Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1948 There is a problem, there must be a problem

"Ah? Miss Nanatsuki went back after dinner. She said that she needs to sort out the information given by the client, and the investigation will start tomorrow." Mao Lilan looked back at the living room window, "But Conan and I just stood in front of the window to look at the moon. When I was there, I saw that the light was still on in the living room on the second floor of the Seventh Detective Agency, so she must not be asleep..."

"Understood, you guys go to bed early."

Chi Feichi left a word and went straight downstairs.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan watched Chi Feichi's back disappear into the stairwell, and closed the door, "Brother Feichi is planning to go there to rest, that's good, so that he won't have to go back to Kabadocho again."

Conan Ban Yueyan yawned.

Don't Xiaolan think it's strange that Chi Feichi ran to find a girl who lived alone in the middle of the night?

Yes, why did Chi Feichi refuse to spend the night with him so indifferently? Is he so despised?


Outside the gate of Seven Detective Agency, a black commercial vehicle was parked downstairs.

In the back seat, Chi Feichi lowered the car window and looked up at the balcony on the second floor illuminated by the living room lights.

The night was very quiet, and he could hear the sound of the TV program coming from the second floor.

When the noisy sound of the program reached downstairs, the content could no longer be heard clearly.

Yue Shui will check carefully before going to bed every time to ensure that the electrical appliances and furniture on the second floor are turned off and will not sleep with the TV on, and Yue Shui will go to investigate tomorrow, but he is still staying up in the middle of the night. He is thinking, Yue Shui is I think the investigation is troublesome, or...

Sick and unable to move? Suddenly fainted on the second floor?

Something is wrong, very wrong.

If you went to have a look, it was so late, he suddenly ran up...

Sure enough, go see it.


In the front seat of the car, the driver heard the sound of opening the door and turned around in doubt, "Consultant?"

"Sorry, please wait for me."

Chi Feichi closed the car door, took out his mobile phone and walked towards the door. He was just about to call the landline in the living room on the second floor when he suddenly stopped his finger that was about to press the button. After a pause, he pressed the dial button.

In addition to the sound of the TV program above, there is also the sound of slippers stepping on the wooden floor, which is very soft, but can be vaguely distinguished.

"Tat Tat Tat..."

There was only one person's footsteps, but they were hurried and chaotic, with pauses from time to time, which seemed very weird.

Strange, does Yue Shui have the habit of aerobics at home in the middle of the night?

In the living room on the second floor, Nanatsuki Koshimizu was pacing back and forth in front of the sofa. When he turned around, his gaze stayed on the stairs leading to the first floor. Resolutely walked quickly to the stairs.

At seven o'clock this evening, after she came back to the second floor to sort out the commission information, she thought of receiving a new song push message from THK in the afternoon. The 'H' marked on it made her unable to resist clicking on the push message on the computer after work.

In the first three seconds, although she felt that the melody of the new song was very strange, she still listened to it with full expectation.

After that, the female voice humming in a low voice, the ethereal and immature girl's voice, combined with the strange melody, made her suspect that a monster might jump out of the house at any time.

Finally, the song ended, and after a short period of silence, the computer suddenly heard a noisy and terrifying sound, and it was stuck one after another, which was very strange.

She was sitting in the living room alone at the time, surrounded by silence, and just after she breathed a sigh of relief, she was so frightened by the sound that she couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Until she saw that the music progress bar was still moving, which indicated that the song was not over yet, and it also meant that that section was just a continuation of the song, she...

She still suspected that there was something wrong with her computer.

She suspected that an evil spirit had gotten into her computer!

After that, she pressed the laptop on the TV with a book. She turned on the TV and chose a lively and funny program.

She tried to laugh that evil spirit to death with a funny show!

Anyway, the effect was still there. After watching the funny show for a while, she didn't feel scared anymore.

Just turning off the TV and leaving the surroundings quiet, she was worried that when she went to hug the computer and was about to go downstairs, the computer would suddenly make that weird and frightening sound.

Just standing in front of the stairs on the second floor, looking at the dark and narrow stairs, thinking that I have to step on the stairs to the entrance on the first floor to turn on the lights, and then turn back to the second floor to turn off the lights in the living room on the second floor. Go back to the first floor.

