Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1918 finally left

Mao Lilan became more and more worried, "So I wonder if my father has another personality, or some kind of mental illness. If this continues, will it have a bad influence on him?"

"Actually, when we were in the United States, we also studied the issue of your father." Fukuyama Zhiming glanced at Kogoro Mori who was smiling and greeting his neighbors over there, and said in a low voice, "Because there are some rumors that Mr. Mori is usually joking and out of tune, and solves the case. In addition to the sleeping situation, some people think that Mr. Maori has dissociative disorder, that is, the multiple personality you suspect, but it is just a suspicion. This time I came to visit, in addition to meeting him, the famous detective and Knowing Mr. Chi's situation, I also want to see if he has dissociative disorder..."

Conan: "..."

Dr. Fukuyama's purpose is hidden too deep, very insidious.

"Then what's the result?" Mao Lilan asked nervously, "Do you think he is dissociative?"

Fukuyama Zhiming shook his head regretfully, "Unfortunately, I haven't seen your father's sleeping state to solve the case, and I can't be sure. I have also greeted Police Officer Megure before. If Mr. Mori encounters a situation that needs to be solved, please let me go. Witness it, if you are lucky enough to see the sleeping Kogoro when you come back this time, I think you should be able to confirm the speculations of some scholars."

Conan: "..."

It's dangerous, but fortunately, there is no chance for the uncle to play these few days.

If there is an incident, he put the uncle down, and just as he was reasoning, Dr. Fukuyama suddenly appeared to examine or test the uncle...

Think of it as a scene of hell.

"Didn't your father go to the hospital for a psychiatric examination?" Fukuyama Zhiming asked doubtfully.

"Officer Shiratori used to joke about introducing a psychiatrist to my father," Mao Lilan recalled, smiling sheepishly, "but that psychiatrist was a murderer, and I was stimulated by witnessing him murder. He lost his memory, and he still wanted to kill me, but after he was stopped by Conan and Brother Feichi, he was arrested by the police and brought to justice."

Fukuyama Zhiming: "..."

He felt sorry for his misguided colleague.

But how many thrilling and exciting things has Mr. Chi experienced during this time?

"By the way, there was another time," Mao Lilan continued to recall, "When I was in Osaka, my father suddenly became depressed, and he seemed to lose his temper when he was depressed, so Brother Feichi called the local psychiatrist. Send him to check."

Fukuyama Zhiming nodded, "Many mental illnesses or mental illnesses may be concurrent. Mr. Mori has a precedent of 'sleeping'. It is not ruled out that there are other problems. Mr. Chi sent him to the psychiatrist after he found something wrong. He did a good job. So what about the test results?"

"It seems that he just had a brain CT scan, and there was nothing wrong with it," Mao Lilan wondered. "After talking with the psychologist, he didn't feel depressed or lost his temper, and he felt very happy. He had a good chat with the doctor. It's fate."

"Really..." Fukuyama Zhiming turned his head to look at the back of Mori Kogoro, lost in thought.

There was no problem with Mr. Chi's brain CT before, but there was another case. It was obvious that there was a big problem with his behavior, but the test result was relatively normal.

Are there many cases like this already? Is there a new condition that the testing machines can't detect, or...

The gaze from Fukuyama Chiaki.

Mori Kogoro felt a strange gaze behind him, and when he turned his head to look, he only saw Fukuyama Zhiming's smiling face and Mori Ran's worried eyes, which made him feel strange, "What, what's wrong?"

Hui Yuanai yawned, "It's nothing, we're just discussing the heroic deeds of sleeping Kogoro."

It's nothing, she was just listening to the gossip about 'a famous detective almost caused her future father-in-law to be sent to a mental hospital by her daughter'.

"Yes," Fukuyama Zhiming echoed with a smile, and whispered to Mao Lilan, "After I go back, there are some things that need to be investigated and confirmed with my colleagues. As for your father, since the inspection results are all right, you don't have to worry too much about it for the time being." Worry, pay more attention to his situation in the future, if there is anything abnormal that makes people feel wrong, you can contact me or other psychiatrists."

An hour later, Fukuyama boarded a plane bound for the United States.

Since Fukuyama Zhiming came back this time because of Chi Feichi, of course Chi Feichi wanted to send off the attending doctor who was worried about him, and Mori Kogoro and others happened to have nothing to do because they had a good chat with Fukuyama Zhiming in the coffee shop. I was busy, so I followed Chi Feichi to see Fushan Zhiming off.

Conan heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the plane fly over the sky full of sunset clouds.

Finally left.

Dr. Fukuyama is a good man, but it is better to go away.

If this continues, he is worried that Xiaolan will really send the uncle to the psychiatric department, or when he uses the identity of the uncle to reason, one or two psychiatrists will suddenly appear.

Mori Kogoro also heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally left.

Dr. Fukuyama is a good man, but it is better to go away.

If Dr. Fukuyama continued to chat with Xiaolan, he worried that he would run out of alcohol in the future.


That night, Okiya Subaru, who lived in Kudo's residence, was reading emails on his mobile phone and drinking in silence.

Is Dr. Fukuyama gone? It's okay to leave.

