping, and then walked around the nearby commercial street. While shopping, they lost their minds and slowly let go of the "incurable" thing in advance.

Before dinner, the two girls went to Dr. Ali's house to meet Chi Feichi with their bags and bags, and they had a meal together.

"I bought some milk, and the doctor and Xiao Ai can drink it when they have breakfast in the morning..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked past the cooking counter with her shopping bag in her arms, and put milk in front of the refrigerator, "But remember to heat it up."

"Thank you, Nanatsuki." Dr. Ali said with a smile.

"These are the daily necessities of the Seven Detective Agency." Hui Yuanai distributed the shopping bags in front of the sofa, and picked up another bag and put it on the table. "I also bought some daily necessities. The cleaners and paper towels at home should be quickly Are you done?"

Dr. A Li thought that he and Chi Feichi were only focused on using it, and had no time to buy new supplements, so he could only nod, "Yes, yes."

"Also, these are the clothes I bought for Brother Feichi." Hui Yuanai put two shopping bags by the table, "Let's put them here with the doctor. You don't need to bring any clothes when you come to stay temporarily. The change of clothes here can last for a long time without going home to get clothes.”


Chi Fei replied late, and continued to cook.

"There are still two sets of clothes. Nanatsuki-san will take them to the detective agency and put them in the bedroom or attic on the second floor for you." Huiyuan Ai started to organize the bags, then turned around and said, "Nanatsuki-san, I will put these two sets The clothes are put together with yours, and you can take them back with you in a while."

"Thank you, Xiao Ai, for your hard work," Yue Shui Nanatsuki turned around with a smile to thank, and then smiled at Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, I helped you organize the clothes you left in the attic and put them in the closet in the bedroom on the second floor .”

"Doctor, I also bought clothes for you..." Hui Yuanai said, "I will put it next to the table for you temporarily, and clean it up after eating."

"Ah, thank you."

Dr. A Li watched the two girls tidying up their things in a hurry, and felt that the breath of life was full of life, which made him feel more energetic. "It feels different to have a girl at home to help worry about it."

Chi Feichi looked at the pile of things on the sofa and beside the table, and complained in a low voice, "It's also crazy to buy things."

Before the food was served, Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Ai Huibara managed to divide everything up.

Hui Yuanai washed his hands and went out, and walked to the dining table, "By the way, Brother Feichi, you came to the doctor's place early, isn't it because you want to be lazy?"

Dr. A Li stood by the table with his hands behind his back, not saying a word, just kept laughing.

"The doctor and I went to get the medical report." Chi Feichi looked at the desktop next to Dr. A Li.

Hui Yuanai stepped forward, picked up the report on tiptoe and looked at it, and confirmed that the name was Dr. A Li, and was surprised to find that the data of the physical examination were much better than the previous physical examination, "Is the doctor's physical examination report? The physical condition seems to be better than before. It’s improved a lot, blood pressure and blood sugar have dropped a bit, and they’re close to the healthy range, and… have the small problems in cardiopulmonary function improved?”

"Yeah, you read that right," Dr. Ali said with a smile, and by the way complained to Hui Yuanai, "Feichi has been staring at me for morning and evening exercise. At the beginning, I just walked to Seven Detective Agency and La Stretching exercises, and then gradually added rope skipping, balance exercises, and endurance training. This morning we ran to Mihua Park and did a lap of exercise before returning, but it made me very tired!"

Praise him, praise him quickly!

Huihara Ai was surprised by the fact that "Dr. Lied to her about this kind of thing, and after thinking about it, he praised Dr. Li, "It seems that the doctor not only didn't steal food this time, but also really paid attention to his health. He did a good job."

Dr. A Li grinned happily like an old child, then scratched his head and smiled, "Hahaha, it's okay."

Chi Feichi also felt that he had lived up to his entrustment and fulfilled his mission, and added, "It's not good to stay up late. Recently, the doctor didn't stay up late at night, and his work and rest are normal, and he is in a good state of mind during the day."

