Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1942 Mishima Ye's Life and Death Situation (5)

A man is devoted to protecting his wife, and the burst of energy is unimaginable. The speed of Mishima Ye's bouncing is very fast, almost breaking through the limit of human beings.

When Shimizu Reiko was surprised, Mishima Ye suddenly pulled away Shimizu Reiko's hand holding the knife with both hands, pulled his wife behind him with one hand, and pushed Shimizu Reiko away with the other.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed.

When Reiko Shimizu was pushed backwards, her heart skipped a beat, and she vaguely saw the middle-aged woman behind Mishima Ye bent down and touched her right ankle with her hands hanging down, but she couldn't realize that there was something wrong with the middle-aged woman.

Mishima Ye's heart was pounding, and in the instant outburst, his ears were almost deaf, and he didn't notice the abnormal behavior of the person behind him.

At the corner of the stairs, Akai Hideo saw the movements of the middle-aged woman very clearly, and also saw the woman's cold eyes and the cold and sarcastic smile at the corner of her mouth, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

this smile...

It's Belmode!

The kind of acting skills that conform to the character's reactions throughout the whole process and shed tears without flaws can only be achieved by Belmode, who was once known as a powerful actress!

Belmode bent down, touched the gun hidden under the long skirt with his right hand, and stared at Mishima Ye's back, seeing that Mishima Ye was oblivious to the strangeness behind him, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, he quickly pulled out the gun, ready to follow Plan to give Mishima Ye a back attack.

When the gun was completely pulled out, a small vase was thrown from Akai Hideichi's hand, and quickly hit Belmode's right wrist from the dark staircase with a nearly straight trajectory.

Belmode saw the flying vase from the corner of his eyes. Surprised, he stepped back and moved his right hand subconsciously, aiming the muzzle of the gun at the staircase where the vase flew.

The vase flew over the gun, deflected the muzzle of the gun, and then hit the ground heavily and shattered.

But it's not completely useless.

After Mishima Ye saw a foreign object flying up the stairs, he subconsciously turned around to confirm his wife's position and protect his wife, but when he turned around, he saw the gun in his wife's hand.

His wife is just an ordinary woman with no power to restrain the chicken, otherwise he wouldn't be so resolute and regretful that he involved his wife, but the woman in front of him clearly has a familiar face and figure, but her face is cold , sharp eyes, even the movement of holding a gun is skillful...

Belmode: "..."

The back attack failed, embarrassing.

Reiko Shimizu who was pushed to the ground: "..."

How is this going? Why does Akiko Mishima have a gun in her hand?

After returning to his senses, Belmode vigilantly watched the dark place at the corner of the stairs.

Apart from the three of them, no one should be here, and she didn't receive an early warning call from the organization... What happened?

"You..." Mishima Ye took two steps back, glanced at Belmode's face and the gun in his hand, after all, the terrifying sense of strangeness and distance gave him the answer in his heart, and immediately ran into the next door The house, locked the door.

Belmode made a decisive decision, tore off the fake face on his face, still staring at the corner of the stairs, and threw the gun in his hand to Reiko Shimizu on the ground, "We are running out of time, you catch up and get Mishima as soon as possible." Get rid of it! Leave it to me!"

Reiko Shimizu witnessed the "face tearing" performance with her own eyes. After the gun hit the floor in front of her, she suddenly came back to her senses, picked up the gun and got up, chased to the door of the room where Ye Mishima escaped, shot and broke the door lock.


Then there was the sound of window glass breaking.

Mishima Ye broke through the window and ran anxiously along the fence to the backyard.

In the rear, Reiko Shimizu, who was chasing up, was not wearing shoes, and the glass shards on the ground should be able to slow down Reiko Shimizu's speed, but it seems that there are all these people's companions in the vicinity, and the back yard door may not be safe, so where should he escape?

In the house, after Akai Shuichi threw the vase, he immediately walked up the stairs to the second floor softly, thinking about the next coping strategy in his mind.

There is no way, the people in the organization are in a hurry to evacuate, and Belmode will not waste time. Once he sneaks up on Mr. Mishima, he will probably go to the critical point. By then, it will be too late for him to save people. The only way is to wake up Mr. Mishima , Let Mr. Mishima find out that there is a problem with the wife behind him, and then let Belmode cast a mouse to attract Belmode's attention.

How to do the rest depends on Mr. Mishima's ability, because he has already exposed his existence. In this environment surrounded by members of the organization, it is difficult to protect himself. It is his ability to take Mr. Mishima away.

The best situation is that Mr. Mishima can delay until the so-called "colleagues" come over.

He also needs to be careful to deal with Belmode, and leave here as soon as possible...

"What's going on?...Someone sneaked into the house...Yeah..."

While Akai Shuichi quietly retreated to the second floor, Belmode did not catch up, but stood in the living room on the first floor, as if he was on the phone with someone.

Hideo Akai thought up a series of possibilities:

Belmod played the recording in the living room on the first floor, making him think that Belmod hadn't caught up. In fact, Belmod had already approached secretly, planning to kill him by surprise, or let other people climb the window to the attic and outflank him...

