Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1939 Mishima Ye's life and death situation (2)

On the nearby building, Chi Feichi also took out the raincoat from the backpack at the back and put it on, so as not to damage his face and earphones, he took out the sniper rifle from the backpack, and re-locked to the three people in front of the unoccupied house. , the hoarse voice calmly said, "It's raining heavily, which affects the vision quite a bit, Srivova, how is your situation there?"

"Judging from the video from Shimizu's body camera, it is indeed Mishima Ye himself," Takatori Yano's report came from the earphone, "Shimizu did not behave abnormally, everything is going according to plan, listen to the conversation, they plan to Taking shelter from the rain under the eaves of the vacant house, Mishima's wife is going to buy medicine at the nearby pharmacy..."

"Keep staring, Gin? What about you?" Chi Feichi observed the three of them.

The figure of the middle-aged woman was indeed crossing the road, and the remaining two people were sitting under the eaves, and they did not see the figure of Okiya Subaru, but there was no need to worry.

Although it is convenient for him to observe here, there are many buildings nearby, and there are still many blind spots. He didn't see anyone, but it doesn't mean that no one has arrived...

"There are no people or cars passing by in the nearby streets, and there are no abnormalities in Chianti and Kiel. If there are suspicious people or cars approaching, I will remind you in time," Gin paused, "However, Mishima's wife what's going on?"

"I arranged it," Chi Feichi hissed, "Mishima has always been cautious in contacting the police, and will not contact the police unless it is necessary. I think it is only by 'discovering the appearance of a female robber who should have died, and is suspected of being hunted down by the mastermind behind the scenes. 'This is not enough for him to contact the person behind him immediately. He is more likely to confirm the situation himself, ensure that he will not be discovered, and then pass on the news, so something else is needed to disrupt his ability to keep calm thinking, and force him to contact his colleagues immediately, or make it easier for Qing Shui to kill her."

"That's right, Qing Shui only has a short knife on her body, and with her current physical ability, it is really difficult to deal with that man," Vodka said with a smile, "But if there are hostages in hand, it will be much easier to deal with...  This arrangement is really good, Luke!"

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu probably guessed Chi Feichi's overall plan, knowing that he had been concealed, and felt a little unhappy, but he had nothing to complain about. After all, Chi Feichi and Belmode's plan did not need Tell him, "I'm afraid it's not that simple? That woman."

"That's another killer trick," Chi Feichi hissed and acquiesced in Gin's guess, "Yesterday the weather broadcast said that it will rain today, and it's not convenient for me to shoot from a distance, so I temporarily changed the plan and asked her to do another trick." Assure."

Mishima leaf saw his wife, is that really his wife?

Could it be a witch with a thousand faces in a painted skin?

When Qin Jiu heard "it's raining, it's inconvenient to attack" and "temporarily change the plan", the unhappiness in his heart disappeared immediately, "It seems that I probably don't need the plan B I prepared..."

"What if he doesn't contact the police anyway?" Takatori Yannan couldn't help asking.

"Kill him directly!" Qin Jiu said coldly, "He won't be the only bait, even without him, this kind of bait that can pull people out along the fishhook can still be found."


Before the vacant house.

Mishima Ye sat under the eaves, intending to call the police colleagues to ask why his wife came back, but he endured it and tried to use chatting to relieve the anxiety that was not too strong in his heart, but he still lost his sense of proportion, " Are you...Miss Shimizu Reiko?"

Taking advantage of the moment when his wife went to buy medicine, to expose the girl's identity, if the other party has a problem and becomes angry, he can determine that it is a trap, and respond to the situation, if there is any inside story...

That also requires him to communicate with Shimizu Reiko, right?

Not to mention the identity of Reiko Shimizu, it is difficult for him to talk about Reiko Shimizu's current situation.

Shimizu Reiko hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Aren't you already dead?" Mishima Ye looked at Shimizu Reiko's side face and said, "I have read the report on the Yokohama bank robbery, and you look very outstanding. I saw your face just now, and I am not very Can't believe it..."

"It''s false," Reiko Shimizu sat on the steps, looking down at the stairs in front of her feet, her voice was still very soft, and her expression was exhausted, "It's false to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. Someone provided me with a series of robberies. plan, including feigning death."

"Get away with feigning death?" Mishima Ye frowned, "Then how could you...become like this?"

"They lied to me," Reiko Shimizu thought of her experience in the laboratory, she shuddered and fell into a trance for a moment, "They are terrible..."

She understood why the organization asked her to perform this task, and why Lark made up this kind of script for her, because her reaction could be very real.

In front of a public security informant, the performance is easy to be caught, and the real reaction can deepen the other party's trust a little bit.

Mishima Ye did not see the slightest falsehood, and tried to persuade Shimizu Reiko to surrender, "Did you escape? Then why don't you want to call the police or surrender? In fact, if you are threatened or bewitched to participate in a crime, promptly Surrender yourself and cooperate with the police to catch the mastermind behind the scenes, and the final court decision will be considered as appropriate, maybe it will only take fifteen years..."

