Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1935 Gin: What the hell?

While thinking about it, Toru Amuro stared at the paper towel, picked up the paper towel and sniffed it, then took a look at the plastic package that wrapped the paper towel, quickly threw the paper towel into the toilet, and pressed the flush button.


The water rolled the paper towels in, and the plastic wrap was crumpled and thrown into the paper tube box.

Amuro looked up and saw Feimo squatting on the water tank, hesitated for a moment, reached out to touch the side of Feimo's head, his complicated eyes quickly turned calm, and turned to leave the cubicle.

Thinking about the consultant taking the risk to pass the news out, even Fei Mo was so embarrassed...

He is a little sad.

The few messages on the tissue were all warnings, and the messy handwriting was all over the tissue, but there was no news from the consultant, not even a word to report safety or ask for help... He felt a little more sad.

He wanted Feimo to bring a message, convey what he knew and his own analysis to the consultant, so that the consultant could have a bottom line, and he also wanted to touch Feimo and say "Thank you", but he couldn't even do this.

Because of the sticky stains on Feimo's body, he was worried about being discovered by people sticking to his hands. Not only could he not touch Feimo more, but he had to get out of the cubicle as soon as possible and wash his hands before going to the sink before the person next door.

Thinking about this, can he not be sad?

It's sad, but it's more emotional.

As an undercover agent, one must be mentally prepared to sacrifice or lose his partner at any time. Compared with death, suffering a little crime is nothing. He understands all of this. When he thinks about involving the worried children of the rich family and letting an innocent little animal like Feimo accompany them on their adventures, he will inevitably feel heavy.

Moreover, he used to think that the consultant's one-line contact was capricious. The consultant could find him and pass information to him through Feimo, but it was difficult for him to contact the consultant so easily, which was not fair at all.

But tonight he discovered that there might be a responsibility behind his willfulness.

Yes, he actually had the feeling that he was being taken care of by an advisor, but he couldn't give back.

Obviously the consultant is still a twenty-year-old who has not been seen as a 'little devil' for a long time... The boy, who is so much younger than him, still gives him this feeling, which makes him feel too complicated.

Fortunately, after his analysis, the consultant is currently not in danger.

The next step is to see how he contacts the police and how he handles the matter.

The responsibility is heavy and the task is arduous, and he must go all out.


Shinjuku District, the backyard of an izakaya.

Chi Feichi had dinner and confirmed the assassination plan with Qin Jiu.

Tomorrow he will go to pick up Reiko Shimizu, and he will probably miss some action arrangements, so he must confirm with Gin tonight.

Now that the warning message has been sent out, he has done what he can do. In this case, no one will complain to him.

There is no understanding of righteousness, only weighing the pros and cons.

The only thing that worried him a little was whether he would change the plot, and whether he would make Toru Amuro, who had been with him in the office for so long, burp, but thinking about Toru Amuro, he would not expose himself casually. Tou was suspected, and he had a way to save him before he died.

Then there is nothing wrong with him, and he will play the role of Lark well, even if he really killed Mishima Ye, then don't blame him... No, it doesn't matter if someone blames him, when faced with doubts, he has a A statement that stands up will do.

Vodka and Takatori Yannan had been busy for a while in the afternoon, and he was free at night, but he didn't have the chance to drink or go out to play. He sat on the sofa beside him and listened to what he needed. He saw Chi Feichi whispering to Gin Just turn your attention to the TV.

The evening news was broadcast on TV, and the hostess spoke in a clear voice about the robbery, quarrels, and fire accidents encountered in Youzhi City last night, all of which were trivial matters.

At least in the eyes of Vodka and Takatori Geno, it's a trivial matter...

"It's a pity that I can't see Keel on TV anymore," Vodka sighed in boredom, and turned to Takatori Geno, "Right, Srivova?"

Takatori Yannan rested his elbows on his knees, smoking a pipe boredly, "Keir was caught by the FBI, and it will be difficult to appear on TV in the future. If she is expected to show up again, it is better to find another person to infiltrate Japan. Selling TV stations, there are so many beautiful girls in the organization, of course, if it is necessary..."

"If you need to find another guy from Nikmai TV Station to be an internal response, it doesn't matter, right? It's just a little troublesome," Vodka pondered, then turned to see Gin Jiu standing up, and asked aloud, "Brother, confirm the action plan Ok?"

"Vodka, Lark and Srivova are going to pick up the water. We will act as soon as we have assembled tomorrow morning." Gin sat on the sofa, not interested in the news broadcast on TV. "Since we haven't received any other information yet, The next action does not need to be adjusted too much, even if there is an accident tomorrow, the current arrangement is enough to kill that man!"

"It seems that he must die this time." Vodka smiled indifferently.

Takatori Yannan couldn't figure out how he became an extrajudicial lunatic who dared to assassinate members of the police step by step, but looking at the two people next to him who didn't feel anything, he felt that it was not strange that he had fallen, so he looked up and went to get the computer Chi Feichi.

