Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1925 The Crow and the Scarecrow

"Roof garden?"

Chi Feichi screwed on the bottle cap, and looked sideways at Kogoro Mori's outfit.

He thought it was the kind of vegetable garden opened in the big yard, but he didn't expect it to be a rooftop vegetable garden, so there shouldn't be many vegetables to harvest. Is his teacher's dress too grand?

Mao Lilan looked at Kogoro Mori who was leading the way into the apartment building excitedly, and complained in a low voice, "I also think my dad is over-prepared, but he has been looking forward to harvesting since a few days ago, and he prepared straw hats early this morning And shovel, Conan and I saw how excited he was, so we decided to do whatever he wanted."

Kogoro Mori stood in front of the elevator and found that the elevator door had been opened, so he hurriedly turned around and said, "Hey, hurry up!"

Mao Lilan stepped forward, smiled helplessly and said to Chi Feichi, "Ms. Mubai is doing financial work on the first floor of the building here. She still has work to do and will be busy until after eleven o'clock in the morning, so let's go first The rooftop vegetable garden is waiting for her, I think she hasn't arrived yet, my father is just too anxious..."

Kogoro Mori entered the elevator, stared at his own daughter who complained about him speechlessly, and immediately pressed the door close button as soon as the three of them entered the elevator.

Borrowing the light in the elevator, Conan looked up at Chi Feichi's expression again, and asked directly, "Is Brother Chi feeling unwell?"

"That's right, Brother Feichi, your voice sounds a little hoarse, is there something uncomfortable?" Mao Lilan also turned her head to look at Chi Feichi's face.

There was nothing to see on his expression, he was still cold and indifferent, but there was something wrong with Chi Feichi's voice.

"When I wake up in the morning, my complexion is very bad, and I get thirsty easily, just like Kogoro drank too much the night before." Conan rubbed his chin to analyze, "But his voice is not hoarse, so didn't Brother Chi go to sing karaoke yesterday? , it's just a cold..."

Chi Feichi let out a casual 'hmm'.

It is impossible for a detective to guess the third possibility.

Seeing Chi Feichi's perfunctory response, Conan choked, and asked with half-moon eyes, "What's going on?"

Chi Feichi was silent for a while. If he said he was going to sing karaoke, he might be asked who he was going with...

"a little sick."


The elevator reaches the top of the sixth floor.

The roof is spacious and open, surrounded by hollow iron railings.

A large vegetable garden was opened up in the middle, and long strips were divided with cement.

On the land, the plants are arranged neatly and vigorously, exuding the fresh smell of soil and melons and fruits.

There is also a scarecrow standing in the field, with a straw hat tied to the shelf, and a hanging white cloth as the head, and loose clothes with blue and white vertical stripes spread on the T-shaped wooden frame as the body, and the waist of the clothes is tied with hemp rope. From time to time, it is gently drummed by the wind.

"Could it be that you have been hiding at home because of a cold?" Mori Kogoro stepped out of the elevator, looked at the vegetable garden in front of him, and said refreshedly, "Actually, you need to come out when you are not feeling well. Let's go, maybe the cold will get better faster!"

Chi Feichi stepped out of the elevator, looked at the vegetable garden in front of him, and felt that his mood would indeed be better.

The premise is to ignore the figure lying over there...

"I also think it would be better to go out for a walk!" Conan smiled and raised his head to talk to Chi Feichi, and found that Chi Feichi was staring at a corner of the vegetable garden, turned his head to look in doubt, and saw the fallen man from the gap between the green plants , his face changed, and he hurried forward.

Mori Kogoro also saw the fallen man, and ran over anxiously, "Hey, what's going on?"

Chi Feichi followed, taking advantage of the situation to observe the scene.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I ran into an incident, which is probably the case.

The man lying in front of the railing had a cropped cut and all white stubble. He looked about sixty or seventy years old, with black-rimmed glasses on his face. He was tall and had broad shoulders. He was wearing a gray short-sleeved T-shirt and a red shirt. Sweatpants.

The man's head was facing the elevator. Next to his head was a blue water tank more than 30 centimeters high. A short pipe was attached to the water tank. It seemed to be used for watering the vegetable garden. There was blood on one corner of the water tank.

The legs are bent, facing the railing, and beside the feet is a pool with a tap installed. The side of the pool is very low, only five centimeters higher than the ground, and there are traces of trampling and sliding on it.

Looking at it this way, it seems that when the old man came here to clean up the vegetable garden, he stepped on the edge of the pool table, slipped, and when he fell backwards, he hit the back of his head on the corner of the water tank...

"It's hopeless," Mori Kogoro squatted beside the old man, checked the situation, sighed, and turned his head to Mao Lilan seriously, "Xiaolan, it looks like an accident, but I still call the police and let the police Come and see!"

"Okay!" Mao Lilan nodded quickly, took out her mobile phone and went to the side to call the police.

Chi Feichi walked to Maoli Kogoro's side, looked at the blood on the ground at the back of the old man's head, and saw the white towel dropped by the railing from the corner of his vision, turned his head and said, "Teacher."