Dr. Fukuyama is a good person, but it doesn't feel good to be exposed all of a sudden. Fortunately, Shirley was not there that day, otherwise his efforts during this period would have been in vain. Shirley must be nervous to guard against him again. .

Having said that, that day Miss Yue Shui looked at him with some scrutiny, and it would be rather troublesome if the female detective suspected him.


"Oh? Is he gone?"

Kuboto-cho, No. 119, 1-chome, the lobby on the first basement floor.

"Leaving at five o'clock in the evening, I have already scanned the inspection report and sent it to you," Chi Feichi said, "However, I didn't get the specific inspection data, just some general summary of the condition."

The electronic synthesizer sounded immediately, "Bermod will go and take those inspection reports away, but after he left, you seem to be relieved..."

"He knows that I have lived with Pisco for a while," Chi Feichi said, "Although it's okay to let it out, just borrowing doesn't mean that I have any connection with Pisco, but it may attract people. The attention and interrogation of some police officers investigating the Pisco incident will bring me a lot of trouble."

Big trouble.

If Fukuyama Zhiming casually mentioned "Masuyama Kenzo" on the day of his review and today when he reported to him, then Conan and Fenmao might cheer up and investigate the process of his stay with Pisco.

Fortunately, Fukuyama Zhiming cooperated with his parents' "do not want to attract a bad reputation" blockade, and Fukuyama Zhiming really kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word.

The electronically synthesized voice said: "Dr. Fukuyama is an excellent and responsible doctor. Keep him, maybe he can help you sometime. If he accidentally slipped his mouth and caused the news to spread, I believe you can deal with the police. Cross-examination will not be a problem."

"You really have confidence in me," Chi Feichi looked up at the high-mounted camera with a calm and determined expression, "It's impossible for you not to know about his return."

In the examination room, the moment he heard Feichi yelling "Dr. Fukuyama is back" outside, even the electrocardiogram was messed up.

That one made people stare at Fukuyama Zhiming. It is impossible not to know that Fukuyama Zhiming bought a plane ticket back to Japan and brought a psychologist back to see his condition. The reason why he didn't tell him was that he would run away early. or what?

If that person can tell him in advance, he can at least be mentally prepared, so that he doesn't have to suddenly face two people who are very good at digging and analyzing people's psychology.

Electronically synthesized voice: "That's right, I want to give you a surprise."

Chi Feichi: "..."

surprise? The one who said this is already shameless.

The electronically synthesized voice continued, "Leon Law is a famous criminal psychologist and knows some hypnosis. You didn't see any problems with them, did you?"

"Leon Law's hypnosis on me was not successful, I don't think they saw any problem," Chi Feichi said, and asked back, "Do you want them to see any problem?"

Electronically synthesized voice: "Don't be so narrow-minded, you have the ability to mislead the test results, I just want to confirm your real situation, if they find something and have a move to contact the police, I will let people solve them as soon as possible, including Someone who might leak the news."

When Chi Feichi saw that person confessed his narrow mindedness, he didn't hold on to it or spoke secretly, but he objected to the 'small minded' in his heart, "You said before that after I got the review report, something happened Ask me to do it."

Electronically synthesized voice: "I want you to go and see Shimizu Reiko, the laboratory does not inject a large amount of drugs into her, and she is a tenacious person, so she has survived the experiment until now, you can judge her physical condition and other factors. Whether it is suitable for performing tasks, whether it is collecting intelligence or operating tasks, if possible, I will let her do one thing."

"No problem," Chi Feichi agreed decisively, and added, "No matter how weak her body is, I believe there will be no problem in collecting information. The only thing to worry about is that her face is wanted by the police. , and whether she has a grudge against me or the organization."

He sent Reiko Shimizu into the laboratory, and he felt uncomfortable thinking about letting go of such a person who might hold resentment towards him, and always felt that it was too late for him to act.

If I knew it earlier, the laboratory should increase the dose and let Shimizu Reiko die earlier.

But he felt uncomfortable, so at this time he still had to speak from the standpoint of the organization.

First try to find out what that person thinks, see if he can get some more information, and then go to see Shimizu Reiko's situation, if it doesn't work, he will have a lot of ways to send Shimizu Reiko away in the future!

"Her face is really easy to be spotted by the police, so I only plan to let her go out for a short time, and let her come back after she finishes what she should do," the electronic synthesizer paused, "If you can't come back It doesn't matter if she comes, as for whether she resents you or the organization, don't worry about it, it seems that you haven't paid attention to her situation for a long time, and now she probably won't have resentment towards you or the organization in the short term."

"Understood, I'll be there tomorrow."

Chi Feichi stopped in time and did not ask any further questions.

That person seems to be very optimistic about Reiko Shimizu's going out, thinks that short-term activities are fine, and thinks that it is difficult for Reiko Shimizu to feel resentment, but "it doesn't matter if you don't come back", it is the one who "can give up at any time" and that one only said 'no resentment in the short term', which shows that that one does not trust Reiko Shimizu very much at the moment.

As long as that one doesn't suddenly value Reiko Shimizu, the initiative is still in his hands.

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