Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1933 Waves to one's own head

Dr. Ali's home.

Hui Yuanai looked at the truce negotiation record with satisfaction, logged out of the account, got up and left the computer, and walked to the basement.

Brother Feichi said that writing a song recently seems to be busy for at least two days, and she doesn't want to ask. Even if her brother is investigating something for the bounty, it's not convenient for her to ask directly on the chat software.

Since Brother Feichi said so, she believed it.

She has been busy participating in e-sports competitions lately, so her drug research has been delayed, and she is busy drawing pictures in the morning. Compared with gossip, it is better for her to catch up with the progress of drug research as soon as possible.

All afternoon, Hui Yuanai's mood changed from cloudy to sunny, and he concentrated on researching the antidote of APTX-4869.

On the other side, Chi Feichi stayed in the temporary room, concentrating on making bombs, not in a good mood.

The target of the organization's assassination this time is an important public security informant!

He received an email from that person this morning, asking him to go to No. 119, Kubotomachi 1-chome, and give him the information on the new assassination target.

Mishima Ye, male, 46 years old, is a mathematics teacher at Lidong Junior High School.

There are a large number of life photos attached to the information, which seem to have been secretly photographed.

It was a middle-aged man of medium height, with short hair and a fat body, but still within the normal range, neither fat nor thin, with broad shoulders and thick back, a square face, no distinctive features, wearing a A pair of black-rimmed glasses as thick as a beer bottle cap, and an old-fashioned suit that he wears in his daily life, and he is often well-groomed.

In the candid photos, some of Mishima Ye bent down to wipe his water-splashed shoes when going out, some of Mishima Ye was talking to students with a serious face when he left the school, and there were two pictures of Mishima Ye and his wife shopping in a convenience store.

Yes, according to intelligence, Mishima Ye had been married twenty years ago, his wife was two years younger than him, and they had a son who was studying at a certain university in Tokyo.

In the information sent to him along with the photos, there is a recent investigation of Mishima Ye's daily life trajectory.

Every day at dawn, I take my wife’s lunch box to school and go to class until the afternoon. Sometimes I go to dinner with my colleagues until midnight, and sometimes I go home early to spend time with my family. On weekends, I take my wife and son to participate in activities organized by the community. Occasionally I will also go to the bookstore to find some books, move them home in piles, and then put some old books that have been read in the yard to dry in the yard on a weekend afternoon.

In the eyes of the students of Lidong Junior High School, this should be a teacher who is not good-looking, a little old-fashioned, and whose appearance will fade with time. Maybe after more than ten years, someone will mention him at a class reunion, and a group of When people get together and talk about those ordinary but extraordinary stories in school with him, there will be gratitude, and there may be complaints and ridicules of dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of his wife, he should be a good husband who takes care of his family. Although he repeats the life trajectory of 'going to school-going home' most of the time, which is boring and has a stubborn and old-fashioned personality, the salary of a middle school teacher Not low, Mishima Ye is not a problem to support his family, and he also gives his family the company they deserve, and has a clear conscience for his wife and son.

In the eyes of his son in his early twenties, he should be a respectable 'old stubborn'. Although the father and son would occasionally argue, the father has an upright personality and is a man of his own. The father and son care for each other. Can be reconciled quickly.

In the whole world, such a person may not be outstanding, but he has a happy life. He doesn't look like an informant of the Japanese public security.

According to the remarks at the beginning of the document, Ye Mishima is also an important informant who has cooperated with the Japanese police for many years and is suspected to be from the police.

From those daily life traces, he didn't see the slightest trace of connection with the police, but in the identity confirmation on the documents, Rum signed his code name, and looking at those life trace investigations, the organization has already targeted Ye Mishima. It has been several years, and the possibility of the intelligence being wrong is almost zero.

That one told him in the morning that the reason why he was asked to release Shimizu Reiko this time was to prepare for the assassination of this target.

Assassinating an important public security informant, who may also be a current member of the Ministry of Public Security, is relatively difficult and risky, and that person hopes to have a suitable chess piece that is not a pity to discard.

In addition to assassinating Mishima Ye, that person has another goal-to draw out the public security thread behind Mishima Ye through Mishima Ye.

Both goals were marked as 'must be completed' goals by that one.

On the surface, Reiko Shimizu was the only person in charge of the assassination, but there were so many members of the organization behind this operation that he only knew part of it.

The first is to assassinate Mishima Ye. He is mainly responsible for this task. The people who can be used include Takatori Yano and Midorikawa Saki, whether it is to arrange for Shimizu Reiko to approach, to support Shimizu Reiko to leave, or to fail in Shimizu Reiko. How to kill the target and silence Reiko Shimizu in the end is up to him to arrange.

Secondly, how to lure people out, how to confirm the appearance and characteristics of the dark line behind Mishima Ye, and how to prevent the police from surrounding them when they act are all tasks of Gin Jiu. A layer of protection around the squad.

After that, Rum followed up with the investigation of the dark line behind Mishima Yeh.

He didn't know about Rum's arrangement, but what he knew was that Belmode would also participate in this operation.

At that time, Belmode will sneak into a certain core area and assist him in completing the task.

In this operation, the tasks he and Gin are responsible for need to cooperate with each other. When he lures Mishima Ye to contact the person behind him, Gin needs to follow up immediately, and then he will let Shimizu Reiko kill Mishima Ye, In addition, they ambush and observe in the same area in the early stage, and they can help each other solve security issues.