It's just that the thought of washing up in the narrow and dark bathroom makes her feel a little... uncomfortable.

Going downstairs to sleep without turning off the lights, she felt that it was a waste of electricity, and she felt sorry for Chi Feichi who rented the house to her at such a low price.

At the stairway on the second floor, the narrow stairs leading downstairs are still shrouded in darkness.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a determined face tried to take a step forward, looked downstairs, then obediently withdrew her feet, and stood with her back against the wall with a broken face.

It's not impossible to spend the night on the sofa on the second floor, but now, at 11:59 p.m., she really wanted to go to the bathroom, and she regretted why she didn't leave the porch light on when she went upstairs...

She wants to go to the bathroom...

"Jingle Bell!"

The landline in the living room suddenly rang, startling Koshimizu Nanatsuki, quickly stretched out his hand to cover his abdomen, suppressed the urge to go to the bathroom, looked at the wall clock on the wall, walked towards the landline, hesitantly reached out to pick it up, "Hello... "

At 12 o'clock, a strange call came.

"it's me."

Hearing the familiar calm male voice on the other end of the phone, Koshimizu Nanatsuki heaved a sigh of relief, "Chi, Mr. Chi, it's you..."

Chi Feichi heard that Yueshui Nanatsuki's voice was wrong, and asked directly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ah? No..." Nanatsuki Koshimizu held the receiver, and stepped on her feet unnaturally, "I'm fine, I'm calling so late, yes... what's the matter?"

"I just sent the teacher back, and I'm downstairs now, is it convenient for me to go up?" Chi Feichi asked.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was entangled, she didn't want Chi Feichi to know that she was so embarrassed by a song, but the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet still defeated her reason, " can open the door yourself. "

When the call came at 12 o'clock sharp, if they asked her to go to the first floor to turn on the lights and open the door, even if it was Chi Feichi's voice, she would have to doubt it—whether it was a ghost trying to trick her into the darkness!


After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki put down the receiver, went to the stairs and waited, heard the sound of the door opening downstairs, saw the light in the hallway downstairs was turned on, and walked downstairs quickly.

In front of the stairs, Chi Feichi heard hurried footsteps and looked up to see Nanatsuki Yueshui running downstairs. Before he could say hello, he watched Nanatsuki Yueshui running past him and heading straight for the toilet.

"Feel sorry!"

Nanatsuki Yueshui ran into the toilet and slammed the toilet door shut.

Chi Feichi stood at the stairs and was silent for a moment. He heard the sound of the toilet flushing from the bathroom, and then asked, "Yue Shui, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood in the bathroom, turned on the faucet to wash his hands, and said awkwardly, "Just now... I was so rude..."

"It's okay." Chi Feichi thought about Yueshui Nanatsuki's anxious expression just now, "But you seemed to be being chased by an evil spirit just now..."

In the bathroom, Yue Shui Nanatsuki paused, raised her eyes to look at herself in the mirror, and always felt that the more she looked at her, the stranger she looked, "Is there... an evil spirit?"

"What?" Chi Feichi was puzzled.

"No..." Yueshui Nanatsuki turned off the faucet, wiped his hands, quickly exited the bathroom, and then closed the door tightly with his backhand. The whole set of actions was completed in one go. He noticed a gaze sizing him up, turned his head, and looked at Chi Feichi who was waiting at the stairs.

Chi Feichi stared at: "..."

There is a problem, there must be a problem.

"That..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki let go of the right hand holding the doorknob, lowered his head in embarrassment, and moved forward step by step, "I listened to the new song released by THK at night, which is the song "Scarecrow". so……"

Chi Feichi sorted out his thoughts, nodded clearly, "So you were frightened, and you dare not go downstairs to use the bathroom..."

"Okay, don't talk about it," Yueshui Nanatsuki stood in front of Chi Feichi, lowered his head, and whispered, "I didn't expect it to be this kind of song. Very early on, Kyushu Some people worry that children will be playful, fall behind in the wild, and encounter ferocious beasts, so there are similar stories, such as monsters who eat children in the wild, evil spirits will start wandering after the sun goes down, and evil spirits will Come to people through the medium of sound..."

