Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1934 Is the consultant's situation okay?

That afternoon.

It took Chi Feichi two hours to make the bomb. When Vodka and Takatori Yannan contacted hands and communicated with the arrangement, he went out with Gin, delivered the bomb to the place where it should be arranged, and returned to the temporary residence point.

The temporary foothold is located in Shinjuku, not far from the National Stadium and closer to Aoyama Fourth Hospital.

There is an izakaya street nearby, and when it gets dark, the street is full of office workers having dinner after get off work, friends who have an appointment for a party, gangsters or gangsters in the night market.

With Lak's disguised face on his face, Chi Feichi walked into an alley with Gin Jiu, without attracting anyone's attention.

Many Japanese believe that "one thing more is worse than one thing less", and no one will look at two guys in black who don't look like good people.

The two entered the alley, entered through the back door of an izakaya that was already open, walked through a small yard, and entered the main house.

"Brother, Lark, are you back?" Vodka sat on the sofa and looked back, with an enthusiastic attitude, "The manpower has been preliminarily arranged. If there is no unexpected situation, I will go to the field inspection tomorrow and make some adjustments. Also, we asked the owner of the izakaya to prepare some meals, which have been delivered just now, and we are waiting for you to come back!"

Gin looked at the food on the table, "Thanks for your hard work."

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Chi Feichi glanced at the food, turned around and entered the bathroom, locked the door behind his back, and when he was going to the bathroom, he looked around with the corner of his eyes to make sure there was no camera or small windows.

There are no cameras, but there is a shutter for ventilation, high above the ground.

Although this is not a safe house, it seems to be a place rented by the organization. The couple who run the izakaya don't know the people in the organization well, but he can't observe it openly.

Just imagine, someone enters the bathroom, looks furtively around, looks up at the shutters, and meets a bloodshot eye staring at him directly behind the shutters...

That scene wasn't too scary at all.

In order not to make his actions appear suspicious, he had to behave naturally, so he had to sacrifice a little time and spend a little more time observing slowly.

Feichi rushed to the sink first, lay down on the counter, and asked in a sneaky whisper, "Master, are you going to write something? Do you need my help?"

When Chi Feichi walked towards the sink, he nodded slightly and reached out to turn on the faucet.

It's good to have Feichi's help, we can do it more covertly.

Feichi avoided the side with the blinds, got into Chi Feichi's pocket, and rummaged in it, "Master, just use the tissue you found along the way, right? I've found a pen, how can I write better?" ?”

Chi Feichi removed the fake face, and when he covered his face with his hands, he mouthed, "Whatever."

It was not easy for him to deliver the message.

It is easy to be overheard on the phone, and there is no way to be sure that Amuro Toru will be monitored, so the oldest method - passing a note, is the safest.

When he heard the news in the morning, there should be organized people nearby. He realized that this time the operation was strictly supervised, so he didn't intend to let the ordinary crow deliver the letter to Amuro Toru, and decided to let the more clever Feimo go there himself.

With Feimo's IQ, even if someone is watching from a high place outside, he can dodge it calmly. When being chased, he can also meow like a cat or play tricks to avoid the note from falling into the hands of others.

So, before he left the basement of No. 119 in the morning, when he went to the bathroom, he just summoned the nearby crow and asked the crow to send a message to Fei Mo, so that Fei Mo could keep an eye on his movements and send him a letter at night .

At that time, he was not sure about the situation of the operation, and he planned to find out the news first, and wait until the evening.

If he didn't summon Feimo before two o'clock in the morning, then Feimo would write down the message of "preparing to assassinate Mishima Ye" and pass it on to Toru Amuro.

The whole day after that, he didn't find a chance, he couldn't make a phone call, and someone glanced at the chat software from time to time. He had a pen on him, but he didn't have the right paper.

For this reason, when he came over on the road, he even took a pack of tissues from a passer-by girl, kept one of them and the plastic packaging, and stuffed the rest back into the girl's pocket...

Originally, he stalked a piece of paper that was convenient for writing, but stalked several people, and what he touched was either a business card, which is easy to investigate the source and personal movements, or a mobile phone or some kind of ID.

After all, no one is too busy to pack a piece of cardboard and go out. Paper towels are the best thing.

How to write the rest is left to Feichi to decide.

He believed that Feichi couldn't be so stupid as to write down the whole plan. If there wasn't enough time and enough paper towel space, Feichi could write the rest whatever he wanted.

Chi Feichi let it go and washed his hands.

After seeing Chi Feichi's mouth shape with his hot eyes, Feichi hesitated for a while, but decided to write the words as soon as possible.

[Killing Mishima Ye, cheating the hidden line from behind, a lot of preparation, a lot of people, the past two days]

Since there is not much space in the coat pocket, and the tissue is easily punctured by the tip of the pen, Feichi bit the pen holder with great difficulty, moved the tissue, and wrote a paragraph with his head tilted, only to find that the tissue was covered with large crooked characters. He whispered, "Master, I've finished writing."

