Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1920 These People Are Crazy!


There was a light mechanical sound in the white light, and a blue sky was projected above, and a projected bird flew at low altitude and landed on the table.

Reiko Shimizu lay on the table, looked sideways at the bird that landed on the side of her head, reached out to touch it, but her fingers passed through the body of the bird without hindrance, sat up in a frenzy and collapsed for a moment, hugged her head and shouted stand up.

She knew it was the signal to remind her that it was time for lunch.

After she recovered from surgery, she also went on a hunger strike, lying motionless on a table, but it didn't help.

Those people can always force her to sit up in some way, make her go crazy or collapse, and play the recording urging her to eat again. If she doesn't eat obediently, when she wakes up, she will be immobilized again and live with a catheter .

Those people don't let her die, they want her to live in endless torture!

Those people are demons!

"It's time to eat, please finish eating within half an hour!"

The male voice reminder that has been heard several times echoed in the space.


Shimizu Reiko yelled for a while, and then calmed down decadently holding her head. After a while, she got up and got off the table, and pressed the button on the table.

If she completely annoyed the other party, not only would she not be able to die, but she might even lose her current right to move freely.

And without looking at her, she knew that the food that came up from the table would only be nutritious and easy to swallow, like liquid food.

Yes, she couldn't even swallow food and choke to death.

As for the water supply, it was the same, it was just a fixed pipe, the water flow was slow and constant, and she didn't even think about drowning herself.

Even if she choked herself into shock, those people would always find a way to rescue her.

An hour later, Reiko Shimizu finished eating and drinking, lay back on the table, closed her eyes, and didn't want to look at the projection in the sky.

After recovering from the operation, she also found a way to make herself as comfortable as possible. In this kind of space, she can occasionally pass the time by exercising.


The left side of the boundary cannot be seen clearly, and there is a slight sound.

Reiko Shimizu froze, suspecting that she was having auditory hallucinations.

Did someone come in? How can it be?

Those people only came in or out when she was overwhelmed by the hypnotic gas.

Was that strange noise just now another way to force her to collapse?

"Gong, the light is too bright, please dim it a little."

A hoarse voice came from afar, making Shimizu Reiko suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, turning her head to look in the direction of the voice.

Now the space is the coast projection of the blue sky tower, but no matter how real the projection is, it is still fake. In front of her eyes, there is still an endless coastline.

As the light dimmed, a tall and slender figure in black walked out of the coastline step by step, and became clear in front of her eyes.

When the surroundings were projected into the coast of the night sky, the other party also walked not far from the platform where she was.

Under the moonlight, there is a layer of light golden hair, the same cold blue eyes as in the memory, and the young face with little freckles that she once complained in her heart as 'pretty cute' ...

Seeing this face now, she would no longer feel that the other person's 'cuteness' was only ruined by the indifference. He was not a man who could be described by the word 'cute' at all!

But after the other party approached the stage, he didn't stop, and was still approaching step by step, which gave her a feeling of palpitation and oppression, and she desperately hoped that the other party would not come any closer.

Chi Feichi walked all the way to the table, looked at Reiko Shimizu who was kneeling on the other side of the table with her hands on her clothes, and asked in a hoarse voice after a while, "Are you afraid of me?"

Reiko Shimizu was stared at by those eyes that couldn't see clearly, her throat was tight, and when she spoke, her voice was hoarse, "Luck..."

Chi Feichi walked around the stage, walked towards Reiko Shimizu who shrank to the edge of the stage, and continued to ask, "You have participated in drag racing activities before, how is your driving skill?"

The hoarse sound was like rubbing against rusty iron sheets. Shimizu Reiko still knelt on the edge of the table, feeling that Chi Feichi had come to her side, and did not dodge any more. She stared nervously ahead, "I... I won the first place , but not as good as a professional player."

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to go around Shimizu Reiko, and put his palm on Shimizu Reiko's thin shoulder. After noticing that Shimizu Reiko's body stiffened, he turned his head and stared at Shimizu Reiko, who was still pale in the dim light. face, so that he can observe Reiko Shimizu's reaction, and lowered his hoarse voice very softly, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

The gesture was ambiguous, like a man in love leaning over to care for his lover, but Reiko Shimizu broke out in a cold sweat.

Before meeting this man, she had always been confident in her own charm, and there were men who ignored her before, and with a little trickery, she could win them over step by step.

That evening when the sun was setting, the man shot at her without hesitation, and his sick attitude when he knelt down beside her let her know that this man didn't like her.

And after arriving here, she found that not only this man, but also those men in white coats are not like normal men, paying attention to sympathy and sympathy.

During her time here, she tried to seduce her more than once. From the beginning, she was full of revenge, and in the end she just wanted to let herself out. As a result, those men didn't treat her as a woman at all, or even as a human being.

These people are crazy!

This man, who was called 'Luck' by his companions, obviously had a high status in the group, and she didn't think he was attracted to her when he suddenly made such an intimate move.