What about the other side? Gin and rum should also have a corresponding cooperation, but he doesn't know how those two people arranged, just like the specific cooperation between him and Belmode, only he and Belmode know, it is forbidden to tell Gin or Rum's.

To put it simply, this operation has become a long chain of "Bermod—he—gin—rum". Everyone must cooperate with the people at the front and back ends of the long chain, and they can also know the arrangements at the front and rear ends. But there is no news about the further links.

Where he didn't understand, the other end of the long chain between Rum and Belmode might be connected to other people, or after a circle, the two were connected to each other again.

Such a large battle shows that the organization has been accurately verified, and there should be no mistake that Mishima Ye is the public security informant.

He is still holding the position of public security consultant of the police department, but he wants to lead a murder against a public security informant. This arrangement is really cruel.

Since he was able to save Sutern back then, it was impossible for him to stand by and do something this time with the man he didn't know at all.

It's just that this time it's not him, but Reiko Shimizu who is in charge.

He will keep a distance from Mishima Ye the whole time, and he can't play the feign death method of intentionally hitting the heart.

Reiko Shimizu seems to be afraid of him, but she is also afraid of the organization. If he lets Reiko Shimizu play tricks, will Reiko Shimizu turn around and sell him?

And he is very clear that Belmode is the "guaranteed kill" after Reiko Shimizu. If Reiko Shimizu misses, Belmode will also get rid of her later. This is not under his control. Mod communicated with each other's plans, found a plan that could complete the tasks of both parties, and even when Reiko Shimizu missed, he was responsible for getting rid of them.

There are at least three assassination traps waiting for Mishima Ye. After they missed, Gin still had a set of 'Plan B' waiting for Mishima Ye, which made him wonder if Mishima Ye had stabbed the old nest of the organization in his previous life before he fell into it. In this 'Mishima must die' situation.

Relying on him alone, it is very difficult to arrange for Mishima Ye to escape from death. Now there is another way - to pass the news to the police and let the police prepare.

This is not a small risk for him.

Before the operation started, they all needed to move in designated areas, and they had to explain their reasons and report to the police when they went out. There were at least two members of the organization by their side at any time, and it was difficult to find an opportunity to make a phone call.

For example, Chianti, Cohen, and Rena Mizumusa who left together, the three of them did not need to appear in public in the past few days, and were assigned to a secret training place. In order to monitor each other, in addition to these three people, there are also some peripheral members and supervisors who have received training. If they want to secretly contact the outside world, they have to find a way, and the time for transmitting information is very short, and they may be discovered at any time.

Midorikawa Saki was assigned to Shimizu Reiko, and she got in touch with Shimizu Reiko in advance, so that it would be convenient to respond when the time came, and it was also a kind of surveillance.

He, Takatori Geno, Gin, and Vodka will be together for the time being. One is because Gin needs to be informed about the location of the bomb he installed, the appearance of the bomb, etc., and he must be accompanied by someone other than Takatori Geno. Furthermore, Takatori Yano and Vodka still need to contact some people to communicate with each other, and be prepared to deal with emergencies or evacuate.

There are very few opportunities to report to the outside world, and many situations are unclear.

The reason why the organization killed Mishima Ye was not in the information given to him. He had no idea what the organization should do in the future and how many back-ups it had. Can't judge.

That's right, this may also be a trap for the organization to test whether there is an inner ghost inside, and judge the location of the inner ghost based on the development of the situation.

If it wasn't a trap, he would have considered many issues.

The people he can contact, the first priority is Toru Amuro, and the second is the member of the Public Security Committee.

Will Amuro Toru be watched by someone? Will it be under control?

Although there are parts that cooperate with each other in organizing such a long-chain-like action structure, if something goes wrong in a certain link, some people can be excluded, some people can be locked, and even one or two people can be locked based on the details. Under the circumstances, Toru Amuro will not put him in danger, the information he sends out will be "modified" before use, but what if Toru Amuro and Mishima Ye have a close friendship? If the situation is urgent, Toru Amuro thinks about saving Ye Mishima first, then he might be the source of the information if he accidentally exposes it?

This time, the test was the trust between him and Toru Amuro.

Not to mention the member of the public security committee and other police officers, he is now more willing to trust Toru Amuro than those who don't know much.

In short, he will pass on the information.

After he heard the news, he had already made a decision on this point.

He knew that, when the waves come and go, sooner or later, the waves will fall on his own head, and when this happens, all he has to do is weigh it.

If he didn't respond when he organized the assassination of an important public security informant, Toru Amuro would be puzzled, and the public security people would have a grudge against him after they knew about it, and his future plans to use the public security line to clean up whitewashing might be abolished. Even if Toru Amuro is willing to testify for him at that time, there will be some people who have a good relationship with Ye Mishima who are unwilling to let him go and make trouble.

Conversely, as long as he properly discloses the information, at least give the police an early warning. Considering his current situation, Ye Mishima will not be able to save him later, and no one can say anything about him. Even if someone has doubts, he has reason to refute it. , with a high probability of getting the support of Toru Amuro.

And it is possible for him to be suspected by the organization, but it is only possible, just a little suspicion, and there is a way to solve it afterwards. If it is more serious, even if it is completely exposed and the organization decides to kill him, he will still have a way to escape...

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