Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1938 Mishima Ye's life and death situation (1)

In the rain, the middle-aged man fell to the ground, his umbrella fell to the side, and he looked up at the young woman at the entrance of the alley in a daze.

This scene has the artistic conception of an idol drama, but the young woman's gradually becoming frightened and uneasy should be ignored.

Reiko Shimizu looked around the road in panic. After confirming that there were only three or five pedestrians on the road and hurriedly leaving with umbrellas, she seemed to be relieved that no one noticed her situation. She lowered her eyes and saw Mishima Ye stared at herself, startled for a moment, with tangled and uneasy emotions in his eyes.

Looking at those eyes with complex emotions, Mishima Ye felt even more puzzled.

Shouldn't this young woman have jumped into the sea to die?

The robbery in Yokohama, the female robber who should have died a long time ago but appeared in front of his eyes, and the criminal organization preparing to assassinate him, is there any connection between the three?

And why did this woman react as if she was afraid of something, as if she wanted to say something to him but dared not speak?

He remembered this woman's name, it should be... Shimizu Reiko.

As a public security informant, this strange situation appeared in front of him. If he hadn't received a warning from his colleagues in the morning, he couldn't help but investigate it.

The realization of this also made him wake up suddenly.

What can attract him must be able to kill him. This is probably the trap of that criminal organization!

This trap calculated his identity and thoughts, and there was such a person with such vivid acting skills. The well-intentioned criminal organization really made him feel horrified.

Until now, looking into Reiko Shimizu's eyes, he still doubts whether Reiko Shimizu was really coerced, whether meeting him was a coincidence...

The emotion in Reiko Shimizu's eyes was not faked at all. She knew that the middle-aged man in front of her was an informant of the Japanese police. As long as she asked for help, she might be able to get help from the police and help her escape from that terrible organization.

Now that Lark can let her out, what about later? Will she be locked up again in the future?

She would rather confess everything to the police and go to prison for her life or be killed than go back to that lab again!

On the other hand, she is also afraid and hesitating.

That man with a young face and a hoarse voice, and that organization with countless eyeliners behind him, are they really assured of letting her carry out the mission?

Obviously, Lark was worried, so he asked her to carry a miniature camera, bug, and signal transmitter with her, saying that it was to confirm whether Mishima Ye was the deity at close range, but it was also to monitor her, wasn't it?

Once she asks Mishima Ye for help, or if there is a slight change, will those people have no way to deal with her?

She suddenly didn't dare to gamble, and she also had some luck.

If this task is completed, will the organization guarantee that she will not be sent back to the laboratory, so why would she go to prison or be executed?

"You..." Mishima Ye hesitated to speak, trying to see some flaws in Shimizu Reiko's face, but he seemed to startle this beautiful young girl, she swallowed her saliva, and hid in the room without looking back. into the alley.

To chase, or not to chase...

When Shimizu Reiko turned around and hid in the alley, her heart was beating uncontrollably.

She still didn't dare to gamble, and hoped that Mishima Ye would be able to take the bait and give her a glimmer of hope with her life.

Mishima Ye hesitated for a moment. After seeing the blood diluted by the rain on the ground where Reiko Shimizu had stood, she still put down the book she was holding in her arms, stood up, walked slowly into the alley, and looked at it hesitantly. In the dark alley, secretly tensed his muscles vigilantly, "You...are you okay?"

According to the reaction of a normal person, according to his identity as an upright middle school teacher, he saw a young girl who might be in danger and hesitated to ask him for help, so he had to follow her to have a look.

Even if the other party might be a wanted criminal, at least now she looks like a weak and pitiful woman.

Even if he was worried that he would be killed if he entered the alley, he would have to be kidnapped by the identity he had cloaked outside before he was sure that it was a killing trap, so he had to take a risk.

Reiko Shimizu saw that Mishima Ye had entered the alley, but she didn't attack him. Instead, she seemed to be frightened even more, and staggered towards the depths of the alley.

Under the large black coat, a few drops of blood fell into the stagnant water, and soon a faint red mark spread out, which was shattered by the falling raindrops.

Seeing the blood, Mishima Ye struggled for a while, but gritted his teeth and ran in.

"Hey, it's already raining, where are you going?"

"If it wasn't for worrying about that bastard running away, I wouldn't bother to go!"

When the two ran and chased, three young men who looked like gangsters turned into the alley on the other side.

Reiko Shimizu paused, and when the thin bamboo pole man in a raincoat looked up, she immediately turned around, looked hesitantly at Mishima Ye who was chasing up from behind, gritted her teeth slightly, and ran towards Mishima Ye.

Mishima Ye was secretly vigilant, but found that Shimizu Reiko just ran behind her to hide, did not even touch him with her hands, but squatted and hid in the shadow behind him, and said "help me" in a very soft voice, This reaction inevitably surprised him.

The three gangster-looking men raised their heads and saw Mishima Ye who was drenched in the rain in the alley.

"Uncle, why did you come here alone to get caught in the rain? You don't think you can meet Yu Nu in this way, do you?"

"What an incomprehensible middle-aged man..."

Mishimaha didn't speak, just turned sideways to let the three people pass, and waited for the three to turn out of the alley, then turned to look at Shimizu Reiko who was huddled beside the wooden box, and asked hesitantly, "You, are you okay?"

