"That's right, today is the day of the You, so speaking of it, there will be three days of the You this year, which is very rare," Nanatsuki Koshimi sighed, and asked again, "Is Xiao Ai planning to go to the park for a while? ?”

Chi Feichi looked at the window next to his seat, "The special program should be..."

"Hush..." Yueshui Nanatsuki gestured towards Chi Feichi quickly, leaned over the table, leaned into Chi Feichi's ear, and said in a low voice, "Please, Xiao Ai wants to give us a surprise, we will treat it as a surprise." I don’t know, you remember to show a little surprise later, don’t hurt the child’s confidence!”

Hui Yuanai tilted his head towards the two of them, vaguely heard 'we...don't know', 'don't hit...confidence', and then thought of Chi Feichi's look at the window, he knew that his plan had been seen through, his black hair Sit up straight.

The special program was more than an hour later, just in time for the after-dinner tea time for the three of them.

Just at eight o'clock in the evening, the light between the seats in the cabin suddenly dimmed, and a middle-aged man's voice came out from the intercom on the door.

"Welcome all the distinguished guests to dine in our restaurant today. Today is the first day of the year. We will have a little surprise for you. Please don't panic..."

Accompanied by the introduction of the male voice, a city of lights full of voices suddenly appeared on the window glass, and the camera was still moving a little bit.

Because the lights in the room were dimmed, the scene of the lantern market reflected on the glass was still clear. The camera passed through the crowd at a moderate speed, stopping at booths full of masks from time to time.

Sitting between the seats and looking at the window is like sitting in a real flying boat that breaks into the city of lights, watching the crowd immersed in the festive celebrations, the reality is somewhat dreamlike.

The guests in the restaurant were all immersed in the fantasy experience, and the surroundings were quiet, only the middle-aged male voice came out through the loudspeakers installed in each room of the restaurant.

"This is the Youzhi City held by Haichuan Park on the other side. The number of people who came to the park today was several times higher than usual..."

"This is the famous landslide park..."

"This is the Youri Festival in the e-sports park..."

The tour of the three places, the lively scene on the window played for nearly 20 minutes, and finally ended with the summary of the middle-aged male voice.

"With the restaurant's dining invoice, everyone can go to the booth at the entrance of the building to get a mascot. I won't disturb everyone's meal. I wish you a happy meal."

The lights in the small room came back on.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared at the window and looked again and again, reluctantly and excitedly looked away, "It's amazing, it's like sitting in a UFO and passing through Youzhi City!"

Chi Feichi was stunned for a moment, and decided to perform with Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and nodded, "Well, it's amazing."

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's expressionless face, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then looked at Feichi, who was on the table with a snake's expressionless face, who turned his head to steal her snacks after reading it, and put his hand on his forehead, "Okay , You don’t need to act anymore, I know you have already seen it.”

Can you stop coaxing her like a three-year-old? Make her feel embarrassed.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt guilty for a while, "Ah...?"

Hui Yuanai put aside the helplessness in her heart, calmed down, put down her right hand that was holding her forehead, looked at the two people puzzled and asked, "However, how did you find out?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled shyly, and looked at the window again, "It's because I saw it, I sat by the window, and it's easy to see that the windows are very thick, although in a high-altitude restaurant, it's normal for the windows to be thicker , but there seem to be strange lines like wires between the window glass here, which seems to be quite a lot, plus the magical projection of the competition venue during the Japanese finals, and the amazing technology I saw when I stayed in the hotel in the park for the past two days. I was just thinking, could this be a window that can be used not only as a viewing window, but also as a projection board or playback device..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

( ̄- ̄)

As expected of a detective.

But such Nanatsuki-san, don't you worry that there will be few surprises in the future?

"I know more about the technology here than you guys." Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and picked up the table cup on the table, "These windows are still custom-made from Umbrella, I know the playback equipment inside, besides, I saw Japanese windows in the parking lot. Selling the OB truck of the TV station, but there is no staff or broadcasting equipment nearby, so I thought, Nikai TV should want to broadcast the Youzhi City in Haichuan Park, and the Nikai TV station not only broadcasts the Youzhi City in one place, but also the restaurant The boss probably discussed with Nichimai TV to use this place as a broadcasting place, so as to give customers a surprise in this way."

Haibara Ai:"……"

( ̄- ̄)

Ah, that's right, that's the gossip she got from the restaurant owner--the broadcast video came from Nikmai TV.

How hard is she to think about it, so she can play tricks in front of these two people?

"I also saw the OB truck of Nikmai TV, and before Mr. Chi came, I met the hostess of Nikai TV in the bathroom downstairs. I heard that they were going to record programs in Haichuan Park. I started I really don’t know what the special program is, but when it comes to Youzhi Day, the bustling Youzhi City is the first thing you can think of, right?” Koshimizu Nanatsuki said to Haibara with a smile, “It’s impossible for the boss to put such a technological restaurant Youzhi City moved here, and it would look weird if it performed a traditional show in the restaurant, so I guessed it would be this, but I guessed it right!"

