Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1937 Isn't that how it is used?

Mishima Ye was walking on the road, and looked up at the dark clouds in the sky that blocked the sun and the light.

Early this morning, on his way to school, he met an old member of the Ministry of Public Security who was also lurking. While he was waiting for the traffic lights at the crossroads, he told him something-a transnational criminal organization was after him. , I want his life, and I also want to start with him, lead other hidden personnel, and let him pay attention to safety recently.

Without the other party's elaboration, he can guess that this kind of news should be conveyed by undercover adventurers, so they can't deploy people with great fanfare.

He also didn't want the public security to protect him publicly. As an informant, he would have to retire at that point.

At that time, colleagues gave him two options.

One option is to plan secretly by colleagues from the Ministry of Public Security, let the school arrange for him to go on a business trip, or create an accidental car accident for him on the road, and temporarily let him out of danger. Keep him safe, and at the same time lay out traps to catch criminals.

Another option is that he pretends not to know and continue to live as usual. Before the criminal organization takes action, the police colleagues will help him make some preparations, try to ensure his safety, and secretly transfer him away.

The former option seems to be the safest, but it may directly expose the hidden manpower of the police, and won't it allow the criminal organization to succeed? If those people failed to kill him, would they attack his family and his school colleagues in anger?

When he passed the intersection of traffic lights, he couldn't help asking the question in his heart.

‘Since it is determined to be a criminal organization, why not catch those people in advance? Even if there is no evidence for a while, we can investigate first, or limit the scope of actions of those people first. '

At that time, the sky was not as gloomy as it was in the afternoon.

Find his colleague and cross the zebra crossing with him, keeping a certain distance from other pedestrians.

His colleague walked behind him, and he couldn't see the other person's expression, but heard a low wry smile.

‘It’s not that easy. I’m not very clear about the specific situation, but it’s information from Zero. I’ve asked the same question as you, and the reply there is... temporarily there’s no way, and I can’t. '

When he was silent, the other party continued, "So this time, you are in a very dangerous situation. We have not obtained the exact information of those people's actions. If you choose the second way, even if we are prepared, there is no guarantee." your safety. '

'If I choose the first way, can I really be safe? How long do you need to hide there? ’ He asked back, and couldn’t help sighing, ‘Since it’s a transnational criminal organization, they should have bombs in their hands, right? If I were led to the same place as everyone else, I am afraid that I would not be the only one who died, and ordinary people would be put in danger. In comparison, if I choose the second path, I might be able to escape death by a narrow margin. '

It would not be too difficult to kill a criminal organization that could not even be solved by the zero group. The main purpose of the other party should be to use him to lure other potential personnel of the police.

After he calmed down a little, he should know that the first road seems to be safe, but it is the most disadvantaged and dangerous, and if he chooses the second road, even if he dies, it will not cause too much loss to the police.

The only thing he was worried about was the safety of his family and friends, but he didn't have to worry too much about that.

The police will arrange for his wife to win a lottery in the shopping mall. Today, he will try to delay his wife for a whole day by redeeming the prize. He will also let his wife draw a free travel ticket, and his son will be left by the school today to prepare for the event. At night, If the other party didn't do anything, he would persuade his wife not to waste the lottery tickets, and ask his wife to take his son on a trip tomorrow and leave Tokyo for a few days. On the way and at the destination, there will be police officers secretly protecting his family.

He found a reason to stay and deal with the coming crisis.

As long as the safety of his family is guaranteed, he will not be afraid of being targeted by those people. If he can try his best to ensure that his colleagues and friends will not be drawn into danger, he can do his best with more peace of mind.

"Mishima-sensei? Mishima-sensei?"

The voice of the male teacher who was traveling with him pulled Mishima Ye out of his decisive and heavy heart. With doubts in his eyes under the glasses, he looked up at the colleague who called his name.

"Are you feeling unwell?" the male teacher asked concerned, "You look so ugly, I called you several times just now but didn't answer..."

"Ah, I'm sorry," Mishima Ye smiled, "I suddenly remembered that a batch of books I wanted to buy came into the bookstore recently, and today seems to be the day when the goods will arrive. I made an appointment with the shopkeeper in advance to pick up the books... ...I'm so sorry, I have to go!"

The male teacher saw Ye Mishima hastily turn around and walk across the road. After being startled for a while, he smiled and said, "Mishima is still such a book fan!"

Ye Mishima went into the bookstore, bought two books with the owner, and chatted casually. When he left the store, he felt a little raindrops falling on his face. A blue umbrella, open the umbrella and walk on the way home.

The dark clouds in the sky pressed down on the top of the tall buildings, like a heavy quilt. After the raindrops began to fall, there was a trace of freshness in the air.

On the roof of the building not far away, a man in black stood alone by the guardrail, observing Mishima Ye and the surrounding situation with binoculars, letting the rain rustle on the blond hair and earphones, and made a hoarse voice. remote command.

"Shimizu, the target has two minutes to arrive at your hiding place, put on a hidden camera and bug, Srivova needs to confirm the target."

"Hiss... I understand..."

Under the influence of distance, there was a trace of noise in the headset communication.

Chi Feichi didn't mind. He took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Yan Nan Takatori. Before the screen of the mobile phone was completely wet by the rain, he put the mobile phone back in his pocket and continued to observe the street with a telescope.

