Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1947 Is there such a thing?

In front of the toilet, Mao Lilan watched the masked man running towards her, stepped forward to block her, but suddenly hesitated, was bumped by the masked man on the shoulder and ran past, knocked off her wallet, and then turned to look at the masked man rampaging among passers-by , ran into the jungle.

"Really, Xiaolan..." Suzuki Sonoko ran forward speechlessly, "That kind of guy can be easily solved with your karate."

Mao Lilan apologized, "I'm sorry..."

"Okay, okay," Suzuki Sonoko knelt down and helped Mao Lilan pick up the coins that fell on the ground, "Xiaolan, it's good that you are not injured, anyway, I don't have anything important in my bag."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi brought Hui Yuanai forward and asked worriedly, "Xiao Lan, are you alright?"

Mao Lilan knelt down to pick up the wallet on the ground, looked up and shook her head with a smile, "It's okay, it was just bumped and the wallet fell to the ground."

"Hello!" Mori Kogoro ran forward with Conan, and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

"It's a robbery!" Sonoko Suzuki stuffed the things he picked up into Mao Lilan's wallet, and said speechlessly, "The robber cut off the shoulder strap of my bag with a knife and took my bag away."

"The robber is wearing a mask," Mao Lilan quickly added, "it's the kind of fire man's mask that will be sold in the market!"

"Fireman's mask?" Mori Kogoro was a little surprised, "Isn't that the one that appeared in Youzhi City last time..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki turned his head to talk to Chi Feichi about the situation in a low voice, "On the day of the last time, there was also a robber wearing a fire man mask at Shanni Shrine. I heard that he robbed more than one person. His behavior was very bad. The mask of the mascot of Youzhi City, also known as 'Youzhinan', has been reported in the news, so those who recently participated in Youzhi City should be careful."

"Since he is a serial robber, it means that he might still be in the market, right?" Suzuki Sonoko clapped his hands and stood up, with a vengeance in his eyes, clenched his fists in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay , then we will search the market, catch that daring robber, and let Brother Feichi beat him until he has teeth all over the floor!"

A group of people walked around Youzhi City.

The market area is large and there are too many people. Although You Zhinan appeared again, when a group of people heard the news and rushed over, there was only one victim who was robbed of the bag, and You Zhinan had disappeared. .

Seeing the police coming, Suzuki Sonoko left a report and regrettably announced that the pursuit was temporarily over.


The next day, Mori Detective Agency.

Conan followed Mao Lilan to purchase daily necessities and went downstairs. When he went downstairs, he noticed a line of sight watching them from behind the window on the second floor. He looked up at Chi Feichi standing behind the window, and followed Mao Lilan up the steps speechlessly.

"Don't you want to eat Xiaolongbao, Conan?" Mao Lilan planned with great interest, carrying two bags of ingredients, "I'll try to make it tonight, how about it? I asked Brother Feichi how to make the stuffing ..."


Conan nodded with a smile. Hearing the faint voice coming from the office on the second floor, he turned and opened the door, and looked inside.

In the office, Chi Feichi was dressed in formal attire, took a cup of tea, and stood in front of the window with his back to the door, looking distracted at the street below.

Kogoro Mori was sitting on the sofa, and opposite him sat a middle-aged man in a suit and a man who looked like an assistant. They seemed to be discussing work. After hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around and saw Mao Lilan poking his head at the door. , Conan, greeted aloud, "Xiaolan, Conan, you are back."

"Ah, yes..." Mao Lilan pushed open the door and apologized, "Sorry, Dad, I seem to have disturbed your work!"

"I'm sorry!" Conan also apologized obediently.

"It's okay, we're just talking about you two," Kogoro Mori looked at the bag in Mao Lilan's hand, "Xiao Lan, I'll prepare dinner later, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Mao Lilan entered the door and put the bag on the side cabinet.

The older man was wearing an off-white suit, with thick yellowish curly hair, and a steady demeanor accumulated over the years. He smiled and asked Mori Kogoro, "Mr. Mori, this is Ling Qianjin, right?"

"Hi, I'm Mao Lilan."

Mao Lilan bowed and said hello before leading Conan to the sofa.

"Xiaolan, these two are Mr. Kamichi and Mr. Kitamura who work in Hiroshima District of Nikmai TV. They have planned a travel and food program, and they want to invite me to be the guest of the next episode," Mori Kogoro introduced It's still serious, but soon, he reached out and grabbed Conan who was swaying to his side, and introduced to the interviewer, "This kid is the Conan I mentioned earlier, who is temporarily borrowing from my house!"

Conan Half Moon Eyes.

Needless to say, borrow it?

Still "temporarily borrowing"...

After Kitamura and Umami looked at each other, they said, "I also think it's good to bring a little boy. It can use children's innocence to enliven the atmosphere of the program, and it can also make the atmosphere of daily life stronger. Everyone, watch more After reading the report of a famous detective solving a case, I have more curiosity and desire to explore about the daily life of a famous detective.”

