Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1946 Hui Yuan Ai: It has nothing to do with me

"What are they going to buy again?" Mori Kogoro looked at the three girls who got together in line with a speechless expression, "Men are not allowed to follow."

"Sister Xiaolan didn't tell me before," Conan was confused, "She only said that she would come to the market to buy bear hands."

"Miss Nanatsuki was very secretive before she came. I heard that she didn't intend to come, but what Sonoko told her, she decided to come together," Hui Yuanai said, looking up and asking Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, did you hear what she said?"

Chi Feichi looked at the three girls who were whispering together, and the sweet and shy smile of Yueshui Nanatsuki still flashed back in his mind, "I haven't heard her say that."

Hui Yuanai looked around and found that the queue was full of young girls, so she walked over, "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

Chi Feichi was distracted, "It might be a lottery."

Conan: "..."

Hey, is the pause time of his little friend too long?

Conan raised his eyes speechlessly, and saw Chi Feichi staring at the crowd with gloomy eyes, not sure whether Chi Feichi was looking at something or was distracted, "Draw lots?"

"There seems to be a lottery of love in the Youzhi City of this shrine," Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze. "Recently, it has become very popular among young girls."

It was yet another event he remembered.

Probably - there was a robber who committed crimes continuously in Youzhi City, and was stabbed in the next Youzhi City...

Compared to this, he wants to know what the hell Yue Shui will get.

"Love, love?" Mori Kogoro widened his eyes.

Conan stared blankly at the smiling Mao Lilan, "God's lottery?"

Mori Kogoro frowned quickly, "Hey, what is Xiaolan doing with this kind of thing? Isn't it because of that detective brat?"

Conan: "..."

Intoxicated, wandering.

In the front line, three girls lined up with high spirits.

"Don't you know?" Sonoko Suzuki shared excitedly with Mao Lilan, "Shuangzi from Class C just got a good lottery, so she succeeded in confessing to the person she likes!"

"Really, really?" Mao Lilan looked at the lottery box that was about to arrive, and his expectations were full.

"Sonoko said there is more than one, and my middle school students also said that the magic lottery here is very effective," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "so I want to try it."

"So that's how it is, it's a small thing that is only drawn by women and used to make girls happy..."

The cold girl's voice wafting from the side startled the three of them, and they lowered their heads to look at Hui Yuanai who had arrived beside him at some point.

Haibara Ai thought that it was too disappointing for him to say so, so he raised his head and smiled at the three of them, "Of course, it's okay to look forward to it."

Mao Lilan felt that Hui Yuan was smiling strangely, as if deliberately trying to make them happy, "Uh, yes, yes..."

Suzuki Sonoko leaned over and said sadly to Hui Yuan, "However, for a brat like you, the lottery is still a bit too early, isn't it?"

"I'm not interested in drawing lots," Hui Yuanai noticed the two girls in front and looked towards the lottery box, "I just want to know what you guys are here for."

Nanatsuki Koshimi had a feeling of 'Xiao Ai is investigating the situation for others', especially when Hui Yuan Ai cast her a urging look at her, that feeling became more obvious, followed by Suzuki Sonoko, and quietly defended, " I'm here to join in the fun."

Sonoko Suzuki moved quickly, tossed coins, drew lots, and took the sign to the side with a look of anticipation.

Haibara Ai watched Koshimizu Nanatsuki get the sealed lottery, followed to the side, stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Koshimizu Nanatsuki's clothes, brewed a good mood, looked up and showed the little girl's innocent and curious expression, "Miss Nanatsuki, I I want to see what the God of Love lottery looks like."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu hesitated for a moment, feeling that she could not refuse to be stared at by Hui Yuan Ai, she crouched down with a blushing face, and opened the lottery next to Hui Yuan Ai, "Okay, I'll let you take a look, but you can't just go outside Say oh."

After Hui Yuanai succeeded, he nodded with a serious face, and looked at the signature that Koshimizu Nanatsuki opened.

She understood why Edogawa liked to be cute.

For most young women, they really like the idea of ​​children showing their cute side.

Normally, of course she wouldn't say anything, but if the lottery was unfavorable to Brother Feichi, she would tell Detective Yueshui: Don't believe this, it's unscientific.

[If you want to fall in love with him who is sensitive, suspicious and far-sighted, you only need to maintain a sincere heart and stand firmly by his side, and you will be able to get your satisfactory answer... It should be noted that when he temporarily loses his ability to calmly judge Afterwards, emotional destructive power will erupt. If you tease him emotionally, you will die miserably! 】

Yue Shui Nanatsuki stared at the word 'death' on it, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.


She will be intimidated even if she draws a lottery?

"This..." Huiyuan Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki squatted together, feeling that the lottery was indeed a bit mysterious, pointing to the last sentence and said, "The emotional destructive power that erupted after losing calm should be referring to Brother Feichi. sick?"

"Yes, yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki also felt that the lottery seems to be very accurate, and then looked at the previous sentence, "But it seems that the above did not say what to do, and there is no hint of action at all."

Haibara Ai looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki in surprise, and maliciously complained about her brother, "I always think it's a dangerous relationship. Surviving it is already the greatest success."

