Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1926 Too much!

"When the Trees do bow as if they weep, Stay down, Stay down..."

"Though its light beckons forth, a Melody calls out, Too late, Too late..."

(When the tree twists and weeps, squat down, squat down.

When the dry lamp flickers, the melody still rings, it's too late, too late)

Chi Feichi hummed softly, recorded the short lyrics, and typed the name "Scarecrow" at the beginning.

In fact, this song should be called "Fiddlesticks, The Ancient Fear", ancient fear Fiddlesticks.

Yes, it is the theme song of the Scarecrow in League of Legends. It has a cold and gloomy style. In fact, a male voice is far less terrifying than an ethereal female voice or an ethereal little girl's voice.

Since he remembered it, he recorded it and sent it to Oda Kirito, maybe it can be used in a certain film and television production in the future.

Conan seemed to want to let out the chill in his heart, he let out a long breath, felt the warmth of the sun, and felt a lot lighter in an instant, and tentatively said, "This song... I don't think I've heard it before."

"New song," Chi Feichi thought, and added a note in the lyrics of the email, "I still need some sound effects from horror movies."

Conan looked at the selection of horror sound effects in Chi Feichi's remarks, and there were also descriptions of horror sound effects. He made up his mind about adding sound effects, and suddenly regretted why he was curious.

What is the silence, what is the ticking sound of such and such a horror movie before hell...

That kind of chanting plus various sound effects made him feel creepy just thinking about it.

Well, congratulations to his little friend, +1 for the underworld song!

It seemed that this was not the first time that Chi Feichi had a sudden inspiration at the scene of the crime.

In the last serial killing that spanned several years, the murderer would hum the song "Let it be" by the Beatles. He heard police officer Mu Mu say that after Chi Feichi followed from the scene of the crime to the Metropolitan Police Department, he was still sitting In a daze at the window.

He suspected that this happened earlier. When Chi Feichi showed indifference at the scene of the crime, it might have been because he had the inspiration to write a song in his mind.

Is this the so-called 'there is only a thin line between a genius and a madman'?

But having said that, although he admires Chi Feichi's endless inspiration, isn't the style of some of Chi Feichi's songs too strange, like the song "Reincarnation" that has never been released, the lyrics are kind of lonely , bloody, messy and with a sense of desire for destruction, and then "Let it be", when it comes to the "you" surrounded by bouquets with eyes closed, it is also a metaphor for a corpse, plus the gloomy style of the song just now Horror song, 'Scarecrow' is Chi Feichi's nickname on the Internet, and 'too late' reminds him of Chi Feichi's name, which is cleverly integrated in the lyrics, but when Chi Feichi sees the scarecrow, he actually Will think of such a scary song, and use it to allude to my nickname and name...

Is his little friend in a good state of mind recently?

After Chi Feichi finished his notes, he opened the email, typed Toshiya Odagiri's email address in the recipient's place, and pasted the text over.

Conan waited for Chi Feichi to put away the phone, trying to find out the psychological state of his little friend, "Brother Chi, is this song too weird? The scarecrow helps to drive away the birds that destroy the crops, it is to help hard-working humans exists, doesn't it?"

"Scarecrow has always had many meanings," Chi Feichi looked at Conan, "Have you ever seen a scarecrow in the field late at night?"

Conan thought about it, and felt that it was quite gloomy, but the key was that he now felt that Chi Feichi's eyes staring at him were also gloomy, "No, no."

"I passed a song of the same name to Min Ye before." Chi Feichi stood up and looked up at the scarecrow standing in the vegetable garden. "That song is about longing and waiting."

"It's because although the scarecrow looks like a human, it is still not human, right?" Mao Lilan walked from the side with a smile, "I can't walk, I can't find the person I miss, I can only wait where I am."

Conan was startled, seeing the helplessness in the smile on Mao Lilan's face, and his heart tightened.

Mao Lilan stopped in front of the railing, turned to look at the standing scarecrow, and said with a relieved smile, "But from another perspective, it is also a representative of tenacity, whether it is wind and rain, or day or night, it They will all be waiting there."

Chi Feichi agreed softly, "That's right, unless the body is scattered, decayed, and integrated with the land, it will always stand there."

Speaking of Scarecrow, he can't help but think of Hatake Kakashi in Naruto, because the Japanese pronunciation of Scarecrow is "Kakashi".

Although Hatake Kakashi is called "Hatake 50-50", it means that no matter whether the enemy is strong or not, he can draw a tie, and he can only draw a tie, so he is also called the "weakest Hokage", but it is still quite I like that character.

He still remembers a scene.

When Hatake Kakashi persuaded Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke said to Hatake Kakashi, 'Why don't I kill your most important person now! That way you can see how stupid your words are. '

Hatake Kakashi's face was covered by a mask, and one eye narrowed with a smile, "This is a way, but I don't have the most important person anymore." Because... they were all killed. '

Xiaolan is right, the scarecrow also means tenacity.