While talking, Mishima Ye suddenly stopped and didn't say any more.

Some people will surrender themselves because of the psychological suffering after committing a crime, while others will escape fifteen years in prison.

Fifteen years is not a short period of time, sometimes it is short, it is only based on crime.

To his surprise, Shimizu Reiko's expression suddenly became tense.

"No, you can't call the police!" Shimizu Reiko shouted excitedly, then quickly became depressed, and looked around nervously, "They should be around here..."

"Just around here?" Mishima Ye frowned, his face suddenly changed.

The man behind the Yokohama bank robbery, and the transnational criminal organization that is eyeing him...

If it was the same group, the person who chased and killed Reiko Shimizu and the person who wanted to kill him should be nearby. Their two goals were together, and his wife was in too much danger.

And if it wasn't the same group, it meant that two groups of dangerous guys would emerge soon, and his wife's situation was even more dangerous.

"How do you know they're nearby?" Mishima Ye forced himself to calm down, but couldn't help but glance at his wife who came out of the pharmacy across the street.

"Because..." Reiko Shimizu looked up at the opposite street, and after seeing two men in black and sunglasses holding umbrellas at the street corner, her face turned pale, and she shrank towards Mishima Ye.

Ye Mishima also saw the man at the street crossing, and soon noticed the reflection like a telescope on the third floor of the apartment building next door, and immediately felt a thump in his heart, staring nervously at his wife who was crossing the road, and swallowed.

In front of the store on the other side of the street, there was also a man in black and sunglasses looking sideways at them from time to time, talking to something on his mobile phone.

They seemed to be surrounded, and the man in front of the store took several glances at his wife.

Did these people come for him, or were they attracted by Reiko Shimizu?

No, the problem now is that it is impossible for him to leave Reiko Shimizu and allow Reiko Shimizu to be taken away while he takes his wife to try to escape trouble.

Just dragging on, the enemy may be more and more, and someone from the other side has occupied the third floor of a nearby apartment building, that place can not only monitor the street, but also draw a gun to shoot at the right time...

"What, what should I do?" Shimizu Reiko lowered her head and shrank her body, as if she wanted to shrink herself into the large black coat.

"We have to leave here first, it's too far into the alley, and it's not safe enough," Mishima Ye kept following his wife, his voice was low, "The owner of the house behind me is someone I know, their family I went abroad to settle down last year. The key is in a place I know. I also know the back door here. Don’t be nervous. After a while, my wife will come in front of you. Stand up and pretend to thank her. I will use your injury as an excuse to take you and me. Madam, go inside and avoid their sight."

Reiko Shimizu nodded, and asked nervously, "Can I call the police now?"

"It's too late, wait until we're out of danger, don't worry, I won't leave you alone!" Mishima Ye saw two men in sunglasses approaching at the street corner, and his wife also came in front of her with the medicine, Get up with Reiko Shimizu.

Reiko Shimizu showed an appearance of trying to control her panic, performing according to Mishima Ye's plan, but her heart was extremely calm.

It's all in Lark's calculations...

The owner of this vacant house went abroad last year, and the child used to be a student of Mishima Ye, so Mishima Ye knew the situation of the family, knew that there was no one living here for the time being, knew where the key was, and knew that the back door could be used.

The position where she appeared, together with the dripping blood bag hidden under the clothes, the wounds on her feet, the rain that could not stop for a short time, and the wet clothes, all led Mishima Ye Stay here for now.

After she passed the signal to Mishima Ye that "the black hand behind it is terrible", she arranged for a few people to hang around in time to continue to create pressure on Mishima Ye.

Mishima Ye was worried that it would be too dangerous here, so he would not want to go into the house.

So the appearance of Mishima Ye's wife will be Lark's arrangement?

No wonder Lak told her, don't worry that she won't be able to defeat Mishima Ye, she will have a chance at that time, so that's what he meant...

According to his own plan, Mishima Ye invited his wife to enter the rear room on the grounds of Shimizu Reiko's injury.

"But, it seems a little bad to rush into other people's homes?" The middle-aged woman hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. The family told me where the keys were placed before they went abroad. They also wanted me to help rent out the house. It doesn't matter if we borrow it temporarily." Mishima Ye had already bent down to take out the key from under the flower pot at the door, and found the store. The man in front and the man in sunglasses who appeared out of nowhere were also approaching. He tried his best to control his emotions so that he could not shake his hands. He quickly opened the door and turned to his wife with a smile, "This lady has an injury on her foot. It's not suitable to stand in the rain anymore, let's go in first to take shelter from the rain, and it will be more convenient to help her treat the wound by the way."

"It's because I didn't think carefully, so let's rest for a while," the middle-aged woman showed annoyance on her face, she reached out to help Shimizu Reiko enter the door, and told her patiently and considerately, "Slow down, do your feet hurt?"

"It's, it's okay..." Shimizu Reiko lowered her head, trying not to let the woman see her face clearly.

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