Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1917 He is more bald and stronger

Conan's heart trembled, and he thought of many things in an instant.

In fact, the night he accompanied Chi Feichi to Qingshan Fourth Hospital for a reexamination, he didn't sleep well, his mood was complicated, and his thoughts were messed up.

For a while, he thought of what Chi Feichi said 'the person he admires most is his father', and for a while he thought of Mr. Shenyuan Haruhito, and remembered what Mr. Shenyuan said. When Chi Feichi was a child, he bought a painting of a family of three at an auction and stood The words were burned outside the back door, and the fire-lit eyes were full of pain. When faced with the question of why Mr. Kanbara destroyed the painting, the answer was actually...

'Because of jealousy'.

Jealous of the happy family of three in the painting, full of admiration for their father but not close to them, coupled with the same busy mother... that must be a very tormenting life, you can only endure it day by day until you find a new way of life .

That night he suffered from insomnia, and occasionally thought of Mrs. Shengu with empty eyes, and Chi Feichi. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what kind of mood he was in. He just wanted to lie in a daze.

After all, he also felt powerless in his heart that he couldn't help Chi Feichi.

He couldn't even tell whether he understood Chi Feichi or not. Let's say he did. He felt that he had known Chi Feichi for so long. But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he didn't know Chi Feichi very well, such as Chi Feichi's mood. , he was completely uncertain.

It wasn't until Dr. Fukuyama mentioned it now that he suddenly woke up.

When other people get along for a long time, they will share some things in life with each other, and share their good and bad moods, but Chi Feichi has never done this before. Only when facing what is happening now, Chi Feichi will say a few more words. The past or current situation is rarely mentioned, and sometimes even what is happening now is too lazy to share thoughts.

Chi Feichi really lacks the desire to share.

As expected of Dr. Fukuyama, it really needs a professional person to find the problem.

Hui Yuanai recalled it carefully, and felt that Fukuyama Zhiming hit the nail on the head with Chi Feichi's problem.

Take her as an example, she occasionally wants to call her godmother to share her recent life, especially this e-sports competition. After the end, she called and chatted with her godmother for a long time, talking about her unhappiness and determination, It seems that I have been enjoying it for a long time.

But her elder brother would not, no matter how big things happened, he would not call his parents, and likewise, he would not take the initiative to share his current situation, mood or thoughts with them if it was not necessary.

Seeing Chi Feichi staring at him silently, Fukuyama Zhiming put his hands on the table, organized his words, and continued, "Sharing is a very important thing. Sharing happy things will pass on the happy emotions to others, and it will also make you happy." Gain happiness from other people's happiness, and share sad and depressed things, even if you don't get comfort, you will feel lighter in your heart. Only those who know how to share can find some joy in life, and those joys can support people to live actively go down."

Chi Feichi: "..."

happy thing? Something sad and frustrating?

Sorry, he really couldn't find anything to share with Fukuyama Zhiming, either he didn't think it was necessary to say it, or it was a secret that he absolutely couldn't tell.

"I can understand your situation." Fukuyama Zhiming suppressed the smile on his face and looked at Chi Feichi seriously, but his eyes were very gentle. "You have tried to share with your parents, right? things, like my own mood, but I didn’t get a response, or I was rudely cut off from the sharing process by saying ‘I’m busy’, right?”

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "Dr. Fushan, you have become bad."

"When I was young, I used irrigation therapy, which is also called exposure therapy. There was one time when things got out of control and the patient's condition deteriorated. Since then, although I understand that sometimes facing problems can solve problems, I have always been against exposure therapy. I have a repulsive mentality and hope to help patients in a gentler way. In essence, I have fear of past failures," Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, "I went to study this time, and I met many capable psychologists. Thanks to their help, I am no longer obsessed with the thrill of the past, especially after getting to know Mr. Lyon, his sometimes radical hypnosis method makes me want to reorganize my treatment ideas, or let Be more flexible about your own treatment style.”

Chi Feichi looked at the top of Fukuyama Zhiming's head, but had nothing to say.

The Great Demon King Fukuyama is balder, but also stronger.

"Let's go back to your question, because the desire to share has been suppressed for a long time, so you get used to suppressing the desire to share. It doesn't matter if you don't have the desire to share now. I don't want you to share freely now, I just want you to realize Knowing the existence of this problem, you know that sharing is good, so try it yourself slowly," Fukuyama Zhiming said sincerely, and laughed again, "Even if I want you to share, you have to be willing, yes Yes, I called your father in the morning and told you about your reexamination that day, has he contacted you?"

"No." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

Wait, listening to the son say in the hypnotic state, "Even if the relationship between father and son is cold, I admire my father the most", shouldn't a father feel moved and warm?

At this time, even if you can't say anything sensational, you should still want to make a phone call and listen to your son's voice.

Why did he feel that he also needed to sit with Mr. Chi Shinosuke for a while?

"Maybe it's because I'm worried about embarrassment," Chi Feichi added, "He knows that I will be embarrassed, and he will be embarrassed if he can't speak."

Conan has black hair.

