Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1916 Please stop Dr. Fukuyama

Outside the Metropolitan Police Department, Xiaolin Chengzi refused Chi Fei's late delivery, and decided to take the tram home with the children.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew what was going on, but thinking of Shiratori Rensaburo's 'exhortation', he decided to let Shiratori Rensaburo speak for himself.

Hui Yuanai did not go with the others, but accompanied Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki to Mihua Hospital.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's wrist is recovering well, except for trying not to use gravity in the near future, there is basically no problem, and there is no need to wrap it with medicine.

After entering the hospital, the love and hatred of the police were also thrown aside.

Chi Feichi took the two girls Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai to the restaurant for dinner, and then called Fukuyama Zhiming to make an appointment for the report.

Fukuyama Zhiming set the agreed meeting place at the coffee shop...

Polo Cafe.

"This is Mr. Chi's and Miss Yueshui's coffee, and Xiao Ai's juice," Azusa Enomoto put the coffee and juice on the table, and said with a smile, "Please use it slowly!"

Chi Feichi brought the cup of iced coffee closer, and didn't rush to drink it. He looked at Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan, Fukuyama Zhiming and Conan who were sitting opposite.

So, why is Dr. Fukuyama with his teacher?

Conan smiled at Chi Feichi, "When I returned to the detective agency, Dr. Fukuyama was already in the office. He heard that you were going to accompany Sister Nanatsuki to the hospital. Let us not disturb you. Let's go out to eat together. After lunch, I'll be waiting for you in Polo Cafe."

"Mr. Leon has already left the base by plane in the morning, and I didn't plan to stay in Japan for too long," Fukuyama Zhiming took the initiative to explain with a smile, "I heard from Police Officer Mugure that Mr. Mori is your reasoning teacher. There are a lot of contacts, so I just want to visit Mr. Mori before leaving. Of course, it is also because I want to meet Mr. Mori. He is a well-known detective in Japan. I think I can share my views in various aspects. can be improved.”

Mori Kogoro was restrained in front of his apprentice's attending doctor, trying to maintain a 'parental' demeanor. Hearing Fukuyama Zhiming's words, he was so happy that he grinned to the ears, and his mouth was still modest and polite, "Where is it, Dr. Fukuyama is really flattering you!" Well, I was just lucky enough to help the police solve some cases!"

Chi Feichi picked up the coffee cup and drank the coffee with lowered eyes.

That said, he didn't see the old fox of Police Officer Meguro this morning.

Police officer Megure still has time to talk to Dr. Fukuyama about him. Is it because there are not enough cases to deal with? Did he cheat himself by helping the police solve the case and reducing working hours?

Fukuyama Zhiming still had a smile on his face, "I talked to Mr. Mori, and I found out that you drink a lot. Before I left Japan, it seems that I said in the doctor's order that you need to ban bars?"

Hui Yuanai, Mao Lilan: "..."

This... I feel that Dr. Fukuyama's smile is a little scary.

Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "..."

Familiar Shura field atmosphere.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

What did he say before?

I said that I took my apprentice to meet friends and drink, and the apprentice didn't say how happy he was, at least there was nothing unusual...

Was he being tricked by Dr. Fukuyama?

Azusa Enomoto was curious, and after putting down her drink, she wandered around the seat next to her, eavesdropping, and glanced curiously at Fukuyama Shiming's smiling face, sweating, but couldn't help but glance curiously.

"That will make you happier." Chi Fei sooner or later guessed that Mori Kogoro would reveal a lot of things here, put down his coffee cup calmly, and looked up at Fukuyama Zhiming, "Life is short, Dr. Fukuyama will not want to deprive me All the joys of life, right?"

"The prohibition of drinking alcohol is for your medical condition," Fukuyama Zhiming looked at Chi Feichi and said, "In fact, drinking alcohol is not a good habit. The alcohol you usually drink mainly contains ethanol. When you ingest a large amount of ethanol acutely, it will inhibit your nerves. Transmission slows down the brain response speed. After drinking, many people will experience abnormal euphoria or depression. The mood swings brought about by this kind of foreign objects are not good for you. If you drink too much, severe cases will also lead to deep sleep Unconsciousness, hypothermia until shock, and even respiratory muscle paralysis leading to death..."

Mao Lilan's face turned pale, and she couldn't help looking at Kogoro Moori.

Mori Kogoro broke into a sweat, and hurriedly interrupted, "Doctor Fukuyama, that kind of situation is rare, right? It's only when there are some diseases or discomfort in the body, and drinking too much alcohol will cause such terrible consequences."

"It's better not to be careless," Fukuyama Zhiming shook his head, then continued to look at Chi Feichi and said, "Drinking alcohol for a long time in a healthy person will cause damage to the nervous system, damage cognitive functions, and affect memory and intelligence. Can cause some neurological diseases and personality disorders..."

"Take Wernicke's encephalopathy, which is the triad of oculomotor disturbance, ataxia, and mental disorder."

