Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1919 Purgatory on Earth

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning.

The lights in the underground corridor were bright, shining on the plain floor, reflecting an almost pale light.

The air converter continued to operate, and with a slight humming sound, cool air gushed out from the outlet.


On the end wall, the wall faces slide away on both sides.

A man in a white coat walked out of the elevator-like small space at the back, leading the people in black behind him. Hasty footsteps and excited whispers broke the silence in the corridor.

"This is really a miracle, Lark! After injecting AHTX-2001 and the semi-finished antidote, the red blood cells in her body continued to decline. I continued to transfuse blood for a week, and strange changes appeared in her body. Under the circumstances, those gunshot wound scars on her body are recovering quickly..."

Chi Feichi put on Lak's face and followed Gong Juren through the corridor without interrupting Gong Juren's excited chatter.

This also counts as Gong Juren reporting the progress of the experiment to him face to face.

He gave up the follow-up research on AHTX-2001, but Gong Juren believed that it was a path that could lead human beings to the road of longevity, so he insisted on researching it.

During this period, a large number of mice, frogs, and other mammals used for experiments died in the experiments. Under the influence of drugs, the red blood cells in these animals were continuously listed as 'enemies' by their own immune system and eliminated, requiring blood transfusion In the process of infusion of young blood again and again, some old animals become younger day by day, and the organs with declining functions can also be rejuvenated.

It's just that it's difficult for living things to receive external blood for a long time, as short as ten days, as long as a month, those animals will die of blood disease or sudden organ failure.

During this period, there were also people sent over as 'scrap' in the laboratory. Gong Juren was obsessed with longevity research, and preferred elderly experimental subjects, but the organization was mostly young and middle-aged, and there were really not many suitable candidates. So facing Reiko Shimizu, Gong Juren reluctantly accepted it.

At the beginning, Gong Juren just wanted to use these people to find a way to fight against the long-term evils of blood transfusion.

As long as the human body can withstand long-term blood transfusion, Gong Juren's idea of ​​maintaining longevity through blood exchange may be really interesting.

"Longevity" has attracted people crazy since ancient times. Gong Juren does not necessarily want to live forever, but is obsessed with the process of discovering and unraveling this mystery.

He remembered that in the report report, Gong Juren's laboratory accepted five human experiment subjects, and only Shimizu Reiko survived in the end.

And Reiko Shimizu was able to survive for a reason...

"Shortly thereafter, she and Subject No. 4 entered the stage of rapid organ failure. I asked the organization to find a matching bone marrow, and asked someone to assist me in completing a bone marrow transplant. Subject No. 4 survived for 37 hours before dying. I used it as a further inspection after the event. After the bone marrow transplantation, the immune system of subject No. 4 seemed to be completely chaotic, which was the main cause of his death, but she survived No. 3," Gong Juren quickened his pace, with Excited, "Although there is a little problem with her immune system, it is not fatal at present, and the impact of continuous blood transfusion on her body has been eliminated. She has provided me with more experience and discoveries, I think Try using other drugs to adjust the immune system in her body to a level sufficient to support her survival..."

Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "In the email you sent me, it was mentioned that your attempt failed."

"Yeah, the attempt failed, but I have already controlled the adverse effects of those drugs on her body..." The frenzy in Gong Juren's eyes subsided, and he stood at the end of the corridor, his eyes regained his composure, and he stretched out his hand to press Look at a display screen on the wall, wait for the camera to scan the iris, and let the camera capture the iris of the blond man behind him, then turn around and smile apologetically, "Sorry, I've been nagging all the way, and I lost my composure."


The wall was opened to both sides, and the lights in the secret room behind the wall were turned on, making the illuminated monitoring screen look less eerie.

"It's okay," Chi Feichi hissed, and stepped into the secret room, "That means her immune system will still have problems, right?"

"For now, she may not die from long-term blood transfusions, but she may die from a disordered immune system," Gong Juren sighed, "and her mood has not been very good, so sooner or later she will die." Die, so it doesn't matter if you want to take her away, I still have subject No. 5 to observe, and the condition of subject No. 5 after the bone marrow transplantation is not too bad, which means the success rate is not low, and there should be other successes in the future Experimental subject, but I hope that every once in a while, you can let her continue to cooperate with me in the examination, I want her physical examination data, maybe she can survive."