Chi Feichi put his left hand into his pocket, took a look at the paper towel, stuffed it back, rolled it into a small roll, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and rolled it as small as possible. At the same time, he turned off the faucet with his right hand and took the towel at the same time.

When Chi Feichi took down the towel from the shelf, Feimo was also summoned.

Just as Feimo turned his head to see the towel blocking his side, Chi Feichi's left hand was already holding a plastic roll in his left hand and stretched towards the towel. He stuffed the plastic roll into Feimo's mouth, and then sent Feimo out. As if nothing had happened, he wiped his face and hands with a towel, finally hung up the towel, opened the door and went out.

The overall time-consuming is normal.


Outside, Feimo suddenly appeared under the eaves. Feeling the plastic roll in his mouth, he was speechless for Chi Feichi's careful and swift action. Soon, he landed quietly along the wall in the dimness, and then followed the corner of the wall. run outside.

Well, it decided to carry out its master's prudence to the end. In order to avoid being found, it had to wait until it left the vicinity before flying into the sky!

It also doesn't mind drilling a vent or giving it a ride in the garbage if need be.

Forty minutes later...

Amuro wears a black baseball cap in black, with a mysterious dress covering most of his face. He walked out of a residential area with two men in black. When passing by a flower bed in the park, he found a small shadow poking out from the flower bed plants, under the street lamp Seeing a flash of scarlet, thinking about the recent situation, he turned his head and asked the two men behind him nonchalantly, "Are you going to the toilet?"

"Bourbon, do you want to go to the toilet?" One of the men said decisively, "I'll go too!"

"Then I'll wait for you outside!" Another man followed.

Toru Amuro watched the flower bed from the corner of his eyes, and found that the little black shadow disappeared after following near the toilet. He was puzzled and anxious, but he didn't show it on the surface. After entering the toilet, he went to the cubicle closest to the door. When hesitating whether to lock the door, he found a crow with scarlet eyes grabbing the ceiling from its claws, crawling upside down into the toilet cubicle, quickly reached out to catch Feimo, and quickly closed and locked the door.

Start, sticky...

Looking down, a certain crow's hair was messy. It was no longer clean and tidy when I saw it before. There were some sticky and dirty things on its wings. It looked very pitiful...

Toru Amuro was in a complicated mood for a moment, but he also turned up the toilet seat without slow movements, listening to the movement next door, and went to the toilet by the way.

Seeing Feimo's pitiful appearance, it was really hard for him to imagine how Feimo came to find him, and he was more worried about whether the consultant's situation was in danger.

He has been stared at very closely these two days, and he has to go to the toilet for real, and he will be suspected if he is not careful.

Life undercover is not easy.

Fei Mo opened his mouth wide, spat out the small plastic roll stuck in his throat onto the toilet tank, and looked up at Toru Amuro.

Seeing that Fei Mo'an was quiet, An Shitou breathed a sigh of relief, reached for the note, opened it, looked at the crooked and unorganized writing on it, and frowned.

He has seen the consultant's handwriting, which is elegant and upright, restrained yet vigorous, quite like everyone else, and can be written neatly at will.

Feimo is so smart that he will not be fooled. If Feimo delivers the letter himself, or in the way of holding it in his mouth, no one can do this except the consultant. There is no doubt about it. However, the current situation of the consultant is Isn't it bad?

The line of writing in front of him is very uneven, one taller and one shorter, one bigger and one smaller, and some of them are stretched too long. Look, this is also written by hiding the hand, pen, and paper somewhere, and groping for it.

From this point of view, the consultant should not deliberately write the words like this to deceive people, but he is under strict surveillance like him, and has almost no chance to pass on information.

The content on the tissue made him feel a lot easier.

He received the task yesterday, asking him to take some people to the designated area to investigate the situation, and arrange some cameras in hidden locations by the way.

Seemingly simple tasks, but people always follow him, making him worry whether he is being suspected by the organization, or whether this may be part of a big operation, and he is about to try to find out the news. Now the consultant Instead, the key information was sent to him.

Killing Mishima leaf, tricking the hidden line from behind...

Mishima Ye knew that he was an important informant of the Ministry of Public Security, and he could even be said to be a secret collaborator and a non-staff member of the Public Security Bureau. Shimaha was killed, the police will definitely send someone out to investigate secretly.

Mishima Ye's residence is nearby.

Well, he was sent out to install the camera this time, it should be for the plan after the two-step goal - after attracting the police to hide people in the crowd, those cameras will take pictures of suspicious faces, so as to lock a part of their police manpower.

He was closely monitored, so it shouldn't be that he was suspected, but that this operation was indeed highly valued by the organization.

It is no small matter to attack the police informants or try to find out some of their police personnel. It is no wonder that the organization attaches great importance to it, for fear that any news will be leaked before the action.

But why? What is the organization doing this for?

Just to find out part of their staff, the organization should not take the risk of killing the public security informant or leading the dark wire out. Even if the surveillance of Mishima Ye did not gain anything, there is no need to rush to find out the police's dark wire, right?

Unless... Behind these goals, there is a bigger conspiracy.

As for this conspiracy, he and the consultant should not have any news at present.

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