Chi Feichi looked at the head in front of him that 'shows the master's grievance' with soft hair hanging down, raised his right hand, hesitated for a moment, and put it on Yueshui Nanatsuki's hair.

"Huh?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked up in surprise, and saw Chi Feichi retracting his hand, stunned on the spot.

Did Mr. Chi touch her head just now?

feel a little...

"Since you're scared, why didn't you call Xiaolan and Conan?" Chi Feichi changed the topic calmly, and led the way upstairs, "If I don't come, you don't plan to just hold back like that, do you?" ?”

"Ah..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki came back to his senses, followed up the stairs, and looked up at Chi Feichi's right hand hanging beside him, "Xiao Lan is also afraid of this, it's too embarrassing for her to walk from the boulevard late at night. Right? Besides, it's not easy for her to take care of a child every day. I don't want to disturb her. If I can't hold it anymore, I can't care about being afraid... Uh, I said, is it a bit strange for us to talk about this topic? ah?"

"Then, let's talk about a more strange topic." Chi Feichi stopped and looked back at Yueshui Nanatsuki. "Do you dare to sleep alone tonight?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "?"

There is something wrong with Mr. Chi's words.

Now in the middle of the night, she dare not sleep alone, can she still call others to sleep with her?

Now in the middle of the night, don't you think it's weird for Mr. Chi to say this to a girl?

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki's cheeks blushing a little bit, looked away satisfied, and continued to go upstairs.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked back at the empty stairs, and hurriedly followed, "Hey, what you said is really strange..."

Chi Feichi: "I said it was a strange topic."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Unable to refute?


Half an hour later, Chi Feichi helped Nanatsuki Yueshui to send the materials and the computer suppressed by the books back to the studio, took the pajamas and went downstairs, waited for Nanatsuki Yueshui to take a bath in the hallway of the entrance, and called the driver to let the driver take a shower first. go back.

When Yueshui Nanatsuki came out of the bathroom, she stood at the door and watched Chi Feichi finished making the phone call, and hesitantly said, "That..."

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki and changed into pajamas, um, it was the same outfit he saw from Hongzi's crystal ball, "I'm going to wash up."


Yueshui Nanatsuki made way sideways, lowered her head and waited for Chi Feichi to pass by, looked back at the closed bathroom door, breathed a sigh of relief, turned and leaned against the wall, and looked up at the ceiling.

Should she run back to her room and lock the door to prevent things from getting weird?

But would that make Mr. Chi feel very hurt?

No, they are not relatives, lovers or husband and wife, nor are they five-year-old children, they are all adults, a man and a woman sleep together at night, as expected...

That being said, it was strange that Mr. Chi raised his hand to touch the top of her head just now. That kind of action seems a little too close, right?

Just like lovers.

She was a little confused, what was going on now?

Chi Feichi took a shower, wiped his hair with a towel and went out, saw Koshimi Nanatsuki petrified against the wall, looked up at the ceiling, and ruled out strange marks on the ceiling, water leaks upstairs, etc.

Nanatsuki Yueshui noticed that Chi Feichi was standing beside him, and looked away from the ceiling, staring down at the ground in embarrassment, "Um...does Mr. Chi plan to live here tonight?"

Chi Feichi looked at the floor in front of Yueshui Nanatsuki's feet, confirmed that the floor was clean and smooth, and continued to wipe his hair, "Is it not possible?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked up at Chi Feichi's calm face, it was hard to understand what was going on with this innocent attitude, she felt angry and blood surged, she took a deep breath, and still succumbed to the gap between 'landlord and tenant', He forced a smile on his face, "No, no, this is your home, of course you can live here, but you said before that I dare not sleep alone..."

"If you feel scared by yourself, I can watch over you," Chi Feichi said calmly, looking at Yueshui Nanatsuki, "I'll go back upstairs when you fall asleep and turn off the lights by the way."

Yue Shui was scared, they slept in the same room?

No, no, he understands himself, and when he reaches that point, it might not be as simple as sleeping in a room.

If it were a "troublesome person" like Belmode, he could lie dead all night, but it would be more watery, it's hard to say.

In that case, the development of the situation would be out of control, and he was also worried that Yue Shui would think too much and doubt his mind.

"Ah..." Yueshui Nanatsuki blinked and said dryly, "Thank you, thank you."

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