"For example, peripheral neuropathy, insensitivity at the extremities, and severe movement disorders."

"Such as tremors in the limbs and trunk, irritability, easily startled alcohol dependence."

"Optic neuropathy..."

"Alcoholic dementia..."

"Alcoholic polyneuropathy..."

"Cerebellar degeneration..."

"Degeneration of the corpus callosum..."

Every time Fukuyama Zhiming said something, Mao Lilan would take a look at Mori Kogoro, and carefully compare whether his father had such problems.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Dr. Fukuyama, please stop talking, stop talking, stop talking.

Knowing that drinking is bad for the liver, Xiaolan has always been nagging when he drinks. If he knows that drinking for a long time will damage the nerves, will he be able to drink well in the future?

Fukuyama Zhiming was thirsty, picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, and then continued with a pleasant face and a persuasive look of persuading and enlightening, "Drinking alcohol may have a greater impact on you. Suggestions for long-term drinking or quitting alcohol directly. In addition, you also know that some of the antipsychotic drugs you take can affect liver function. If you drink alcohol, it may strengthen the damage to the liver. "

Chi Feichi took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it, his eyes signaled Fukuyama Zhiming to continue.

Let Dr. Fukuyama continue to popularize science like this, and all wineries will go bankrupt in the future.

It's not about organizing the winery, but a winery in the obvious sense.

Fukuyama Zhiming looked at the cigarette Chi Feichi was holding, feeling that he had been provoked, but he was not annoyed. He just shook his head helplessly and sighed, "Since you haven't taken the medicine and you think going to drink with Mr. Mao Li will be fun, then I can't insist that you stop drinking, but I hope you can control the amount and frequency of drinking, and stop drinking for a period of time after you find any abnormalities in your body or emotions. This is based on the improvement of your condition. I'm sure you're thinking about your physical and mental state, not the kind of person who doesn't have willpower."

Smoothing hair is effective.

When Chi Feichi saw that Fukuyama Zhiming had given in, he nodded, implying that he agreed, "I understand."

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

That means you can drink too, right?

"This is your re-examination report." Fukuyama Zhiming picked up another file bag and handed it over the desk. "There are some my conclusions and suggestions in it. You can take a look. The result will not disappoint you. Since you stopped After taking the medicine for such a long time, restarting the medicine may have some adverse effects, so if your condition can improve steadily, I decided to stop the medicine treatment."

Chi Feichi took the document bag, and seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huibara Ai approaching curiously, he opened the document bag, took out the report inside and looked through it.

There is no detailed examination data in it, only the summary statement of some examiners, plus Fukuyama Zhiming's judgment on his condition and treatment suggestions.

If there is any serious problem, it is impossible for Fukuyama Zhiming to show him the report directly, and he will probably choose to tell his guardian.

Sure enough, all the inspections inside showed that his condition was getting better and better, and Fukuyama Zhiming's suggestion also added the point of 'stopping drug treatment'.

No need to take medicine in the future, which is hard-won good news.

In addition, Fukuyama Zhiming also gave suggestions on how to take medicine for various relapses, and how to gradually increase the dosage of medicine when the condition worsens or cannot be controlled. It is very thoughtful.

After Chi Feichi briefly flipped through the report, Hui Yuanai took it again, and got together with Nanatsuki Koshimizu, carefully memorizing the emergency plan and treatment suggestions above, "It seems that some medicines cannot be bought in ordinary pharmacies. arrive……"

"If Mr. Chi didn't throw away all the medicine, he should still have some. Of course, the doctor won't give him too much at one time," Fukuyama Zhiming said, "If you finish eating, you can take the report to Qingshan Fourth Hospital Or in the psychiatry departments of major hospitals in Tokyo, other doctors will prescribe medicine for him."

"I didn't throw any medicine, I'm at home." Chi Feichi said.

"That's good," Fukuyama Zhiming suddenly felt relieved, which means that Chi Feichi still has "emergency" preparations, and he didn't give up treatment completely. "I will take the car to the airport in two hours. During this time, I will go to the airport." Let's chat as usual."

Chi Feichi looked at Fukuyama Zhiming's smiling face, his scalp went numb, and he faced him coldly.

Sure enough, you still can't avoid the 'chat session'? Can he refuse?

"I haven't seen each other for such a long time. Is there anything Mr. Chi wants to share with me?" Fukuyama Zhiming guided, "People you know, things that happened, or beautiful scenery you saw. Of course, you can also talk about yourself. People or things, let’s discuss together.”

Chi Feichi looked at Fukuyama Zhiming expressionlessly.

Sorry, he doesn't have anything to share.

Fukuyama Zhiming waited for a while, and seeing that Chi Feichi had no intention of speaking, he lowered his head and sighed.

"That..." Mao Lilan felt that the atmosphere suddenly became dull, and she didn't know whether Chi Feichi was rejecting it or what it meant, so she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Do you want to lead a topic?

Fukuyama Zhiming quickly laughed, "Mr. Chi still lacks the desire to share."

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