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro was still squatting beside the deceased, looking up at his apprentice in doubt.

"This old gentleman has a towel tied around his neck, why is there another one here?" Chi Feichi stared at the towel, recalling the relevant plot in his mind.

The towel fell in front of the railing, not far from the dead man's feet. There were large brown marks on it, which looked like rust on the railing, but the rust was so stained that it almost covered half of the towel. Why? It looks a little strange...

"It looks very new," Mori Kogoro got up, walked to the side of the dropped towel, leaned over to look at it, did not rush to pick it up with his hands, and looked at the railing next to him, with a pensive expression on his face, and soon his eyes Yiliang said, "That's right! Maybe he took an extra spare towel and hung it on the railing. When he was tidying up the vegetable garden, he wiped his sweat with the towel hanging around his neck. As a result, the towel was covered with sweat. I wanted to change a towel, so I walked here to get it, but I stepped on the edge of the sink and fell down!"

Conan staggered, and after standing still, he pointed to the towel and reminded, "Uncle, are the marks on it blood?"

"It looks like the rust on the railing," Mori Kogoro just glanced at it casually, and then looked at the old man who fell on the ground. "However, his lying posture is a bit strange, as if he is pointing at his face..."

The old man lay on the ground with his body slightly sideways, his left hand was pressed by his side, his right elbow was bent on the ground, he pointed at his face, and a mobile phone fell not far from his side.

Chi Feichi looked at the old man, then turned his head to look at the vegetable garden. After seeing the broken bricks in the narrow aisle of the vegetable garden, he turned and left thoughtfully.

"Huh?" Conan noticed that Chi Feichi was looking at the vegetable garden, but he was not sure where Chi Feichi was looking. Seeing Chi Feichi walking towards the other side of the roof, he trotted to follow.

"Father, Police Officer Mumu said that they will come right away, and they will arrive in about half an hour!" Mao Lilan came over with her mobile phone, saw Conan hurried past, and hurriedly turned around to tell him, "Conan, be careful, don't slip and fall !"

"Got it!" Conan replied without looking back, trotting to catch up with Chi Feichi who walked slowly to the side railing of the house, bent over and took a breath, once again complaining about his shrinking body.

Chi Feichi stood in front of the railing, his hands stuffed into his trouser pockets, he didn't reach out to touch the rusty railing, and looked into the distance.

Outside the building is the bank of the Tsumusu River.

This long river runs through Mihua Town and Kudo Town, and the river bank is also very long. Some road sections are wide enough to be open to traffic, and some road sections have only one small road that can only be used for walking.

Similarly, some road sections are so lively that many people drive for a drive at night, and some road sections like the one in front of us are remote and clean, and few people can be seen.

Not far away, the straight-forward river turns and flows in another direction, and the road along the river also bends. From here, you can see the green grass slope, and you can also see three bicycles riding on the road on the slope. The child smiled and said a few words to his companion from time to time, and moved forward along the river road.

This road is very familiar, and it seems to be one of the roads leading to Didan Primary School.

Conan gasped enough, approached the railing, and looked out like Chi Feichi. After finding no clues, he raised his head in doubt and asked, "What is Brother Chi looking at?"

"Did you hear the singing?"

Chi Feichi asked softly.

Looking at that road, he suddenly thought of a picture he had seen in his previous life, which was recalled by Dr. A Li.

A group of children sang "Seven Children", walking on the river bank road under the sunset, laughing and going home together, their childish voices were neat and loud.

When Dr. A Li was a child, this nursery rhyme seemed to be very popular, and many children could sing it.

"Singing, singing?" Conan listened carefully, and besides the sound of the wind, there was only the sound of crows flapping their wings not far away, and he began to suspect that Chi Feichi had an auditory hallucination, "I didn't hear it. , What kind of singing did Brother Chi hear?"

Of course Chi Feichi would not say "Seven Children", turned his back to the railing, looked at the scarecrow in the vegetable garden, remembered a song, took out the phone from his pocket, unlocked it, opened the notepad, and typed quickly with his fingers, " scarecrow."

Crows and scarecrows are words that are often associated together.

Conan was full of question marks, "Huh?"

Chi Feichi squatted down beside Conan, humming softly, typing with his eyes still fixed on the phone screen, "When fields lie calm and wind stands still, Run home, Run home..." (When the fields lie calm and wind stands still, Run home, Run home...) , run home)

It's hard to say whether it's a light or quiet melody, but in the male voice humming with an overly calm tone and a slightly lower voice, there is an extra breath of the underworld.

Conan felt the wind blowing from all around, as if it had been blowing into his clothes, which made him get goosebumps, and looked at the scarecrow in the vegetable garden.

A crow hovered near the scarecrow, making no cry, only the flapping of its wings.

Chi Feichi's typing fingers paused for a moment, trying to recall the melody, and the melody he sang was also a little stuttering, "As the crows make night of the fading sun, Hide now, Hide now..." (When the crow crows, The night is coming, hide, hide)

Conan looked sideways at Chi Feichi's squatting face against the light and illuminated by the phone screen.

Why does he feel that this song is eerie...

Chi Feichi's voice was also eerie...

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