Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1945 Mishima Ye's Life and Death (End)

"That's right," Amuro nodded, no longer in the mood to entangle this issue, took a sip of wine, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth again, "But then again, even if a vase falls, it doesn't prove that Akai Did the guy really help? He's the kind of..."

"He was injured," Chi Feichi interrupted, "he was probably in a hurry to get out of there before the explosion. There seemed to be abrasions or burns on his arm. The injury didn't look serious, but I couldn't take a closer look."

His task was completed that day, and he went to Dr. Ali's house yesterday.

At that time, Okiya Subaru's right hand action looked weird, and he couldn't see anything. He used his left eye to link to the Ark to record it. After slowing down and comparing it with the details of Okiya Subaru's previous actions, he confirmed that Okiya Subaru's right arm There should be some injuries, but not serious.

He said this, as if he was helping Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai to resolve their grievances, but this was the truth. If he didn't say it now, Toru Amuro might know in the future, and it would have a greater impact on Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro was silent for a moment, but he still didn't want to affirm that Hideichi Akai helped him this time, so he jokingly said, "It seems that guy is hiding next to the consultant, should I go and look for it by your side?"

"Come if you want," Chi Feichi said indifferently, took a sip of canned beer before looking at Toru Amuro, "Have you ever thought about Scotland, maybe he is not..."

Toru Amuro continued to watch at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chi Feichi stopped decisively, "Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything."

He also thought about bringing this matter up, to give Amuro Toru a psychological vaccination first.

In order not to find out that Akai Shuichi didn't intend to save Mo Fujingguang, Amuro thought about his entanglement and targeting and felt too guilty, but was win over by Akai Shuichi instead.

But Toru Amuro's dark face made him a little bit reluctant to get involved.

Let these people make trouble.

Toru Amuro softened his face, and found that Feichi stretched his neck in front of his beer can, and the right hand of the beer can silently moved away, "I don't... It's not that I don't want to tell you these things, but I don't want to mention that guy again."

Feichi raised his head and stared at: "..."

It's barely enough, can't it just have a bite?

Chi Feichi nodded, "Then I won't mention it."

Toru Amuro drank a sip of beer silently, and felt a little more relaxed. He felt that he had ruined the atmosphere, but he still couldn't help asking, "Consultant, it's not because you used him and hurt him, and you feel guilty, so you fell in love with me." Is he over there?"

Reasonably speaking, he thought it was possible.

Moreover, the consultant seems to have contacts with that guy and other people in the FBI. He is more worried that the consultant will be abducted by those hateful guys from the FBI.

"I won't," Chi Feichi felt that Anshi Toru's brain circuit was getting more and more outrageous, "Didn't I say I won't mention it?"

"Okay, let's not mention him," Amuro smiled, and passed the beer can in his hand to Chi Feichi, smiling seriously, "Thank you for your hard work this time, consultant."

Chi Feichi clinked glasses of beer cans with Amuro Toru, and did not deny that he had indeed killed a lot of brain cells this time. He raised his head and took a sip of the wine before commenting, "I feel like I've been against myself."

Amuro took a sip of beer and almost spit it out, and finally swallowed it, but he still choked, "Ahem..."

While planning the assassination, the consultant went to the "must kill three islands" one by one, and he couldn't let other people in the organization see any problems. The resources arranged for Mishima to escape, and all of this was done with the passive cooperation of Mishima. That is to say, his consultant not only had to accurately calculate the plan, but also accurately calculate the thoughts and choices of everyone in the plan.

This time was more troublesome than the previous few times of "sending people away". He thought it was really not easy for the consultant, but when the consultant said "I am against myself", he instantly felt dumbfounded.

It is the consultant who plans the murder trap, and the consultant is the one who finds a way to save people, just like fighting with himself, so the question is, does the consultant feel that he is divided?

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro asked the same question.

"Advisor, is your mental state okay?"

Chi Feichi looked sideways: "..."

Did he help save others?

Toru Amuro was stared at uncomfortably, "Hey, I don't mean anything else, I'm just worried that you're under too much pressure to be an undercover agent."

"The result of my re-examination is very good," Chi Feichi looked away, "Compared to this, the police have dug out a lot of people this time, right?"

Speaking of business, Toru Amuro looked serious, but he was not too nervous, nodded and said, "Including the hidden informant, there are almost twenty-one people, all of whom have been confirmed by the organization, but since I know this In the future, I can find a way to prevent them from being assassinated or used by the organization, or let them change their identities and hide in advance. I have no action now, just because I don’t want to be too hasty, so as not to be seen by the organization as abnormal, and finally traced to me. , In addition, I also want to take this opportunity to see what the organization wants to do, the organization cannot investigate the public security secrets for no reason, there should be a bigger plan behind it!"

