Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1928 Need these two people to gossip

Chi Feichi nodded and continued, "In order to make this murderer a serial killer in the building, Mr. You Zuo designed two killing methods for her, which were used in the previous crimes. In the first case, the murderer asked a man from the building opposite The painter became a witness to the suicide of the deceased, and it can be regarded as creating a case that is almost a supernatural event..."

Conan squatted aside like a good baby, listening to Chi Feichi give him a spoiler about his father's criminal design, actively participating in the two processes of design and finding loopholes to solve the case.

At the exit of the building, the police took the murderer downstairs and got into a police car.

Mori Kogoro chatted with Memu Shisan and looked around, "By the way, where are Feichi and Conan kid?"

Mao Lilan looked around, and found a big and a small squatting together under the shade of a tree diagonally opposite the river road, and walked over quickly with a smile, "There they are!"

"So, the murderer is using the refraction of light between the buildings..."

"Brother Feichi! Conan!"

Chi Feichi was interrupted by Mao Lilan, did not continue, and looked up at the Mao Li father and daughter who came over.

He doesn't need to say the rest, the detective should be able to guess it himself.

Conan looked at the sketch on the ground, his mood continued to stir.

His dad's new novel sounds great~!

Mao Lilan looked at the pattern of ghost symbols on the ground, and asked curiously, "Brother Feichi, what are you doing?"

"I'm talking about the criminal methods in Mr. Yuzuo's novel." Chi Feichi put the branch aside, stood up, and looked at the police car that was about to leave under the building.

"Ah, the murderer has been found," Mori Kogoro looked back at the young woman in the police car, and said helplessly, "It's Ms. Inoue who lives on the fifth floor. She admitted that she committed murder. Listen to her, she and she are engaged in agriculture. The working father has been dependent on each other since childhood. After her father passed away, she planted vegetables with the vegetable seeds left by her father, but Mr. Nakamura killed all the vegetables with pesticides, so she killed Mr. Nakamura. When she came to the door, she unexpectedly said that Mr. Nakamura accidentally fell to his death. Obviously we haven't said the cause of Mr. Nakamura's death. For an elderly person, it may be a disease caused by physical discomfort Mortal..."

Conan's thoughts were withdrawn from the novel case, and he looked at the two police cars leaving.

After hearing so many wonderful tricks, he suddenly felt that the case in front of him was not enough.

Wait, he came to Chi Feichi for comfort, so did Chi Feichi say, 'Because you haven't discussed the modus operandi of the building with Mr. You Zuo recently, and your train of thought was a bit slow'?

The reason was a bit far-fetched, but he took it as comfort and took it.

"But Brother Feichi, why don't you stop talking?" Mao Lilan was a little worried, "Your voice seems hoarse than before..."

Conan was inexplicably guilty, and felt a little guilty.

He was agitated for a while, and continued to be agitated, unexpectedly forgetting that Chi Feichi's throat was uncomfortable in the first place.

After introducing and discussing techniques with him for two hours, can Chi Feichi's voice not be hoarse?


A homicide occurred, and the police continued to investigate on the roof of the building. Of course, the vegetables could not be collected.

The four of them went to the ramen shop that Chi Feichi had found, and had ramen for lunch at two o'clock in the afternoon.

After putting down the chopsticks, Mao Lilan considered the arrangements for the afternoon, "Since there is no way to collect the food, what are you going to do in the afternoon..."

"Of course I'm going back to watch TV," Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up. "Today there is a TV show I want to watch. Although I have already set up the recording in advance, since we don't need to collect food, we can go back to watch the show earlier!"

Chi Feichi originally planned to ask Mori Kogoro to go to a lively place like the racetrack to kill time, but he heard that Mori Kogoro didn't seem to plan to go out, so he gave up the idea.

He can stay awake now, but if he is in a quiet and relaxed environment, he will inevitably fall asleep, such as the courtyard of the Seven Detective Agency. When he goes there, he will definitely not be able to resist running to lie next to the elderberry for a while...

Moreover, Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't entrust him, and he and Haibara Ai went to the e-sports park to watch the global finals, so he didn't have time to take a nap in the yard with him.

He needs something exciting enough to pass the sleepy afternoon without the need for high concentration.

Mao Lilan turned to Chi Feichi again, "Brother Feichi, what about you? Do you want to go to the detective agency with us?"


Chi Feichi noticed that the phone was vibrating, got up and took out the phone, looked down at the new email, and chose to reply, "I'll go to Cuphu Detective Agency to see if anyone is playing mahjong."

[The table is cleared, are you coming to eat? If you don't plan to come over, I'll go first. ——Gin]

【have eaten. ——Raki]

It's as if Gin will be able to prepare lunch after he's gone, and when the time comes, don't you want to eat a bento...

"Playing, playing mahjong?" Mao Lilan's eyes widened.

Brother Feichi was definitely brought under by her father. He is so familiar with where to find someone to play mahjong!

Mori Kogoro regained his energy all of a sudden, and when Chi Feichi put away his phone, he immediately got up and said, "Why don't you go back to the Mori Detective Agency to play mahjong! I'll call them when I get back, and you can also ask the staff at Polo Café. Boss, we will watch TV and play mahjong at the same time!"

