Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1930 He doesn't complain, he holds back

The surprise was the surprise, and it didn't prevent the old man from chatting with Chi Feichi. He heard that Chi Feichi had never been here before, so he actively introduced the situation nearby.

Where is the driveway where children will run across, where is there a view suitable for young people to see...

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, the old man surnamed Fa Yue stopped the topic appropriately, got up and said goodbye to Chi Feichi.

"Mr. Chi, you have an appointment with your sister, I won't bother you, I should go back."

"Mr. Fayue is an old man living alone, right?"

Chi Feichi got up after him, checked the time on his phone, and sent a UL message to Hui Yuanai. He looked up and saw the old man staring at him blankly, casting a questioning look.

"Ah, yes, yes," the old man returned to his senses, raised his right hand and scratched his cheek, and smiled embarrassedly, "I don't seem to have said that I am an old man living alone, so I am surprised how you know, do I behave like Is it that obvious?"

After Chi Fei sent the message late, he put away his phone, "Probably because of... loneliness."

"Oh?" The old man followed Chi Feichi out of the park, recalling his performance just now with a puzzled face, "When did I act lonely? Obviously I performed a paper painting play for the children, and how can I be like you?" Chatting with young people who have never met, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with loneliness, right?"

"This is loneliness."

Chi Feichi glanced at the old man and walked towards his car parked by the side of the road.

If it weren't for the elderly living alone, how could they spend so much time leisurely outside?

This is definitely an old man living alone with no wife or children to worry about.

The old man was stunned on the road, thinking about his actions to pass the time, and also felt the loneliness deep in his heart. He sighed, raised his head and asked, "Then, Mr. Chi listened to my long-winded words to understand me, a lonely old man. For a long time? I thought I was a trendy young soul."

Chi Feichi knew that many old people in Japan were not convinced and hated to cause trouble for others, so he turned around and said, "Mr. Fayue is a charming person. Although he is lonely, he is also full of love for life. People, it is impossible to notice so many beautiful things, and that is what I lack.”

Whether it's love for this world or information about the surrounding environment, they are indeed what he lacks.

An overly indifferent expression makes it easier for people to believe that the evaluation is sincere. The old man thought about it and thought that Chi Feichi's words made sense, so he immediately laughed loudly, "Hahaha...that's right, I love life, I love this review, and I do!"

"But don't trust others too easily." Chi Feichi walked around to the driver's seat and opened the door, reminding, "Recently, there have been a lot of scams on the elderly, and the elderly living alone are the best targets for criminals."

The old man was stunned again, looking at the red sports car in front of him, looking past the passenger seat, trying to see Chi Feichi's expression clearly.

Looking from him, one can only see clearly the young man's black coat collar, indifferent expression, and the corners of his lips slightly pursed, just like his tone of voice, showing a sense of coldness.

"Take care of yourself."

Chi Feichi said the last word, the engine of the red car roared, and it drove towards the street like an arrow.

The old man was awakened by the roar of the car, opened his mouth, but swallowed the words, turned around and walked towards his bicycle with a speechless face, walked a few steps, looked back at the shadow of the car that disappeared at the intersection of the street, and smiled helplessly He shook his head.

He has studied the methods of liars. Sometimes people who act like successful people may not be liars, and sometimes those who remind the elderly to "be careful of being deceived" may not be liars either. Those people are the best at acting and pretending.

This young man's eyes seem to be piercing like a mirror, and he is hard to figure out. He can't tell if he has a kind heart, but this kind of willful posture of "run away after talking, no matter what you do", no matter how you look at it, it can't be a liar... …


In the car that left, Chi Feichi drove the car all the way to the traffic light and stopped, took out a cigarette from his pocket, bit it, pressed the button of the cigarette lighter, and took out his mobile phone to send an email to that person.

It's true to go for a drive, and it's true to take a break in the park for a while. At the same time, he also came to the nearby spot.

Of course, he didn't intend to deceive the old man, but just to complete the organizational task.

This action is not his part. He is not very clear about the specific action, where the person is, and when the transaction is made. He can only consider it based on the timeliness of the intelligence, and guess that the action time is tonight or tomorrow morning.

His mission is to wander around Camellia Park.

If someone is ambushing nearby and finds him intruding with such a strange face, he should pay more attention, or send someone near him to find out about him.

In this way, he can be used as the stick to scare the snake out, knocking out all the ambush people. In fact, the role he plays is a kid from a rich family who goes for a drive and stops nearby. No matter how the other party follows and investigates him , there is no possible result.

The old gentleman surnamed Fayue seems to have no problem, but he still needs to report it. In addition, there are some information he heard from Mr. Fayue, and he still needs to make a summary report.