"no problem."

Chi Feichi sat on the chair in front of the table, looked up at the screens on the wall, and hissed, "I need to watch all the surveillance videos since she entered the laboratory."

On the display screen, the situation of the two currently surviving experimental subjects is played in real time.

One was the No. 5 experimental subject who had just been sent here, and the other was Shimizu Reiko. The two were locked in a fully enclosed room, and the air was passed through the air converter.

If you have to describe it, that kind of room is like a large mouse terrarium, tall and open, using machines to adjust the air humidity, temperature, light, and cameras to monitor all aspects.

Living there will not be cold and hungry, but the experience will definitely not be good.

Gong Juren will care about the physical health, mood, and mental state of the experimental subject, and he only cares about his experimental product. After doing those things, he has long stopped treating the experimental subject as a fellow human being.

Or how to put it, the laboratory of the organization is the scariest place?

His assistant has gone crazy, and he who led Gong Juren to be obsessed with this research, I don't know if he is the culprit.


The pure white space seems to have no boundaries.

Reiko Shimizu lay quietly on the table, staring blankly at Pure White in front of her.

There was a soft leather cushion under her body, and the temperature was warm and comfortable, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, recalling the past over and over again.

She would think of running along the coast of Yokohama when she was a child, and the faces that surrounded her when she was in school. The atmosphere of freedom made her greedy and infatuated, and she even thought of the robbers she once hated.

Yes, no matter where and with whom, it is better than here.

She would think of that day again and again.

Under the magnificent sunset, she saw the blood she had spilled on the ground from the muzzle of the gun that was spraying with flames.

The foreign man with a young and handsome face got out of the car and squatted beside her, still staring at her indifferently, his hoarse voice was like the whisper of a demon.

Everything changed that day.

It seemed that when she woke up, she was already in this place.

The surroundings were so bright that people could only see white. The gunshot wound on her body had been treated, and the faint pain reminded her that this was not the world after death.

She was still alive, but she was fixed here, unable to move, and the most embarrassing thing was that she felt the urge to urinate.

She yelled loudly, and soon, the iron ring that held her was loosened, and someone responded.

It was the voice of a young man, telling her clearly: there is no toilet or restaurant here, her food and water will be passed through the equipment in the table, and the place to go to the bathroom depends on the toilet that will rise from the ground next to the table and sink.

The buttons are all on the table, which is quite convenient, but she feels humiliated. She has tried to be coquettish to please her, and she has also tried to swear at her. When she said that her mouth was dry, but the other party didn't respond, she could only keep this account in her heart. , choose to obey obediently.

After gaining freedom of movement for the first time, she was unwilling to go back to the stage, and the other party ignored her, allowing her to study the white metal stage and try to walk around.

The light here was too bright, she could only feel her way forward, and she could only touch the cold metal wall.

Probably to make it easier for her to sleep, sometimes the surrounding white light will disappear, making the whole space into darkness, which lasts for a long time, and should be adjusted according to the time of day and night.

It took her about three or four days to explore here. When she was hungry or thirsty, she returned to the table, pressed the buttons to get food and water, and leaned against the table to sleep for a while when she was tired.

The result of the exploration left her in despair. There were cold walls on all sides, and she couldn't touch a crack, let alone a window or door. She couldn't take apart the metal table to see. The source of the air was probably from above, but it was only affected by white light or darkness. Affected by the light, she didn't know how high it was above, and she couldn't even figure out which direction the air was coming from.

When her injury was almost healed, she finally couldn't take it anymore, and called out that she wanted to take a bath every half an hour. About two hours later, the hot water pouring down from the sky made her completely wet, and there was still clear water , foam water, clear water in order, and finally a stream of clear water with a disinfectant smell.

The water had poured her for a long time, but it didn't accumulate on the ground. She tried to find the drain, but only found a dense patch of small holes on more than one floor. The floor was made of unknown material, smooth and cold, and strong enough.

At that time, she thought that the accomplices of the young man named 'Luck' just wanted to imprison her and drive her crazy in captivity.

Although she is indeed going crazy.