Mao Lilan stretched out her hand to rest her forehead, thinking that occasional leisure activities are not too much, so she didn't say any more.


An hour later, Maori Detective Agency.

A mahjong table was set up in the living room on the second floor, and a group of big men gathered together to play mahjong.

Even if the manager of the Polo Café couldn't come because of something, it was not difficult for Mori Kogoro to get two people to play mahjong. He could call the Kawado Detective Agency and get two people to come.

If you want someone to play mahjong, Kuwado Detective Agency is the first choice.

After Mao Lilan opened the window for ventilation, she helped Kogoro Moori clean the bookshelves and filing cabinets, and she was in a good mood.

"Speaking of which, Maori," Detective Long of the Cupido Detective Agency was smoking a cigarette, staring straight at the mahjong tiles in front of him, "You have too few people here, right? Haven't you considered taking in two more apprentices? ?”

Another tall and strong middle-aged male detective smiled gloatingly, "With your reputation, it's not difficult to find two clever apprentices, so you don't have to keep looking for us..."

Kogoro Moori played a mahjong tile with a 'snap', glanced at the two people with half-moon eyes, and said, "It's a good idea, so that when you are short of people to play mahjong in the future, I don't have to run over, and I don't have to bring non-stop cards with me." It’s too late to make up the numbers.”

Detective Long sweated at the thought of no one joining the table, and quickly laughed, "We're just kidding!"

Conan moved a chair and sat next to Chi Feichi, glanced at Chi Feichi's mahjong tiles from time to time, and looked at the other two scoundrel detectives from time to time, and yawned.

He doesn't know what's going on, their high school detectives are more energetic than each other, and these uncle detectives are more like bastards one by one, he shouldn't become like this in the future... Absolutely not!

"I just think that since you have solved so many cases, why don't you take two talented young people with you, and with more experience, you can gain experience, and with experience, you can become a good detective... By the way, isn't there Miss Yue Shui?" A certain male detective Knocking on the mahjong, he didn't forget to come up with a bad idea, winked and said, "She is about the same age as Feichi, and she rented Mr. Chi's house to open a detective agency. Get in touch with Feichi more, and you, Maori, will help her solve a few more cases. Isn't that considered a half-disciple?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at the two speechlessly, "I want you two to gossip..."

"Thirty thousand."

Chi Feichi played a mahjong tile calmly.

Do they still need these two people to gossip?

Next, the two people from the Kawado Detective Agency talked about recent events, such as incidents, thefts, and some trivial matters.

Gossip is still useful. After playing mahjong for an hour, Chi Feichi has already heard a lot about the residents of Kabado Town.

For example, the wife of a high-level executive in a certain company is a caring person, and commissioning an investigation is the most verbose...

For example, there is an old couple in Kubado Town who go for a walk in the park every day. Except for eating and sleeping, they almost spend time in the park. Sometimes they can get a lot of news from the old couple...

The power of civil intelligence organizations should not be underestimated.

Conan listened for a while, and found out that some two detectives mentioned that there was a beautiful girl in the public relations shop in Kubatocho, and they also instigated Chi Feichi and Mori Kogoro to go together next time. Ban Yueyan yawned and looked at Chi Feichi. Chi, remembering what was wrong from just now, stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Chi Feichi's coat, "Brother Chi, where is Feichi? Didn't I go out with you today?"

Yes, it is not red.

When Feichi saw them before, even if he didn't come out to say hello, he would show his head on the collar of Chi Feichi's shirt and spit snake letters at them.

From this morning until now, he hasn't seen Feichi's shadow. Even when he came to Maori Detective Agency, Feichi didn't jump out to lie on his stomach, or run out to drink water.

If Feichi was here, he would have gone to play games with Feichi long ago, and he wouldn't have to listen to these big men gossip here.

Chi Feichi reached back, pulled out the motionless Feichi from the hood of the jacket, and handed it to Conan, "It drank too much by stealing last night."

Conan looked at Feichi, who was like a dead snake in his hand, and shook it, and found that Feichi's head was still drooping and motionless, sweating profusely, "Is it... is it still alive?"

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to play a mahjong tile, "Alive."

Others can't hear Feichi's voice, but he can hear Feichi's 'enmm' sound when he is pulled. Does he still not understand?

Conan thought that Chi Feichi was a veterinarian, so he chose to trust Chi Feichi's judgment, but he still placed Feichi on the table, poked Feichi's body with his fingers, "It won't die, will it?"

"Feichi takes it with him all day long, even when he goes drinking. If it dies, Feichi will definitely be very sad," Detective Long said with a cigarette in his mouth, just glanced at Feichi, and continued playing mahjong, " In other words, even if it is sick, it is impossible for Feichi to sit here and play mahjong with us in peace."

Another detective looked at the dead snake like Feichi curiously, "But would Feichi drink alcohol secretly? I thought the smell of wine was so strong that snakes would hate it."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Don't mention it, his snake wants to taste everything.

"Dad, I got a lottery ticket when I bought something at the rice flower store. Today seems to be the last date." Mao Lilan cleaned up, stood in front of the bookcase, and turned around. The coupon is used!"

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