Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1941 Mishima Ye's Life and Death Situation (4)


Shimizu Reiko's answer made Mishima Yeh even more sure that the people outside the door were the companions of those people, not the support he was expecting.

Moreover, the words of the people outside the door also made him have a very bad guess.

"The mobile phone you are talking about..." Mishima Ye's expression turned ugly, "What do you mean?"

The sound of footsteps about to leave outside the door stopped, and the hoarse male voice said in a cold tone, "Those people who protect you around you have been dealt with, and their mobile phones are now in our hands, Mr. Mishima, you don't need to Delaying time, your colleagues won’t come to help you. Also, did you call your upline for help? Their upline couldn’t resist calling them. The communication location has been locked by us, and there are other discoveries , It's a pity that you don't have the chance to watch the next good show."

Mishima Ye's mind was roaring, thinking for a while that the colleagues who protected him might have been killed, and then thinking that his online position was exposed, and there might be more serious consequences. He shouted angrily, "What the hell are you trying to do?!"

"That's not something you can know."

The hoarse male voice outside the door remained calm.

Soon, the footsteps gradually faded away.

Shimizu Reiko looked at Mishima Ye, and tightened the knife on the middle-aged woman's neck, with a trace of cruelty in her eyes, "Mr. Mishima, you heard it too, our time is short, can I trouble you to hurry up?" How about some medicine?"

"I see," Mishima Ye opened the medicine box with a despondent expression, "I just hope you can do what you say and don't hurt Akiko, she won't pose any threat to you..."


Outside the door, a man in sunglasses in a black suit left the door, lowered his head and turned off the speakerphone, and put the phone to his ear, "Luck..."

"Go back to your residence."

In the car at the intersection, Chi Feichi finished talking to the phone, hung up the phone, and continued to dial with the phone.

How could he run to the door by himself?

Since there are people on hand, just find someone with a mobile phone, turn on the loudspeaker, and convey his words to the people in the room. There is no need to take risks by yourself.

He didn't want to be shot by Shuichi Akai from somewhere.


The phone rang twice and was connected, and Curacao's cold voice sounded, "Luck, have you solved it?"

"It will be resolved soon, and you can send the things to me."

"Understood, after you send the message, leave it to us."


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi waited for the mail while staring at the vacant houses on the road ahead, silently guessing Akai Shuichi's current movements.

If it was him, and there were many people nearby, and Ye Mishima, the mysterious woman in black, and a seemingly ordinary middle-aged woman stayed in front of that vacant house, he would definitely not rush to the vicinity of that house. Then, if you want to get close and obtain information quietly, that should be the only way.

I hope Shuichi Akai doesn't let him down... No, I should say don't let Undercover Amuro down.

The information he should have given just now has already been given to the people in the room. As long as Mishima Ye and Akai Shuichi are a little bit motivated, and at the same time don't be too stupid, how can they pass the test?


New mail arrived.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, looked down at the phone, opened the mail, took a mobile phone from the unconscious policeman with his gloved left hand, entered the content of the mail, and selected group sending.

What Curacao passed to him was the code for public security informants to contact each other.

Most of the public security informants are in one-on-one contact. Of course, it is impossible to unify the codes, and they will be adjusted and replaced after a period of time, but some rules should be found, or there should be a general emergency assembly code that can be replaced in a short period of time.

Rum asked him to get the mobile phone and send out the code group to attract the police and public security informants in the mobile phone communication to meet here. The next step is Gin and Rum's identification task for the police's dark lines.

He only needs to wait for Mishima Ye to be dealt with before he can withdraw, and he does not need to participate in the follow-up missions.

It's just that the secret code, which he didn't even know, fell into the hands of the organization and was still being used. Whether it was the organization's preparation for a long time, or an inner ghost within the police, he couldn't judge now.

If Little Undercover Anshi knew the situation, he must have been depressed.


vacant house.

Amid the mournful cries of the middle-aged woman, Mishima Ye swallowed the medicine, slowly bent down with pain on his face, stretched out his hands to cover his abdomen, and continued to comfort his wife, persuading her to take the child away after the incident Tokyo, even out of Japan.

At the corner of the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, Akai Hideichi hid silently in the dark, without any disguise on his face, just wearing the mask and hat he found upstairs, and the men's coat from the upstairs room, Frowning, he looked at the situation on the first floor from the gap between the handrails of the stairs.

Twenty minutes ago, he found that two of the three women in black seemed to be planning to rest first, and the fat middle-aged woman went to the pharmacy across the road. He guessed that the three of them would not leave for a while. Going to stay here for a while.

At the same time, he also found some men in black approaching nearby, forming a faint encirclement circle, and guessed that this should be the place where the organization implemented the plan.

Fifteen minutes ago, he arrived at a nearby apartment building and headed straight to the rooftop. On the way, he destroyed his disguise face, which had been damaged by the rain, and approached here along the roofs of three or four floors.

Ten minutes ago, he arrived on the roof of this house and found that the house seemed to be unoccupied for a year or two. He pried open the attic skylight, slipped into the attic lightly, and carefully touched the second floor.

At that time, he heard the sound of someone opening the door on the first floor.

Five minutes ago, in the room on the second floor, he found the hat and coat left by the owner of the house. After putting them on, he took out a mask and put them on to ensure that his face belonging to Akai Shuichi would not be seen. .

He also didn't find any suspicious traces on the second floor, so no one else should have come up or sneaked in.

