Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1912 Summer Fireworks

"Keep the angle of your wrist," Chi Feichi looked forward, trying to ignore the faint temperature on the back of Nanatsuki's hand under his palm, keeping his mind free of distracting thoughts, and drove Nanatsuki's hand holding the tennis racket to swing out, "Then use force, you can't Only rely on the strength of the wrist, pay attention to the coordination of the whole body..."

"Ah... good." Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared at the front and told himself silently, "Study hard without distractions".

after an hour……

Chi Feichi stopped the practice.

What did he teach?

Sorry, can't remember.

This is definitely his worst teaching failure.

Yueshui Nanatsuki felt very tired, so he ran to the side to drink water and rest.

What did Mr. Chi teach just now?

Sorry, don't quite remember.

This is definitely her most failed study.

The two rested for a while, and after two rounds of sparring, they finally found the joy that sports should have.

Although Koshimizu Nanatsuki's movements should not be standard, but Chi Feichi didn't say anything, and agreed to practice next time, go to the rest room to take a shower and change clothes, and prepare to go home.

"It's past five o'clock in the afternoon," Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked towards the parking lot, looking down at his watch, "Xiao Ai probably finished school early, are you going to the doctor's house for dinner tonight?"

Chi Feichi looked down at a bunch of UL messages on his phone, opened it, and said, "The doctor is temporarily going to help a friend move in the afternoon, and he is not expected to be home until 8:00 pm. He will also have dinner at his friend's place. Xiao Ai has made an appointment with other children." To watch the fireworks, Mr. Xiao Lin will accompany them and eat outside by the way, so we don't have to worry about it."

"Fireworks? By the way, I heard from my neighbors before that there will be a half-hour fireworks show in Mihua Town at 6:30 tonight," Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes lit up, "We're going to see everyone watching the fireworks show?"

"Don't go, it's easy to run into an incident with Conan," Chi Feichi resolutely rejected this not-so-good proposal, put away the phone and said, "Let's go to another place to watch."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's mood was like riding a roller coaster, turning from disappointment to joy in an instant, silently resisting the urge to complain that "Mr. Chi also often encounters incidents".

All right, Mr. Chi thinks Conan is the God of Plague, so Conan is the God of Plague!


The fireworks show will be set off in four directions of Mihua Town one after another, allowing residents in all locations of Mihua Town to enjoy the summer fireworks.

Chi Feichi found the rooftop of the high-rise building where the Zhenchi Group Mall is located in the middle of Mihua Town, greeted the mall administrator, and prepared an open-air dinner on the rooftop.

When the sky was getting dark, the fireworks in the east were the first to rise into the sky, blooming magnificent white flower clusters in the sky. Before it got dark, new light spots rose into the sky one after another, exploding various light spots.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look at the bright and dark fireworks in the night sky, "I liked to go to fireworks shows when I was young, but I seldom went there after my mother passed away, and then when I was in middle school, I I’ve been there a few times with my classmates. At that time, I chatted and laughed with my classmates, and talked about some very naive topics, such as whether the wish will come true, like the wig of the uncle over there fell out, and..."

Across the table, Chi Feichi looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu's side face illuminated by the lights, eyes reflecting the fireworks, turned his head to look at the fireworks blooming in the sky, and listened quietly.

"After high school, the school organized us to visit the fireworks festival in Osaka. Watching the fireworks on the Osaka Castle is also very good," Koshimizu Nanatsuki actively shared his viewing experience, "There is also Kyoto. Apart from those sights, you must see it when you go to Kyoto. The red maple and fireworks..."

"We arrived in Tokyo during our study tour, but unfortunately we didn't see the fireworks show during the whole period. When I was commissioned to investigate in Tokyo, I happened to encounter a fireworks show once. Unfortunately, I was so focused on tracking the target that I didn't have time to watch it at all..."

"This is the first time I have officially watched a fireworks show in Tokyo. It feels more grand than what I saw in Fukuoka two years ago..."

The first round of fireworks was over, and the two waiters in the mall's restaurant just happened to bring dinner to the rooftop.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu looked back reluctantly, and when he saw what the two waiters were bringing to the table, he immediately rolled his eyes with a smile, "It's hot pot. I thought it would be a formal and formal dinner like French cuisine."

"Try the Chinese chicken hot pot," Chi Feichi looked at the European-style luxury high table in front of him, and at the surrounding lighting with a modern and romantic atmosphere, and added, "Maybe the environment is not suitable, but the taste is not bad. will disappoint you."

He did it on purpose.

Sometimes, it is necessary to arrange some things that surprise the other party in order to refresh people. If something happens to meet the other party's preferences, there will be a sense of surprise.

In comparison, the environment, atmosphere and food are not absolutely fixed configurations, as long as they are not too obtrusive, you don't need to mind too much.

"The environment is not too strange." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around and felt that the hot pot pot on the table didn't look very strange, and said with a frank smile, "I just felt a little surprised, or maybe it was a surprise."

"As long as you like it..."

Chi Feichi felt that the phone's vibration hadn't stopped for a long time, took out the phone, looked at the incoming call page, and connected the call.

"Xiao Ai?"

"Brother Feichi, we encountered a murder incident. We just called the police. The police will arrive in about 20 minutes. I may return later than the agreed time. You..." Hui Yuan Ai heard the noisy noise on the phone, and paused, "It sounds very windy over there, are you outside?"