The core members of the organization definitely have this cunning!

Therefore, he couldn't take it lightly. He still followed the plan and found a place that was convenient for evacuation and where he could hide.

"Ok! Then I will withdraw first."

In the living room, there was the sound of Belmode approaching the door and gradually going away, followed by the sound of the door opening.

Akai Hideo was startled, and quickly looked towards the courtyard wall downstairs, his eyes seemed to be able to pass through the floors and walls, and see what happened below, with an uncontrollable astonishment on his face.

Since the organization has long been prepared and the time for action is limited, then...

In the yard, Ye Mishima was also stunned near the corner of the house, with the same astonishment on his face.

Reiko Shimizu chased behind with a gun, and found that Mishima Ye's footsteps slowed down, the right hand holding the gun was slowly raised, and the speed of running forward did not relax at all.


Flames emanated from the side of the courtyard of the house, and the impact of the explosion instantly shattered the courtyard wall and set off the grass.

The flying debris and soil were quickly rolled into a huge cloud of black smoke that covered half of the room in the strong wind.


In the car at the intersection outside, Takatori Yannan watched the screen on the monitor turn into darkness, and turned his head to look at Belmode who got on the back seat.

Chi Feichi was sitting in the passenger seat, with his right hand resting on the window of the car, holding the phone in his hand. When Belmode got into the car, he pressed the dial button of the phone with his fingers.

The digits already entered are dialed out.



The living room on the first floor of the house also exploded.

The windows of bungalows facing the street were shattered, and shards of glass splashed onto the water-filled sidewalk.

The residents across the street looked out of the windows tremblingly, their horrified eyes always staying on the burning bungalows.

The neighbors near the bungalows also screamed, and ran to the street with their families, away from the bungalows that seemed to be full of crises amidst the screams.

No one paid attention to a black car driving towards the intersection.

In the chaos, the wheels of the car ran over a piece of fine glass shards that splashed across the road, and drove towards the opposite street without stopping.

The explosion didn't stop.

"Boom! Boom!"

Explosions occurred one after another on the courtyard wall and rear of the bungalow. The crumbling house was finally overwhelmed, and the attic on the roof fell into the fire and smoke.

In the car turning around the intersection, Takatori Yannan looked sideways at the black smoke billowing street.

"Art is an explosion," Chi Feichi hissed in a low voice, lowered his head and sent an email on his mobile phone, "Bermode, you said someone sneaked into the house, what's going on?"

Belmode regained his senses from the series of big explosions, looked back at the front seat, and said with a smile, "You should have seen it through the camera on Shimizu's body. A vase suddenly fell to the ground, which alarmed Mishima. I'm pretty scared..."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, and said in a hoarse voice, "We have been monitoring here for two days in advance. During the operation, there are our eyeliners in the intersections, alleys, and apartment buildings around us. We have not received any abnormal warnings. It is reasonable In other words, no one should be able to sneak into the house."

"Oh? No wonder I didn't receive your reminder call..." Belmode also felt a little weird, took out a cigarette and bit it, and guessed, "Could it be that a homeless person saw that this house was vacant and came to Just sneaked in and lived upstairs in that house?"

Chi Feichi stared down at the phone, and edited the situation into the email, "Impossible, yesterday Gin and I came over to install the bomb in person, although we only looked around the house, but the traces on the door and windows, This year or so, it is impossible for anyone to come and go..."

Belmode lit the cigarette between his fingers and frowned slightly.

She was suddenly worried that it might be Kudo Shinichi.

If it was that kid, who was able to find this place and try to sabotage their plan, it might be because he accidentally discovered the traces of their actions, or it might be because Lark's identity was exposed.

But she suddenly didn't worry anymore, the silver bullet she was optimistic about would not die so easily.

The house exploded as a whole, and there was a time gap of nearly a minute before the first courtyard wall explosion. If it was that child, he should be able to find a way out of danger.

And if Lark's identity was discovered by that kid, it would be a good thing that he could not have wished for.

At least it was for her.

Chi Feichi didn't know that Belmode was thinking wildly, so he sent the email to that person, and continued to hiss, "Of course, in order to prevent Mishima from being alerted that someone entered the house, we didn't go in, and we didn't look at the house. inside."

"Then don't worry about it, anyway, no matter whether someone sneaks in, in such a big explosion, it is impossible for a person to survive. Even if that person is lucky enough not to die in the explosion, when he jumps out of the window in a hurry, he will be guarded by us. My colleagues found out," Belmode said in a leisurely tone, smoking a cigarette, "but it's a pity to just give up the clear water."

"I didn't expect to need this step." Chi Feichi hissed.

"I thought..." The corner of Belmode's mouth curled up into a smile, wondering if a certain Lak would deliberately kill someone who might hate him in the future, but they were the ones who thought of the action, and Lak couldn't dominate Mishima, The choice between her and Reiko Shimizu did not go on, she turned her head to look at the car passing by in a hurry, and saw two men with sad and angry faces in the front seat of the car, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, it seems that the next plan will also It went well, and the audience who came over just happened to be able to enjoy the curtain call of your art."

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