Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1943 The Life and Death of Mishima Ye (6)

On a nearby street, a car drove in the direction of the explosion.

Among them were passers-by who didn't know the truth, fire trucks and ambulances, and some people mixed in.

These people were either the police who secretly protected Mishima Ye and came after receiving Mishima Ye's call for help, or the police who wanted to pretend to be passers-by to check the situation because they received an emergency assembly message on their mobile phones.

Looking at the burning house in the car, these people had different moods. Some looked sad and indignant, some looked pained, and some frowned nervously, but they didn't realize that their reactions were all captured by cameras installed in hidden corners on the side of the road. down.

In a dimly lit room with machine lights on, Toru Amuro sat on a chair wearing a hat, watching the monitoring screen on the computer, feeling speechless, but he could only forward the screen to Rum truthfully.

After receiving these video images, the organization should conduct further investigations to pick out the plainclothes policemen inside, and record their appearance, body shape, license plate and some identifying characteristics.

What will the organization be used for afterward? He doesn't know yet.

He also thought about whether to fake surveillance, but he thought that the two big men behind him didn't want to.

Moreover, he understands the style of the organization. He may not be the only one with the cameras installed near those streets. If he makes a fake, he will be suspected immediately.

The two guys who stayed with him were not there to stare at him. If he wanted to play tricks, these two guys wouldn't be able to keep an eye on him. He had plenty of ways to switch monitors.

According to his speculation, these two people are for the people who stare at him, not for his movements. If Rum finds out that there is something wrong with him, the task of these two people is to control him as soon as they receive the news.

He felt helpless, not because he had to pass the video truthfully, but because...

The organization needs to identify those people near the scene, but he doesn't need it. He can recognize at least eleven members of the public security and nine members of the investigation team of the Metropolitan Police Department when he looks at the faces captured and photographed. , of the two Police Departments.

This is not counting the informants who secretly cooperate with their public security work!

So many people were attracted at once...

Should he propose to his superiors to organize more rehearsals of similar situations in the future?

During the surveillance, two people parked on the side of the road and got out of the car looking at the sea of ​​fire with a look of grief and indignation.

Toru Amuro stared at the monitor, remembering these two people in his mind.

He values ​​love and righteousness, but his vigilance is relatively low. In the future, he will propose to transfer these two people.

Soon, among the police officers who arrived one after another, two or three people lost their composure and got out of the car to stare at the sea of ​​fire in a daze.

The other police officers were quite sensible, restrained their emotions, or received news of the evacuation, most of them pretended to be passers-by passing by wanting to watch the excitement but worried about being in danger, and drove hesitantly to the intersection far away from the scene.

In addition, there was an ordinary-looking man with an unfamiliar face, Toru Amuro, who got out of the car far away and looked at the sea of ​​flames and wept.

Toru Amuro watched the monitor silently, he had the answer in his heart, and he also sighed in his heart.

That should be a secret informant of a certain public security, a one-to-one contact partner, who seems to have a good relationship with Mishima.

He can probably understand everyone's feelings. At this time, the person who restrains his emotions and continues acting is a role model, and the person who loses his composure is too late when he realizes that his colleague is killed and he is not strong enough to protect himself. It is not a sin to show his emotions, but it is not suitable. It's just a hidden mission.

But then again, didn't he have times when he couldn't calm down?

When Toru Amuro silently recalled Zhu Fujingguang, in the pictures captured by the cameras one after another, those suspicious cars and people moved again, as if they had received a certain order and began to converge in a certain area.

Amuro came back to his senses, staring at the monitor calmly and indifferently.

He knows what's going on.

The organization wanted to further confirm the identities of these people, and at the same time hoped to find out more police officers, so they released the 'bait'.

When Ye Mishima called to ask for support, he probably also described the image of the enemy—a man in black and sunglasses.

Most of the police officers who were led to the past had received the task of protecting Mishima, so they arrived so quickly. At this time, someone found a suspicious man in black clothes and sunglasses driving away. Thinking 'we are incompetent if we can't save Mishima, but we must catch those guys', right?

As everyone knows, this is also a trap of the organization.

Taking advantage of the guilt and grief of these public security members, they once again confirmed their identities as police officers or informants.

When the public security members were chasing the suspicious target's car, Gin and the others would follow behind to ensure that the bait would not fall into the hands of the police, and at the same time, to collect more intelligence.

Whether the disguise is good or not, as long as you have seen the performance of these public security members, you can probably get a preliminary understanding of their character or ability.

This time, the captain of the operation who was in charge of protecting Mishima obviously had some problems in his judgment.

After this operation is over, the public security and public security informants who showed up should all be recorded, and the organization will divide them into different levels according to their abilities.


Three nights later.

Toru Amuro sat on the sofa in the living room of his rented apartment, watching Chi Feichi, who came suddenly, pick up the TV series video.

Chi Feichi sat aside, turned over the video cassettes and read them, "You have too few things here, I've seen them all."

Amuro's hair was full of black lines, and he said with half-moon eyes, "I'm really sorry..."