And the other party's eagle-like clear and sharp gaze further illustrated this point.

In this way, this kind of intimacy has a morbid taste, which made her feel the suffocation she experienced when she was injected with drugs.

"I..." Reiko Shimizu slowed down for a moment before she realized what the person beside her said. She quickly lowered her head and said hastily, "I was wrong, Lark, I shouldn't be thinking carefully, I shouldn' You should think about embezzling the robbed money alone!"

Chi Feichi observed Shimizu Reiko's expression and found nothing unusual. He withdrew his left hand from Shimizu Reiko's shoulder and walked in the direction he came from.

If Reiko Shimizu could complete the robbery without being targeted by the police, not only would all the money go to Reiko Shimizu, but at most the organization would only collect the fees that should be charged when Reiko Shimizu laundered the money.

Reiko Shimizu was indeed wrong, she made a mistake in wanting to play tricks, and she also made a mistake in underestimating the ability of the members of the organization and the horror of the organization.

Today, Reiko Shimizu didn't think about playing tricks in front of him, he was quite satisfied, but he wouldn't let Reiko Shimizu out so easily.

"Wait...wait!" Shimizu Reiko was in a hurry, and wanted to stretch out her hand to pull Chi Feichi who walked by the table, but she stopped halfway through her hand, and shouted anxiously at the leaving figure, "I really know I was wrong. , please let me out!"

no respond.

The back figure disappeared into the projected scenery, and not long after, there was a sound of closing the door with a 'wow'.

Reiko Shimizu lost all her strength, and her stiff body relaxed all of a sudden. She put her hands in front of her body, lowered her head and lay down on the table, her slightly curly long hair also blocked her slumped and desperate face.


Outside the door, Chi Feichi turned and walked towards the monitoring room at the end without looking at the tightly stitched metal wall behind him.

A wisp of white smoke floated from the door of the monitoring room, bringing the minty smell of women's cigarettes to the air.

Gong Juren doesn't smoke, let alone women's cigarettes.

Belmode leaned against the wall behind the door, folded his hands in front of him, held a half-lit cigarette between his fingertips, looked at the monitor screen with both eyes, with a faint smile on his mouth, and didn't look back Seeing Chi Feichi walking in, he asked aloud, "Lake, don't you think it's okay?"

"It's okay to let her out, but don't rush it for a while," Chi Feichi hissed, his eyes swept over Belmode, and then at Shui Wurenai who was sitting at the table and turned his head to look over, "You guys came together ?"

Belmode didn't want to move his position, he still leaned against the wall and looked at the slumped Shimizu Reiko in the surveillance screen, "Kil arrived a minute earlier than me, I just missed her when I entered the door, but I saw her A motorcycle parked in the yard."

"Sorry, it's the first time I came here, I couldn't find a parking place nearby, so I parked directly in the yard, anyway, there is no one around, so I shouldn't be targeted," said Reina Mizumura with a relaxed tone. , and looked at Chi Feichi again, "Gin asked me to confirm whether Reiko Shimizu has the ability to perform the task. When you just entered for a while, I happened to go to the corridor and saw that you were busy, so I didn't to disturb you."

Chi Feichi walked to the table, opened a chair and sat down. He was not surprised by the arrival of the two of them. The one who has always been cautious, regardless of the size of the matter, can follow the rule of "multiple people to confirm". Take risks because of the question of trust or disbelief, "Have you read the physical report?"

"Not yet, in such a short time, how can I have time to watch it?" Belmode walked up to Chi Feichi, and teased with a smile, "I just came to see you scaring such a beautiful woman, if you are impatient It would be a pity if you finished admiring it, wouldn’t it?”

Rena Mizumura wanted to nod.

When she got to the corridor, she happened to see Chi Feichi entering the room. It was not so much that she didn't want to disturb Chi Feichi, but because she didn't react, the door closed, and the researcher who brought her also took her. To the monitoring room.

Belmode was not long after her, that is, when she heard the researcher say, "Luck is going to see Subject No. 3", and watched the surveillance video where Lark walked in front of Shimizu Reiko, Belmode arrived.

Frankly speaking, she almost shuddered for Reiko Shimizu when she saw Lark put her hand on Reiko Shimizu's shoulder and leaned her head to talk in Reiko Shimizu's ear.

Looking at getting along, at most, Lak will smile at her inexplicably, or say that Chianti is cute, keep a little distance from everyone, and rarely touch her body. The person who moved, and he was a very nervous person, and she suddenly got close to Shimizu Reiko during the surveillance, and she felt her scalp go numb.

Belmode said 'scare', and she agreed that Lak's actions were indeed scary, frightening such a beautiful person, but she didn't fully agree, she was more inclined to judge this than 'intentionally scare' It's Lark's nerves.

In short, she and Belmode just sat and stood one by one, watching the whole process silently, waiting for Lak to come out, or bring someone out.

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