Chi Feichi remembered the plot that Curacao would invade the police station and steal the undercover list, but he couldn't be sure. Speaking of another thing, "Lum asked me to use the mobile phones of those police officers to send group text messages, yes Some code I don't know."

"I already know about this matter. Many people received the code, which is why so many people were attracted." Toru Amuro frowned, "I know what you are suspecting, but the police also arranged for people to try to sneak into the place before." The organization, unfortunately, was discovered not long ago. Before I joined the organization and after I joined the organization, there were more than one such person, and they all fell into the hands of the organization. The organization should have obtained some code information from them. I am afraid that after so many years I have also collected a lot, that series of codes will not be used to convey important information, many people know it, and it is almost abandoned, so it is impossible to determine whether there are ghosts inside the police just based on this incident."

"Many people know about it, that is to say, even if there is an insider, there is no way to judge the position of the other party." Chi Feichi analyzed.

"That's right, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to find out about this matter, we can only try our best to be careful..."

As Toru Amuro spoke, he suddenly felt that his reminder was a little redundant, so he didn't say any more.

The consultant almost only contacted him and the public security committee member. He usually couldn't find anyone for this kind of meeting, and he had to wait for the consultant to come and bet on him.

Others don't even know the real appearance and identity of the consultant, and the consultant has not even been saved in the file. As long as the ghost is not him and the public security committee member, no matter how high the position is, it is impossible to endanger the safety of the consultant.

In terms of caution, the consultant has reached the point of neurosis, and he doesn't need to remind him.


The next day, at half past seven.

The second Youzhi Day in November is here, and the second Youzhi City is also held at various shrines.

The festival is decorated with lanterns and festoons, a variety of mascots, and crowds of people coming and going between the stalls.

Chi Feichi stood by the booth, waiting for a group of girls to finish their shopping.

He has recently organized a holiday, and he doesn't have to worry about other things except the banquet at the host's and the west's. He has a lot of free time recently, so he heard that Hui Yuanai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki said they would come, so he came.

Looking at it personally, apart from being more noisy, he didn't feel any difference from the broadcast he saw at the themed restaurant that night.

Moreover, the day of the unitary in November is actually rotated according to the twelve zodiac signs, that is, the day of the unitary will be twelve days away from the day of the last unitary. two days.

Well, the date in this world started jumping around again... no, the life in this world is not going normally.

Feichi stuck his head out of Chi Feichi's collar, carefully looked at the items on the booth, and sighed deeply, "Oh, master, I always feel that these items are missing something, now I understand, no A collection of stories has no soul."

Chi Feichi was expressionless.

That's not what Fei Chi said when he bought the set of Lucky Cats.

"Of course, the main reason is that I don't think it looks good," Feichi added earnestly, "I don't like the sharp points of the rake, and the mask doesn't look very good."

Chi Feichi was expressionless.

Very good, Feichi can pick things up now.

"I said, isn't the bear hand you bought to bless the prosperity of the business?" Mao Li Kogoro looked at the mascot Mao Lilan had just bought.

"Ah?" Mao Lilan looked at her father blankly.

"No," Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, "Isn't Xiaolan going to participate in a karate competition? That's to bless her to win!"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded, "Can this thing bless that?"

"Of course." Conan raised his head and smiled, "After the Japanese Takeru won the battle, the day when he went to the shrine to pay homage was the day of November in November. At that time, there were bear-handed rakes hanging on the pine trees of the shrine, which were used as weapons. That was used to hold the Dayu Festival, and the market born on that day became the Youzhi City. Because of this legend, the rake decoration with the mask can also bless the prosperity of martial arts. There are also some other legends, such as The stars that appeared on the day of You formed the image of a Bodhisattva, and the city of You was used to celebrate the harvest..."

Haibara Ai yawned, and stopped looking at a famous detective who was obsessed with popular science and could not extricate himself from it. He looked up and found Suzuki Sonoko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki turning their heads and looking around, and they also looked around.

Are these two looking for something?

"Did you also see this on TV?" Mori Kogoro bent over and stared at Conan speechlessly.

Conan realized that he was messing around, and quickly smiled, "Yes, yes, I said it on the TV program Youzhiri before."

"I found it!" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly to the long line beside him, and turned his head and waved happily, "Miss Nanatsuki, Xiaolan, here, here! That's what I'm talking about, you guys have to try Hurry up and try!"

"Sorry, I'll leave first, don't come running over suddenly." Koshimizu Nanatsuki Chaochi Feichi smiled sheepishly, and joined Suzuki Sonoko's queuing group.

"Father, you and Conan are waiting for me here," Mao Lilan hurriedly followed, "Just wait for a while! Men must not come here!"

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