It would be embarrassing to call between father and son... Is Chi Feichi's relationship with Chi's father really okay? No, are you sure it's not a big problem?

Mao Lilan looked at Kogoro Maoli, expressing that he did not understand what Chi Feichi said.

"Okay, okay," Fukuyama Zhiming felt that he was killed by his father and son for no reason. He was at a loss for words for a while before he found something to say, "It seems that your father and son know each other better..."

Next, Fukuyama Zhiming talked about some things that he encountered during his exchange and study in the United States, which were interesting, fresh, and touching. Chi Feichi also shared his life during this period.

Attempt to boot failed.

Because what Fukuyama Chiaki said was so interesting, Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, Conan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai couldn't help but continue a few sentences, and even Azusa Enomoto was holding a tray to join in the fun.

On the other hand, Chi Feichi relaxed like an unrelated person, drinking coffee leisurely while listening to a group of people chatting, and even refilled two cups of coffee.

Fukuyama Zhiming didn't want to come just for 'treatment' either, seeing that other people were interested, and Chi Feichi was also listening, so he just actively chatted with other people.

Chi Feichi listened silently, and when the time was almost up, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Dr. Fukuyama is really good at chatting, no matter whether it is the first time we meet, whether you are familiar with him or not, he can chat with people enthusiastically.

His cheap mother seems to be able to do it too, but compared to Fukuyama Zhiming, Ike Kana more often chats for a certain purpose.

In fact, he is the same, if it is a task that requires him to chat, he can also brag with people all day without a break.

But then again, Fukuyama Zhiming also has a 'purpose'.

'Purpose' is indeed the driving force for all actions, including the desire to share.

Before a group of people left the store, Chi Feichi managed to drink too much coffee and went to the bathroom first.

The others were waiting outside the door. Koshimizu Nanatsuki approached Fukuyama Zhiming with his mobile phone, so that Fukuyama Zhiming could see part of the chat page on the mobile phone, and said hesitantly, "Dr. Fukuyama, I have something to ask, you first Take a look at this..."

On the chat page, the account of "Mr. Chi" was mentioned in the private chat message, and he sent a photo of a full stomach and a round belly, and a photo of standing on the apartment building in Kubado Town and taking a photo of the Toto Tower in the distance. Occasionally, some scenery on the road will be posted.

On the contrary, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also posted photos of elderberry saplings, photos of Wuming and his younger brothers taking a short rest in the yard when they passed by, and photos of some weird and small objects.

The content of the text is not much, but it is basically a communication, and they can say something to each other, such as 'tired', 'ready to go to bed', 'driving', 'have a commission', 'bathing in the sun' and so on.

Fukuyama Zhiming looked at the chat messages scrolling on the phone, his face froze.

That is to say, it's not that Mr. Chi doesn't have the desire to share, it's just that he lacks the desire to share?

In an instant, his heart felt as if it had been pierced by a knife, and then buried under the boundless wind and snow.

"Is this a lack of desire to share?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked doubtfully.

Fukuyama Zhiming raised his eyes to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's puzzled eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Thinking that Mori Kogoro and others didn't say that Chi Feichi would share, he felt a little better, "May I ask, Yueshui Are Miss and Mr. Chi dating?"

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was startled, and blushed, "No, no, why did Dr. Fukuyama ask such a question?"

"Really?" Fukuyama Zhiming thought for a while, and felt that the affairs of young people had to be handled by young people to be romantic, and he couldn't destroy it, but he still reminded, "I think Miss Yueshui should think about it, Mr. Chi is schizophrenic. If you have a problem, be mentally prepared.”

He felt that Mr. Chi was a frank person.

Regardless of whether he realized what it was like to share his life frequently with a girl, at least he didn't hide his problems from Miss Yueshui.

Couples in the passionate love period may not care whether one party has an incurable and relapsed mental illness, but this issue must be considered slowly. He does not want to receive a relapsed and aggravated Chi Feichi, or a The new patient Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki gradually became serious, took back the phone, and nodded, "That's right, compared with the problem of sharing desire, the problem of schizophrenia is more worthy of consideration, but after much deliberation, there is nothing I can do to help you. To Mr. Chi."

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

What he meant was...well, forget it.

"Doctor Fukuyama..." Mao Lilan approached Fukuyama Zhiming with hesitation, "I have something to ask you."

"Ms. Mori, please tell me directly." Fukuyama Zhiming smiled, puzzled.

Mr. Chi doesn't often share his life with Ms. Maori, does he? If this is the case, then Mr. Chi's sexism is too serious.

"It's my father's problem," Mao Lilan said worriedly, "You know, everyone calls him the sleeping Kogoro, when he solves a case, he makes some strange noises, and then sits in a certain place as if he has fallen asleep. He speaks amazing reasoning, but sometimes his attitude is inconsistent, and he doesn’t seem to remember solving the case when he wakes up, and I always feel that his reasoning is a little different from usual, like... like It's like a different person..."

Conan who slipped to the side to eavesdrop: "..."

Cough, it is indeed a different person.

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