When Chi Feichi brought the soup to the table, he noticed a group of people flirting and whispering. When he got to the table, they all quieted down again, looked at the group of people, and sat next to Hui Yuanai.

Hui Yuanai was certain in her heart, without changing her face, she said, "The dishes are all served, let's eat."

That's right, her brother is used to sitting on her right hand, and as long as the habit continues, he can be used to set him up.

"Yes, I'm going to start~!"

The three children thought that they had done a good thing by secretly assisting Hui Yuanai, so they closed their eyes and prayed in a good mood.

Chi Feichi didn't have the habit of saying this, so he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the sweet and sour pork ribs on Hui Yuanai's left side, and using his arm to cover it, he quietly switched his porridge bowl with that of Hui Yuanai's with his left hand.

Conan sitting on Chi Feichi's right: "..."


He saw it!

Okiya Subaru sitting on Conan's right hand: "..."


He saw it!

Seeing that Chi Feichi picked up the ribs first, Huiyuan didn't think much about it, and said "I'm going to start", watching Chi Feichi slowly finish eating the ribs, picked up the spoon and pretended to drink porridge, and glanced at him. Chi Feichi didn't notice the complicated gazes of Conan and Okiya Subaru for a while.

Very good, brother Feichi served the porridge with a spoon...

Very good, the first spoonful of porridge...

Very good, brother Feichi...

Wait, Brother Feichi actually ate it without changing his face, and continued to eat another spoonful. What's going on?

When Hui Yuanai was surprised, the porridge in Hui Yuanai's spoon came to his mouth, and he ate it in one bite. He choked on the sweet and greasy taste of the porridge, swallowed it reluctantly, turned his head and coughed twice, "Ahem... ..."

"Pfft!" Conan, who had been staring blankly, lowered his head and suppressed a smile.

Ayumi, who didn't know the truth, saw Haibara Ai coughing with an ugly face, and asked with concern, "Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also cast a questioning look at Haibara Ai.

There's something wrong with Xiao Ai's situation, like...

Chi Feichi said quietly from the side, "I can smell the heavy chemical saccharin smell."


Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi looked at the porridge bowl in front of Chi Feichi in horror.

Have you been found?

Hui Yuanai straightened up, glanced at Conan who was snickering over there, and raised his eyes to Chi Feichi.

It was discovered a long time ago, damn it!

"Change to another bowl if it doesn't taste good," Chi Feichi ignored Hui Yuan Ai's gloomy gaze, calmly took out his phone, opened a picture, and handed it to Hui Yuan Ai, "Then eat well, and Otherwise, I will share with you..."

It was an emoticon pack with the text: Hui Yuan Ai Super Fierce.jpg...

Haibara Ai:"……"

I was really threatened, so angry!

Before Conan looked curiously, Hui Yuanai stretched out his hand to grab Chi Feichi's right hand, pressed down the phone as well, and said expressionlessly, "I see."

Chi Feichi put away his phone, "Be nicer to my brother, I heard that Yuanzi is very interested in these things recently."

Haibara Ai thought that Suzuki Sonoko might spread this cute emoji around, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she was forced to behave, "I...understand."

Conan tried to bend down to peek at the contents of Chi Feichi's phone, but Chi Feichi turned off the screen first, and could only look at his own face reflected on the screen, speechless for a while.

Being stingy, he just wanted to see what could force Hui Yuan to be obedient.

Okiya Subaru cast a questioning look at Dr. Agasa.

He also wanted to know what it was, but he couldn't peek.

Does Shirley have something to do with Mr. Chi? The doctor should know, right?

Dr. Ali failed to understand the expectations in Okiya Subaru's heart, and returned a blank look, and stretched his chopsticks towards the dishes on the table.

Isn't it brother and sister cheating on each other? Just watch the excitement, why not hurry up and eat food.

Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi were at a loss. After eating a meal in a daze, they thought that Chi Feichi had finished eating the super sweet porridge. After clearing the table, they chattered around Chi Feichi and asked how he felt.

"Brother Chi, what do you think of porridge?"

"Huihara added a little sugar for you, but don't be angry, it's because you are a picky eater. My mother said that picky eaters are not good for your health. I don't like vegetables, so my mother will keep nagging me to eat..."

"But Brother Chi finished eating the porridge, so the taste shouldn't be bad, right?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

"Sugar?" Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuan Ai, without changing his face, and said, "I didn't taste any other sweetness except the original sweetness of pumpkin. Maybe Xiao Ai bought fake sugar."

Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi: "Huh?"

"Okay, okay," Dr. Ali was worried that if he continued to be bullied like this, Hui Yuan Ai would explode, so he quickly stopped the three children from continuing to entangle this issue, and said with a smile, "Aren't you going to try a new game? Feichi is here too, how about we play games together?"

Seeing that Dr. A Li was so nervous, Hui Yuanai sighed softly speechlessly.

In fact, the doctor doesn't need to be nervous, she is already numb, and she doesn't want to fight back for the time being.


The next day, at three o'clock in the afternoon.



