Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1924 Anxious to go out to maintain social interaction with the outside world

At four o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi and Gin joined forces to settle the five bottles of beer and three bottles of sake on the table.

While drinking, although the two did not talk about personal and organizational matters, there was no shortage of topics.

Chi Feichi searched the memory of the original consciousness, and told Qin Jiu some rumors and strange hobbies of the family's wealthy businessman.

A well-known banker in Japan is afraid of his wife. He is really afraid. He is afraid that when he goes to a banquet, he must be ready to answer the phone and be checked...

The son of a certain political figure in Osaka is a troublemaker. It's not that he's rebellious, nor is he being used by others. It's because he has a really bad personality and likes to bully others...

The relationship between the two sons of the head of a British consortium is at odds. On the surface, they seem to be brothers and sisters, but in fact they often make trouble secretly...

On the other hand, Qin Jiu also told Chi Feichi a lot of gossip about criminal groups.

The boss of a violent club in Tokyo has not appeared for a long time. It was rumored that he was injured in the gang, so he stayed behind closed doors, but I just had a conflict with the elders of the club. I was still arguing in a remote place in the middle of the night two days ago... …

The robbery and criminal gangs active in the United States are very good every time they are reported. In fact, they often cause civil strife due to the uneven distribution of spoils. At present, they are all suppressed by the boss and military advisers. Once those two people die, they will definitely kill themselves...

The serial kidnapping criminal gang that was once very popular in Japan, the police are still investigating due to more than one tearing of tickets, but the person has died as early as two years ago, and there is a discrepancy with the police investigation. The kidnappers are not more than two people. The gang, just an ordinary-looking middle-aged couple...

When the wine on the table was finished, Gin looked at Chi Feichi, who was not drunk, got up and walked to the wine cabinet, eyeing some rare wines in Chi Feichi's collection, and stretched out his hand to one of the bottles.

Chi Feichi also went to the wine cabinet, reached out for a bottle of a certain brand of sauce-flavored liquor, and turned to look at the gin.

Gin sneered, and withdrew his hand that was about to take the wine, showing that he was fearless with his actions.

The two returned to the table and continued drinking.

Chi Feichi continued to gossip about what he had almost confirmed.

An old aristocratic patriarch in his sixties in Kyoto owed a lot of romantic debts when he was young, and had more than one illegitimate child outside. I heard that his wife no longer cared about these things, but divorce would damage his reputation and interests. Dealing with illegitimate children is a headache...

A newly promoted rich man in the UK colluded with the local gangsters. He once bought the gangsters to eliminate his opponents, but was coerced by the gangsters. It is not a secret in the circle that the two parties are on the same boat...

A certain country's chaebol controls a group of women to win over others, and even caused a criminal case. A scapegoat surrendered himself, and the rumors were suppressed within two days...

Gin Jiu also continued to tell Chi Feichi what he had learned.

A certain well-known bounty hunter in the bounty hall, always showing a reasonable, fair and just appearance to the outside world, but he has cheated more than one temporary accomplice. He always picks some easy-to-control noobs, and finally kills them. Of course, it is not bad. fame...

A well-known theft group seems to be only doing theft and has a good reputation, but behind the scenes they are doing something dirtier, involving human organ trafficking...

A certain mercenary gang is actually a private army. It is placed in various battlefields where mercenaries are active to fight and support the war. The elimination system inside is quite cruel. The key is that small gangs have developed over the years, calculating each other...

Talking about more and more messy things, the two of them almost lamented the darkness of the world, but thinking about the things the organization did, this kind of emotion was hard to express.

As for how much the other party can remember in the future, the two don't care much, anyway, it's all things that don't matter to them.

During the period, Chi Feichi also got up to order some appetizers, and Gin followed the wine he was aiming at just now.

Fei Chipan was listening to gossip on the table, and when Chi Feichi and Gin Jiu got up and left the table, he secretly drank the white wine at the bottom of Chi Feichi's cup, shaking his head dizzily, feeling that he hadn't tasted it, He probed towards the liquor bottle, was dazed by the strong smell of alcohol inside, and hung on the bottle.

When Chi Feichi came back, he stretched out his hand to poke Feichi, dragged Feichi back, and coiled it in his hand.

Qin Jiu talked about pica again, saying that pica really cannot be indulged. He thinks about having a friend with pica, which is not particularly unacceptable, but he is always worried that he will eat dishes made of strange ingredients. If Chi Fei If you can't trust outside psychiatrists late, you can cheat the organization.

Chi Feichi once again stated that he has no pica, and has no interest in cooking with people, and suddenly said that that person told him 'don't trust anyone'.

Qin Jiu thought that Chi Feichi was referring to a psychiatrist, and immediately explained that dead people can keep secrets, clean up after use, and don't have to worry about leaking secrets.

A strand passed through a gap in the thick curtain and spilled on the floor.

There was a pile of wine bottles, plates, and bowls and chopsticks on the table, and the ashtray was also filled with cigarette butts, making it a mess.

Chi Feichi still kept his consciousness relatively clear, but he hadn't said so much for a long time, his voice became a little hoarse, seeing that the gin hadn't been poured yet, and they couldn't indulge themselves enough to drink it down, so he decisively stopped, "sleep , Wake up and clean up."

Gin felt that if he continued to drink like this, he would die sooner or later, so he didn't taunt or insist on drinking. He pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "Where's my room?"