Mishima Ye was lucky. When he went to pick up Reiko Shimizu this morning, he confirmed the whereabouts of Subaru Okiya to the crow on the road. When he picked up Reiko Shimizu and rushed here, he happened to be able to drive with Subaru Okiya. The strolling routes overlap for a while.

If Fenmao sees raki, why don't he try to follow it?

In order to ensure that Okiya Subaru could see his traces, he also used the excuse of 'buying cigarettes' on the road, specially got off the bus on that overlapping route, and stood in front of the roadside vending machine for a while.

He was sure that Fenmao had seen him. When he was buying cigarettes with his back to the street, there seemed to be a strange gaze staring at him behind him. When he quickly turned his head to look over, that gaze quickly disappeared into the vast traffic. .

The only person who might appear there and avoid his observation in time is probably Subaru Okiya, or Shuichi Akai.

He didn't know whether Fenmao followed him after that, maybe because he was worried about alarming them, Fenmao followed him far away, and he also asked Takatori Yannan to be careful not to be followed, and made a sharp turn several times at the intersection to detour After a few laps, it was impossible to be followed before reaching the destination.

This is what he did on purpose.

If Okiya Subaru were to directly lock their parking spot, wouldn't the FBI surround them?

If Okiya Subaru was allowed to perceive their intentions in advance, wouldn't he have one more enemy who might occupy a nearby high position?

It is better to occupy a high position with an advantage.

In organizational operations, there must be a procedure of "flying off the track", and it is the best choice to lure Okiya Subaru to the vicinity and then throw off.

Okiya Subaru followed him nearby, and found that he was thrown away. While feeling in line with the organization's style, he would be more vigilant and drive around to search for figures in black. There is a high probability that he will find Shimizu Reiko and Mishima Ye. I believe Okiya Subaru has this keen sense of smell.

After that, Okiya Subaru didn't understand the organization's intentions, so in order not to disturb them, he would only follow them secretly.

That guy is not like Conan, who is impatient when it comes to organized crimes and other people's lives, and has enough patience to observe.

Will Okiya Subaru sit back and watch when Mishima Ye is about to be killed by a woman in black?

If Okiya Subaru is too calm and decides to protect himself, seeing Mishima Ye being killed and not choosing to make a move...

When Mishima Ye dies, he will tell Amuro Toru the explanation of 'I lured Akai over, but I didn't expect him to make a move'. With Amuro Toru, Akai Hideyoshi will have to add a debt, and there is Akai Hideichi. A target that can be used to focus fire, it is even less likely that the police's grief and indignation attacks will fall on him when they lose their colleagues.

No matter how Akai Shuichi chooses, he can easily get himself out of trouble.

Isn't that what Akai Shuichi, who is wearing a pink hair mask, is left behind?


On the street, Ye Mishima was holding an umbrella in one hand and holding two books in front of him in the other. He was walking quickly towards his home on the street with fewer people. When he passed an alley, he felt a dark shadow attacking him. Surprised, he quickly pretended to be frightened by the black shadow, knocked him down, and fell sideways into the rain.

At the entrance of the alley, Reiko Shimizu was wrapped in an ill-fitting black coat, and she wore a hat on top of her head. Her long, messy wavy hair hung down from the brim of the hat, forming strands in the rain. Her right hand was outstretched and froze in place. , looking at Mishima Ye who fell in the rain with some surprise.

I don't know if people believe it or not, but she didn't bump into Mishima Ye at all, it was this guy who hit porcelain!


A brown leather wallet fell into the standing water between them.

After Mishima Ye fell to the ground, he also let go of the umbrella with his right hand. By falling sideways, he touched the dagger hidden by his waist with his right hand. When he saw the wallet on the ground, he was stunned and looked at himself sideways. The inside pocket of the suit was turned up, and when he looked up and saw the strange woman's outstretched hand and surprised expression, he also froze in place.


It seems that this young woman suddenly rushed out to grab his wallet. He thought it was an attack arranged by the criminal organization, and he overreacted all of a sudden?

In the rain, the young woman was dressed strangely, her pale face was stained with some stains, and it was difficult to hide the bright and charming face, she looked surprised and a little dazed, as if she didn't understand why he fell down like this.

Wait, this face...

In the news some time ago, there was a report on a bank robbery in Yokohama. The robber also killed a bank employee. At that time, the police suspected that a young girl who had not graduated long ago was being interrogated several times. The girl jumped into the sea committed suicide, and the robbery suspects also died one after another.

It was a strange case. The robbers seemed to be dead, but the whereabouts of the stolen money remained unknown. One could guess that there was a mastermind behind the scenes.

And the young woman who committed suicide by jumping into the sea has also attracted a lot of attention because of her beauty. When he saw the report, some people mobilized public opinion on the forum to ask the police to release evidence of suspicion of the young woman, otherwise the police would be identified. Handled cases indiscriminately and forced innocent people to death.

Because this incident related to the reputation of the Japanese police, he also paid more attention to this case. The reason why the police suspected the woman was not a problem. After the public opinion subsided, the woman's bright and charming face was still in the memory of many people.

People with outstanding looks are always unforgettable, and he is no exception.

Taking a closer look, the young woman in front of me, who seemed to be suffering from a difficult life, was exactly the same as the young woman who had jumped into the sea and died in the case!

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