Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1929 His teacher is a scheming dog

"Go..." Mori Kogoro raised his head and asked, "By the way, Xiaolan, it's going to be a continuous break soon, right?"

Mao Lilan looked at the calendar in front of her, "Yeah, tomorrow October 10 is Saturday, October 11 is Sunday, and Monday 12 is sports day, which happens to be three consecutive holidays...Are you going to take us out to play?"

"No, I'm just asking casually." Mori Kogoro looked down at the mahjong again, "If you want to draw a lottery, take my wallet. There are a lot of lottery tickets in the drawer of the desk. If you don't hurry Go, the lottery draw time is almost over!"

Chi Feichi looked up at Kogoro Mori.

He remembered that October 10th was Fei Yingli's birthday, which meant that the scene where the body was found in Fei Yingli's room was approaching.

Now it seems that his teacher mentioned that the sports day had three consecutive holidays, and asked Mao Lilan to take the wallet to make Mao Lilan find the gift receipt in the wallet, which reminded Mao Lilan of Fei Yingli's birthday.

It is impossible for Mao Lilan not to remember his mother’s birthday, but Kogoro Moori is probably also worried that his daughter will forget in a hurry. It is better to remind him than not to remind him at all, and the main purpose is to plot against Mao Lilan—he has already lost all his gifts. Are you ready, why don't your daughter make an appointment for him?

With Mao Lilan's personality, after finding out, she would definitely try to match up her parents immediately, get in touch with Fei Yingli, and give up the date time to the two.

His teacher is indeed a scheming dog.

"That's right," Mao Lilan didn't know that she was being tricked by her father, so she quickly went to the desk drawer and found her wallet, "Conan, do you want to go with me?"

Between 'watching a group of men playing mahjong' and 'accompanying Xiaolan, who is worrying about it, to go shopping', Conan decisively chose the latter, handed Feichi back to Chi Feichi, jumped off the chair, and said with a smile, "I want to go with Sister Xiaolan!"

"Okay, I'll buy you two bottles of juice by the way, you can choose by yourself, and the fruit at home is gone..." Mao Lilan thought about it, took Conan out, and did not forget to turn around and say hello, "Then we are going out Brother Feichi, if your throat is uncomfortable, please stop smoking."


After the door was closed, Detective Long teased, "Xiaolan will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future, Maori, you have to help her spot someone well, don't let her be deceived by bad boys!"

"It's up to you to say it? Like that kind of nasty boy, if he dares to get close to my daughter, I will beat him with a black nose and a swollen face!" Mori Kogoro slapped a mahjong tile imposingly, and remembered his apprentice calmly glanced at him just now. With a passing glance, there is always a sense of guilt that one's small thoughts have been seen through, "Hey, Feichi, why did you suddenly look at me just now?"

"I just thought about Xiaolan's luck in the lottery draw." Chi Feichi stuffed Feichi back into his hat without changing his expression, "You still have so many lottery tickets, don't you want Xiaolan to mess things up?"

Mori Kogoro felt that Chi Feichi's sudden glance at him made sense, and said with a smile, "Even if Xiaolan takes away all the prizes, I can't blame me. The prizes are set there, and they are meant to be taken away!"

Chi Feichi looked down at the mahjong tiles on the table, and threw the question back, "Otherwise, why do you think I'm looking at you?"

"Ahaha...nope," Mori Kogoro laughed, "it's just that cold look of yours that makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Hey! Maori, you can't do this, you are a teacher, you have to show more courage than your apprentice..."

"But Feichi's problem is bigger, right? Young people should be more cheerful and smile more!"

Two detectives joined in the fun, and the topic was quickly uncovered.

That night, Chi Feichi had dinner at the Maori Detective Agency.

Mao Lilan was in a happy mood the whole time, and prepared a lot of dishes with a smile on her face, but when it came to planning to go to Shizuoka for vacation and only got a hotel voucher, she was a little embarrassed and asked Chi Feichi if she wanted to go together.

Chi Feichi didn't want to join in the excitement of his teacher and his wife, nor did he want to get involved in the case, so he refused to follow him on the grounds that he was unwell, and left and returned to Kabado-cho.

When I wake up, I feel refreshed.

A new email with a password lay in the mailbox:

[Be careful of sudden death! ——Gin]

The sending time was past nine o'clock last night. He went to bed early and didn't see this email.

Compared with the gin addicted to staying up late, he wouldn't die first, right?


In the next few days, the Mori trio went to harm the Shizuoka area, while Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai stayed in the e-sports park to watch the game.

Chi Feichi sent Fei Yingli's birthday gift to the law firm, and started his own "outside social" contact.

Go to the Manike Group Company for a meeting in the morning, go to Toto University in the afternoon to take classes, go to Oda Kiritoshi’s house in the evening, or go to see Shinde Tomoaki and Isogai Nagisa during the day, attend a banquet at a certain company in the evening, and play late at night. After receiving the bounty, he sent a car full of live TA-Q-BINs to the Metropolitan Police Department, and arranged the time to a full capacity.