The interviewer nodded and smiled at Mori Kogoro, "Then, Mr. Mori, as we agreed before, you will bring Ling Qianjin and this child to our new program. The expenses of the three during their stay in Hiroshima Our program team will be in charge, and the remuneration will be paid as previously agreed. The filming time will be two days later, and we plan to film for three days. During the filming period, I hope the three of you can cooperate with us as much as possible."

As soon as Mori Kogoro thought about the amount of remuneration, he immediately put Conan aside, smiled and rubbed his hands, "Of course there is no problem in cooperating with the filming! This is also a commissioned work, and I will definitely devote 100% of my energy to take it seriously!"

Conan: "..."

Going to record a show, he will be played on camera?

Uncle obviously has no intention of asking for their opinions!

Hearing what Kogoro Mori said in the interview, he laughed heartily, got up and shook hands with Kogoro Mori, "Haha, then I will ask Mr. Mori for your advice. Shall we go for a potluck?"

Mao Lilan couldn't help looking sideways at the ingredients she bought, and fell into a tangle.

It is inevitable to eat for work, but she bought so many ingredients...

"Sorry, I'm going to interview Mr.," Chi Feichi, who was standing in front of the window, turned around, "I have an appointment with the teacher tonight."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry," Mori Kogoro smiled apologetically at the interviewer, "I've promised Feichi to attend a banquet at Mihua Restaurant tonight, so I can't agree to the invitation of the two of you."

Mao Lilan looked sideways at the ingredients she had bought.

So, is she still buying extra ingredients for tonight?

Her father's work was arranged tightly and clearly by Brother Feichi!

"It's us who should say sorry, I'm the one who was abrupt," the interviewer said, thinking that he didn't make an appointment for the detective's dinner in advance, and smiled, "Mr. Maori, let's sign an agreement, and I will pay 30% in advance The remuneration, and the materials of the program shooting process will also be kept here, if you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

Next, Mori Kogoro signed the agreement, transferred the money, and saw the guests out. He was so busy that he didn't have time to rest, so he turned and went upstairs to change his clothes.

This time the party was more formal, and the guests who participated included not only heads of consortiums and politicians in Japan, but also some foreign celebrities and wealthy businessmen, and no one brought their family members.

Mao Lilan and Conan didn't intend to go after hearing what Kogoro Moori said, and decided to deal with the ingredients they bought, and send them downstairs after Kogoro Moori was ready.

"Dad, don't drink too much!"

Listening to his daughter's instructions, Mori Kogoro waved his hands casually, "I know, I know, you and the kid should go back quickly, and leave us alone."

"I bought a lot of ingredients tonight," Mao Lilan leaned over and smiled at Conan, "Since Dad is not at home for dinner, then I'll find Miss Nanatsuki to eat with me!"

Before Chi Feichi got in the car, he turned around and reminded, "Xiaolan, Yueshui has gone to see the client. You can call first and ask if she is back."

"Okay..." Mao Lilan responded, watching the two get into the car and the car drove away, then took Conan upstairs, and said with emotion, "It feels like everyone is very busy, Yuanzi will participate in the next Youzhi City, I don't know Dad, will they be free..."

"Probably the work explosion period recently," Conan smiled and raised his head to complain to Mao Lilan, "This is the case of detective work. When I am free, I hang around every day waiting for commissions. When I get busy, things seem to be rushed. Let's go together."

late at night.

Chi Feichi found a driver and drove Kogoro Mori back to the office.

Mori Kogoro promised to drink less, but when he arrived at the venue, he was inevitably drunk. When he was helped into the house by Chi Feichi, he waved his right hand drunkenly, "President Ida is so polite...hahaha ..."

Mao Lilan led the two to the room and sighed, "Brother Feichi, just put him on the bed."

Chi Feichi helped Kogoro Moori to the bed, watched Kogoro Moori throw himself on the quilt, and held him with his hand, making Kogoro Moori fall on his side on the bed.

"It's really good wine..." Mori Kogoro muttered in a daze, and fell asleep.

"Obviously I promised not to drink too much," Mao Lilan glanced at Maoli Kogoro resentfully, and then thanked Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, I'm so sorry to trouble you every time!"

"It's okay," Chi Feichi saw that Conan, who had run into the room, had already changed into his pajamas, turned around and walked to the room, "I'm going back first."

"Brother Feichi, you've been drinking too, right?" Mao Lilan asked hastily, "Do you want to spend the night here with Conan?"

"don't want."

Chi Feichi's indifference and resolute refusal left Conan and Mao Lilan stunned.

His teacher snores, and sleeping in the same room affects the quality of sleep. Conan is okay, but occasionally he wakes up in the middle of the night or has nightmares. Impossible to sleep too much.

Since he can walk, why torture himself?

It wasn't until Chi Feichi walked to the door that Mao Lilan came back to her senses and brought Conan forward, "Yes, is it..."

After Chi Feichi went out, he turned around and asked, "Did Yue Shui go back?"

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