"Choose one at random. There are furniture and bedding, but I haven't lived in it for a long time. I don't know if there is any dust." Chi Feichi didn't plan to wait for Qin Jiu to clean up, and got up and walked to the door of the basement. "You know where the bathroom is."

Gin stood up and saw Feichi who was as weak as a toy snake in Chi Feichi's hand, "Isn't Feichi really dead?"

"It should be..." Chi Feichi picked up Feichi and looked at it, then carried Feichi into the door leading to the basement, "No."


Nine thirty in the morning.

Chi Feichi was awakened by the vibrating sound of the mobile phone. He took out the mobile phone from the dark, stared at the incoming call notification on it, and took a moment to regain consciousness before answering the call.


On the other end of the phone, Mori Kogoro's voice was full of anger, "Feichi, do you remember what I told you before? A friend of mine invited us to her vegetable garden to harvest, and he can also give us some fresh vegetables , the agreed time is this afternoon, I am going to take Xiaolan and the glasses kid to experience the fun of farming and harvesting, do you want to go together?"

Chi Feichi sat up, "Are you ready to leave now?"

It's better to sleep less, go out for a walk, so that he can adjust his schedule back at night.

If he slept until the afternoon, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep again at night.

"Yes, the vegetable garden is in Mihua Town. We are going to walk there. If you want to go, we can wait for you at the detective agency, or we can tell you the place, and you can drive there by yourself..."


"Mihuacho 3-chome, it seems to be No.'s the area near Tsumusu River, just turn in from the street entrance. If you come one step ahead, you can wait for us at the street entrance."

"Okay, see you at the intersection."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi sat up, turned on the light in the dark room in the dark, dug out a set of clean clothes, lifted Feichi from the pillow, went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed clothes, and helped Feichi wash his hands , washed off the alcohol on his body.

On the first floor, thick curtains were drawn in the living room, making it cool and dark.

The beam of sunlight through the gap in the curtains still shines on the ground, but the direction has shifted a lot compared to the morning.

Chi Feichi looked at the messy dining table, guessing that Gin Jiu would have to sleep, so he sent Gin Jiu an email on his mobile phone.

[I am in a hurry to go out to maintain social interaction with the outside world. If you don’t want to clean it yourself, you can ask someone to clean it, or wait for me to come back to clean it up. ——Raki]

There was no movement in the room.

Chi Feichi didn't stay long, went to get a glass of water and drank it, put Feichi into his coat and hat and went out.

The sun was shining brightly outside, illuminating the road brightly.

Chi Feichi hadn't seen the sun for a long time. When he saw the sun suddenly, he was still a little uncomfortable. He reached out and pulled up the hood of his coat, then took the mask and put it on, completely blocking his appearance, and walked out of the alley along the shaded area under the eaves.

At the intersection, take the Dongdu Ring Line and go around half a circle back to the apartment, and then drive from the apartment to Mihua Town...

When Chi Fei was late at the intersection, Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan, and Conan were already waiting at the intersection.

Mori Kogoro was wearing a cool white short-sleeved T-shirt, a straw hat on his head, rain boots on his feet, and a shovel on his shoulder. He looked like he was going to do farm work.

Conan and Mao Lilan stood aside, dressed in more ordinary clothes, and did not hold any farming tools in their hands.

Seeing the red Lexus approaching and stopping at the intersection, Mao Lilan led Conan forward and greeted with a smile, "Brother Feichi!"

"Brother Chi!" Conan also smiled and raised his head to say hello. He was taken aback with a cute expression, and looked at Chi Feichi's face.

The complexion of his little friend seems to be not very good, it is unnaturally pale...

Chi Feichi found that the car couldn't block the road, so he didn't move any further. He took an unopened bottle of mineral water from the car, and handed it out the window, "I put some water in the car, do you want it?"

"Ah... I won't drink," Mao Lilan heard that Chi Feichi's voice was a little hoarse, and lowered her head to ask Conan, "Conan, how about you?"

Conan shook his head obediently, "I don't need it either."

"Then give it to me," Mori Kogoro squeezed forward, and stretched out his hand to take the mineral water with a smile. "It's better to think carefully. Although I'm not thirsty now, I can take it with me. I'll harvest it later and drink it when I'm thirsty!"

"Do you want your friend to bring a bottle?" Chi Feichi asked again.

Mori Kogoro thought about it, "If you bring enough water..."

Chi Feichi understood, took two bottles of water, got out of the car and locked the door.

"I would have bought a few bottles of mineral water and brought them here if I knew it earlier," Mao Lilan smiled sheepishly, "I'm really sorry, Brother Feichi, I asked you to come and help me, and I also asked you to prepare mineral water."

"Okay," Mori Kogoro Banyueyan urged, "it's just two bottles of mineral water, isn't it the same as what Feichi brought here? Let's hurry to the vegetable garden, I can't wait to dig Two big potatoes!"

Conan saw that Chi Feichi unscrewed the water bottle and raised his head to drink water, his eyes were a little more puzzled, and he observed silently.

"Got it, Conan, let's go!" After thinking about it, Mao Lilan was no longer polite, took Conan up again, and then turned to explain the situation to Chi Feichi with a smile, "The vegetable garden my father mentioned is on the top of the building in front The rooftop vegetable garden, because the roof has a lot of space, opened up a vegetable garden on the roof and divided it into pieces for tenants to go out. Ms. Mejiro who works on the first floor of the building is a friend my father knew when he was a policeman. A few days ago, Conan and I I went to the rooftop vegetable garden with my dad, and she grew very good vegetables, and she invited us to help harvest today."

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