"I'm on the rooftop with Yue Shui, just about to have dinner."

"Then I won't bother you anymore. I have already called the doctor and told the doctor that Mr. Xiaolin will send us back later."

"Shall I bring you some food?"

"We're still on the street now, and we're going to the store next door to buy something to deal with. That's it, bye."


Hui Yuanai took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Chi Feichi put down his phone, saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki's curious gaze, and explained, "Xiao Ai said that they encountered a murder and needed to cooperate with the police investigation. Teacher Xiaolin will send them home later."

"They really encountered an incident..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't know whether to be convinced that Conan was a plague god, or whether he should think that Chi Feichi's crow's mouth curse was effective, and quickly asked, "Should we help?"

Chi Feichi reached for the chopsticks that were placed aside, "Conan can handle the meal."

Two rounds of fireworks were set off in the eastern night sky, and when the third round started, the fireworks in the north also started.

After that, the fireworks in the night sky in the east stopped, and the fireworks in the north and west were released together.

The roof is spacious and open, and you can have a panoramic view of the fireworks in all directions.

There is a row of dim lights on the ground around the square table, the light is not bright, the hot soup in the pot is delicious, the chicken and various vegetables are rolling in the soup, paired with fragrant or spicy dipping sauces, iced drinks and fruit juices , In the romantic atmosphere that should have been cold, there is a strange and lively atmosphere of life.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was busy watching the fireworks for a while, and eating for a while, her eyes were so busy that she quickly forgot about the murder incident that happened somewhere, and when she was about to eat, she was overwhelmed by the strange atmosphere on the rooftop. He smiled happily and rolled his eyes.

Chi Feichi just stopped his chopsticks, and when he looked up, he saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki looking at him with crooked eyes, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "I just think the hot pot is delicious, and the fireworks show is also very good."

"Bah bah...!"

Several light clusters exploded in the sky behind Chi Feichi, and the colorful light reflected the night sky into a sea of ​​light.

The golden rainwater pouring down from the golden 'Waterfall Fireworks' illuminated Chi Feichi's back, and also reflected the light in Yueshui Nanatsuki's clear eyes.

"Mr. Chi..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi's face that was shrouded in darkness due to the light. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt that the gaze cast by those eyes was much softer than usual, which made her want to ask the two of them if this It's a date, or what Chi Feichi thinks about her, "I have something to ask you..."

Chi Feichi noticed that the atmosphere was becoming ambiguous, and quickly turned his gaze to the side, so that he would not be attracted by the look in Koshishui Nanatsuki's eyes, and restrained the burning in his eyes, and regained his composure, "Say."

In the sky, the blooming fireworks dimmed, and the little lights of the Golden Waterfall also went out one after another, disappearing into the night sky little by little.

After the dazzling light receded, Yueshui Nanatsuki also saw clearly the cold and handsome face of the person opposite him, and the impulse in his heart quickly receded, "I want to ask...doesn't Chinese hot pot usually go with any alcoholic beverages? For example, Chinese liquor. Category?"

"Sometimes it will be paired with beer," Chi Feichi explained calmly, "But before Dr. Fukuyama leaves, I'd better not drink, and I will be driving later, so it's not suitable for drinking."

There was no alcoholic drink, which was also arranged by him in advance, because he was worried that the two of them would be alone and the atmosphere of bright fireworks would easily make girls emotional. If the influence of alcohol was added, he was worried that the situation would get out of control.

In his previous life, he didn't understand why Hattori Heipi hesitated to confess his love, but now he probably understands.

For young people, it is a sacred and solemn thing to confess to someone they like. It is also normal to want a different sense of ritual and to give the other party a deep and romantic memory.

Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye grew up together, and they have seen too many beautiful scenery, and it is indispensable for two people to watch the firework show together. Those beautiful moments are missed, and it seems that it will not be enough to confess in the same environment. Carefully.

He is not worried that he will follow the old path of Hattori Heiji, there are always more ways than difficulties, and when he thinks about it, he should be able to find a suitable routine to get over the water, but Hattori Heiji never realized his own intentions , he must be sober and personally destroy the opportunity, thinking about it is really painful.

"That's it..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki was not in the mood to think about what he asked. Looking at the completely silent night sky behind Chi Feichi, he was still somewhat embarrassed by 'sudden questions', but now there was only a touch of loss and sadness in his heart. He said softly, "The fireworks display is over."

"I'll take you back, and I'll invite you to try other flavors of Chinese hot pot another day." Chi Feichi stood up, and when Yueshui Nanatsuki stood up, a wicked and playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "But the degree of liquor is not something you can drink. Don’t mess with me, don’t have the idea of ​​eating hot pot and drinking liquor in the future.”

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was taken aback, his thoughts turned to the conclusion of 'we can still make an appointment another day', he raised his eyes and saw Chi Feichi's smile, feeling that he was being despised, his face flushed instantly, and couldn't help it Justify yourself, "Don't look down on people, I can drink very well!"

"Yes, yes," Chi Feichi didn't dare to look at Yueshui Nanatsuki's flushed face anymore, reached out to pick up the coat that was draped over the back of the chair, and threw it over, "It's windy at night, so I'll lend you the coat."

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