Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1927 This case is not difficult

"The dead person may also be referring to the downstairs," Chi Feichi said the correct answer again, "If you want to use a line to pull the bricks hanging outside the railing to turn over the railing and hit the inside of the railing, the longer the length of the line, The more effort is required, the more difficult it is to control the time during the operation, and the thread is easier to be found. If the thread is pulled on the first floor, the fingers need to burst out a very strong force in an instant, which is difficult for normal people to do, so the murderer should It’s not far from here, and in order not to be seen acting strangely outside the building, it should be a resident here.”

Mori Kogoro and Conan started running again, ran to the railing and looked down.

The building has windows on every floor, right under the railing where the towels fell.

Afterwards, the two rushed downstairs again.

"Don't you have to wait for Officer Mu Mu to come over?" Chi Feichi reminded.

Mori Kogoro subconsciously wanted to say 'idiot', but thinking about his apprentice's performance today, he choked back, "But, what if the murderer takes the opportunity to escape?"

"We're here to keep an eye on it. If anyone leaves the building, immediately..." Chi Feichi saw two police cars approaching from far and wide on the road below, paused, and told his teacher the final answer, "If the murderer Hiding in this building, the retrieved fishing line should still be in his hand, and there is no way to throw it away. When the time comes, let the police look for it. That will be the evidence to prove this method. Find it on the murderer or in the room."

Conan: "..."


Very good, the method, the murderer, and the evidence are all locked, there is no room for him to think!

Maori Kogoro:"……"

What is it about the feeling that he has accepted the careful guidance of his apprentice?

Chi Feichi thought for a while, and then reminded, "Teacher, the passage stairs set up outside the building are under inspection. The only way to get up is to take the elevator. I noticed when I came up. There are surveillance cameras in the elevator, so the police can investigate first." Let’s see who came up on the elevator today, and initially identify the person who may commit the crime.”

Conan: "..."

He suspected that Chi Feichi had two brains.

When one brain is responsible for controlling body movements and talking to them, the other brain is paying attention to the surrounding situation; when one brain is thinking about the case, the other brain is thinking about how to write a song...

Of course, there is another possibility. Chi Feichi has amazing brain power and can handle two tasks at the same time.


After the police arrived, some people naturally stayed downstairs and guarded the exit of the building.


The elevator door opened, and Mu Mu Shisan led the team up to the vegetable garden on the roof. Half a moon glanced at a group of old acquaintances, too lazy to complain, and asked straight to the point, "So, brother Maoli, how is the situation?"

"Officer Mumu, come and see..."

Mori Kogoro led Mumu Shisan to the body of the deceased, pointing out the suspicious points on the body and the towel one by one, and took Mumu Shisan to see the assembled bricks, and asked Conan to take out his mobile phone to show the police. The fragmented pictures, and at the same time, a series of inferences about the method, murderer, and evidence.

The whole description process is lifelike... dancing with hands and feet.

After Conan handed the mobile phone to Kogoro Mori, he followed Chi Feichi to the side, watched Kogoro Mori perform, and couldn't help yawning.

It was Chi Feichi's fault for making him so boring at the scene of the crime.

Chi Feichi was looking for a restaurant with his mobile phone, when he heard a yawn, he lowered his eyes and glanced at Conan.

He, who has only slept for more than three hours, didn't yawn. Why did the detective yawn? It made him almost yawn.

Over there, Megushisan listened to Mori Kogoro, blah, blah, blah, blah, and felt that the amount of information was too much. After digesting it, he hurriedly turned his head and said to Takagi Tsutomu, Chiba and Shinobu who were also dumbfounded, "Takagi, go and investigate. Elevator monitoring, lead people to find out all the people who have been to the top of the building this morning! Chiba, follow me to ask the residents who live here, and pay attention to the residents on the floor below later!"


Takagi Wataru, Chiba and Shinobu immediately turned and walked towards the elevator.

The forensic personnel were left to search for evidence on the roof, and a group of people took the elevator down.

On the fifth floor of the lower floor, Mumu Shisan, Mori Kogoro, Chiba Kazunobu got off the elevator with great enthusiasm, and Mao Lilan followed to the door of the residents.

Gao Mushe looked at Chi Feichi and Conan who were still on the elevator, reached out and pressed the elevator door close button, trying to find a topic to chat with old acquaintances, "That...Mr.

Chi Feichi still stared at the restaurant reviews on his phone, "Do you have any?"

"Uh, yes, don't you usually suddenly make strange noises, dance around, and sit somewhere to solve the incident?" Takagi recalled, compared, and said seriously, "Today is really strange!"

Conan laughed heartily.

Sorry, because there is no need for him to play today.


When the elevator arrived at the first floor, Takagi got out of the elevator, looked around mysteriously, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Chi, Conan, did Mr. Mori ask you to investigate something secretly?"

"No," Chi Feichi stared at his phone, and walked out of the elevator without looking up, "I just want to go outside and smoke a cigarette."

Takagi She: "Huh?"

"This incident, I believe Uncle Kogoro and the police will be able to resolve it soon." Conan followed out of the elevator expressionlessly, "It's useless for me to stay up there, so I want to go outside with Brother Chi to get some air."

Takagi She: "..."