For example, when Mr. Fayue talked about the surrounding situation, he asked the question "Is there any place suitable for young people to go?" , when he asked about the flow of people there and whether there would be hooligans nearby, Mr. Fayue also gave him the answer.

When Mr. Fayue spoke, he did not show the body language of a liar, but the accuracy of the answer does not need him to judge and verify for the time being.

Anyway, according to that person's style, he will only touch one of the lines here, and in the end he will combine the investigation results of other people to judge whether the environment is safe.


After the green light turned on, the car behind honked its horn.

Chi Feichi put his mobile phone in his hand, drove across the intersection, and drove towards the e-sports park.

Feichi stayed in the passenger seat, propped himself up, glanced at the car behind from the exterior rearview mirror, rolled out the cigarette lighter with his tail, and handed the cigarette butt to Chi Feichi, "Master, light a cigarette!"

Chi Feichi slowed down and lit a cigarette, and observed the situation behind him by the way.

Feichi put the cigarette lighter back and started running around in the car, using his hot eyes to check the inside and outside of the car.

The Umbrella e-sports park has become a bustling business district. When Chi Feichi drove his car into one of the parking lots, the parking lot was already full of cars, and there was also an OB van of a Japanese TV station.

Feichi jumped back onto Chi Feichi's shoulder, and slid into his collar, "Master, there is nothing suspicious in the car."

After Chi Feichi parked the car, he sent an email to that person and called Hui Yuanai.

No cars followed him along the road, and there were no trackers or bugs in the cars.

If nothing else happened, his mission would be over here.


The sky completely darkened. After meeting Chi Feichi, Hui Yuanai, and Yueshui Nanatsuki in the park, they went to the theme restaurant of Hui Yuanai's reservation number.

The guest seats in the restaurant are decorated into spaceship cabins. Open the white cabin door and enter. There are two rows of blue and white soft seats on the left and right. In the middle is a pure white diamond-shaped table with a circle of small blue lights on the edge of the table.

The place Hui Yuanai reserved is facing the window on one side, and there is an irregular-shaped window on the milky white wall, which looks like a viewing window of a flying ship. Since the restaurant is located on a high floor, sitting on the seat and looking out from the window, you can see Go to the park on the other side of the river located outside the park.

After Yueshui Nanatsuki sat down, she turned her head and stared blankly at the long dragon-like lights in the park in the distance, before sighing softly for a moment, "What a beautiful view."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the scenery outside the window and felt satisfied, then looked at Chi Feichi who was across the table, "The seats by the window in this restaurant are reserved every day, and I have to make a reservation a week in advance to be able to get in today's row, Brother Feichi, what do you think of this restaurant? How about it?"

Chi Feichi nodded calmly, "Very well, I'll let you worry about it."

The view is of course good, it's just the tables here...

Looking at it, he thought of the dissecting table used for tissue, and felt a little awkward, as if they were eating around the dissecting table. If he added the "dark dishes" he made before, the style of painting would definitely be more artistic.

But he can't disappoint at this time, can he?

He doesn't complain, he holds back.

Hui Yuan Ai felt that her brother's reaction was too indifferent, and although she praised her, it was difficult for her to find a sense of accomplishment with that completely unsurprised look. She turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window, and continued to introduce, "The restaurant's The features are more than that, today is a very special day, and there will be a special program in a while."

"A special day?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled in doubt.


The red warning light on the cabin door was on, and a male waiter in a suit entered the door, bent down and put the menu on the table, "Sorry for the trouble, I want to confirm the pre-ordered dishes and drinks with the three of you... "

"Okay, let's confirm the menu first." Hui Yuanai picked up the menu and discussed with Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki the dishes and drinks he had ordered before.

This restaurant specializes in French cuisine, and there is no problem with the menu ordered by Haibara Ai. After a simple confirmation, the male waiter walked out of the door with the menu.

"What holiday is today?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki wondered, silently calculating the birthdays, acquaintance anniversaries, and special celebration days of the three of them in his mind, and he did the calculations, but he didn't get any results.

She got Huiyuan Ai's birthday and Chi Feichi's birthday from Huiyuan Ai, counting the anniversary...

"The first unitary day in November."

Chi Feichi gave the correct answer.

The "You Day" in Japan refers to the "You Day" shown in the Japanese lunar calendar in mid-November. Sometimes there are two days of You Day in November of a year, and sometimes it is three days. Every day is a festival.

On this day, major parks and shrines will hold celebrations, like temple fairs and fairs, and vendors and merchants also like to sell some traditional souvenirs of You Day during the celebrations.

He didn't remember that today was the day of the You, but that Mr. Fa Yue had mentioned it to him during the day.

Although the e-sports finals ended today, the closing ceremony will be tomorrow morning. Even if Huiyuan Ai wanted to celebrate, he should invite them to dinner tomorrow. Come to celebrate the day of the unitary.

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