Four minutes ago, there was a conversation between a young woman and a middle-aged man downstairs, allowing him to confirm the situation—the young woman is a member of the organization, and she is carrying out the task of assassinating the middle-aged man, and also kidnapped the middle-aged man. The wife should be the middle-aged woman who went to buy medicine.

Regardless of whether the other party has been full of kindness to him or not, it doesn't matter if he uses everything that can be used, and it doesn't matter if he puts the other party under the knife. With such indifference and ruthlessness, the young woman's heart and behavior can be regarded as very organized.

And after the man named 'Mr. Mishima' died, he didn't think the organization would let the other party's wife go.

Since there seemed to be only those three people in the room, he decided to go down and have a look. If that was the case, he should be able to find a chance to save people.

Two minutes ago, with the softest voice, he touched the corner of the stairs to the first floor and hid in the darkness, just in time to hear the special voice of raki outside the door.

The surrounding area has been controlled by the organization, which is within his expectation. Those people have always been shrewd and capable, and they always like to set traps, control the situation and then attack with confidence.

It's just that Lakjiu mentioned 'protecting people around', 'colleagues', and 'online', which made him guess the identity of this middle-aged man.

The organization is going to persecute the personnel of their intelligence department again, so of course he will help if he can, and maybe he can get another ally.

A minute ago, after Lakjiu had finished speaking, the mysterious woman began to urge Mr. Mishima to take medicine and commit suicide.

Seeing that Mr. Mishima opened the medicine box, he almost couldn't help doing something to attract the mysterious woman's attention, or rushing out by himself to create a chance for Mr. Mishima to take back the hostages.

But at that time, he suddenly discovered a detail.

The wife of Mr. Mishima who was held hostage had an abnormal protrusion on the right side of her ankle-length dress, which seemed to be a gun...

Although the middle-aged woman was held hostage, she acted like an ordinary woman who was shocked, collapsed and sad, but from his perspective, he could see the blind spots that Mr. Mishima and the mysterious woman did not see. The middle-aged woman's right hand hanging by her side was relaxed all the way, and she didn't tighten her fingers because of emotion, which meant that the middle-aged woman didn't feel fear or panic at all.

This is also not an easy person.

Fifty seconds ago, when he stopped his forward movement in an instant, Mr. Mishima swallowed the medicine in the medicine box, and he decided not to act rashly.

The medicine used to kill the members of the organization has no chance of sending people to the hospital for rescue. It was too late for him to rush to stop Mr. Mishima.

This result made him aggrieved, but he had to continue watching impatiently.

What role did Mr. Mishima's wife, who was held hostage, play in this operation?

If she stands with Mr. Mishima, then he doesn't have to worry about Mr. Mishima dying like this. Seeing her confident appearance, he can suspect that Mr. Mishima and the woman pretending to be his wife are playing tricks on the mysterious black dress woman.

And if the wife is a member of the organization, then not only will he not be able to save Mr. Mishima if he rushes up, he will probably be besieged by two women, all of whom are members of the organization. He put himself in this situation, really It's too dangerous.

40 seconds ago, Mr. Mishima had a look of pain on his face, covered his abdomen with his hands, bent down, and said goodbye to his wife in a rambling manner.

Thirty seconds ago, he noticed that the side of Mr. Mishima's face near the ear was a little strange, and he was more determined to wait and see what happened.

Ten seconds ago, Mr. Mishima fell back on the ground, his whole body was tense, his hands and feet twitched slightly, and soon, his body gradually relaxed...

In the bathroom, Reiko Shimizu stared at Mishima Ye on the ground for a moment, then dragged the middle-aged woman into the living room, and walked towards the motionless Mishima Ye step by step.

The middle-aged woman yelled and cursed like a woman who had lost her husband. Tears were streaming down her face, but she couldn't rush forward because of the sharp knife on her neck and her husband's previous instructions.

Reiko Shimizu stopped in front of Mishima Ye, and felt irritable when she heard the middle-aged woman's cries, and said in a low voice, "Shut up!"

The accident happened in an instant.

Mishima Ye, who was motionless on the ground, suddenly sat up, and in the astonished gaze of Reiko Shimizu, spit out the medicine that was about to dissolve in the capsule shell in his mouth, and pounced on Reiko Shimizu like a hungry wolf who abandoned everything to protect the calf.

He clearly guessed that his wife would not be let go by these people, how could he die in peace?

He will not hand over the right to decide his wife's life and death to a group of dangerous people, so no matter what, he has to fight for the last time!

He was also worried that he wouldn't look like the signs of poisoning from the drug as he pretended to swallow it, holding the pill to the side of his mouth, but he had to gamble.

If Shimizu Reiko thinks that he is really taking the medicine, after he has not moved, she will probably approach him to confirm his condition, and if Shimizu Reiko suspects that his signs of poisoning are wrong, she will hold his wife close to him to see if it is true. what happened.

When Shimizu Reiko hijacked his wife and walked to him, it was his only chance to fight back.

The hoarse male voice urged Shimizu Reiko to do it, saying that his colleague would arrive in fifteen minutes.

Reiko Shimizu didn't wear gloves, so hair, fingerprints, and footprints may be left in the house. After killing him, she probably needs to kill his wife and clean up the traces she left on the scene. There is really not much time. So, Shimizu Before the shell of the drug in his mouth was completely melted, Lizi still had a high possibility of taking his wife close to him according to the development he expected.

He felt the shell of the capsule slowly melting in his mouth, but he still held his breath, and finished the scene of poisoning death little by little. After falling to the ground, he was suffering every second while waiting for Reiko Shimizu to move. Yes, but this is the opportunity!

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