Leaving aside Mr. Chi, Mr. Chi sometimes thinks strangely. Speaking of Conan, it's also very strange that Conan didn't follow him around today.

Why did he feel like he was living in a fake world when he went to the police this time today, and the personalities and styles of the people he knew had changed greatly?


While the police were busy everywhere, Chi Fei arrived outside the building late, stood by the river guardrail, lit a cigarette with his back against the guardrail, held it in his mouth, and continued to check the restaurant information on his mobile phone.

Conan didn't know what he was doing with him, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he looked up at Chi Feichi, and asked speechlessly, "What is Brother Chi doing?"

"Check the nearby restaurants," Chi Feichi flipped through the comments of netizens. "There is a newly opened ramen restaurant nearby. The reviews seem to be very good. You can go there for lunch."

lunch? ? ?

Conan choked, not knowing whether he should lament Chi Feichi's seriousness in basic necessities of life, never forgetting to arrange meals every time he solves a case, or lament that Chi Feichi's pace is too fast and he can't keep up if he is not careful, " I said... When you were on the roof just now, you saw the vegetable garden and walked to the railing. At that time, you saw the broken brick, right? Did you see the method used by the murderer at that time? ?"

Come on, ask Chi Feichi to give him a reason.

Something 'because you don't drive', something 'because you don't smoke', or 'because you're young'... whatever it is, give him a comfort.

Chi Feichi let out a 'hmm', and checked the map on his mobile phone, "The ramen shop is only seven or eight minutes away on foot, and we can walk there."

Conan felt that if things went on like this, Chi Feichi should consider how to arrange for the afternoon and what needs to be prepared in advance, and tried to turn the topic back to the incident, "Why did Brother Chi discover the murderer's methods so quickly?"

Chi Feichi: "This case is not difficult."

Conan: "..."

He came down late with Chi Fei, not to breathe, but to find breath, right?

Chi Feichi picked out the place for lunch, put away his phone in satisfaction, and looked up at the roof of the building, "I chatted with Mr. Yuzuo the day before yesterday, talking about his new mystery novel, and discussed many modus operandi of using the building... ..."

Conan: "?"

His father? !

Chi Feichi had indeed chatted with Kudo Yusaku the day before yesterday, and he was not afraid of Conan going to ask for proof. He retracted his gaze and looked down at Conan, "Mr. The high-IQ criminal character, that character is a weak woman, is a famous high-rise killer in the novel, after she chooses a target, she can often use the phone to kill the target without appearing in front of the victim."

Conan was so curious that he raised his head and asked excitedly, "How did she do it?"

"Do you know the pendulum?" Chi Feichi squatted down, picked up a branch from the ground, and wrote and drew on the ground, "My suggestion to Mr. Yusaku is to use the upper floors of the three buildings as positioning points to create a A large pendulum. According to my calculations, the length of this large pendulum is about ten meters, and the weight at the end is six catties. Let the heavy object drop down at a horizontal position of 90 degrees, swing half a circle and hit the victim's head..."

Conan squatted aside, excitedly watching Chi Feichi restore a murder method designed by using the victim's habits, buildings, and pendulums, "Since they are all residential buildings, the murderer can use the daily necessities in the room as a murder weapon. When you get investigated by the police, you can handle it, right?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan approvingly. This child has a spirituality, and he began to tell Conan how to make a murder weapon and destroy it afterwards, "Of course it won't be bricks, which are easy to leave on the scene. There are many things in life that can be used. ..."

His proposal to Kudo Yusaku is to use food.

For example, a piece of frozen pork with sufficient weight is wrapped in multiple plastic bags and used as a murder weapon.

The murderer's residence is opposite the victim. Using the pendulum technique, he killed the victim who was standing on the balcony on the phone in the early morning, and invited a large group of friends to have dinner at home the day before. After the successful killing, the 'pendulum' was recovered and the pork was thawed And began to make food, and the plastic bags stained with the victim's blood will be cleaned briefly and put together with the bag that was originally attached to the pork, or find a reason to soak them together, because the pork that was bought was already stained with blood, It doesn’t matter if the police checked the blood stains in the plastic bag and reacted. After the police investigation was over and left, the murderer continued to have dinner with friends and ate most of the murder weapon into his stomach...

Conan listened carefully to Chi Feichi's talk about how to deal with the murder weapon, and felt that what Chi Feichi said was right. The case that happened today seemed not difficult to solve. "The key to solving a case for a detective lies in the plastic bag, right? If the bag wrapped on frozen meat If it is too thick, it may only stun the victim and cause severe concussion and other injuries. If the wrap is not thick enough, the plastic bag will easily break through small holes when the frozen meat hits the victim's head or is recycled, leaving ice around the victim. crumbs or a bit of blood..."

"The victim died of being smashed to the head, and there will be a lot of blood splashed on the balcony, and the traces of blood will be covered up," Chi Feichi looked at Conan and said, "Of course, there is no perfect crime in the world. Since the bag is broken, then , There will be drops of blood left on the ground outside the balcony and outside the building, and detectives need to carefully discover those strange traces of dried water droplets..."

Conan's eyes lit up, and he confirmed, "The detective can deduce the pendulum method used by the murderer through the shape, distance, and range of those blood droplets, right?"

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