It may not be able to choose whether it experiences day or night, scorching sun or cold, wind and snow, but even if it is only itself, it will always stand and live.

At the same time, it has two sides of its own, repelling birds that would destroy what it guards, and serving as a dock for stray birds smart enough to see through illusions.

"What are you standing there for?" Mori Kogoro walked forward with a speechless face, and looked back at the scarecrow, "You are not talking about some strange topic at the scene of the crime, are you?"

Only then did Conan realize that he came here for the case, but after thinking about it, he gave up pulling Chi Feichi to talk about the case.

Now that Xiaolan and the uncle are by the side, it is inconvenient for him to analyze and reason with Chi Feichi. Moreover, Chi Feichi was looking at the vegetable garden just now and ran to the railing. He thought Chi Feichi had discovered something. Now it seems that Chi Feichi Feichi just suddenly had the inspiration to write a song.

Since Chi Feichi wasn't involved with the case, he shouldn't have found anything, why don't we wait for the police to come, and then...

"Teacher, there are marks of being hit by something on the forehead of the deceased." Chi Feichi said.

Since his teacher wants to talk about the case, let's talk about the case.

He had already remembered the truth of the case.

"I also saw that mark," Mori Kogoro touched his chin and said, "It should be a scar left recently, only a small piece, and it hasn't been smashed, so I can't tell if it was hit by something... ..."

"There is a broken brick in the vegetable garden. Some of the brick fragments look like artificial curves. Put the brick back together. There should be a hole in the middle. In addition, the towel is stained with too much rust. And the mobile phone that fell by the dead man..." Chi Feichi looked in the direction of the dead body, and directly lifted the table, "So, is it possible to infer this? Someone dug a hole in the middle of the brick and put something like fishing line through it. Go over the bricks, hook the other end of the line with a small hook such as a fishhook, and after the line goes around the railing, hang the turning head on the railing, pull the end to a certain place, call the dead, let the dead Walking to the railing, he pulled the rope and let the brick hit the dead man's head. The dead man was startled. When he stepped back, he stepped on the very slippery pool platform. When he fell backward, his head hit the water tank... ..."

Conan: "..."

Yes, it makes sense!

That towel should be for...

Chi Feichi didn't give Conan a chance to answer the question, nor did Kogoro Mori have time to question him, and continued, "The towel that fell by the railing was put on the railing by the murderer in case the deceased would find the brick. The bricks were hung outside the railing and covered with a towel, allowing the deceased to walk over without warning. The large rust stains on the towel should be due to the fact that the bricks drove the towel and pressed the towel under it with a certain weight , and wiped the railing together, and after that, the brick fell to the concrete floor in the vegetable garden and broke, and the murderer pulled the line again to take back the hook and line."

"In that case..." Mao Lilan replayed the whole process in his mind, nodded and said, "It can be done like this."

Kogoro Mori regained consciousness, his face changed slightly, and he ran to the vegetable garden with Conan, and squatted down after seeing the broken bricks on the concrete floor, "Little devil, use your mobile phone to take a picture of the situation here first!"

"Yes~!" Conan responded cutely, taking out his mobile phone to take a picture, but his eyes were very serious.

Yes, there are some unnatural curves in these broken bricks.


But didn't Chi Feichi think about the lyrics? Could it be that Chi Feichi had already seen through the truth of this incident before thinking about writing songs?

This kind of act of resolving the matter in seconds and then running to the side to write a song is too... too much!

After Chi Feichi arrived, he reached out and took out a pair of airtight gloves from his pocket, and leaned over to hand them to Kogoro Mouri.

After being startled, Kogoro Mouri took the unpacking bag, quickly put on his gloves, waited for Conan to take photos of the physical evidence at the scene, and started to put together the broken bricks on the ground.

All the pieces were put together completely, and it was indeed a brick with a round hole in the middle, and the round hole in the middle of the brick was definitely not something that could be thrown out when the brick fell to the ground, and it had obvious man-made traces.

Seeing that Chi Feichi had hit the mark, Mao Lilan was unavoidably surprised, "Did someone really kill that old man on purpose?"

"It seems to be possible," Mori Kogoro frowned and looked at the railing in front of the deceased. "Then, is the strange gesture of the deceased pointing out who the murderer is? Pointing at the face, could it mean that someone It has something to do with the face..."

Saying that, Mori Kogoro's expression changed drastically.

"Could it be Ms. Mejiro?"

"No, won't it?" Mao Lilan's eyes widened in disbelief.

Mori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi, frowned and looked down at the patchwork of bricks on the ground, "When we came here last time, we saw the deceased and other people who rented vegetable gardens. He doesn't have a good relationship with everyone, Ms. Meshiro It was also said that the deceased once flooded her vegetable garden..."

"That's not going to kill people, right?" Mao Lilan still doesn't quite believe that the person who invited them over will be the murderer, "Maybe it's someone whose name has something to do with the face."

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