"Okay, I lost." Hui Yuanai picked up his cup and took a sip of tea, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if pointing out, "It's really not easy to surprise you, maybe other people want to surprise you It's the same."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

That's right, Mr. Chi is so smart, it will probably be difficult for her to prepare surprises in the future...

The smile froze on his face.

Chi Feichi also sensed a certain Lolita's cunning thoughts, deeply felt that his sister had turned bad, so he pushed all the plates of desserts in front of Hui Yuan Ai, raised his eyes to meet Hui Yuan Ai's puzzled gaze, and kissed Hui Yuan Ai. The corner showed a gentle smile, "Don't talk about winning or losing as a family, I should say a little sorrow. I like this show very much. This is a thank you to Xiaoyi."

Haibara Ai:"?"

Brother Feichi, are you sure it's not because he doesn't like desserts that he pushes all these to her?

Do you want to make her fat to death by letting her eat so many high-calorie sweets?

Her brother's heart is completely dark.

However, Brother Fei boasted that even the "family" moved out, and laughed so hard that her scalp tingled, she couldn't help but give her face...

This is the real sugar-coated cannonball.

"But to be honest, although I guessed it, I am still very pleasantly surprised to see the city of lights on the window glass with my own eyes." The best two plates of dim sum were pushed in front of Hui Yuan Ai, "So, I should also thank you, thank you for your kindness, Xiao Ai."

Haibara Ai looked up and saw the sincere smile in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes, and suddenly couldn't bear to refuse.

Nanatsuki sister also learned badly.

Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to non-chi brothers are black!


In the end, Hui Yuanai still didn't eat all the desserts in front of him.

Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't take it seriously either, watching Hui Yuan Ai eat a symbolic amount of every dim sum, it was over.

It's just that Huiyuan Ai calculated the extra calories he consumed tonight, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. At the meeting at the end of the e-sports closing ceremony the next day, he showed the team members what is called "Little Lolita's Arrogant Declaration", What is the 'blackening breath ready to move under the indifferent face'.

This also caused Huiyuan Ai's small universe to explode, and proposed a precise and reasonable e-sports technology improvement plan, which made others feel that there was nothing to modify, ended the meeting early, and returned to the empty-nest old man Dr. A Li's house early.

In order to celebrate the end of the game and the return of Hui Yuan Ai, the Boy Detective Team gathered at Dr. Ali's house for dinner again.

The two appointed chefs, Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru, also received the invitation.

According to a group of children's suggestion, Chi Feichi taught Okiya Subaru how to make pumpkin porridge.

When the meals were served one after another, Hui Yuanai was still surrounded to answer questions.

"Mr. Nakatani will be in charge of the upcoming commercial activities, and he will help the team members choose suitable commercial endorsements..."

"So have you got the naming rights?" Ayumi asked concerned, "Didn't Xiao Ai always want this?"

"I only got the right to name one character," Hui Yuanai put on a gesture of letting go of it completely, "I let everyone discuss the naming, and I don't plan to mix it up."

Before the competition, she thought about getting a naming right for her legion. If possible, she would name it after the legion name or the symbol of the legion, or get a hunter named 'Scarecrow'.

But seeing the team members working so hard and working hard for so long, she still decided to give the team members the right to name.

"It's a pity," Yuantai said with emotion, "If it were me, I would name it Boys Detective Troupe..."

Mitsuhiko was immersed in fantasy, and said with a smile, "There will be a lot of commissions then!"

Haibara Ai kept secretly watching the movement around her. After Okiya Subaru had finished filling up the pumpkin porridge, she immediately took out a bag of white sugar from under the table and poured a bunch of it into the bowl next to her.

Conan looked up and saw: "?"

There... seems to be the seat where Chi Feichi always sits?

Okiya Subaru serving porridge: "?"

Did something happen that he didn't know about?

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Revenge, Xiao Ai, this is definitely revenge.

With a dark face, Hui Yuanai mixed the white sugar in the bowl with a spoon, looked up at the group of people who were stunned, and explained in a low voice solemnly, "Brother Feichi has never eaten sweets, and he often exercises. No, I’ll just put a little bit and mix it up, as long as everyone doesn’t tell, he won’t know, we are also thinking about his body, aren’t we?”

Conan: "..."

Haibara, are you sure it's just a little bit?

Dr. Ali: "..."

It's hard to imagine the expression on Fei Chi's face when he ate it in one bite.

"That's right," Yuan Tai was fooled, and said seriously, "My mother also said, don't be picky eaters!"

"Then keep it a secret." Hui Yuanai noticed that Chi Feichi brought the soup bowl over, immediately hid the sugar bag under the table, and sat down as if nothing had happened.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the bowl of porridge, blinked, and thought of Huibara Ai's unchanging expression against her brother just now, and decided to keep silent for the first time.

Hmm... Mr. Chi will be fine if he eats some candy.

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