Reiko Shimizu sat on the ground with her knees hugged, staring down at the road in front of her feet, without saying a word.

Seeing Reiko Shimizu's bare feet and bloody cuts on her feet, Mishima Ye looked around and found that there were no other figures.

It's not that he has never seen bitter tricks, there are more exaggerated ones than this, but the way Reiko Shimizu looked at him just now made him unable to find any flaws.

And if this is a trap of a criminal organization, knowing that he is a public security informant, only sending a woman over, even if it is a dangerous woman who is a wanted criminal, isn't it a bit too conceited and underestimated him?

The overly conceited style clearly conflicted with the meticulous planning he had guessed before.

After hesitating for a while, Mishima Ye stepped forward and squatted down, keeping vigilance in his heart, and asked with concern on his face, "Are you in any trouble? Do you need me to call the police for you?"

Reiko Shimizu was startled, nodded and shook her head quickly, and said softly, "No, it's okay, thank you..."

Said it was all right, but it looked clearly something was wrong.

Mishima leaf sighed, he couldn't leave Shimizu Reiko here before he was sure if it was a trap, "Then I'll take you to the hospital, okay?"

Reiko Shimizu continued to shake her head.

"You always have to find a place to hide from the rain, right?" Mishima Ye frowned, "You need to take care of the injury on your foot, are there any other injuries?"

Shimizu Reiko remained silent.

Mishima Ye was at a loss, "There is an empty house in front, I will take you there, and then I will help you buy medicine, or I will leave you my umbrella..."

This time, Shimizu Reiko didn't resist anymore, and stood up hesitantly.

Mishima Ye took Shimizu Reiko out of the alley, trying not to let his back to Shimizu Reiko walk in front, keeping his shoulders flat, and when he reached the alley, he bent down to pick up the book that was soaked in water on the ground, and was just about to go While picking up the umbrella, a familiar shout came from nearby.


The chubby middle-aged woman held an umbrella and looked at Mishima Ye with a puzzled expression.

Mishima Ye raised his eyes and saw the woman, with an uncontrollable astonishment on his face.


Why did his wife come back at this time?

Didn't the police colleagues agree that they would hold back his wife until after five o'clock?

Still at this juncture...

"Why do you..." The middle-aged woman stepped forward quickly, raised her hand and put the umbrella on Mishima Ye's head, "Why don't you go home? What's the matter? And she is..."

Mishima also came back to his senses, and found that Reiko Shimizu immediately lowered her head and did not let his wife see the face of the wanted criminal, he was relieved, and explained dryly, "She suddenly ran out of the alley and accidentally bumped into I……"

The middle-aged woman looked at Reiko Shimizu, and after seeing the blood on Reiko Shimizu's feet and the blood dripping from her coat, she was surprised, "She...was she injured?"

Before Mishimaha had time to speak, he saw that his wife had moved the umbrella and walked to Shimizu Reiko's side.

The middle-aged woman did not dislike the dripping Shimizu Reiko, she stretched out her hand to hold Shimizu Reiko's arm, and looked anxiously at the silent Shimizu Reiko, "What's wrong with you? Are you in any trouble? "

Seeing that Shimizu Reiko didn't attack his wife, Mishima felt a little more relaxed, and could only smile helplessly at his wife's overly eager character, "Let's not talk about that, let's go to the empty house in front to shelter from the rain."

After Mishima Ye went to pick up the umbrella, the three walked forward together.

At the entrance of the alley diagonally opposite, Okiya Subaru was wearing a raincoat, and he did not appear rashly outside the alley. He looked up and looked at the nearby high place where he could see the opposite street, and squinted at Reiko Shimizu's back for a moment before he appeared. After leaving the alley, walk along the eaves of the shops on the street.

Lakjiu's car had disappeared in this area. He thought he would be unable to keep up this time, so he just searched for any clues.

After arriving nearby, he tried his best to avoid places where he would be watched from high places, and walked along the hidden places on the street. While walking on the road, he tried his best to pretend to be a passerby rushing home in the rain. He did not expect to bump into this scene.

He had noticed these two people as early as when the suspicious woman in black ran into the middle-aged man.

Not to mention the woman in black, she was dressed in mysterious black, which made him immediately think of that organization, but the state of this woman seemed to be a little off, as if... she had escaped.

That middle-aged man was not simple, the fall looked real, and he made himself fall a bit, but he noticed here that when the right hand of the middle-aged man was pressed under his body, his right hand quickly touched it. In the pocket, judging from the bulging shape of the pocket, it should be a knife or some other hard object.

After that, there was a middle-aged woman who came from the intersection, she seemed to know the middle-aged man, and they were close, and she seemed to be very warm-hearted...

The appearance of rake wine near here should be related to these three people, and at least one of these three people is a member of the organization, but for the time being, he is not sure what the organization wants to do.

To rob and kill fleeing members? Assassination? Or was he accidentally targeted, and this was simply a trap aimed at him and tested him?

Forget it, it is unlikely that he will be exposed, anyway, let's follow him first to find out the situation, and then see if he slips away or makes a move.

If the woman in black was a member of the fleeing organization, if she rescued her, she might be able to obtain some information about that organization.

It's just that it's not easy to save people without knowing the situation at all.

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