It seems that she is the only one in the whole world. At the beginning, there is still this space for her to explore, but soon there is no new thing, only the change of white light and dim. Apart from talking, she never heard other people's voices.

She fell asleep again, and when she woke up again, two young men's faces appeared in front of her eyes, and her body was fixed on the table again, and various equipment detection heads were connected to her body.

She immediately thought of the hypnotic gas, if she just fell asleep, it was impossible for her to be moved and not wake up.

The young man standing beside her was wearing a white coat, holding an injection syringe, half of his face was covered under the mask, and he was staring intently at the scale on the syringe.

While she was trying to move, another man also in a white coat spoke up, whispering to the man with the syringe.

‘Wake up, are you sure you want to give her the injection while she’s awake? '

‘During deep sleep or under anesthesia, her perception of pain will be affected. If Lark wants that part of the data, you don’t feel distressed, do you? '

'I didn't say that. '

In just a few words, she understood what kind of terrible drug these two people were going to inject her with, and tried to communicate.

But no matter whether she begged for mercy or tried to seduce her, the needle still pierced her arm.

Soon she had no strength to speak.

Her hands and feet were weak, she was dizzy, and the coldness coming from her body made her tremble. She could hear her heartbeat gradually accelerating, and she wanted to struggle but was immobilized.

After that, there was a throbbing pain in the muscles of the hands and feet, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, and a faint pain in the abdominal cavity.

The pain was slowly intensifying, and the two men next to her were only focused on debugging the machine and recording data, ignoring her cries, like two indifferent robots.

She thought she would pass out several times, but she was still awake. For the first time, she desperately wanted to fall asleep.

When she was almost unable to hold on, the man in charge of the injection re-injected her with an unknown drug and hung up a blood bag for her.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, but when she woke up again, all the machines around her disappeared. She was lying on the table, her clothes had been changed, and her hands and feet were no longer fixed by iron rings.

The experience of being injected with drugs seemed like a dream, but it was not a dream.

Those two people began to transfuse her blood every once in a while, and occasionally new faces would come over, or when she woke up, there were machines all around, beeping, feeding back her physical condition to the machine, It made her feel an unspeakable fear, suspecting that something was wrong with her body.

Every time she would be fixed on the table, and no one would respond to her with a single word every time. Those people, one or two, seemed to only pay attention to the data fed back by the machine.

Until one time, she struggled to free the blood transfusion needle in her hand, and soon became dizzy and nauseated. The man who gave her the injection came to her at some point, picked up the blood transfusion needle and stuck it into her arm again, with a helpless tone spoke to her.

‘Be more obedient, you will die if you don’t get a blood transfusion! '

She was in a trance at the time and didn't notice when the other party left. When she woke up again, the blood transfusion seemed to have ended.

There is no need to doubt anymore, something is really wrong with her body.

And since that time, she never had a chance to get rid of the blood transfusion needle during the blood transfusion.

It went on day after day, and the day and night here were boring and changing. When she could not be fixed on the table, she even thought of hitting the table to commit suicide, but every time she tried, she would be affected by the hypnotic gas, and she couldn't even hit her head.

Afterwards, she seemed to have undergone an operation. After sleeping for an unknown period of time, she woke up and was recovering after the operation. She was unable to move freely for a long time, and her life depended entirely on catheters.

Those white coats no longer frequently transfused her blood, but strengthened the inspection of her body, probably to take care of her emotions, or perhaps to worry about her blindness. Occasionally, a real blue sky, white clouds or starry sky would be projected in the sky.

No matter how dull she is, she can understand her situation - the other party treats her like a guinea pig, and she is a test product in a brutal experiment!

But so what if she realized it, she could only move her fingers during that time, stare at the night sky and fall asleep, and then be awakened by the white light, watching a group of people record data beside her.

The surroundings are always so warm and comfortable, but to her, it is like a purgatory on earth, she can't die even if she wants to, she can only be at the mercy of others every day, staring at the top boringly every day, in a daze, she can't tell how long the time has passed.

After she almost recovered after the operation, she was able to move freely again, but the space was still limited here, and her heart was so depressed that she yelled, and after no one paid attention to it, she calmed down again.

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