Chi Feichi tidied up the video cassette box, got up and put it back in the TV cabinet, "You let me choose it myself, don't act reluctantly."

"I didn't expect you to have seen it all." Amuro opened a can of beer, "I usually live alone, and occasionally I have to pretend to be another identity to collect information. I am often not at home, and I don't know much about watching at home. TV drama."

Chi Feichi put the videotape away, picked up a can of beer before returning to the sofa, "How is Mr. Mishima?"

"Although he was grabbed by his feet and dragged into the pit, he was still affected by the shock of the explosion, and was buried for another night. It was dug out by the people I arranged secretly at dawn and sent for treatment. There is no danger to his life at present, but His bones are broken and he needs to recuperate for a while. I have already sent him to Sutern. It just so happens that he can temporarily disappear as a deceased for a while. Although his family is sad, the situation is not too bad. The cooperating police will try their best to arrange them..." Toru Amuro took a sip of beer, and a playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the light laughter was inevitably a little ambiguous due to the atmosphere of the organization, "But it's really dangerous. That message was almost ignored by me."

"Impossible," Chi Feichi said firmly, "The handwriting is messy. If you want to identify whether it is my handwriting, you will stare at the tissue carefully, and you will definitely find it."

Toru Amuro was taken aback, then laughed and sighed, "I see... But why is there something like that on the tissue?"

On the night when he received the note from Chi Feichi, in order to identify the handwriting, he really stared at the note seriously, and found that there was something strange on the paper towel——

A very light blue streak, some small black dust stains...

At first glance, paper towels look like ordinary paper towels, but when you see the tiny stains hidden in the handwriting and messy folds, it makes people feel like 'this paper is not clean at all'.

And to him, that might be a clue to the advisor's situation, so he sniffs the tissue, and the plastic wrap that wraps it.

In addition to the smell of the paper towel itself, the smell of ink, there are also the smell of paint and gunpowder. These two smells are relatively easy to identify and can be smelled almost immediately.

He suddenly thought that when he was going to install the camera during the day, he passed by the courtyard wall outside a certain house. There were some graffiti painted on it with paint by delinquent teenagers.

That location was within range of the cameras he had installed, and it was one of the targets he suspected the group would choose to strike.

Think about it again, that place is on Mishima Ye’s way home, and the house doesn’t show much on the surface, but it is a beautiful small bungalow with a backyard. The owner’s family should not be short of money. If you choose such a difficult family to deal with, it is impossible for that family to leave such ugly graffiti, unless that family has moved away long ago.

When he passed there, the house did not seem to be inhabited.

The intelligence passed on to him by the consultant probably included a suspected organization selecting the location and method of attack.

Yes, that message was 'there's a bomb there'.

He wasn't sure if the organization's action plan would change suddenly, and the people who protected Mishima Ye were from another group, and he didn't want to disturb the other party's arrangement because of their intelligence, so he didn't notify the protection team to adjust the plan, but only passed on I received the information that 'Ya Mishima is being targeted'. In addition, I asked a trustworthy person to avoid the nearby surveillance and sneak into the yard in advance. After finding a bomb in the courtyard wall, I asked the other party to dig a hole and prepare a temporary refuge. Place.

This is also for the safety of advisors.

Even if you want to use the consultant's information to save Mishima Ye, you can't be too blatant.

That person was able to arrange surveillance outside through the organization, of course his tipping off and cooperation were indispensable.

The reason why he asked people to prepare it there was because he guessed that the very light paint mark left by the consultant might be a clue to the 'court wall'. As for whether he had over-interpreted it, he couldn't be sure, so he could only prepare it. Besides.

The space of almost two cubic meters is like a vertical coffin. The colleague prepared dry food and water and hid it for nearly a day. After hearing the footsteps of someone running around the corner, he only dared to sneak out from under the cover of the surface soil layer. Probe, and finally took a look at that, just in time for Mishima Ye who ran over to notice something abnormal.

Fortunately, Mishima Ye ran too fast and couldn't stop his footsteps. The colleague reacted quickly and quickly stretched out his hand from the soil to pull Mishima Ye down.

The colleague analyzed that Mishima Ye was being chased by the enemy and fled for his life. Originally, he just wanted Mishima Ye to escape temporarily. Unexpectedly, just as he pulled the man into the pit, there was an explosion outside, and then the collapsed house directly buried them. Under the ruins, he asked Kazami to say hello to the Metropolitan Police Department, and secretly led someone in through the back door before digging him out.

Afterwards, he knew that Mishima Ye was fine, and he was thankful over and over again that he found the stain on the paper towel, and he also wondered how the consultant thought of using this method to transmit information, and how he made that strange stain.

Chi Feichi took a sip of beer, "I installed the bomb with gin during the day. The thicker paint was not completely dry, so it rubbed a little on my coat. I made the bomb, and my clothes were stained." The gunpowder powder and the paper towels were stolen from the street when I went back. When the paper towels were put in my pocket, I wiped the outside of the pocket of my clothes..."

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