Miss Nanatsuki was too involved in understanding the content of the signature, as if she didn't realize that she blew herself up?

"So, does it mean that there will be many difficulties?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and looked sideways at Haibara Ai.

Did she expose something?

Haibara looked back at Nanatsuki Koshimi, innocent and calm.

She didn't mean to deceive Sister Nanatsuki, but she just felt that the description in the signature was more like her brother's. It was Sister Nanatsuki who admitted it herself and had nothing to do with her.

In the eyes of the two of them, a handsome but indifferent side face suddenly appeared.

Chi Feichi squatted down beside the two of them, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the staring at each other just now was intrusive. He looked left and right at the faces of the two who turned to him, "What are you doing?"

Feichi poked his head out of his collar, and then looked left and right.

"Ah?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki noticed that Chi Feichi was looking down at the lot in his hand, closed the sign like an electric shock, got up quickly, and hid the sign behind his back, "No, it's nothing."

Chi Feichi vaguely caught a glimpse of words like 'destroying power', but couldn't figure out what kind of weird signature it was, so he stood up.

Hui Yuanai got up and looked at Chi Feichi with Ban Yue's eyes.

Suddenly came to gossip about the girls, didn't Brother Feichi realize that his mentality was wrong?

Nanatsuki Yueshui reached out and picked up Hui Yuan Ai, turned around and went to the corner, "I have a few words with Xiao Ai, you must not eavesdrop!"


Chi Feichi took a cigarette and bit it, watched the two of them move away, and stood still.

Reason told him that it is inevitable that girls will have some secret topics to talk about that they don't want to tell men.


Why can Xiao Ai read the signature that doesn't feel good, but not him?

Hui Yuanai felt that children are easy to be taken away, and after Yueshui Nanatsuki got away from Chi Feichi, she asked jokingly, "Sister Nanatsuki, do you have any secrets you want to tell me?"

"No, no," Koshimizu Nanatsuki was uncomfortably teased by Haibara Ai, trying to make his expression serious, "You are not allowed to talk about the previous things!"

Hui Yuanai nodded calmly, "Don't worry, I won't tell Brother Feichi."

This kind of matter needs to be settled by two parties, and she also hopes that Miss Nanatsuki can think clearly during this time.

Her elder brother's condition is under control, but there will always be emergencies, such as the sudden loss of interest in anything at Yijiaoyan and just wanting to go back to the cabin to shut himself up, or when she takes a cold shower to make herself catch a cold, As a result, the time Brother Feichi saw through her, she had an extremely dangerous feeling that she might be killed at any time.

At the beginning, she was worried that her brother would become a widowed old man in the future, and she was also worried that Belmode would harm her brother. She hoped that someone would take in her single brother Feichi, but when someone really appeared, she couldn't help worrying.

She certainly does not dislike her brother, no matter how sick Brother Feichi is, in her heart, he is still the brother who hides his tenderness and is so powerful that she is proud of him, but between lovers, Brother Feichi's illness may make people feel uncomfortable. Feel terrible, want to retreat, or because of all kinds of tossing, the relationship between the two is wiped out.

And her brother probably couldn't bear such a blow, she was worried that if brother Feichi lost his favorite lover, would he kill him and then commit suicide.

Thinking about it this way, the signature was indeed effective.

In a situation like Brother Feichi, girls must be sincere and firm. Teasing Brother Feichi would be life-threatening, and giving up suddenly would easily destroy each other, so she hoped that Sister Nanatsuki would clarify her mind and see if she could persevere.

If the partner is not Brother Feichi, when she learns that Sister Nanatsuki likes this kind of person, her first thought must be—'No, I object', 'It's dangerous to be with this kind of person', 'No', Even if she feels that she is a good person after getting in touch, she will be worried about the hard life of the two of them in the future, so she will object.

However, Sister Nanatsuki likes her brother, and she doesn't want to see her brother being abandoned. If Brother Feichi can't find a partner because of this kind of thing, she will still feel that 'this world is cold and heartless' and 'the world is not worth it. , you guys are not worth it, I'm taking my brother to a safe place'.

It's such a contradiction, I can only leave the problem to Miss Nanatsuki to consider, and to these two people to solve it.

"Thank you, thank you..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt a little embarrassed seeing Hui Yuan Ai being so serious, and subconsciously turned around to look at Chi Feichi, but happened to meet someone's secluded staring eyes, and couldn't help but Sweating, "What's wrong with Mr. Chi? Why do I feel that he is suddenly in a bad mood? He was fine when he came here."

"Maybe he's sick," Hui Yuanai glanced back, not quite sure, "But the whole night tonight, his mood is not high, at least he didn't get excited by Youzhi City like everyone else. Infected by the atmosphere...”

"Stop! Robbery!"

Suzuki Sonoko shouted from next to the toilet, "Xiao Lan, he snatched my bag, grab him quickly!"

The movement alarmed the others.

Chi Feichi looked at the toilet far away and decided to give up.

Just now Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan went to the other side to whisper, they were too far away from him, and the masked man ran further away...

Well, either he can't catch up, or he doesn't want to care about it.

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