Chi Feichi received two new messages on his mobile phone in a row. He took out his phone and looked down, and found that it was a UL message from his sister. Since the screen was locked, he couldn't see the content of the picture, so he could only see the word [picture] on the display. , I didn't care too much.

In the dark underground parking lot, four cars parked side by side.

Seeing Chi Feichi's face illuminated by the light of the mobile phone in the car next to him, Qin Jiu didn't say anything in particular, and continued to talk about the action plan, "At that time, Chianti and Keir will be responsible for monitoring the intersection on both sides, and someone will be responsible for driving away People from the past, Vodka and I will follow behind, Cohen will wait for my instructions at the designated place, and Lak and Srivova will pick her up after the operation is over... If she falls into the hands of those people, Lak, you should know what to do Do."

"Before she falls into the hands of those people, I will finish her off," Chi Feichi hissed. "However, that person may not be so easily lured by her."

"At that time, make some preparations, that man will take the bait!" The corner of Qin Jiu's mouth curled up into a cold but inevitable sneer, "Even if he didn't take the bait, we still have a plan B, and I will tell you again at that time. "

"Gin Jiu, don't you think about my proposal?" Chianti said impatiently, "It's not so troublesome to deal with that man, I can deal with it with a single bullet, and there is no need to guard against his companions passing by!"

Gin reminded, "Chianti, you still owe Lark twice..."

Chianti thought that he still owed a certain Lak two heads, so he didn't want to fight for this chance to shoot, but he was still unwilling to say, "Didn't Lak have to grab this one from me?"

"That person means..." Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "That man's death is not important, the important thing is to take the opportunity to figure out their distribution."

"So, Chianti," Vodka said with a smile, "I really can't let you kill that man all at once!"

Chianti didn't insist anymore, and muttered softly, "No wonder you use this kind of action plan..."

"Anyway, let's confirm the operation arrangement again tomorrow morning." Gin paused, and said in a cold voice, "Before that, temporarily go to the place designated by that person. This operation must not leak the slightest word!"

"Understood," Shui Wurenai responded without much hesitation, started the car, and said with a smile, "I wish our operation goes well this time!"

"Gin, Lark, let's go first!"

Chianti greeted, and drove Cohen to catch up with Rena Mizumura's car.

Gin didn't leave in a hurry, lit a cigarette with the cigarette lighter in the car, opened the door and got off, leaned against the car and smoked, "Luck, is your arrangement okay? It seems that someone has been sending you messages just now ..."

Chi Feichi had already taken out his mobile phone and clicked on the unread UL message.

The picture sent by Haibara Ai is a cartoon stick figure portrait.

The portrait only has a head, and the hair and general facial features are simple but lifelike. Although it is a villain with a round face, it can be seen at a glance that it is his stick figure, but the eyes are two purple lights, and the mouth is bared. Serrated teeth, two hands drawn like claws stretched out next to the round face of the portrait, showing their teeth and claws, and there is a matching word next to it-'Chi Feichi is super fierce'.

Very well, without his photo, his sister actually drew it manually, so she had to make an emoticon pack of 'Chi Feichi is super fierce', and sent him several swipes.

Qin Jiu raised his eyes and saw the fierce and fierce portrait on the screen, got up and approached the car window next to Chi Feichi, saw the note of "Elise" clearly on it, and fell silent for a while, "Your sister?"

"Well, I made her angry yesterday. Let me solve it."

Chi Feichi replied blankly.

[Scarecrow: When is the time for retribution. 】


[Elise: So are you planning to stop the war? 】

Seeing that Chi Feichi started coaxing the child, Qin Jiu automatically imagined the appearance of the little girl throwing a tantrum, so she didn't look any further, and turned her back to the car window to smoke.

Chi Feichi found a reason of 'retreating to write songs in the past few days', fooled Hui Yuanai over, and even sent a status, exiting both the account and the software, and whispered in a hoarse voice, "Solution, about two days ago No one will find me."

Gin looked sideways into the car window, and joked, "Children have really rich imaginations, don't you plan to save that picture and share it?"

"Not going to." Chi Feichi put away his phone with a cold face.

If he knew that Hui Yuan Ai would play this move, he would not read the news in front of Qin Jiu.

However, this action is indeed very important to that person. If he wants to contact people outside behind other members' backs, I'm afraid it won't work...

In the car, Takatori Yannan, who was helping to drive with a bearded face, wanted to ask what the picture was, but seeing Chi Feichi's expression turned pale, he choked back his words.

Forget it, he stopped asking.

Gin didn't stimulate Chi Feichi anymore. Although he regretted that he couldn't get that kind of spoof picture, it wasn't appropriate for him to store such things on his phone. It was a spoof picture of the face of 'Chi Feichi'. No, it's enough to gloat over others' misfortunes, "If Qing Shui is caught by those people, he will be under strict protection. You may not have a chance to silence him when the time comes, so it's best to make some preparations first."

"If the general information confirms that there will be no mistakes, I will go nearby tonight to find a suitable corner and place a bomb."

"Do you need help tonight?"

"Of course it would be best."

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