One rare afternoon when he was free, Chi Feichi took Feichi, who had woken up from a drunken state, and drove for a ride on the streets of Tokyo. Nanatsuki Mizuki and Ai Haibara had dinner.

It was autumn, and the sunny days for several consecutive days did not make the air dry and hot, but the breeze was a little cooler.

A group of children stood in the open park, basking in the warm sunshine and watching the performance of paper painting drama.

The equipment for performing the paper painting drama is very simple - a wooden box with comic strips inside, and the drawing paper can be switched to the next one by pulling the handle of the box.

A white-haired old man manipulated the painting box on the back seat of the bicycle while waving a cane, and vividly told the story of Kamen Rider's victory over the Dark Lord.

Sitting in the shade of a tree, Chi Feichi silently watched the lively crowd, analyzing in his mind the network security knowledge he had learned in lectures a few days ago, and then matched it with the situation he encountered in practice.

Feichi lay on Chi Feichi's shoulders, stretched his neck, and watched the paper painting drama with relish.

The paper painting show did not last long, less than an hour, a group of children politely bowed to the old man to thank them, and ran to the side to play on the slide.

Chi Feichi analyzed the knowledge halfway through his mind, and when he saw the old man walking towards him, he withdrew his thoughts.

The old man stood still under the shade of the tree, turned his head to look at the playful children, and said with a smile, "The children are so energetic!"

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', and with his lowered eyes, his eyes glanced at the old man's right hand holding the cane.

This kind of inexplicable approaching person will make him subconsciously want to confirm whether it is an enemy, how strong it is, and whether Belmode disguised himself to play tricks on others.

The footsteps of the old man were very steady, with calluses on the tiger's mouth. When he swung the cane before, the way he held the cane occasionally had the shadow of Japanese Kendo...

It is difficult for Yi Rong to simulate such a thick and real cocoon, and the hot-eyed Feichi didn't make a sound to remind him, so it can't be Belmode.

Similarly, Feichi did not remind the person in front of him that there was a dangerous weapon hidden on his body, which meant that the crutch in the old man's hand did not hide a knife, and there was no gun or sharp blade on his body.

The body language of the old man showed no hostility when he came over. Although he occasionally watched him when he was performing the paper-painted drama, he was not deliberately observing his position and movements, which meant that the old man was not hostile when he approached him.

To put it simply, this is an old man who has practiced kendo for many years and is still practicing recently. He is not malicious and does not know why he is talking to him.

Is it because I'm too bored...

After the old man looked away, he smiled and asked Chi Feichi softly, "Do you mind if I sit beside you for a while?"

Chi Feichi moved aside, "You can do whatever you want."

"I often perform paper-painting dramas for children here, but this is the first time I see you. You are not a resident nearby, are you?" Only the elderly and children who live nearby will come here. Young people are busy with work or going to other places to play, so they rarely come here, so I noticed you right away! I just saw you in a daze, what's on your mind ?"

Chi Feichi looked at the open space ahead calmly, "I'm just thinking about network security technology."


Sorry for disturbing you.

Talk about your worries and life, he is okay, even if you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, he can enlighten you, but about network security, he really can't talk, let alone help.

Chi Feichi looked sideways at the old man sitting beside him, "It's not that I'm in trouble, I'm just sorting things out."

Looking at Chi Feichi's indifferent expression, the old man immediately understood that it wasn't what he thought, 'the young man is in trouble and depressed', but that he was like this, and apologized, "I'm sorry, I seem to have disturbed you." gone."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi took out his phone to check the time, "In half an hour, I'm going to go to my sister for dinner."

"Really?" The old man smiled, and then he saw Feichi on Chi Feichi's shoulder, and was taken aback, "This is..."

"My pet," Chi Feichi paused, "generally they don't bite."

Looking at the old man with Feichi's pitch-black eyes, he spit out snake letters.

"It's easy to scare children, isn't it?" The old man looked at Feichi and sighed honestly, "I always feel that the snake's gaze is too cold, and it's uncomfortable to be stared at, as if it would bite me at any time..."

Feichi: "..."

Is this old man here to damage it?

"However, at my age, I have seen quite a few snakes, so I am not afraid of snakes!" The old man stared back at Feichi like an old child, then laughed again, and turned to talk to Chi Feichi, "I My surname is Fayue, I live near here, and I often come here to perform paper painting dramas for children, if you have children at home, you can bring them to watch if you have time, how about you?"

Chi Feichi saw that it was not too early or too late, so he simply chatted with this old man who took the initiative to talk to him, "My name is Chi Feichi, and I live in Kabado-cho."

"Then why did you come here today?"

"I made an appointment to have dinner with someone near here in the morning. After the meal, I went for a drive. When I saw the park, I planned to come and sit for a while."

"Sounds like a pretty good life..."

The old man sighed and looked at the car parked on the road outside the park. After seeing the red Lexus SC, his eyelids twitched.

Well, it can be seen that the life of young people is very good, and they should belong to the category of people who don't need to run around for life.

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