Gin saw that Vodka and Takatori Yannan both looked at Chi Feichi, and helped to explain aloud, "Luck said to the outside world that he is writing a song, and he always needs something that is time-consuming in the eyes of others to cover up what will be used up in tomorrow's action. time."

"Is Lark going to write a song temporarily?" Vodka asked curiously.

"I have no idea," Chi Feichi carried the laptop back to the dining table, and turned off the TV on the way, "Get something else."

Gin lit a cigarette, ready to watch a good show, "You should also regret that you lost all those songs to THK too early, right?"

Let Lark be productive, do you regret it now?


Chi Feichi didn't deny that he was a little regretful that he didn't make a plan. He sat at the dining table, started up his laptop, and downloaded the network sound synthesizer and instrument simulation software.

Gin Jiu stopped gloating, turned around and asked, "Do you need help?"

"You don't know how to write songs," Chi Feichi dismissed without looking up, "Go to bed early."

"Hmph... I can help you in other ways," Gin sneered maliciously, "like pointing a gun at your head to see if you can get inspiration."

Chi Feichi: "...Thank you, but I won't be ripped off yet."

He would call Gin 'Reminder of the Year'.

"Then I'll take a shower first..."

Vodka stood up, ready to stay away from this battle of language attacks.

Seeing that he was one step late, Takatori Yannan decisively changed his strategy, turned his head and talked with Gin, "Gin, if Shimizu completes this mission, will she join us in the future..."

Here, Chi Feichi is using the computer instrument simulation software, while Takatori Yannan is chatting from Shimizu Reiko's post-production arrangements, to the recent minor problems of the Handie Festival, and then to Youzhi City last night, with a bitter look in his eyes He glanced at the bathroom.

Vodka so slow, is it drowning in the tub? Can you come out quickly and change him to take a bath?

At the dining table, Chi Feichi turned around and said, "There are no earphones here, please don't make noise, let me listen to the effect."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

All right, he kept silent.

Gin took a cigarette and bit it, "What did you get?"

"Edited song accompaniment."

As Chi Feichi spoke, he pressed the play button.

On the computer, the newly edited audio starts playing.

At the beginning, it was unclear whether it was the sound of malfunctioning electronic parts or the strange sound of some kind of clock winding, and then there was a melody similar to the whistling wind and a somewhat terrifying atmosphere...

The soundproofing effect of the bathroom door is not good. Vodka heard the conversation outside and knew that Chi Feichi was playing a song to accompany him, but the gloomy sound still gave him a chill on his back. After looking at the dimly lit bathroom, he got up and decided to get dressed go out.

After that, I don’t know if it was because it was synthesized by computer software and not recorded by musical instruments. The dull piano sound in the accompaniment also seemed dull and heavy. With other sound effects, the awkward and weird feeling became stronger.

As the outside quietened down, Vodka felt a lot more comfortable. He took the coat and put it on. Just as he touched the doorknob, he was startled by the sudden sound outside. With a slip of his hand, he unscrewed the door directly.

It was a sound that seemed to be mixed with screams and strange electronic sounds. It was harsh and noisy, and it was cut off, repeated, cut off, repeated...

In the living room, Gin looked up at Chi Feichi at the dining table, "What the hell did you do?"

"I said, accompanist," Chi Feichi turned his head and saw Yan Nan Takatori's unabashed expression of "I don't know if I should say something", and decided to calm Yan Nan Takatori's irritated heart , "The accompaniment music sounds a bit strange, but it is arranged like this, and it is not obtrusive when it is accompanied by singing."

"Really..." Yan Nan Takatori was dubious, worried that he couldn't help asking his boss, "What kind of music is this?" Seeing Vodka walking out of the bathroom, he got up and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

"This kind of thing won't take you a day, right?" Qin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi and asked.

Chi Feichi explained, "If you include finding people and recording songs, two days is not long..."

The following words became a little lighter after Takatori Yannan closed the bathroom. Before he put the water away, a strange prelude sounded in the living room outside, accompanied by a cold female voice singing.

"When fields lie calm and wind stands still, Run home, Run home..."

The cool female voice sings slowly, making people think of a nervous adult woman who speaks softly, and with the accompaniment, the eerie feeling is even stronger.

Takatori Yano stood in the dim bathroom, silent.

He said why the vodka suddenly washed up and went out... Vodka is a scam!

Can he be cowardly at this time? Can he say that it's awkward to be alone in a dark bathroom? cannot!

"As the crows make night of the fading sun, Hide now, Hide now..."

Turning on the switch to turn on the water, Takatori Yannan tried to get used to the female voice and the strange sound effect. Just when he thought "that's all", the last sentence "Hide now" was spoken in a female voice in a hurry.

There was an airy sound in the lowered voice, and it seemed to be maliciously intimidating in the haste, which made Takatori Yannan startled and continued to remain silent.

Was he the type to open the bathroom door and look out just because he felt weird? no!

This is probably the false voice of his boss.

He should continue to take a calm bath.

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