Dr. A Li sneered too much, leaned over and smiled sadly at Hui Yuan, "Xiao Ai can't stay up late anymore!"

Chi Feichi reminded, "Let's not stay up late playing games."

"Yes, yes," Hui Yuan Ai thought of Chi Feichi's arrest of him staying up late playing games, and decided to respond with black lines first, and then said to Dr. A Li, "Keep maintaining your health, you need to exercise over time. to keep it going.”

Dr. Ali: "..."

It's... maybe maybe maybe okay?

After Chi Feichi put away the bowls and chopsticks, he leaned over to Hui Yuan Ai, and told him his secret to motivating Dr. Ali, and by the way, told Hui Yuan Ai about the follow-up exercise plan.

After hearing this, Hui Yuanai felt that her elder brother had a solution, and asked in a low voice, "Will the exercise in the future be too strong? Doctors don't need to be athletes, as long as they keep healthy, I'm worried about the intensity of exercise." It's too big, and he can't hold on."

Dr. A Li heard Hui Yuan Ai say that the exercise was intense, and his scalp went numb, so he quietly approached, ready to eavesdrop.

"If it doesn't work, you can call Miss Fu Shahui and talk to her about the doctor's lack of perseverance." Chi Feichi said.

Dr. Ali: "!"

Here is the number of non-late dogs!

"However, you can also adjust the exercise intensity appropriately." Chi Feichi added.

"The current exercise is almost the same," Hui Yuanai said something that relieved Dr. A Li, looked at Dr. A Li who was eavesdropping, and asked in a low voice, "But if the doctor can't persist, what method can you use?" Have you used it? You can’t keep calling Miss Fushahui, can you?”

Chi Feichi also looked at Dr. Ali, leaned close to Hui Yuanai's ear, and continued to offer his ideas in the softest voice.

Intimidation is not enough, you can use bait to reward, and then you can use instigation, provocation, or even set up a trick to complete the run in a way that Dr. A Li can hardly detect...

There are many ways, remember to take turns with the stick and the carrot, stimulate Dr. A Li once, and it will last for a while. When Dr. A Li gets used to the current exercise intensity, he will not feel difficult when exercising again, and he will have more confidence Finish.

Yes, he has already thought of countless routines for Dr. Ali, but unfortunately, Dr. Ali is so motivated that he can’t use other routines for Fusha to die alone, so he can only pass them on to Hui Yuanai .

Dr. A Li looked at Hui Yuan Ai and nodded from time to time, and imagined the image of Chi Feichi and Hui Yuan Ai with devil horns on their heads, looking at him with malicious eyes and whispering together, scaring himself. I get chills down my back.

Alas, Feichi is hard to deal with, and Xiao Ai is also hard to deal with. He should be more conscious in the future...


the next day.

After Hui Yuanai personally witnessed Dr. Ali's morning exercise, he carried his schoolbag and went to school contentedly.

When Chi Feichi saw that Dr. A Li was going to stay at home to do research, he went to the Seven Detective Agency, encouraged Nanatsuki Yueshui to close the door to thank the guests, and took Nanatsuki Yueshui to the tennis court. He was going to strike while the iron was hot. Stop thinking about 'incurable' all day long, Tsuki.

It was only after he arrived that he discovered that the various relaxation plans he had preset had failed.

The girl's tennis clothes are too cool, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki's swing is not very standard. To correct it, you have to get very close. Hold your wrist behind Koshimizu Nanatsuki to confirm the correct swing...

If it were someone else, what he should teach would definitely not be affected, but looking at Yueshui Nanatsuki, he always wanted to take his arms back and hug him, which might make him feel more at ease in his heart.

But no, if he couldn't help hugging, the rhythm would be completely out of control, and he would have to face the choice between 'confess' and 'make Yue Shui sad and disappointed'.

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